hey guys thanks for tuning in,got my face covered there um i'm kristen,mark i'm the owner and founder of a,multi-award-winning shopify growth,agency called kristen mark digital,established back in 2010 and today i'm,going to discuss with you,what i believe is the best shopify theme,in the world for seo not only shopify,but shopify os 2.0 theme so i'm going to,give you a bit of background first if,you'd like to jump onto google with me,and type in,seo,issues shopify,shopify technically has five fundamental,flaws when it comes to seo,so basically if um if you google that,you'll see my article number one they're,there about all over the world in,english-speaking languages and english,speaking search engines and the five,fundamental flaws with shopify,are basically um you can't access the,robot text file although very until very,recently you can actually now access it,and edit it although my advice if you,don't know what you're doing,um it would be to leave that alone so um,typically you couldn't access the robot,text file and you've got a dictator to,hierarchical structure so you can't,build the perfect hierarchical structure,for a website the way you would,do it to perfection in terms of passing,on link equity distribution like a,champagne fountain a wedding every site,site in the world should be like a,champagne fountain um at a wedding,you've got your homepage your collection,pages your sub collection pages and then,your product pages with shopify you,don't have that third row of glasses you,only have the home page,the collection pages and product pages,so so that's basically it so you can,read a bit more about it here the third,uh most common issues are,mass duplications of root collection,pages with product filter apps so,shopify typically dynamically produces,filter pages and you can't access,those filter pages to go in and optimize,them unless you're using our shopify aap,product filters and um,ultimately what that does is um the vast,majority 99 of the good product filter,apps out there,block filter pages from the search,engines because house is the only filter,tech in the world which can actually,optimize the six key fundamental,elements but again that's for another,video,another issue is you can't probably,uh which order have i got it in yeah um,third-party apps every time you add a,piece of code or an app or a piece of,javascript to your website it typically,slows it down,our page our themes typically load well,the fastest at the minute is 580,milliseconds,and we've put everything into a theme,that we know,that you guys need to get up and running,to upgrade,to improve your performance in the,search engine so third-party app,installations every time you add an app,it has,mass implications of your technical,alignment with google's,quality guidelines non-ranking factors,etc etc and um in relation to i think i,missed one i think there's another one,here in terms of images image,optimization yeah you can't typically,optimize the image to perfection or you,can optimize the file name of an image,of an image and you can optimize the all,equals tags so so those are the five,fundamental flaws or law the first one i,mentioned the robot text file has got,better if you don't know what you're,doing i would um,i would seriously leave that alone but,uh in essence that's what they were i,will update this article it was only,published,a couple of months ago so so,the vast majority of themes are,typically unaware of the technical,alignment issues with google's,algorithms quality guidelines and,non-ranking factors and um,that was my bug bear,a number of years ago when we set out,and we decided to build what we,genuinely believe is the,best shopify,theme for seo and i'll put in 2022 again,i'll change the date,anytime again um the rank high theme is,what i'm going to talk about so you,again you'll see my article there which,talks more in detail this is my blog,that i use for generating traffic and,content which throws people to our,products our services our funnels etc,etc so so do go and read them but all of,these articles will point you back to,one site and that is the new rank higher,theme which we've just recently launched,and i'm going to take you through,some of its features and functionality,and yes you're reading that right at the,moment it is only 97,it is a special launch price it will tip,will be priced at 297 so if you're,interested do,do click the link below on the bottom of,this um,video,and uh,and grab this offer while it's around so,i'm going to tell you a little bit about,the rank higher theme um,like i say we we were a major seo,company,uh back for started off in 2010 and i,only kind of worked with high volume,sorry high value low volume clients and,um we saw a mass switch away from,shopify sorry two shopify from the likes,of magento big commerce prestige shop,woocommerce etc etc open cart and um,we basically started re-engineering,uh themes when we nearly lost all of our,clients who started to migrate to the,platform because we wouldn't touch it so,we knocked on shopify's door for,a couple of years and said look if you,fix abc and d we'll be delighted to work,with you we've got some real high,profile clients and um and their idea of,seo,is if you type your company name into,google and you pee atop your site's,optimized words that's not quite how we,approach,seo so cut long story short we spent two,years developing a theme it was called,quantum theme and then we recently,launched the shopify os2 version of what,we believe is the best shopify theme for,seo and i'd say you can see from these,articles here,we practice what we preach so we know,how to get a website ranking in the,search engine,so at the minute what do you get with,the rank higher theme you get one theme,nine done for you presets so these,things here i'm gonna take you through,each of these so yes that's right 97,for one theme nine done for you presets,obviously you don't get the images you,get the wireframes but you can see how,beautiful these look so the designers,have done an amazing job um,um what's included,technology stands for algorithm align,platform so each theme has got optimized,algorithm aligned code for all devices,it's responsive for whatever desktop,or device you're accessing the internet,from we've optimized the css and,javascript code,um it's mobile first design you know the,mobile first indexing your store has to,perform on a mobile first before,anything if not it gets marked down page,load speed wow look at that,um,again i've got another video on page,load speed but our themes load if and we,show you how to to keep them that way,they loaded 580 milliseconds it's the,fastest theme on the internet we're yet,to find one,which loads faster and yes when we did,the test there are apps in there there,are products in there and i'll show you,those in a second,performance grade a,um and uh,performance 100 is perfect advanced,structured data i've read so many,theme support policies for other theme,developers they're not interested in,structured data why because it's a,technical seo uh issue and we'll help,you with it it's got it pre-loaded um so,you don't need to worry about um,our theme is the only theme in the world,which can unleash your product filters,it is an upgrade,but these,ap seo product filters are used by some,of the world's biggest seven and eight,figure brands we typically can increase,your organic visibility,in the search engines by,1900 and that's based on 50 collections,20 filters in the sidebar it is the only,filter tech in the world that can,optimize urls meta titles meta,descriptions h1 hit six tags unique,indexable content and unique alt equals,tags not the theme in the world can do,that combine all these features together,and it will save you over,three thousand dollars per year on seo,and conversion boosting apps we've put,all of our expertise and knowledge from,every platform that i've just mentioned,and we've put it into one theme you know,it's out of the box it comes with these,you will not need to have a filter up,you will not need to add structured data,open graph and twitter cards um,we just think it's a fabulous value for,money currently at 97,uh although that could change by the,time you're watching this video um it,completely eliminates all,um,product duplication issues met the,titles sorry meta titles meta,descriptions,any piece of content on the store is,completely eliminated with our theme and,technology um it's got everything you,need in there from an seo point of view,i'm not going to go through the 90,features,the seo and conversion boosting features,that will help you,save a fortune on seo apps on conversion,apps and also seo agencies you know,we've got some training,that you can upgrade to,and we give you some free organic growth,blueprint training there's a video,included there as well to help you,basically keep your,site speed,ridiculously low like what we've got and,also show you how to execute the same,award-winning growth strategies that,we're executing for our seven and eight,figure retainer client so everything you,need out the box for 97,if i show you the quality of the design,as well,in relation to,um you know that's exclusive can be used,for fashion it can be used for anything,the features and functionality we've got,in here,uh are just phenomenal you know the the,variants the size guides everything you,need from a fashion store,um it's got the product accordions sorry,the product info accordions here to help,with conversions our stores typically,convert between five to ten percent if,you've executed the growth strategy as,well because they are um high converting,pages that are delivered in the search,engines and they will help you run,higher and they will help you drive more,traffic and these things will,help you convert more we've got another,fashion one which is modern and cool,um i'd say the images are not included,but you get the exact wireframe so,everything we know we've put 10 12,nearly what nearly over 12 years worth,of,knowledge and expertise,into these things you can click on to,rank highertheme.com,and get direct access to go and view all,of these demos yourself,play around then we've got one here for,sports,we've got one here for health and beauty,you know these pages are built on over,well we need over 12 years worth of uh,air b and split testing you know it's,got everything you would need from a,you know enterprise level for enterprise,level performance at a ridiculously low,price product pages collection pages,blog pages,um you know super fast aligns with,google's algorithms quality guidelines,known ranking factors um you know you,can use these for any sector we've got,another,children's fashion one there you know,everything we know you need to rank,higher and convert more,are pre-loaded into these themes and you,get all nine presets yes one license one,theme but you can swap and change you,can let us know through support,and um,we've got a fabulous support,system through zendesk um you know we've,got private facebook groups to help you,get the most out of these themes and um,these really are the next generation of,of shopify os2 themes and we'll be,delighted for you to to be part of our,community so no matter what,what sector you're in we've got some,more coming out soon which i'm super,excited about so,um you know for 97 at the minute we,genuinely think pound for pound this is,not only the best shopify theme in the,world for seo,but for um,you know for for value for money you,know,you simply can't get enough why am i,giving it away at this cheap um well we,think the more value we can give you,uh at this stage at the beginning as at,an upgrade stage,um the more likely you'll hopefully be,to,spend more money on our multi-award,winning services in marketing,development design products training,coaching support and um we'd love you to,be part of our community so please if,you're interested,click the link below while this theme is,still at 97,um you get a whole,whole lot of free bonuses,and um super value for money for me,there isn't a better theme on the market,for that kind of money so if you like,what you've seen please click and uh,and like this video subscribe to the,channel i've got lots more new videos,coming out hopefully you'll see the,youtube channel there's lots more in,there to give you more information about,certain elements of the theme there's a,live demo on on the rank higher theme,page so it's just literally i'll put a,link below,in the uh below the video so so get your,copy today click click in the link below,and uh hopefully i'll see you on the,other side so thanks for watching
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