hey what is up guys it's Brennan here,and today we're going to be going over,the Shopify starter plan doing a Shopify,starter plan review taking a look at the,pros and cons and really how the Shopify,starter plan Stacks up compared to,regular Shopify plans and the great,thing about this plan is as in the,making of today's video it currently,stands at just five dollars a month,after that a free trial period or,discount period that Shopify May,currently be offering so regardless it's,a lot cheaper than the typical basic,standard or Advanced Shopify plans that,run generally anywhere from 29 a month,and up once again after that either,trial period that you are currently in,depending on whatever Shopify is,offering so now guys if you don't,already have a Shopify store I do want,to mention the first link down in the,description box below will take you,right over to a Shopify free trial we're,going to start with the Shopify starter,plan uh for free they do you currently,have a five dollar a month of course,that's what the starter plan is after a,three day trial so depending on what,plan you end up going with it can be a,dollar a month or you know depending on,what Shopify is currently offering that,is the first link down in the,description box below bradleski.com,Shopify will take you right over to a,Shopify free trial being a start with,Shopify today so going more in depth,specifically on the Shopify starter plan,so Shopify has always offered a variety,of different plan offerings depending on,your specific needs for your eCommerce,store now typically there has just been,you know the regular basic plan the,Shopify plan and the advanced plan which,typically the basic plan is 29 a month,of course these prices are all accurate,as in the making of today's video even,with the starter plan at five dollars a,month that's current as of the making of,today's video but regardless it's still,gonna be a lot cheaper with the starter,plan than and what you would be paying,with the basic Shopify or Advanced plan,now Shopify did used to have a light,plan but that is now rebranded and the,brand new plan is the starter plan so,this is what you want if ultimately,you're planning to just sell on social,media right you don't need any code no,code set up and is really good for,selling within social media if you don't,really need all the other features and,benefits of having a complete online,store and really everything else that a,regular Shopify plan would come with so,yeah once again that first link down in,the description box below will take you,right over to the Shopify free trial But,ultimately that's the really the biggest,difference is not having a regular,online store now the other way that the,Shopify starter plan differentiates,itself from the other plans is well of,course you know sell for five a month is,a lot cheaper but it's really good for,just selling on social media even if you,are doing Drop Shipping print on demand,no matter what types of products that,you actually plan to sell within your,online store the starter plan can be,good because if you're just going to be,promoting through social media anyway or,if you're running paid ads on Tick Tock,Instagram Facebook no matter where,you're promoting your products if you're,going to be doing that type of social,media selling it makes a whole lot of,sense maybe you're an influencer as well,it makes a whole lot of sense just to go,with the starter plane because it's a,lot cheaper if all you really need is,that add to cart button the checkout,features and the ability to sell your,products online and you're not re you,don't really need all the extra features,of a fully customizable website that the,higher tier Shopify plans have to offer,you now diving into even more of the,specific details of the starter plan you,know some common questions as well with,it is that you know really it is,designed specifically for social media,of course you can easily share products,on Instagram WhatsApp and other places,so and another thing that the Shopify,starter plan gives you access to is,their newer feature called link pop so,this is a competitor or competitive,offering compared to maybe some of the,other Lincoln bio type apps that you see,you also get link pop as an ability to,monetize your Lincoln bio so that also,comes along with the Shopify starter,plan if you check out link pop as we can,see here you know this is buy Shopify as,well so it's a Lincoln bio that helps,you you know earn money and because it's,supported directly through Shopify you,know you can sell right within your,Lincoln bio for that Shopify starter,plan as well so it Compares with link,pop or it pairs with link pop really,well as well for selling on Shopify and,having that simple checkout through,social media so once again if you're an,influencer if you're big on social media,or if you plan on doing paid ads this,can be a good way to do it and save a,lot of money on the Shopify plans that,you would typically pay for a full,website that's not really what you you,need if all you need is the ability you,know to sell uh if you're just driving,traffic to a you know Lincoln bio page,such as link pop for example with,Shopify then the starter plan can be,really good for you as well you know you,can customize that page as well and make,it sort of like a mini website for,people on social media and just make it,a lot easier to share and to get your,stuff in your store up and running a lot,faster as well so you have some,flexibility here,uh as far as you know what types of,products you can add to link pop as well,so that's sort of like the website,version of the Shopify starter plan but,also gives you other flexibility so of,course you know you can design and sell,merge do Drop Shipping products and or,affiliate money that they currently have,that's in beta right now the Shopify,collabs of course I talk a lot about,Drop Shipping products on this channel,so feel free to watch my other videos if,you're more interested in Drop Shipping,or even some of the print on demand type,stuff like designing and selling your,own merch and how print on demand works,so that's specifically within the link,pop which is a separate piece but it,pairs really nicely to the Shopify,starter plan so I figured I'd mention,that to give you more of an idea of,things that you can still do with the,Shopify starter plan is using link pop,in combination with it to help sell your,products now in addition to the specific,uh other features within the Shopify,starter plan of course you're able to do,order management right so you can,receive manage and fulfill orders all,from a single place within your admin so,you still have access to that in your,Shopify admin if we take a look at here,just what the Shopify admin looks like,you can still get your orders as well,within your Shopify store you can take a,look at analytics so you still get to,see you know sales analytics specific to,your customers and your customer data as,well so you're still building out the,back end of your Shopify store as you,can see here this is like what a typical,overview could look like with total,sales and the order history and the top,products that you're currently selling,all you have to do is just link out to,those products so if that's all you're,going to be doing is just linking,directly to the products it makes a lot,of sense to save money on that whole you,know basic plan or not needing the whole,website and just foregoing that and,going with the Shopify starter plan now,additionally once you have that set up,as far as other FAQs right so what is a,starter plan I'm going to be answering,some additional questions so of course,Shopify has this listed as was the,starter plan of course it's an easiest,version of Shopify you can create a,Shopify store in minutes for a checkout,experience of course it's ideal for,social media email you know social SMS,so texting WhatsApp basically anywhere,where you're just sharing a link to a,product so yes you are able to just,share the link directly to your product,so you're still able to get access to,the products section and list your,products for sale and then just link,people directly to those outside of that,so it's also a lot less time and effort,setting it up you don't have to go,through all the the headaches of Bill,out an entire online store customization,and all that and it's super well,optimized for mobile as well so that's,really the essence of what the starter,plan is of course another thing that's,really cool about the Shopify starter,plan is because you're still in the,Shopify ecosystem you can always choose,to upgrade later to other Shopify plans,so you're not limiting yourself maybe by,going with other e-commerce platforms,that are a little bit more limited on,the as you continue to scale your store,or grow your business or your influence,as a online influencer right and selling,products then this is easy to upgrade to,a different Shopify plan you know that,fits your specific needs you know you,wouldn't lose any of your order data or,settings so it makes it a lot easier to,scale long term if you want to upgrade,down the road but you know you're able,to start out for a lot cheaper than,other plans as well which is really cool,in addition to that of course like I,already mentioned currently as in the,making of tastes video the starter plan,is just five dollars per month and of,course then you have that transaction,fee which is pretty typical with Shopify,payments as well uh with accepting,payments of course the starter plan you,know you get your storefront uh you know,the simple storefront version like I,showed you with the link pop you have,the unlimited product pages you have the,checkout you have a contact page you,know link pop as well the Lincoln bio,tool for Commerce the Shopify apps as,well as Shopify order management so in,addition you know Shopify apps so yes if,you are interested in Drop Shipping you,can still do that with this because you,have access to those Shopify apps as,well,and additionally you know how do you,sell on social media of course link pop,is one of those options makes it really,easy to promote multiple products for,your store as well as you know can you,sell here on the DMS or forums as well,so you can just link directly to your,product how is it different from the,basic plan so this is one big comparison,here at least if you're trying to decide,between you know the start Shopify,starter plan versus Shopify basic plan,giving a little bit more insight into,this just reading it here of course they,show that it's a lightweight way to,launch a business without having to,spend all the time on building a full,website like I mentioned you know you,basically just get access with the,starter plan to product pages check out,inbox and Link pop so then you're able,to start selling and the cool thing is,is you can do this all just from a,smartphone so if all you have is an,iPhone or if you're just working off of,a phone you can still use the Shopify,startup plan and build everything just,directly from your phone as well and,then of course you always have always,have the ability to upgrade later down,the road once to establish more of a,customer base proven demand or you know,for your product or for your store you,could always explore Shopify basic plan,later which would include you know the,value-added features like theme editing,blog posts and a lot lot more but for,most people who are a brand new beginner,just getting started you really don't,even need all of those kind of features,uh depending on your plan for how you uh,plan to get traffic right if you're,primarily just doing social media to get,traffic to your store then the starter,plan is really good for you of course on,the downside some of the the cons of the,starter plan is it's a bit limited of,course you know compared to like a basic,plan where you get a full website you,know you could do more Shopify SEO and,tons of things like that and have more,access and ability to write blog posts,or other things depending on what you,want to do but if you're just doing,social media it makes a lot of sense,just to use the starter plan because,it's a lot cheaper ultimately and a lot,more affordable as a Shopify plan,compared to you know the other Shopify,plans like I mentioned in here on their,Shopify pricing page as well so guys,that really wraps up the Shopify starter,plan if you found this video helpful be,sure to smash that like button once,again if you want to get signed up with,Shopify you can check out that first,link down in the description box below,take you right over to a Shopify free,trial that's Brad valeski.com Shopify,take you right over your Shopify,pre-trial guys thank you so much for,watching and I will see you in the next,one peace out
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