what is the difference between shopify and woocommerce

Shopify vs WooCommerce For 2023 - The Battle Is Over it's getting close to christmas so let's,go wit

Chris Marrano

Updated on Mar 19,2023

Shopify vs WooCommerce For 2023 - The Battle Is Over

The above is a brief introduction to what is the difference between shopify and woocommerce

Let's move on to the first section of what is the difference between shopify and woocommerce

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what is the difference between shopify and woocommerce catalogs

Shopify vs WooCommerce For 2023 - The Battle Is Over

it's getting close to christmas so let's,go with the green backdrop i hope you,guys are all having a great year and,your 2021 was as good as it could be,with everything going on but let's hope,for a better 2022 and in this video if,you're interested in building an,ecommerce brand i think this video is,going to help you it's the age old,question woocommerce or shopify,you guys all might have your own opinion,on this i know i did for a while being,an old-school wordpress guy all the,websites we historically have built over,the years of blue water marketing have,been wordpress so initially i would say,woocommerce is your answer,wordpress is free shopify costs money,wordpress is highly customizable shopify,definitely is or was,not so in this video i'm going to break,down my experience with the difference,between woocommerce,and shopify and now my view,i haven't used woocommerce in a while so,for those of you who don't know,woocommerce is a plug-in essentially a,software that goes within the wordpress,dashboard that lets you build out your,entire website using woocommerce,wordpress in whichever page builder you,want,so for page builders for wordpress we,use elementor elementor pro it's,phenomenal it allows you to drag and,drop things wherever you want to ensure,that you're getting a website that is,customized to what your needs are now,for shopify their regular themes need to,be customized using liquid javascript,all these technical codes that i have no,idea how to write so the question for me,was always man wordpress makes things a,whole lot easier now diving deeper into,the technical side of things,wordpress is a great plugin i'm sure you,guys all know about it called yoast seo,and that helps optimize the wordpress,website so if you're able to piggyback,wordpress with elementor pro,with woocommerce,with yoast and everything else that you,can do to customize these websites and,make your life really easy,i'd always say woocommerce so,woocommerce is going to be much better,for customizability,and that's kind of it because something,huge just changed within the last couple,of months with shopify shopify was built,and it's sales driven right you have an,easy access to ups usps dhl every,shipping option you can customize your,boxes everything is integrated into the,selling of your products,but it wasn't necessarily built for the,ease of use for a general normal person,trying to start an e-commerce store,now wordpress and woocommerce you had to,sign up for fedex and you had to do all,these different things and get shipping,plug-ins and you had to do all these,things in order to make the checkout,process as seamless as possible and make,the shipping as easy as possible shopify,was like we're gonna do that first and,it's phenomenal,discounts and codes all of these,different things,but again we go back to needing a custom,developer so what just happened changed,everything for me shopify released,themes 2.0 and within each theme it now,has a drag and drop aspect now you can't,get crazy,there's certain things within shopify,that are going to remain consistent you,can't just go and whip up a whole new,block based on your likings you have to,use whichever ones are included within,your shopify 2.0 theme so let's just go,through a couple of these quickly so,that you can see,the ease of use that i'm referring to if,you guys are finding this video useful,go ahead give me a thumbs up hit the,subscribe button i'm working to,integrate more valuable content into my,channel so make sure to stay tuned let's,just go with,focal for,280 dollars within each one of these,themes you have three to four options so,right here we have carbon then we have,ivory and then we have quartz and i like,dark,black t-shirts every single day of my,life so we're going to try to see what,quartz looks like now within this,you're able to actually try it and we'll,just use my store as an example which if,you don't know by now check out,,if you have a beard and need some,moisturizer oils bombs etc so when i'm,talking about customizing themes i'm,literally talking about you're able to,add images videos text whatever you were,able to do prior but now you're able to,drag and drop,things into the collection pages which,you would used to have to custom code,and you can see right here slideshow,you can move this down,we can also add images we can go ahead,and scroll down even farther to add,sections now these sections are what i,was referring to and that you can't,completely change these unless you have,a developer you know how to write code,on shopify but you're able to add all of,these aspects into your store making it,highly customizable for any business,especially someone just starting out,with an e-commerce store maybe you're,set at like 5-10 grand a month and you,want to take that next step we're going,to have to hire developer now you can,just upgrade to a shopify 2.0 theme now,everyone knows the difference between,woocommerce wordpress shopify,personally from a sales aspect apis,integrations facebook ads google ads,google analytics shopify has built out a,platform that is way more robust again,in my opinion and this is not a paid,sponsorship this is not an affiliate,there's none of that this is truly just,my opinion based on my own e-commerce,stores my clients e-commerce wordpress,was just a really clunky builder to,integrate everything in where shopify,although there is a price at thirty,dollars per month for the base or like,two thousand dollars a month for the pro,shopify is more of a robust system,that kind of has everything already that,you're going to need so let's just go,back and see,all of these different aspects,of,the pages now to make things even more,interesting you can go to your default,products,and you're able to literally add,sections to your product page which you,used to never be able to do,it had to have been highly customized,code,so again i go back to shopify with this,update i believe is going to be the,winner between the shopify versus,woocommerce,for 2022,and ongoing because shopify their stock,price is phenomenal their business is,phenomenal their ease of use is,phenomenal,and their integrations,are far superior,than what you would have to manually,integrate for your wordpress or your,woocommerce store i hope you guys,enjoyed this video guys give me a thumbs,up hit the subscribe button i hope you,guys have a merry christmas happy,holidays happy hanukkah all of the above,i'm super grateful for you guys this has,been a phenomenal year both for my,agency my e-commerce store my family i'm,super grateful for all of you,so make sure to subscribe,we'll see you guys next week,you

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