what management systems are included in shopify

Shopify CMS Overview okay let's take a look at the CMS a,Shopify helm in the backend I click on,onli

Mo Khan

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Shopify CMS Overview

The above is a brief introduction to what management systems are included in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what management systems are included in shopify

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what management systems are included in shopify catalogs

Shopify CMS Overview

okay let's take a look at the CMS a,Shopify helm in the backend I click on,online store and this right here is the,current theme so this is the one that is,live in production the more themed,section here lists other themes that you,could be working on at the same time,maybe for a specific campaign or event,that you want to launch during that,event a couple different ways for you to,actually update the pages we can go to,customize which would open up a WYSIWYG,editor so if I actually click on,customize,it'll take me over here and this is a,WYSIWYG editor this is the front page,just a homepage of our shop I can use,this to do things like maybe reorder for,example this collection and drag it into,a different location I can also come,into the main hero image section and,change up some of the images here by,removing it or changing it we can do,things like modify the text that are,over here just go in and select very,specific collections so you know which,which collection I want to select over,here so very easy way for you to use the,WYSIWYG editor to modify very quickly,some of the home page changes so go back,over here if you don't want to use that,you can come in here and actually create,the different pages for example the,pages that belong to your site the blog,posts and the navigation that makes up,the site so let's take a look at for,example pages these are all the,different pages for example the about us,a contact us and any specific pages that,you want to create can be done over here,by simply going to add page you'll,notice that each of the pages and blogs,are supported by a a template and the,template here is the front end look and,feel that you can design and reuse over,and over again for specific pages you,can have multiple different page layouts,or templates that you can use for,varying different pages that you need to,use so what do you actually create these,let's go over to online store,and then go to edit code this is what,gives you the most control this section,gives you access to all the source code,files that make up the front-end so it,gives you absolute control of what you,want the front-end to look and do so you,can come to themes and this is the main,theme file all the files are liquid I'll,notice that under the templates section,we have things like the article template,blog template what a 404 page looks like,page product everything and you can have,multiple different product templates,that you could use if I want to add a,new template I would come over here and,select exactly what it is that I want so,it comes up at the appropriate time when,I'm selecting the template for example,under page or on your blog or the,product down below we have additional,sections that we can use templates can,call on different sections with,additional code that can reuse across,different templates and we have like,snippets and different configuration,files so a lot of different access that,you have in different ways that you have,to modify the front-end hope that's,helpful

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