you could be offering the best product,around but if you don't promote it,properly your sales will definitely,suffer there are tons of marketing,tactics out there and i know could,probably feel a little bit overwhelming,like maybe you don't know where to start,now the truth is an eclectic mix of,tactics doesn't make for a compelling,overall strategy what you actually need,is focus so today we're going to show,you how to get results fast by going,through highly effective marketing,tactics to promote your products and,skyrocket your sales,welcome to learn with shopify if you're,just stumbling upon this video and upon,this channel learn with shopify is the,place where ecommerce entrepreneurs,start to learn so if you are,starting running growing an online,business and you're wanting to learn,some marketing tactics or just general,tactics on growing your ecommerce,business this is the place to be we have,you know videos on how to run facebook,ads how to grow on tick tock so if that,is your journey right now make sure that,you are hitting subscribe so that you're,not missing out on any future videos but,without further ado let's hop into the,video,so these next tactics that i'm going to,talk about these are digital marketing,tactics that actually work,but before we dive into the specific,tactics i think it's essential to,understand your audience um before you,actually go ahead and market a product,to them so make sure that you're taking,the time to do some competitor research,do some market research,so that you can choose the best tactics,that work for you and your business and,also make sure that you're picking from,this list a tactic that's you know,enjoyable for you you want to make sure,that you're having a good time running,your business and then you know once you,choose that one that makes the most,sense for your business you're gonna,take it and you're gonna run with it,so tactic number one is press coverage,getting featured by a popular,publication or a popular instagram,account can result in a surge in sales,especially if you share the same target,audience so for example bay area based,startup lark they sell self-cleaning,water bottles and the founder justin,wang used its innovative features as an,angle to get covered by forbes by wired,and by business insider so who is this,tactic right for well if you have an,innovative product or if you have a,knack for storytelling press coverage,will be right for you editors are always,on the hunt for a good story so if you,can make their job a little bit easier,by presenting them with you know a,really well told story wrapped up in a,nice little ribbon for them then you,might wind up in a best of list like,this one over here or you can end up in,an article that's written just about you,like this one over here so how can you,get started well you can hire a pr firm,but if you're trying to save a bit of,coin you can start out by checking out,the editors of the publications that you,would like to be featured in,so you can begin by connecting with them,you know you could follow them on,instagram you could dm them you know,chat them up a little bit start building,a relationship this is definitely a bit,of a more long-term strategy it's a,longer term play but it's a proactive,tactic rather than you know just waiting,around hoping someone will pick up your,story and hitting the right audience at,the right time with the right content,could result in a huge worse in sales,and brand advocacy,the next tactic is leveraging,marketplaces so having your products,available on marketplaces like etsy can,be a passive yet effective way to make,more sales so for example theresa,mondelli she is the founder of,restoration paints etc and she uses etsy,to sell her home decor goods she uses,etsy as a way to get in front of new,customers that would have never known,about her brand otherwise this powerful,e-commerce business is a one-woman show,but she makes hundreds of dollars a day,just because etsy is helping her make,those sales so who is this tactic right,for,using marketplaces is perfect for those,that are looking to start building out,their marketing funnels what i mean by,that is having a presence on popular,marketplaces can be a part of a larger,strategy a marketplace can make new,customers aware of your brand and over,time you'll lead them to your shopify,store and turn them into loyal customers,so how can you get started with this,tactic so start by standing up for,popular marketplaces you should try etsy,you should try fair those are going to,be really good for artisans and makers,and now amazon for example that might be,more suitable for drop shippers,so the next tactic is using paid,advertising so using paid advertising,like facebook ads or like google ads,this can literally increase product,sales overnight so for example ace runes,he's the co-founder of threat heads he,spent 200 000 in ads but he generated,1.8 million in revenue so who is this,right for,this is right for entrepreneurs that,have the capital to shell out in order,to see big results spending thousands of,dollars a month is not uncommon so how,can you get started,you can start you can literally start,today by educating yourself on how to,run facebook ads so you can check out,our facebook ads for beginner video,right up here that's just gonna walk you,through how to set up your first,campaign if you're not really in the,market to learn an entirely new skill,then you should check out some agencies,and they will be able to help you and,you can also work with freelancers as,well,all right so next tactic working with,influencers so working with influencers,that are passionate about your industry,and they believe in your product and,believe in your industry that's going to,really help expand your audience and,it's really going to make you some sales,so for example amy liu she is the,founder of beauty brand tower 28 and,what she did was she sent out 200,packages in the early days and she sent,out packages to um huge youtube,influencers she didn't even think that,some of these people would ever talk,about her but this one youtuber named,nicole guerrero she posted about the,brand and that helped tower 28 make 150,orders overnight so who is this tactic,right for so this tactic is pretty much,right for anyone any product any,industry this is one of the most,accessible marketing tactics because you,can work with huge influencers you can,work with micro influencers you can work,with huge budgets you can work with tiny,budgets no matter who you are no matter,what you're selling you can leverage,influencers to help you promote your,products and help you make more sales so,how can you get started,start by finding influencers across,different platforms and you know just,start reaching out to them send them,products in exchange for the content,they create or if you actually have,budget you can you can pay them for a,shout out and that will give you a more,in-depth shout out,as we've probably gathered by now,marketing is a deep topic so if you're,interested in learning more you know,even you know just beyond the scope of,this video register using the link in,the description box i will drop that,there for you guys and that's going to,give you access to a free 30-minute,webinar that will help you level up your,marketing it's going to help you change,the way that you actually think about,your store's marketing funnel you're,going to learn how to go from first day,to for sale in this free training course,so i will make sure to drop that link,for you guys in the description box if,you do want to join,building facebook group communities,so build a facebook group and include,your die hard fans and your loyal,customers you're going to want to,include them in the behind the scenes of,your business maybe you want to give,them some sneak peeks or some exclusive,perks because building a community is,going to help foster brand advocacy and,it's also going to foster word of mouth,and all of this is going to lead to more,sales so for example blumon hair paste,has a facebook group of over 40 000,members and they use this community to,promote their new product drops they,also use it as a research tool by asking,their members what they want and what,they need,and then they're able to make incredible,products with this information and,really foster a community and increase,their sales so who is this right for,this type of marketing tactic is right,for pretty much anyone anywhere but it's,going to be especially effective and,especially powerful if you by nature are,a community builder so if you like to,bring people together and you have a,knack for you know like appropriately,timing,when is the right time to promote and,when it's the right time to community,build then this tactic will be perfect,for you so how can you get started super,simple you just want to start by making,a group and inviting your current,customers,if you don't have customers you can,actually invite complete strangers that,you know might have an affinity towards,what you're selling so if you're looking,for these strangers you can definitely,find them on reddit threads you can find,them on instagram you can find them on,tiktok you find them on youtube um yeah,just reach out invite them and i'm sure,they'll be flattered,all right next tactic,being an early adopter on new social,media platforms so establishing your,business's presence on new social media,platforms before they even explode can,be a really great way to get ahead of,the curve and start promoting your,products to a massive audience for,example send a friend allows customers,to send stuffed animal care packages,anywhere in the world and tyler mack he,leveraged tick tock to scale his,business to a 5 million dollar business,so who is this right for this is pretty,much right for anyone as long as you,have the patience to um like hop on a,social media platform before it actually,blows up so if you find joy in creating,content then this is going to be perfect,for you so how can you get started well,if you're just getting on tick tock,right now i would not consider you an,early adopter but it might be a good,place to start for now but you can also,get started by you know just keeping an,eye out on emerging social media,platforms the key is to be ahead of the,game here right every social media,platform is cyclical and you know,somewhat generational before facebook,there was myspace and then after,facebook there was instagram and then,came tick tock right so we can see you,know everything has a life cycle you,want to keep your eye open for that next,platform and maybe start following some,tech publications so that you can be,ahead of the curve,if you don't have a shopify store set up,yet then you are missing out shopify has,all the ecommerce features that you need,in order to start,run grow your online business and we,actually offer a free 14-day trial and,there is no credit card required what,shopify allowed me was to build my own,website from scratch it's very user,friendly there's a lot of videos and,tutorials out there that teach you it,has allowed my business to grow in ways,that i could not imagine so i will leave,a link for you guys in the description,box if you are wanting to get started on,your business journey so if you're an,ecommerce entrepreneur and you thought,that this video is helpful and maybe you,could use a little bit more actionable,tips make sure that you're hitting that,subscribe button and also please make,sure to give this video a thumbs up if,you found it helpful that really helps,me understand what kind of content you,guys like but other than that thank you,guys so much for watching and i will see,you in the next one bye
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