what makes shopify different

Shopify One Product Store Vs Multi Product Brand what's up everybody theme rhino from,

Apex Academy

Updated on Feb 25,2023

Shopify One Product Store Vs Multi Product Brand

The above is a brief introduction to what makes shopify different

Let's move on to the first section of what makes shopify different

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Shopify One Product Store Vs Multi Product Brand

what's up everybody theme rhino from,,welcome to a new video in today's video,we're going to be dissecting the,differences in the similarities,the benefits the pros the cons to,the one product shopify store and the,multi-product shopify store so,on my website here or not my website but,uh there is a website,legion athletics for example it is a,multi-product store,all right when you come to the website,you have a shop it has a bunch of,different products that you can purchase,and you know that is what's typical in,the landscape today a lot of the times,if we look at all the e-commerce stores,uh that are created on the internet,majority of them,are multi-product stores however we have,also,on the other hand a one product store,now the one product store emerged,from the advent of the internet when,people were creating,landing pages so for those who don't,know i just want to,make sure i'm recording here for those,who don't know in the beginning the,internet really didn't have as many one,pro,multi-product stores back in the year,uh 2003 2002 2005 even,multi-product stores were not very,common it was actually very rare and,when people wanted to buy stuff they,would create like a check or they would,send a check,through the mail and that check would be,cashed and,the product would be sent to you,assuming that you're not buying from a,scammer,now the case with that is is oddly,enough through time,it just so happened that there are more,multi-product stores now,than there are one product stores now,to not even talk about the history let's,forget about the history,yesterday we talked about the one,product store the theme from,theme addo or theme auto you guys can go,ahead and check it out i'll leave it in,the description,and we also mentioned alpha uh wolf wolf,of shopify specifically and you guys,know i've spoken about,uh these themes specif a lot on my,youtube channel right for a,multi-product store,i talked about the different,psychological biases that consumers have,when it comes down to purchasing a,product,the things that they want to see when it,comes down to making a sale or decision,making,right and you as an entrepreneur you,have to ask yourself the critical,question,is what is it going to take to get this,consumer to buy from me and that's,really guys the hurdle,the biggest step from step a to step z,when it comes down to becoming a,beginner,in e-commerce and business alone you,have to figure out for each individual,business,what is going to make that consumer,buy a product from me what is it what is,it going to be,right is it going to be the ad is it,going to be the price is it going to be,the benefits,what is it going to be now with that,being said,a individual who's running a,multi-product store just like wolf,or even for example like legion,athletics here which is a website that,has many different products even if we,go on to alphalete,right if we go to alphalete here and we,click on their website this is an,example of a multi-product store,right with many different products when,you look at a website like this,there's a focus that every product in a,way,has to be marketed has to be promoted,okay,now some can piggyback off of others so,for example let's just head back here,this is the main product let's just say,this is the main product not necessarily,is,but let's just say it's the main product,in the world of e-commerce uh we don't,use the words,main product we use the words flagship,so,in this case let's just say it's the,flagship it's the product that majority,people,go to buy okay even though that's not,the case for this specific website let's,just say it is,well a product like this or like that or,like that,can piggyback off of it because when,traffic comes,to in search of us you know a single,product or a specific product,uh consumers can take a look at other,products now,something that i will say for everybody,to realize is for a one product store,the the situation is completely,different let's just say,and let's imagine for a second that this,page right here,is a one product store imagine that,there were no other products on this,website,no other benefits this website would,suffice and do very very well for a one,product store,but in that notion consumers are not,buying any other products for you,so realize that there are pros and cons,to each,in its own nature a one product store is,very,laser focused a multi-product store is,diverse in nature simply because of the,multiple products that it offers now,one is not better the uh than the other,it depends on what kind of entrepreneur,you,are at least for the beginning at least,for the start majority of people are,watching this youtube channel,are beginners they maybe have never made,their first hundred thousand dollars,online,and they want to figure out how the,reality is is that as an entrepreneur,depending on what kind of,uh knowledge what kind of books what,kind of courses that you have been,exposed to,you are pre-conditioned to be better at,developing one or the other whether it,be a one product store,or whether it be a multi-product store,now just,for reference for people who haven't,watched since the beginning of the video,this is not an example of a one product,store i'm just telling you imagine it is,okay now with that being said,like i said not one is better than the,other now i'm gonna lay out the pros and,cons to each,individual one and based on the,information that i already said,some of you can deduce information and,come up with conclusions,for yourself but let's go ahead and,clear it out when you're creating a one,product store the focus is simply on one,product,yes there are upsells yes there are,cross sells yes there are down cells,but the main focus the flagship the most,of where your advertising money is going,to go is the landing page on which that,one product lies,okay as opposed to a multi-product store,a lot of your advertising dollars are,going to be diverse into,traffic uh uh diversible traffic within,the web pages of your store what do i,mean,let's just say um we have for these top,products here,we have let's say 50 000 web visitors on,each and then all the other products of,the store,have 2 000 web visitors each well in,that case,we would run retargeting ads to focus on,each individual product,and we would take our profits about 30,percent and reinvest it into ads,specifically for these,top six or seven products okay now the,reason why that is this is just normal,e-commerce this is what entrepreneurs do,in the space of e-commerce it's kind of,the numbers that we work with that's why,a lot of the times in the,entrepreneurial e-commerce space,you'll hear people say the law of 33,right if you're gonna buy a product for,let's say a dollar you ideally want to,sell that product,for at least three dollars now obviously,in this case we're not talking about,aliexpress or anything like that but,imagine you buy something at wholesale,after shipping,after all these kind of expenses for ten,dollars well it might,be ideal to be able to sell the product,for at least,30 so that you can spend 10 on the,actual product,10 on the advertising and take the other,10 or the last 10,and put it in your pocket which you are,eventually going to pay taxes for this,is why i say,at least 30. and this is where now,marketplaces come into play where you,have,the uh a premium market you have a,budget friendly market and then you have,kind of the in between,right so if you're working on competing,on price,think again now with that being said,okay it's easier to sell one product for,one product store then that should be,obvious but it's not obvious to,everybody,meaning let's say i create a website,with many different products,it will be harder for me to sell just,this one product,than i will on other stores i had,beginners ask me before,uh you know i only have x you know this,one product in stock,should i make my website more uh you,know professional by adding more,products to it,and the answer is absolutely not right,if you just have one product in stock,figure out how to market,that one product okay and in the drop,shipping world a lot of the people who,are watching this youtube video are in,shopify,i'd be interested to see who's in drop,shipping and who's not in drop shipping,but a lot of people who are watching,this video aren't e-commerce aren't drop,shipping,and let's face it a lot of the beginners,in,shopify are drop shipping which is not,ideal but it happens,and with that being said especially in,2021 guys it's not ideal,um when i speak for you know being not,ideal,uh drop shipping was ideal in 2016,okay 2014 2015. in 2021,you could even get away with 2018 2019,but not,in 2021 but let's just keep continue,with the process here,you you can't um put all your hopes in,one product essentially,when you're doing a multi-product store,as opposed to it is the process,of building a brand more uh accentuated,than if you're doing it on a one product,store let me explain that also,because i know the question is gonna,come up in your mind is it gonna be well,why can't i build a brand with one,product you absolutely can,when you're building a brand people get,this this concept confused,they think a brand is a logo they think,a brand is,um a a uh a logo on a product etc,it's not that's not what a brand is,there are many people who have a brand,right that sell only one product but,that's not a brand,it's a product right there are many,people also,who sell many products but yet again,don't have a brand so let's just be very,clear what a brand,is a brand is is a recognizable feeling,coming from a company let's just call it,that right so when you think of,nike you get a feeling that feeling,could be or that,opinion rather is a better word that,opinion could be oh,amazing products uh it could be uh too,high,too highly priced products um great,shoes,bad clothing bad clothing uh great shoes,i mean,you whatever your opinion is is,irrelevant but you develop,an opinion okay and you're remembered,for that opinion that is what a brand,creates,when you're simply selling one product,you're not going to be known for your,brand you're going to be known for your,product now,can that transfer over absolutely a good,company that did this,is the company called ninja ninja was a,company that sold,only blenders right they were very well,known for their blenders they became the,top of the top when it came to,blenders selling blenders and they,actually had a competitor called vitamix,same thing with vitamix but vitamix is a,little bit off the trail but,you guys gotta kind of get my point here,over time,ninja right when they were only known,for their blenders they started to,create other products,and they started involving themselves in,other uh home,appliances small small uh level,appliances uh for kitchens things like,air fryers things like microwave ovens,uh,all these different things that now the,brand creates so at first,the brand ninja when you think of the,word ninja you thought of the blender it,was a product,that doesn't mean it's a brand it only,became a brand until it,increased its its market it's it's,products that it's selling,now why do i say that and why does that,even matter well if you want to,sell many different products well then,you have to be brand focused and your,idea has to be,multi-product now that's not goes to say,where you can't,build yourself over time and start off,with simply one product,but if that's the case if you're,starting with one product,you're going to want to start with a one,product theme why,because it's going to teach you how to,market,for that one product let me explain when,we go to the motto here,uh you guys saw my video yesterday if,you didn't see it go watch it,if you look at the way the theme is,designed and i'm not going to click on,the demo now you guys can,like i said go check out the video uh i,will make future videos on how to set,this up but,the whole concept behind that that video,or the theme,is that the focus is all on one product,it's not,on its upsells its crosshails even,though they exist,they're not the focus the focus is the,one main product,and up until a few years ago we really,couldn't do that with shopify unless you,had,custom developers if you look back in,2017 2016,one product stores didn't exist unless,you had something,very very custom built shopify was well,known for creating,a store kind of environment many,products,right but that has switched over time,and a lot of people,don't even get the whole concept of,creating,a a website or a business on shopify,that has one product right they just,don't get how that works,they think that they could just put up,the the product page and expect to just,sell and doesn't really work that way,and you'll see with future series that,we work on,now with a brand okay you're in the,benefit,being that you have more runway um,similar to when uh somebody's uh you,know paragliding or something like that,and they ha and they're you know going,in for a landing,they have more space more runway space,that's exactly what you have when you,build a brand with a multi-product store,kind of like this,you have more uh runaway for people's,opinions and desires and products that,they want like for example you see this,ad right here this banner,right which serves as an ad you can see,here a promotional banner,there are different products uh and to,each their own everybody has their own,desires of products somebody might like,all three and buy all three of these,products right somebody might buy just,simply one or two,same thing with this photo it shows a,different,uses of the product right so here we,have all bunch of different colors for,the product,in this case right we can say okay,somebody might like this,this um whatever color this is maybe,that's,a bad example let's say this gray color,right,somebody might like this color over the,black and they'll select the gray over,the black,and that's kind of the benefits and the,pros that you get with getting a,multi-product store,is that you can easily show consumers,all the different variations all the,different changes to these products and,all the different,you know the differences essentially in,these products to fit,their specific needs which in general,is more appealing to a larger audience,okay when we're talking about a one,product store,one product stores are not appealing to,a larger audience it doesn't really,matter how you slice it how you dice it,but there's a very very specific,audience,for a one product store now if i was to,recommend,to the general public the general,population which one would they start,uh first if it was their first business,ever,i would say focus on a one product store,first because it's,easier now i'm not saying that um,you know uh one is going to make you,more money than the other you might,start first with a one product store,make 10 grand your first year and then,you might start a multi-product store,and make 70 grand your first year doing,that but what i'm really saying is,when you focus on a one product store,you just simply can't have a little,section where it just says buy and,that's it,you have to fill up the page you have to,show consumers what the benefits of the,product are truly,and then you'll start to understand how,to market a pro,a product in an ideal fashion we're,going to go ahead and break some of that,down into the future but,something that i want to cover in my,future videos,is how to actually do that how do you,take a product and how do you learn how,to market it on specifically,a one product store and we'll we'll go,over that in future videos,um so i made sure i came out with a,video today i don't know how long this,video is,16 minutes really not bad compared to,what we're used to so i'm gonna keep,posting these videos uh we're gonna do,click by click tutorials in the future,we're gonna be taking a look at the,alpha theme i know guys i haven't given,it much attention,um i know since it came out it's been a,what a month,two months three months since it came,out i really don't know,time has been flying by i haven't had,enough time to,um make videos i've been super super,busy shout out to everybody who's been,watching the videos,um but uh you know if you guys want more,alpha i know you guys have been,requesting more alpha videos i'm sorry i,just haven't been there yet,uh you know i i'll try as much as i can,also the one product store it seems like,there's so many videos i could make,um and i'll try guys i'll try to make,more videos as soon as possible,uh with that being said thank you guys,for watching i'll leave all the links to,these themes in the description box down,below,of course they'll be my affiliate links,um so if you guys want to check them out,go ahead,uh but for the future we will be,creating more tutorials,there was a request i got in the,comments a few videos ago for somebody,requesting me to remake the alphalete,website the new one,and i will absolutely do that if you,guys want me to i have no problem in,doing that so,let me know and uh that's all you know i,will do that soon,just let me know what kind of other,content you want to watch and i'll talk,to you guys later thank you guys for,watching peace out bye

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