what percentage of shopify stores are successful

What Percentage Of Shopify Stores Are Successful? Study Finds Only 2% of Stores Stick Around hey wha

Rules For Rebels

Updated on Feb 19,2023

What Percentage Of Shopify Stores Are Successful? Study Finds Only 2% of Stores Stick Around

The above is a brief introduction to what percentage of shopify stores are successful

Let's move on to the first section of what percentage of shopify stores are successful

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What Percentage Of Shopify Stores Are Successful? Study Finds Only 2% of Stores Stick Around

hey what's going on guys what is,happening YouTube thank you for tuning,into rules for rebels and in today's,video we're gonna be addressing a,question what is the actual percentage,of Shopify stores that are successful so,this is a question that commonly comes,up on sites like Korra and reddit and,other forums you know a lot of people,want to know like you know I'm hearing,all this stuff about Shopify I'm hearing,you know how amazing Shopify is but like,how many we own what's a percentage or,how many people are actually having,success on Shopify and,kind of another reason I wanted to make,this video I've been seeing a lot of,posts like this recently and this one,comes from the reddit dropship forum but,you know this kid essentially goes on to,say like you know I see all these people,talking about how much success they have,I've wasted a lot of money I haven't,made any money like is this a big,elaborate scam or are people actually,making money and you know I think I,think a lot of people are getting down,on themselves because they see all these,people on YouTube and wherever else,talking about how much money they've,made on Shopify and sometimes it can,feel like everybody's making money,except for me why am i the one person,who's not succeeding here and so that's,we're gonna be digging into today now I,have yet to see anybody like really,address this question and actually come,out with with a statistic or an actual,number and that's what we're gonna be,doing it in just a second here in terms,of why it feels like everybody out there,successful I basically kind of have,three reasons so the first reason is,this a lot more people are gonna talk,about or brag about their successes then,are going to share their failures you,know there's there's kind of a bias in,reporting the same way that you know,typically more people are more likely to,leave a negative review than they are to,leave a positive review so you're,generally speaking gonna have more,negative reviews a lot of times same,thing with it Shopify you know people,are gonna be much more likely to brag,about their success then they are gonna,be willing to share their failure the,the second and third answer to this is,Shopify as well as individuals have a,vested interest in making Shopify seem,easy and like this huge money maker you,know the more people who sign up for,Shopify the more $29 fee Shopify,collects the more fees they collect off,people downloading apps and buying,themes for people who are actually,making sales and,and processing sales Shopify is getting,a cut of their you know merchant,processing fees as well so it's in,Shopify's interest to make this seem as,easy as approach and as approachable as,possible and it's also in the interest,of gurus people selling courses people,who are Shopify affiliates again to make,this seem as easy as possible so people,are only going to be sharing success,stories people are gonna be trying to,make it sound easy because you know if,someone were to tell you there's a,ninety five percent failure rate less,people would be likely to go into it,less people are gonna get Shopify,affiliate Commission's less people are,gonna sell courses so without further,ado let's just jump right in here and,look at the numbers so I'll tell you,guys right off the bat this isn't like a,purely scientific 100% authentic study,you know there are some flaws in these,numbers but I've been a Shopify partner,for probably since 2000 2014 2015 2016 I,don't remember exactly when I got,started but we'll say at the very least,I've been a Shopify affiliate for maybe,three years potentially as long as five,years and it didn't really feel like,digging into scrolling all the way back,and seeing when I got my first,Commission and when I first signed up,for this but in my time as a Shopify,affiliate this is the back end of the,Shopify partner dashboard so you can,have development stores which you can,either create for yourself or which you,can create for clients and pass along to,them you got manage stores where you can,manage doors for clients we got,affiliate tools but here are my referred,stores so in my time as a Shopify,affiliate I've you know referred or been,responsible for 1139 signups now I think,the most active Shopify stores I've ever,had under me at one time was maybe 63,stores or 60 to 68 stores right now as,you can see here I have of these eleven,hundred and thirty nine people who have,signed up twenty nine twenty one people,currently have basic stores open two,percent of people have Shopify stores,which I'm guessing is the mid-tier store,and I have two people in trial right now,now for anyone who's a Shopify affiliate,you can actually scroll down I don't,want to,it yeah what that was just show it um,you know here's some of the stores so,this one's inactive these two are in,trial phase these are inactive this,one's a basic Shopify store a bunch of,inactive and active inactive basic,Shopify but I can see all the stores,that have signed up under me and of the,eleven hundred and thirty nine stores we,got twenty one basic again two Shopify,and two so what will count these trials,as successful stores as well so we got,twenty one twenty two twenty three,twenty four twenty five so if we go over,to this handy a percentage calculator,what percentage is twenty five of eleven,hundred and thirty nine and that gives,us two point one nine four percent so,what that tells us is two percent of,Shopify stores that have been started,are still active now again you know that,this these numbers aren't purely,scientific you know that the you know,this is somewhat anecdotal we could look,at these statistics or look at this,evidence in a number of ways so first of,all you know we're not necessarily,looking at a specific time like what,percentage of Shopify stores are around,after 30 days or what what percentage of,Shopify stores that start are around six,months later another thing some of these,people who signed up for these Shopify,stores they probably registered for a,free Shopify 14-day trial or 21-day,trial or 30-day trial some of them may,have actually put an effort in and,uploaded products and done some content,marketing and created social media,profiles and run some ads some of these,people did nothing more than sign up,claimed their dot my Shopify dot-com,site and maybe they never even uploaded,a single product they never actually,made a true go of it now again I can,actually click in and look at these,stores now some of these stores will say,you know password protected or will show,that nothing's ever actually been done,some of these stores I can see people,have actually uploaded products now if I,had to I used to be a lot more active in,terms of looking at these I don't really,look at them that much anymore but I,would say in my experience from looking,at these seven out of ten stores,actually do wind up putting some,products up on their store actually wind,up designing a store if we wanted to be,conservative we could say maybe six out,of ten,so I mean that would give us like say,60% of 1139 which if we did that what is,60% of 1139 so that gives a 680 3.4 so,if we were to change this to 683 0.4 and,then that ups a percentage - I'm,surprised you know they've gotten higher,that doesn't seem right to me 25 of 683,let's take a look at this 25 of 683 ok,maybe it is so you know if we run,numbers that way ok three point six six,percent of Shopify stores are successful,now you know here's the other problem we,have with this is how do we quantify,success like does success mean you made,$100,000 does success mean you made a,sale does success mean you turned a,profit does success mean you were able,to leave your job success is like a very,subjective term I've seen a lot of,people online asking like what,percentage of Shopify stores actually,make at least one sale now short of me,literally going through you know these,eleven hundred and thirty nine stores,and looking to see if they made a sale,there there's not really a way to,exactly know that data but the point is,that most more Shopify stores fail than,succeed the vast majority of Shopify,stores fail now that really shouldn't be,that surprising I'm sure you guys have,all heard the stat like nine out of ten,small businesses fail or nine out of ten,new businesses fail and I think Shopify,stats are gonna be even worse than that,because Shopify is amazing and it lets,people who've never run an e-commerce,store who know nothing about marketing,who know nothing about web development,or coding or anything like that Shopify,you know can essentially help anybody,who's never done it before create a,store in a matter of minutes and because,of that it lowers the barrier to entry,and you're getting people who are able,to start stores who've never sold,anything online who don't know the first,thing about marketing who've never built,a website who don't know how to drive,traffic and that's gonna drive the,numbers a lot lower line now if we were,to look at out of just an example let's,say we took like a hundred,brick-and-mortar stores that don't have,a website and we set all of,those stores up with Shopify accounts,and kind of help them build out a store,what percentage of those stores would,have successful Shopify stores or would,be turning a profit or would be making,sales,I would guess it would probably be above,40% because at that point people have,have a real business now ultimately I,guess kind of what I'm getting at here,is I see a lot of people acting as if,Shopify is some magical money printing,machine or Shopify is some magic tool,ultimately at the end of the day Shopify,is nothing more than a website builder,you know I don't want to take anything,away from Shopify Shopify is an,incredibly powerful tool there's a lot,of people who have success and make,money on Shopify who if shop if I,weren't around they might not be able to,build a WordPress commerce site or they,may have never started any commerce to,begin with Shopify is awesome in that it,lets pretty much anybody without any,coding experience web design experience,create a well-functioning,secure streamlined clean looking store,in a relatively short period of time but,again at the end of the day you are,gonna have to have a real business right,Shopify isn't some magic tool and I'm,starting to see some posts unlike Reddit,and things like that and people are like,have you heard about this amazing new,tool called Shopify and it's like what, first of all it's not really that,new but people are like you can quit,your job you know and at the end of the,day Shopify is just a website builder,that's all it is you are gonna have to,have a real business or a product that's,actually in demand behind your store um,you know it's not just this magical,money printing machine but uh I'd be,curious to hear what you guys have to,think about these stats like does this,surprise you does this not surprise you,if any of you guys are also Shopify,affiliates if you want to share your,numbers in terms of like how many,inactive stores you have versus how many,active stores you have and break it down,to a percentage I'd love to hear this,from other people but uh this is a,question that a lot of people ask about,but I mean short of Shopify partners,like myself and maybe some of you guys,the only other person who could really,share this data with us is Shopify and,Shopify isn't sharing this data you know,partially because I mean what reason do,they have to share it but also Shopify,is in the business of forwarding this,narrative that Shopify is easy and every,but he can do it and Shopify don't get,me wrong Shopify puts out a ton of great,resources to help beginners but Shopify,also kind of promotes this illusion that,anybody can make money doing it because,it's it's good for them and it's good,for their business so anyhow if you guys,want to share your numbers or your,percentage of successful Shopify stores,go ahead and drop it in the comment,section down below,but you know I I just happen to log in,here the other day to work on a,development store for someone who I was,helping out and I happen to see these,stats and I was like you know I'm like I,guess we could kind of I never really,thought to kind of dig into the stats,and see like what percentage of Shopify,stores are actually still around that,have signed up and you know I would say,it's pride it's kind of like right in,line with what I would have expected,definitely would have said under under,10% I probably would have said 1 to 3%,and it's you know pretty much exactly,what it's what it's kind of worked out,to being so let me know your guys,thoughts on this like are you surprised,by this is it kind of what you expected,and if any of you guys have any data to,share please go ahead and share that as,well but if you enjoyed the video give,it a thumbs up if you're not subscribed,hit that subscribe button down below and,I will catch you guys on the next one

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