what is the ,aximum weight based rate you can add in shopify

How to Add Shopify Shipping Rates - Free Shipping, Flat Rate Shipping, & Weight-Based Shipping hey g

Mr Sam Baldwin

Updated on Mar 24,2023

How to Add Shopify Shipping Rates - Free Shipping, Flat Rate Shipping, & Weight-Based Shipping

The above is a brief introduction to what is the ,aximum weight based rate you can add in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is the ,aximum weight based rate you can add in shopify

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what is the ,aximum weight based rate you can add in shopify catalogs

How to Add Shopify Shipping Rates - Free Shipping, Flat Rate Shipping, & Weight-Based Shipping

hey guys sam here from,in this video i'm going to show you how,to set up your shipping settings,in shopify we're starting on the shopify,dashboard,you're going to start by going to,settings down the bottom in the settings,panel here,we're going to go to shipping and,delivery now this is where we adjust,all our shipping rates first thing i'll,say is that there are three,main ways that you can set up shipping,and this depends on your products,your store and how you're fulfilling,your products,how do these products actually get to,the customer it's gonna depend on your,store,so you need to think about this for your,products what suppliers you're using or,if you're shipping them out of your own,warehouse or your garage or,wherever okay the three main ways are,free shipping where any order that comes,through you don't charge the customer,for shipping,the second way is a flat price this,might be a fixed price that you charge,say,10 on every single order and the third,way is,weight based okay and you can set this,up too,you can hook it up with your carrier so,you can have an integration there so it,calculates the weight of all your,products and works out the shipping,rates,you can do that too another thing before,i dive into the details is that you can,set,up profiles okay profiles are ways for,you to categorize different products,and give them different shipping rates,for example maybe you're drop shipping,and you have a bunch of products from,that supplier that have a certain,shipping rate,or you can add a profile and group those,products together,charge a specific rate for those,products and charge a different rate for,other products we'll go through that in,a little bit but firstly we're going to,go through,how to actually set up your shipping,overall for your entire store,so on this page here you'll see it has,shipping here it says general shipping,rates all products we're going to click,manage rates okay so we have our,products here and,be aware that when you use this general,profile this is for all the products on,your store,then any new products you add are,generally going to be added to this,profile as well and this shipping,information is going to be applied to,them we're just going to scroll down,and go to shipping 2 and we're going to,create a shipping zone this is an area,that you're going to be shipping to,you can use this for countries or for,entire continents or,the whole world depending on what you,actually want to charge,your customers for shipping so i'm going,to set this for australia,i'm going to search for australia here,select australia and it's going to be,for all of australia,click done now that we have our zone,ready we're now going to add in,our rates click add rate now like i said,before,you can set up integrations and apps to,actually calculate your rates for you,and depending on what fulfillment,service you're using if you're using a,different carrier,you can actually let their app calculate,the rates for you because they might,have their own,tables depending on dimensions or,weights or what have you,to start off with we're going to set our,own rates,if you want to set up free shipping for,all your products which is quite a,common thing you can set the rate name,to just be,free shipping add that in,the price is going to be free click done,and there you've got free shipping for,australia it's that easy it's super,super easy,but say we want to add a flat rate as,well,we can add a new rate or we can actually,edit this one and change this to,standard shipping whatever you want to,call it this is what customers are going,to see,at checkout and i'm gonna put ten,dollars,per order and click done now all,customers when they go,to your checkout they're gonna see,standard shipping for ten dollars,now what if you wanna segment your,products and charge different rates,depending on their weights the product,their price,well you can do this by just clicking,the buttons here and go edit rate,we can now add in conditions clicking,this conditions button here,and we can add in conditions based on,the item weight,or based on the order price now we can,actually set,the range for the weights for this order,so if the minimum,weight is 0 kilograms or pounds and up,to 10 kilograms,it's going to be say 10 we can then add,a new rate here,i'm going to call it heavy shipping and,it's going to be twenty dollars,at conditions it's gonna be weight,minimum weight ten dollars,up to 50 kilograms so,now here we have a standard shipping for,ten dollars zero to ten kilograms,and then twenty dollars for ten to fifty,kilograms that can be pounds,you know this is just the metric that,we're using for this store,that's how you do it based on weight but,you can also do it based on price let me,delete these,change the rate name so standard,shipping,it's going to be 10 add conditions based,on order price,and i'm going to set the range for the,pricing for zero to fifty dollars,see what i do here i'm gonna add a new,rate what i've done here,is i put in the rate name free shipping,on orders over fifty dollars with a,price of zero dollars,ad conditions order price minimum price,fifty dollars,so now if people spend less than fifty,dollars they're going to pay ten dollars,in shipping,but if they spend over fifty dollars,they get free shipping this is a great,way that you can encourage people to,spend more on your store,increase your average order values and,make more profit per,customer as long as that makes sense for,you in terms of how much you're actually,paying,for your own shipping yourself now that,we've added it for australia you can add,other shipping zones here by going,create shipping zone and repeat the,process,depending on what countries continents,what areas you're actually shipping to,if you're doing free worldwide shipping,you can also do that too,create shipping zone rest of the world,for all the people that are not in,australia,you can set a new rate just for them as,well so you might have one rate for just,the us customers and then a different,rate rest the world for everybody else,it's really up to you and how you want,to run your store,now that's how you set up shipping if,you want to do free shipping,fixed rate shipping or based on weight,or price,if you want to set up shipping for,specific products you can go back,and go to create new profile what this,allows you to do,is create a whole new umbrella at the,top which is for specific products,for example if i just want to show a,certain shipping rate,for surfboards because surfboards are,very bulky and they cost a lot more for,me to ship them,then i can create a profile called,surfboards and then when i click add,products,i can just add in only the surfboards,so this wetsuit here doesn't get added,to this profile,once i do that i can create the shipping,zones and all the different rates just,like i did,earlier guys when you set up your,shipping make sure you think about for,your own store how you're shipping to,customers,but also keep in mind how you actually,want to sell,what i mean by this is just like i,showed you that you can have free,shipping for orders over 50,you can use your shipping as a sales and,marketing strategy,a lot of people don't want to pay for,shipping that's the long and short of it,that's how the world works these days,people love to see free shipping even if,they know that it's built into the,actual price of the products so i,recommend really thinking about your,store think about your customers what,they would really like to see,do they expect to pay for shipping if,they're ordering something like a,surfboard,people are more likely to be willing to,pay for shipping because they understand,it's,a big and bulky item but if it's,something smaller,adding free shipping can be a great,promotional technique that you can show,on your ads on your website even,encourage people to spend more money on,your store by having free shipping over,a certain amount,of the order value so think about this,from your store,that's how you add it there in shopify,that's it for today's video guys i hope,that was helpful if it was,like this video let me know in the,comments below i really appreciate it if,this is the first time you've seen my,face i make a lot of tutorials and,videos for e-commerce store owners,how to grow your store build your,shopify site run your google ads and,google shopping campaigns i recommend,checking out the rest of my videos,they're going to be super valuable for,you,anyway guys that's it for this video see,in the next one bye for now,uh

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