what online stores i can use with shopify

SHOPIFY Features | Why You Should Use Shopify For Your Online Store! hey guys welcome back to my cha

UK Curly Girl

Updated on Mar 18,2023

SHOPIFY Features | Why You Should Use Shopify For Your Online Store!

The above is a brief introduction to what online stores i can use with shopify

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what online stores i can use with shopify catalogs

SHOPIFY Features | Why You Should Use Shopify For Your Online Store!

hey guys welcome back to my channel if,you are new here my name is shannon i am,the founder of oh so curly which is a,hair tools and accessories brand if you,are not new here welcome back in today's,video,i'm gonna expand on shopify so you guys,know that i recently covered my favorite,shopify apps in order to help you,increase sales but in today's video i,want to cover,what i really love about shopify and my,favorite features and little tips and,tricks of shopify that actually made me,in love with shopify and why i choose,shopify over other platforms so if,you're interested in learning why you,should choose shopify as your shop,provider definitely stay tuned to the,end of this video give it a thumbs up,and let's just get straight into so here,i am inside my shopify and i'm gonna,share with you guys obviously my,favorite features the first one is the,home page of shopify now this is,something that you get on your shopify,app and on the desktop version of,shopify so i'm showing you guys my,desktop version and what i really love,about the app is it's similar to like a,social networking site kind of because,it changes all the time and it gives you,updates on how your store is doing and,kind of like insights on what you can do,to make it better so as you can see here,i it tells me that my store is getting a,lot of traffic and it's in the top three,percent of stores that launch the same,week as you so imagine when you're,feeling maybe a bit down about your your,business or your store when you see,something like that it's gonna make you,feel really you know confident and more,excited about pushing through so i love,this about the shopify home page it also,tells you about new apps and stuff that,you may want to use for your store it,tells you where all of your social,networking referrals came from,and it will tell you certain things,about customers that are spending most,on your store and customers that you may,want to retarget but obviously i'm not,going to show you that part but if you,just scrolled through you'll be able to,see more things as it says here,returning customers that haven't made a,purchase recently and then you can take,action and do something with that,information so that is the first thing,that i love about shopify now the next,thing i want to show you is probably my,favorite part of shopify and this is the,live view guys so as you can see here,if you have a cell on your website this,is so fun to watch so when it's black,friday you probably would have seen a,lot of people share on their instagram,or their youtube channel then like,coming onto the live view of shopify and,watching all of the sales come through,this is really cool to do because i last,black friday i was able to see like who,was checking out who actually then,converted into a customer and it was,just flowing and you could just see the,numbers going up and up and up and then,the sales coming through it will tell,you the total sales how many orders the,locations people are from right now,there's no one on my store but if you go,through the globe you will see little,like circles pop up and that will show,you where people are shopping on your,website which is so cool and it shows,you where you are,and yeah love the live view it's,definitely one of the best features of,shopify next is your customers segment,now this is something i only just,discovered myself the other day like,i knew you could segment on like your,email marketing platform but i didn't,know that you could do it within shopify,as you can see here it has all of my,customers,that have shopped via shopify and you,can create a segment so say i wanted to,create like a vip,customer program what i could do is i,could segment my customers by the amount,of orders that they've made so i could,say number of orders and i could say is,greater than say,five so if anyone has ordered from us,more than five times this is going to,show me who as you can see here we have,20 customers that come up so now that i,have their details and i can see how,much they've spent i can go ahead and,maybe even just reach out to them by,email,and just give them an email and say hey,like you're a vip customer of ours,you've ordered more than five times,i'd like to do,or you could add them to a separate,email list so you could add all of these,emails into a vip email list and then,you use that email list to send emails,in the future when you just want to,target your vips i really really love,that as you can see here you can segment,into people that are email subscribers,and more so love that part and that,feature of shopify next is your online,store and the themes for the store so,when you first start your shopify store,you will see i have a step-by-step,tutorial on how to set up a shopify,store but at any time in any point you,can change the look of your store via,the editing section here so if you,customize your website you'll be able to,change colors and stuff or you can just,do a whole new theme and the themes on,shopify are really really good they have,a lot of great free themes and then you,can shop around and actually buy themes,as well there is an actual theme website,shopify themes and here you can browse,through some of the free ones as you can,see they have a few new ones now which,are just so so professional so good,looking my theme is free and my website,is pretty decent i mean it could be it,could be better but for a free theme i,think it's good you know i still get,sales coming in but i definitely want to,invest in one of the paid themes in the,future so you could definitely browse,through those and also you can actually,preview them so i'm going to go ahead,and preview this one this is one that is,a paid theme that i kind of was checking,out and may use in the future you can,see here it's really nicely put together,you can actually,see it with your products as well so if,i was to go to,the shop section,i love this layout so much guys i really,want to get this layout soon,so we could go ahead and shop,and i just like how it has the images,here at the bottom this is like your,typical shop page that you've probably,been familiar with on other websites the,layout is very you know typical ecom i,love it it's definitely something i want,to do and invest in in the future the,theme store another great feature of,shopify next is your app store again i,have videos that feature my favorite,shopify apps but here i'm just going to,show you guys that it's customized as,well so it is of course connected to,your store so as you can see here it,says our name oh so curly and then it,will also have ideas for oh so curly so,here it's come up with some ideas of,apps that it thinks that we may benefit,from so those are those there and then,you can have a look at what the most,popular apps are at the moment in the,spotlight growing your business and so,on so this is what really makes shopify,stores and in my opinion shopify the,best platform the apps that you can add,to your store just to make your store,even more professional and just even,more ways to increase your sales and,your conversions so those are my,features that i love of shopify on,desktop but what i love about shopify on,your phone is the fact that you can add,a widget to your actual phone page so as,you can see here i have my weber widget,i have my bible widget and then i have,my shopify widget i really like that the,fact that you can just scroll to the,side and i'll be able to see you know,what's happening with my store how many,visitors how many sales and then on the,app the app is amazing you can edit your,store from the app and obviously the,best thing that all of our sellers love,about shopify app is the kitchen that,you get when you get a cell coming,through unfortunately i haven't had a,cell come through while i'm filming this,so you won't be able to see it but i'm,sure if you just,have a look through some of my past,black friday videos you'll see the,kitchen come through and i'm sure you,can find it on other people's tick tocks,and videos and all kind of stuff so yeah,so if you are interested in shopify i,will leave the 14 day free trial link,down below i hope you enjoyed watching,subscribe to my channel and i'll catch,you in the next one bye guys

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