good afternoon this is such an exciting,couple of days as we get to hang out,together and talk about all the,different ways we're going to change the,future of Commerce little little secret,best-kept secret perhaps of the whole,show wholesale is going to be one of,those ways and I'm super pumped to be,the one to be here today to tell you,about a recently released wholesale,channel so this presentation we're going,to cover a couple of things I'm going to,talk to you a little bit about the value,propositions of the channel we're going,to go over a demo and if there's time,hopefully at the end I'll open it up for,questions if you want to go ahead and,open up the app you can use the code,white easy and we'll get a better,understanding of what the wholesale,channel is all about and how you can add,it to the overall value proposition that,you give to your clients when talking,about Shopify plus okay so let's start,at the beginning and talk about why,wholesale is so important earlier this,afternoon you would have heard both,Hanna and Marc and Alicia talk about how,we're doubling down on this expanding,merchant set so in this merchant here,they've already experienced phenomenal,growth in their existing market and now,they're looking for what's next they're,starting to ask themselves what markets,should they be in what sales strategies,should they be starting to execute,they're hungry for more customers,they're looking to sell more and they're,willing to experiment with new sales,strategies to do that wholesale is the,key growth strategy for these merchants,all right so what is wholesale exactly,well we all know that it's about the,selling of goods in large quantities so,that it can be retailed by others and we,know that it's just a subset of the,overall b2b market but what's really,important for us to understand are the,underlying,workflows that are involved in selling,wholesale how those differ from retail,workflows and moreover how the channel,is going to help enable you to sell that,value to your clients Forrester,estimates that by 2020 the b2b market is,going to be valued at just over nine,trillion dollars so that's a pretty,phenomenal number but what's even more,interesting is that only a fraction of,that is going to be online so the,interesting part for us in this room is,that many of your clients then perhaps,are already selling wholesale on tools,that you don't even know about because,they're offline and they're outside of,Shopify so here's the opportunity here's,the opportunity for us to work together,to take those brands and bring them into,the digital age to ship them off their,paper offline workflows and bring them,into online channels so wholesale today,can be hard it's traditionally done,offline offline workflows oftentimes,wholesalers will have discounts manage,price lists and large volumes of product,SKUs that they're managing across line,sheets and spreadsheets managing,relationships between whole sellers and,buyers is a big part of what wholesale,is all about so wholesalers end up,spending a large portion of their day on,the phone in email taking and managing,those orders the truth is that Shopify,hasn't really made this much less,difficult to date some merchants have,chosen to capture their wholesale orders,using draft orders but this sometimes,can be a timely process given the large,volume,products that they need to enter into,the draft order,conversely other merchants have chosen,to spun to spin up clone stores to,manage the wholesale arm of their,business but this leads to having to,manage two stores two sets of products,and so on well I'm pleased to announce,that now,Shopify plus offers an integrated,wholesale solution this means you're,going to enable your clients to,experiment with new areas of growth and,at the same time you're going to be able,to support your clients who are existing,wholesalers and allowing them to scale,with little additional effort on your,part all right so the wholesale channel,has three core value propositions that,we're going to go over and these are,going to form the basis for how you,position it with your clients everybody,paying attention this is a good part all,right,the first is that you're going to enable,growth quickly remember we're targeting,those expanding merchants those who are,looking to experiment and go to market,quick that's why we've designed from the,ground up a world-class experience,that's optimized for wholesale buyers we,know that it's different from,traditional workflows in retail and the,channel comes with an online store that,we have specifically designed for these,use cases you're going to be able to,offer your clients this value with speed,and ease you're still going to be able,to offer a customized store so that that,wholesale arm can stay on brand what,you're going to be able to deliver it,much quicker without the need for theme,or snippet customizations you can set,them up in the morning and have them,selling wholesale by the afternoon,the second is that the channel supports,a variety of pricing strategies unlike,other non Shopify offerings on the,market the online store is more than,just a glossy catalog of products rather,it's a place where buyers can log in to,see specific prices and specific,products and that really gets to the,heart of wholesale right it's about,executing specific sales strategies and,pricing strategies for different target,buyers for example you might have a,brand who's just starting to experiment,with wholesale so they may choose to,offer a blanket 10% discount to all,their buyers across all of their,products in the shop contrast that to,more experienced wholesalers who have,volume based price breaks in addition to,certain pricing strategies tiered,pricing strategies across their buyers,for example bronze silver and gold level,pricing you can see how pricing,strategies might quickly become complex,but the channel can handle it all from,those who are just experimenting all the,way through to very complex pricing,strategies the third and final value,proposition is its integrated support,for the wholesale workflows really the,value of offering any wholesale,capabilities is only going to be,realized if those resulting workflows,are made more streamlined and more,efficient and that's what we've done,here because it's integrated wholesalers,can streamline their entire their entire,order management process so pricing,strategies orders and buyer accounts are,all managed in single place within,Shopify the channel uses the earlier,announced draft order API so that means,that buyer orders are automatically,surfaced a,alongside retail orders and they're,going to be able to be reviewed and,adjusted as necessary before wholesalers,go ahead and invoice their buyers the,resulting order status and details are,also accessible from the store itself so,buyers can keep informed automatically,of order updates so we've been lucky,enough to work with some pretty amazing,brands as we brought this channel to,market and I wanted to take a couple of,minutes to share the story of elephant,pants is there a great example of,expansion through wholesale so elephant,pants started in 2014 when the two,co-founders returned from a trip to,Africa determined to put an end to the,exploitation of elephants they had a,plan and it was pretty simple pants,pants but not just any pants the most,comfortable pants you ever put on,soon after elephant pants was born and,since they have sold over 400,000 pairs,of pants and raised over $100,000 for,charities and organizations dedicated to,saving elephants so while elephant pants,has been on Shopify since the beginning,in the early days they actually,attempted to migrate off the platform at,the time they were already thinking,ahead to wholesale we didn't have,wholesale capabilities so they wanted to,look elsewhere but soon after they,returned back to the platform realizing,that we were still the superior offering,when we reached out then in late 2016 to,see if they would be interested in,helping us test out and bring this,channel to market they jumped at the,chance in a few short months wholesale,has become a vibrant and still growing,part of their,all right let's dive into a demo so you,can see how this works a little bit more,in action let's say I'm the e-commerce,manager of the wholesale arm of Titan,sports apparel so we sell squash apparel,and accessories I'm looking to take that,business online and I'm going to go,ahead and start up and set up my shop so,when I do remember the majority of the,heavy lifting has already been done for,me with I've got an online store ready,to go but through a few key settings I,can go ahead and make sure that that,store is on brand I can add a logo I can,pick an accent color to reline to my,retail brand and also I can add a splash,image to really offer a high-end buyer,experience upon login now that I've done,that I'm going to go ahead and set up my,price list so that my wholesale VIP,buyers get early access to my squash,merchandise having these buyers have,access is as easy as tagging them within,Shopify and then adding those tags here,that means these buyers are going to,have access to any products that I go,ahead and add to this price list I'm,going to go ahead and choose a shirt a,couple of super cool wristbands awesome,on the court and now they've been added,to my pricing table here's where I can,go ahead and specify minimum order,quantities volume breaks and any other,discounting strategies I need the table,has been optimized for quick data entry,so it's going to feel very comfortable,and I'm used to this because I've been,currently operating in spreadsheets once,I go ahead and specify all my content,and set my variant prices I simply save,and I'm ready to go now we can flip over,in a second we can flip over,now we can slip over to the buyer,experience so now as a buyer I would,have already received an invitation from,Titan sports apparel to go ahead and,sign up I offer a password for their new,wholesale shop so I go ahead and specify,my details and login and once I do login,I now have access to those products that,were specified within that price list I,go ahead and choose a product here I can,see the volume breaks and the pricing,discounts across the variance for this,product as I add them to my draft order,I can see that the price the updated,total changes based on those volume,breaks I can go ahead and review my,order before I'm ready to submit making,any changes that I might have now that,I've submitted the order slipping back,as the econ manager I see that order,come in alongside the rest of my orders,I see that perhaps for one of these,items I don't quite have enough,inventory on hand,no sweat I simply update that the,inventory numbers maybe add a shipping,cost and then I'm ready to then,haha awesome I've always wanted a theme,song now I have a theme sniffing great,now I can go ahead once I've specified,those details I can go ahead and invite,my wholesale buyers so that's it,that is now the first step in us being,able to enable you enable your clients,to be able to do wholesale another,opportunity for growth and scale and,value for you for Shopify and for our,clients I think where I will leave you,with a couple of resources there is help,documentation we do have a landing page,available for us myself the rest of my,colleagues we're going to be around for,the next couple of days I do welcome you,to come up ask any questions let's talk,let's have the conversations and let's,make this happen,thanks so much,you
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