as a small business owner there is no,better feeling than hearing that,sound go off as you go about your day,because you know someone just landed on,your website and bought from you however,having a great product a huge following,and a pr feature means absolutely,nothing if you have a bad website in,this video i'll be showing you how to,avoid missing out on sales by setting up,a successful shopify store if you are,new here my name is shannon and i am the,founder of the product business oh so,curly and i share a bunch of business,tips on my channel three years ago i,switched my online store to shopify and,i saw a huge difference in my sales,hitting my first five figure month which,is what i want for all of you guys who,are watching this video big energy,big business so let's just head into my,screen so i can show you guys how easy,it is to set up your shopify store and,get selling today so first you will want,to sign up for a free trial of shopify,which gives you two weeks so 14 days of,time to really just test out the,platform look at the back end and all of,that good stuff i've created a fake,brand it is called body oddie by shan it,was the first thing that came to my head,don't ask why and what we're going to do,is just start up a store from scratch,the first thing you want to do obviously,is get yourself a name you're going to,have your brand name you're going to,have a logo hopefully but if you don't,i am just going to show you quickly how,you can do that so first of all you're,going to want to come up with a name so,mine was body od by shan,and what it will do is it will show a it,will create a domain name for you so,,which is fine if you are just starting,out and you're starting really small and,you don't mind just testing out things,but if you do want to invest and make,things look a bit more professional i,would recommend going to,and finding yourself a professional,domain so that just means you're paying,per year to have,or dot net or dot co dot uk now you can,also use canva,for a logo so i just simply went to, it is free i use canva for all,of my instagram graphics pretty much,most of the things that i do my uk curly,girl logo is just a template from canva,so i thought why not go into canva and,create a fake logo now because when we,create our store we're going to want to,have a nice logo this one is just a body,so i thought it would make sense so i'm,just going to say,i might do a different font,i shan,this is so basic but you know obviously,play around with it how you want it to,look yeah we're just gonna go with that,i don't know,let's just go with that we now have a,logo now we're gonna this is the back,end of shopify when you log into shopify,on your desktop this is what you're,going to see,and typically this is where your,analytics are and this is where your,orders are but because we haven't got,anything it's just pretty much plain for,now and then it's going to give you some,tips and tricks on how to get started,when you are a business that's been,running for a while it's kind of like an,algorithm so it will let you know how,your business is doing for me i'll have,like your store is in the top two,percent of shopify stores that started,at the same time as you so it kind of,keeps you going and feeling motivated i,really love the the home page of shopify,next we're going to go into our online,store,and i'm going to show you how to,actually set up your store so to make,this video not too long i am going to,kind of skip certain things here and,there but i'm going to show you the real,fundamentals and basics but if you do,want a bit more detail i do have a full,master class on shopify from start to,finish so definitely give that a look,and check out in my description box so,here shopify gives you a automatic theme,this theme is called dawn they have a,bunch of free themes and then they have,paid themes,i still to this day use a free theme,they've just updated their free themes,as well so they have even better quality,ones for this one because we're doing,body i see that this one called sense,has you know already has that kind of,feel to it so i'm probably just going to,go ahead and use that template but let,me just show you guys quickly the theme,store because you can,browse through a bunch of paid themes as,well so if you have the budget and you,want to pay for a more professional,theme you can use all of these different,ones they're all actually made for,mobile as well so they're going to look,good on mobile and on actual desktop and,i'm going to change this to,the theme that we,looked at called sense and then you add,it to your theme library so while that's,loading i'm gonna start uploading some,products to our website this is your,catalog this is your backend this is,where you're gonna edit and add in any,new products that you have i'm going to,add a let's just say mango,wit,body butter and this is when you want to,be really careful with what you name,your products because it's going to help,when it comes up in google search,because your titles your descriptions,all of the keywords they're going to,help you to rank higher in your search,engine list in preview so your seo here,you just want to put like a basic,description you don't want to make it,basic you want to make it good but for,the sake of this video i'm just going to,say mango with,all the benefits and the ingredients so,i'd put maybe the ingredients in bold,you can do some bullet points as well,vegan,that's what we're gonna go for today,because we're just keeping it,real basic health and beauty the vendor,is body oddie,this is just the help because when your,business grows and we want our business,to grow we want to make sure that,everything is in line so you don't have,to come back and do this at a later date,so i'm going to make a body butter,collection also because further down the,line i might introduce body oils or body,scrubs we're gonna call this body butter,and i'm gonna put mango here is where,we're gonna add our media so this is,gonna be our,images i've already got some from the,internet just to use as examples so i,always recommend using the white,background obviously for your product,images and you may want to add in some,kind of lifestyle images as well but for,the sake of this i'm just going to add,these two images as they look quite good,they look like you know e-commerce ready,shopify image resizer which is super,handy and it's a free tool as well so,any images that you have all you have to,do is upload it to this free kind of,like tool from shopify and it will make,them all the right size for your website,here we have these two here your pricing,if you ever need help with pricing,definitely check out my video on how to,price your products because you want to,include all of your costs and extra i'm,just gonna say this is 20. 20,i guess more like let's just say 12,pounds if you want to kind of entice,people in you can pretend that it was 15,pound but now it's 12 pounds so the,compare at price will,cross out the 15 pound and then it will,show 12 pounds this helps you so say it,is five pound it costs you to make the,product it's going to show you okay i,have a 58,margin and my profit is going to be,seven pounds so that's really handy,your skew you want to make sure you also,do from now so i would call this mango,butter you can make it anything it can,be numbers it can be whatever just makes,sense to you so we're going to track the,quantity this is a physical product,let's just say it's five grams,i don't know,maybe 10.,and then here you want to put in this is,especially if you're going to be,shipping overseas your hs codes i have a,video on you know shipping,internationally and it will go into hs,codes as well so we may have different,options large small you can add that in,here too,and as you can see this is what you are,going to look like when you come up on,the google search term let's just save,this for now it's going to be on our,online store here is where you can add,in facebook instagram google other sales,channels you can actually connect these,to shopify which i love about shopify as,well i'm gonna put inventory 20,available,now we can see we have 20 in stock body,od mango whipped butter you can archive,products as well if you are drafting,things or you no longer want to sell,that but this is currently active so in,here we've got our inventory if you are,doing transfers that's a bit more,advanced so i just want to show you guys,you know the basics collections here,bodybutters so i'm going to create a,body butters collection,and the product tag has to equal to body,butter,and then you can add an image here for,your collection as well but i'm just,going to save this hopefully it kind of,connects but if your tag is correct it,will connect and make that,a collection that you can add on your,home page let's go ahead and have a look,at our online store so up here you can,preview what your website's going to,look like on mobile,on desktop and on full screen mobile is,gonna be your most important layout,because a lot of people they're shopping,on their mobile so you wanna make sure,that it looks nice that looks cute on,your mobile what we're gonna do first is,we're gonna add our logo that we created,earlier and that should replace just the,word because i don't really like just,the word of the business i like to have,a logo up here i think it's way more,professional now we have our logo you,can make the width longer bigger,top center you can have it in the middle,or the left we can also change the,colors and stuff this would be in your,theme settings and here is where you can,really get customized with your layouts,your typography,all of that good stuff and also you can,hire a shopify expert to actually do all,of this for you or you can go to the,shopify supports 24 7. when i had issues,with my product page and i wanted it to,look a bit different i was able to have,chat with a shopify staff member and,they logged into my site and did it all,for me all for free so that was super,handy here you can just have a heading,and change that so i'm just gonna say if,you need help with like what to name,things and stuff there are a lot of,websites and even people that offer,copywriting services which is just,knowing what to name things which is,good for seo as well these are pretty,much just images i found on google it's,like to come together your header here,you can just put enjoy 10,off code,and here we go we're looking way more,professional i'm just gonna show you,what the product page looks like that's,what i really wanted to show you guys,here as i mentioned before it has the 15,and it's dashed out and it says 12. so,that's a real good tip for you guys you,can have a product that looks like it's,on sale when really that was what you,wanted it to look like,here we also have these drop downs which,i love so you can have ingredients you,can have how to use shipping return,policy so i didn't really have to put,the ingredients there you can talk about,your brand here you can add a review,so there is an app called judge me i do,have a shopify apps video so i will link,that down below as well but that is,where you can really customize your,store now we have all of our products,added to our store we have a fully,functioning store and everything is,a-okay,now is where the fun begins because,we're going to customize our store even,further and really add in some apps that,are gonna build us up for success i'm,just gonna show you three apps that i,think are very important for your,shopify store the first app i want to,mention is dickie cart,when you are on the website so if i add,this to cart you can see it pops up on,the side,and even when i scroll around on my,website my cart is still there which is,really good because it's a good reminder,that oh okay i do have you know things,in my car i need to check out so the,next app i want to show you is for,social proof and this is pop again free,plan available and basically this is the,thing where it will show your customer,that someone else had bought from you so,it will pop up in the bottom screen or,the top you can you know customize it,and it will say johnny in orlando bought,this five hours ago,and it just kind of prompts you to buy,because it's like oh people are buying,this and i don't know if you probably,experienced this on some other fashion,type stores as well because i see it,happen a lot and then the last app i,want to mention to you guys is bundles,on your product page a good thing to do,if you have multiple products is to,offer bundles so here we have one that's,used a lot and this is frequently,brought together if a customer is,confused on what to buy it will show you,what other people are doing again a kind,of like social proof option whereas,bundler as well you can mix and match,discounts so i could say if you buy two,mango body butters you will get 50 of a,lemon body butter but again check out my,full video on shopify apps for more if,we go into our online store we are going,to see themes and we're also going to,see blog posts which i recommend that,you start up a blog and you create some,articles around your product you also,are able to create some pages so a,contact page of course is super needed,you can have a review page any kind of,pages you want to add to your site you,can do but contact definitely and your,blog posts,you can change your navigation here as,well so how your menu looks also you've,got preferences as well so your meta,descriptions are super important for seo,as well analytics are here this is my,favorite favorite part of shopify,because it's super detailed and again,just easy to look at i find that other,platforms it's just not as nice to look,at it's not very visual i'm a visual,person if you're a visual person you,will appreciate this dashboard you're,going to have your total sales how many,online sessions return customer rate,which is super important for you to know,your conversion rate which again is,super important what i love about,shopify is it will tell you where your,sales have come from if they've come,from a mobile a desktop if they've come,from instagram google search it will,even share some keywords that people,have been searching to actually find,your website as well,and if other websites have been,referring you it will show you here too,and you can compare within different,time frames you can look at today you,can look at last month and it will just,show you like a roundup of it all and if,you have a cell this live view is my,favorite part when i had my black friday,sale i brought up this and i could see,little dots here and there as to where,people were live on my site and who was,buying it and it will show you in,lifetime so next i want to just show you,guys your settings so you can have,different payment types now this is,super important because nowadays people,like to pay with different options you,have your shopify payment which is,basically just people adding in their,car details pretty much most of my sales,come from paypal you have amazon pay and,you can also add other payment methods,like clearpay you can add planner,there's a ton of providers so i could,even do apple pay as you can see we've,got different credit cards you can even,use bitcoin and you know,cryptocurrencies,really cool,you also are able to manage your sales,channels here as well so if you want to,sell on instagram and stuff you can add,in and connect your facebook and,instagram profiles and you also can,manage here your shipping so your,shipping rates what you want to charge,for the uk the eu for worldwide and any,kind of those details you just put in,here since you can actually do email,marketing through shopify you can add in,ads google ads pinterest ads facebook,ads everything can be done within,shopify super good automations and you,know integrations as well once you have,been selling on shopify for a while and,you are getting regular sales you will,actually see a pop-up on your dashboard,that you are eligible to actually apply,for capital which has helped me in the,past when it's come to big sales where i,want to invest in marketing or inventory,they will actually base it on an,algorithm on how much you have been,earning and they will offer you an,amount that they feel like is,justifiable for how much you are selling,so you can,really get a loan pretty much from,shopify if you are in need of it i just,wanted to give you an idea of what,shopify looks like on your mobile so,you'll typically get your orders come,through as you've probably seen on other,people's videos when they're showing you,all of their orders coming through so it,will tell you if it's unfulfilled how,much it comes up in your notifications,as well and you get that kaching which i,love and you can also dig into your,analytics on your mobile app as well i,love using the mobile app you can even,edit your store on the mobile app too if,you've got something wrong on your site,if something is on sale that shouldn't,be you don't have to be on your computer,you can do that all,with your phone on your phone i'm going,to go ahead and publish the theme and,the website that we actually made,beforehand and now we can preview it so,i'm going to preview the store this is,what it's currently looking like not too,bad i mean we've got our collections,here,this again is all going to be you know,you can change the colors and everything,but this is just a basic look at shopify,and how to set up your online store if,you got to the end of this video and you,are still confused about shopify and you,want a bit more in-depth details,step-by-step i do have a masterclass,shopify 101 i have left the link for,that in my description box down below so,definitely go ahead and check that out,wishing you guys huge success with your,new shopify stores please do leave the,link to yours down below so i can check,them out subscribe to my channel for,more videos like this and i will catch,you in the next one bye guys
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