what is "try theme" on shopify?

Premium Shopify theme Vs Custom Shopify Themes what's up everybody welcome to a new,episode of theme

Apex Academy

Updated on Mar 12,2023

Premium Shopify theme Vs Custom Shopify Themes

The above is a brief introduction to what is "try theme" on shopify?

Let's move on to the first section of what is "try theme" on shopify?

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what is "try theme" on shopify? catalogs

Premium Shopify theme Vs Custom Shopify Themes

what's up everybody welcome to a new,episode of theme,rhino where today we're going to be,talking about the shopify,premium themes that shopify offers so,talk about debut theme brooklyn theme uh,those are free themes but here we have,modular theme pacific theme,trademark theme all these themes are,essentially vetted and approved by,shopify okay and then we're gonna be,talking about custom themes which ones,are you going to want to go with,are you going to want to go with a,premium shopify theme or a,custom premium shopify theme which i,would say is something like,wolf of shopify so for those who are,beginners,and who are not really sure kind of how,the structure works is that,shopify is a website where you are,allowed to,build an e-commerce store very similar,to the ones that you're seeing here,on the computer okay now,whether you want to sell t-shirts or,headphones or dresses,really doesn't matter shopify will allow,you to build,to sell these kind of things now you,have to ask yourself,what kind of design do i want to present,in front of customers,now there's a lot of questions that go,into why you would be asking that,but it all comes down to your conversion,rate optimization you want to realize,that,whatever you're presenting in front of,the customer whatever website you're,presenting,that you have the largest chance to turn,that website visitor,into a customer remember that's called,conversion rate optimization and,in fact it's something that you should,uh search for,should study at least that's what i have,done when it comes down to my personal,studies,in shopify and in building just,businesses in general not just shopify,okay now with that being said there's a,whole lot of different themes out there,and there are a lot of different theme,creators,now something you want to be aware of as,not every single shopify theme out there,is vetted by shopify so explain what i,mean by that,shopify has this i guess you could kind,of say store,where you can buy shopify themes very,similar to the ones you're seeing here,and it's a very limited amount,okay it's a handful i'm not sure how,much it's probably like,close to 20 20 to 30 themes okay so you,could see them here,on the website that shopify offers,and these themes are they go through an,approval process through shopify it's,very very rare that a creator can just,put in there there you know and not very,rare it doesn't happen,it doesn't exist where any creator can,just um,post a shopify theme on the shopify,quote-unquote marketplace when you buy,from shop vines shopify,has its stamp of approval that's why,they're very very limited here,these designs and these designs that,you're seeing here,are not only approved by shopify but,shopify takes these,these designs and they put them out,there to the shopify world,when you click on that button that says,view more themes or purchase a theme or,visit shopify themes they're going to,take you to a page like this,that has these exact shopify themes for,these prices so you're looking at about,180 dollars,per shopify theme now these shopify,themes,are they're nice they're attractive but,they don't,serve everybody's purpose and so that's,why,creators who are uh i guess you could,say,savvy in the coding world will create,different themes that,serve the needs for different people and,i've actually taken the time to buy real,uh,approved shopify themes and custom,themes,okay and i personally believe that these,custom themes,offer a better approach to your shopify,store,simply because they're more versatile,that is the only reason why they're more,versatile there's more things,that you can do with them okay they save,you more money in the long term i'll,explain what i mean if we click on this,uh this modular uh design here,called shopify theme it's a hundred and,eighty dollars okay if we hit,try theme okay or,view demo rather because i don't want to,try the theme but view demo,this looks like a a quote-unquote not,ordinary but there's no really uh,standout features with a shopify theme,like this it looks great,don't get me wrong the images are are,perfectly viewable,but there's no real customization you,know for example if you guys are,familiar with the wolf of shopify theme,on the wolf of shopify theme we can add,things like timers product timers,add to cart timers for scarcity,for uh incentivization these are,different,biases that we use to motivate,a customer and if you haven't seen my,youtube videos,on wolf of shopify i put them in the,description box down below,and um you'll get to see all the,different videos that i've created,uh talking about how to design a shopify,theme to boost the amount of sales see,when we talk about,things like incentivization or you know,cart timers and and all this different,jargon,in shopify basically at the end of the,day what these features do,that are built into a theme they help,boost sales and they're not going to be,quote-unquote vetted necessarily by,shopify,now shopify is going to give you,the most uh i guess you could say,corporate looking,business that you could have right so,something very basic right,you have your image you have your add to,cart right you scroll down you have your,reviews,you have some more images right and you,have some related,products and all of that comes out to a,total of around a hundred and eighty,dollars from what i've seen,on average most of these uh premium,shopify themes cost a hundred and eighty,dollars,that's going to be one of the drawbacks,for a lot of the beginners,they might not be able to spend a,hundred and eighty dollars necessarily,on a theme,and they could start with a cheaper,theme that's maybe 125 or maybe even a,hundred dollars,if you use code for example warrior so,for those who don't know,i have created youtube video tutorials,on me designing different stores so,if you're familiar with i,showed people how to create the, website,if you're familiar with one or active i,showed people how to create the one or,active store,and like i said all these series are,here on my youtube channel so you can,click on those videos,and watch me step by step create shopify,stores,that look very very professional and,it's at uh,you know almost a fraction of the cost,because people would use my discount,code,code warrior at checkout when when we're,talking about for example wolf of,shopify,and they would get the theme for let's,say close to a hundred dollars,or a hundred dollars because it's a 125,sometimes even cheaper,um and they would walk away with a,a very custom theme for a hundred,dollars as opposed to paying,180 for an uh a shopify approved theme,okay now something that i want to,clarify,is just because the theme is shopify,proof does not mean,it's better than any other theme out,there that's something i want to be very,very clear on guys,and the reason why i want to be very,clear on that is because,there could be this mystique if you're a,beginner you might think that that's the,case but it's really not,guys it has nothing to do with it um,just because a theme is approved by,shopify doesn't mean it's necessarily,better,than any other theme out there it's your,job to do the research,when you decide what theme will work for,you,okay now when you purchase a shopify,theme,whether it be the ones that are sold by,shopify,or by sold by private creators,understand that every shopify theme,is not created equal they're all,different and you guys who are,consistent watchers of the youtube,channel,um know that i've said this before but,i'll say it again,when you buy a shopify theme guys no,theme is created equal,you can't expect for example this,modular theme,to have the same features as a custom,theme like wolf so for example,wolf theme that's a hundred dollars,would blow,modular out of the water simply because,of the amount of features it offers,right,uh you guys know the add to cart the,scarcity the people amount viewing on,the website,once again if you don't know what,features i'm talking about either a you,could just go on the website with,,you can click on my affiliate link in,the description box down below you can,check out all their different features,that i have,that they have here and at the end of,the day guys what the purpose of these,features,are is to save you money and boost sales,and i'll explain why,so for example if we look at some of,these features here like this um,one step check out right or forget even,one step checkout because it might be a,little bit complicated for people,let's uh talk about something very very,simple the dynamic sales proof,uh pop-up so this little pop-up on the,corner of the screen that says,so-and-so sold this so-and-so sold that,well,this little pop-up in the corner screen,you have to pay for that app,within shopify and a theme that's like,this like this modular theme hundred and,eighty dollar theme,it doesn't include that kind of feature,so this is just a simple example,of how you can boost sales because when,a consumer sees that,you know so and so by bought this or so,and so about that,they're going to be you know more,interested now because that creates,social proof for those who don't know,about psychology,what we learn in psychology is that,there are many different cognitive,biases,these biases uh help us humans,make decisions and typically nine times,out of ten we can predict,what a person is going to do if the,right biases are,in place okay and the reason why,some people you've seen get 50,conversion rates 30,conversion rates 20 conversion rates is,simply because they have the right,cognitive biases set into place,targeting the right,market right so basically to make it as,simple as possible,the shopify themes that offer these,different features that are custom,right they offer these different,features to,help you improve sales and differentiate,differentiate themselves,let's face it at the end of the day if,woof shopify did what everybody else was,doing,that was approved on the shopify market,it wouldn't be any different,right it would be like well what's the,point of buying one or the other you,could close your eyes and pick one,random one,they're all the same right we can all,agree on that so at the end of the day,the the few points that you want to take,away if you're gonna start your shopify,journey is that,just because you buy a shopify theme,from the,premium shopify theme collection right,that shopify essentially puts their,stamp of approval on,doesn't mean you're necessarily going to,have any kind of benefit,from the shopify themes and,when i say benefit it doesn't,necessarily mean that you have a leg,up on the competition okay now just,because you get a custom shopify theme,doesn't also mean that it's going to fit,your needs it's important for you to do,your very own research okay but to keep,in mind,these cut these shopify approved themes,don't always give you that leg up in,conversion rates right,yes they look professional and clean as,do all shopify themes do,but you have to figure out what are the,benefits that you need for a shopify,theme,and most of the time you could find,those features,in other themes i'll give you an example,for example the wolf,shopify or even the motto right which is,the one product shopify theme store,um where you can buy a shopify theme,that's more related to,what you're looking to do and what,you're looking to be successful at okay,guys so,thank you guys for watching this video,at the end of the day it's your choice,make whatever choice you want when it,comes down to buying a shopify theme,just understand,that whether it's a custom shopify theme,like wolf of shopify,or all the others out there or even,uh you know the list goes on you know um,but,there's nothing wrong with a custom,shopify theme just because it doesn't,necessarily have,the stamp of approval by shopify okay,i'll talk to you guys later thank you,guys for watching,peace out bye

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