what shopify suppliers have comfort colors

Don't Sell COMFORT COLORS Tees on Etsy Before Watching This! if you want to know how to make more,mo

Anji Long

Updated on Mar 27,2023

Don't Sell COMFORT COLORS Tees on Etsy Before Watching This!

The above is a brief introduction to what shopify suppliers have comfort colors

Let's move on to the first section of what shopify suppliers have comfort colors

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what shopify suppliers have comfort colors catalogs

Don't Sell COMFORT COLORS Tees on Etsy Before Watching This!

if you want to know how to make more,money selling T-shirts on Etsy with,print on demand then you're going to,love today's video because I'm going to,do a full review of the hottest trending,vintage style t-shirt on Etsy right now,called Comfort colors this is the video,that many of you have been waiting for,and requested so we're going to be,covering all things Comfort colors from,princeify and that includes shipping,print quality with three different print,providers we're also going to cover,pricing colors all the fun stuff so by,the end of this video you know exactly,how to incorporate this brand of shirt,into your Etsy shop to make more money,on current trends I'm also going to,compare it to the popular Bella canvas,3001 which I'm wearing right now in,athletic heather gray and I did make,this myself in canva and I had it,printed and shipped by Monster Digital,inside of print fi so if you're new,welcome and if you're looking to learn,how to start an apparel business from,home selling T-shirts without having all,kinds of crazy equipment spending lots,of money on inventory and doing all of,the shipping yourself then you're in the,right place make sure that you hit that,subscribe button so that you can learn,all about how to sell t-shirts on Etsy,using printify so printify is the,company that prints and ships the items,for us to our customer and you can,register for them a hundred percent free,down below in the description with that,link and if you're a returning,subscriber oh welcome back you guys have,been so amazing I am so grateful for all,of your kind comments and feedback so if,you enjoy this video today definitely be,sure to let me know down below and if,you're also having a lot of fun here,with us be sure to give this video a,thumbs up so without further Ado let's,go ahead and get into today's video and,check out all things Comfort colors and,also compare it to the Bella canvas tee,we have a kitty down here so I have the,three different print providers here and,they are in three different colors which,I do know affects the print quality a,little bit in comparison however I do,still see a very clear winner or two so,let's go ahead and take a look we have,dimona tea here in the black in the,pepper we have a swift pod and in the,granites we have drive fulfillment so,let's go ahead and compare the print,quality,so this is nice and vibrant and when I,touch it to the feel it feels like they,layered it a little bit more than the,other print providers and so here we,have Swift pod,still really really great print quality,I think it is not quite as vibrant as,Diamond tea but it still looks really,really good to me and then over here we,have dry fulfillment this is on a,lighter lighter colored shirt however I,can still tell that the colors are not,quite as vibrant and to the touch it,doesn't feel like it's layered as much,okay so I ranked them as far as quality,goes number one dimona tea number two,Swift pod and last dry fulfillment and,when it comes to placement I think this,one from,dry fulfillment and this one from dimona,tea actually look slightly a little more,to the right than Swift pod looks a,little more centered to me and next,we'll go with shipping times Swift pod,actually updated the tracking number,first but they all actually ended up in,transit pretty much on the same day and,they all arrived on the very same day so,they and now when it comes to shipping,and packaging dimona tea and Swift pod,actually had my store and business name,on the packaging which is what we want,and dry fulfillment failed there they,just put fulfillment center on the,packaging so then your customers don't,know that the package is actually from,your store so a little bit of a red flag,right there now when it actually comes,to the brand Comfort colors this is a,hundred percent ring spun cotton and,it's a really nice thick material and it,doesn't have any seams on the sides so,and it also has a garment dyed fabric so,it looks more vintage and slightly worn,which is right on Trend right now so a,lot of people are really liking this,look of the older vintage style tee so,everything is actually double stitched,if we can look at the stitching here,really high quality let's compare the,Comfort colors to the Bella canvas so,the two in the middle here are Bella,canvas and obviously we have black and,this is athletic heather gray,so this is 100 cotton but it's not the,ring spun cotton so it is a little bit,of a lighter weight material and it,feels a bit softer to me now the Bella,canvas does have the seam along the side,whereas the Comfort colors does not and,you can see the neckline is really,different from the Bella canvas to the,Comfort colors they have the double,Stitch here on Comfort colors and just,it's a much heavier Fabric and when it,comes to the colors as you can see the,black is a much more black in Bella,canvas and it is that vintage worn look,in the comfort color so in my opinion I,would stick to the Vintage retro trendy,designs on the Comfort colors and when,it comes to the Bella canvas the things,like your teacher designs the nurses,designs anything that has to do with a,profession that someone might be wearing,to work I would probably stick with the,Bella canvas so you could definitely,still stock both in your store and give,the Comfort colors a try okay so we are,over on printify and under the catalog,t-shirts and I have selected the Comfort,colors brand,1717 it is a unisex garment dyed t-shirt,and as you can see there are three,different print providers that we,covered today so we have dimona tea they,have a 9.9 rating we have dry,fulfillment with a 9.5 and Swift pod,with a 9.3 so let's take a look at,pricing and colors so Diamond tea is,priced at,26.42 for the T-shirt shipping price is,4.35 if you have printify premium which,is a 29 a month membership You're Gonna,Save about six dollars on every single,t-shirt that you purchase for your,customers,they have five sizes and four colors and,then we have a dry fulfillment at,16.55 and then you're going to save,about four dollars with printify premium,their shipping is four dollars and,eighty cents they also have five sizes,and nine colors Swift pod is,17.36 You're Gonna Save about four,dollars with printify premium and their,shipping is four dollars and 35 cents,they have an additional size and they,have a 57 colors now here is something,important to note if we click on more,details,um some of these are running out of,stock so as you can see Navy it says,four out of six are out of stock black,one out of six is out of stock this one,has one out of six out of stock and,there are a handful more so you want to,be taking note that some of these are,going in and out of stock so the way,that you can deal with stock issues is,either,just pick the colors that all three,print providers have so that if one's,out of stock you can use a different,print provider and so that would,literally just be black or white because,every single one of these print,providers has black or white and,actually all of the colors that dry,fulfillment has Swift pod also has so if,you wanted a more wide color range then,you could go with all of these colors,and then you would have at least two,print providers for most of them and,then you would have three print,providers for those two colors now you,guys will probably notice if you watched,my video from last week all about,Christmas trending style t-shirts where,I showed all of these the prices have,gone up significantly because that is,just the climate that we are in prices,of everything is going up right now,um so it literally went up about four,dollars from just last week so that is,something we have to to keep in mind,when we're going to price our items so,now let's go ahead and look at every,single category and see who is the,actual winner of our review today so I,ordered all three of these shirts on,October 3rd and Swift pod actually,updated the tracking first on October,5th which was two days later dimona tea,and dry fulfillment updated tracking on,the six however they all arrived on the,11th now also under shipping I noted,that Swift pod and dimona T on the,packaging included my store name and,drive fulfillment did not so they got an,X right there for shipping to me that is,a major red flag because my customers,then don't know that it is the package,that they ordered from my store so the,winner for shipping is Swift pod because,they updated the uh tracking first and,next we will move to price points so as,we just saw on printify Drive,fulfillment is the cheapest Swift pod is,second and dimona T is the most,expensive so the winner on Price is,Drive fulfillment,and then for quality and color number,one is dimona tea that it was the most,vibrant number two was Swift pod and,number three Drive fulfillment with the,least vibrant so the winner of quality,is dimona T,for placement Swift pod nailed it right,in the center dimona tea and dry,fulfillment were both shifted slightly,to the right so the winner for placement,is Swift pod,for color options Swift pod has 57,colors dry fulfillment has nine and,dimona T only has four so the winner for,color options is Swift pod now I did ask,printify to look at all of their vendors,see what are the top selling colors and,they couldn't actually give me the top,selling colors but they said the ones,that Merchants are choosing the most,aside from black and white are pepper,which I'm going to show you on myself in,just a moment that was uh what I did,from Swift pod and then they said Ivory,bright salmon burnt orange and chili so,then it's important to note that,literally every single one of these,colors that they mentioned is from Swift,pod so that should tell you something,and when I look at the mock-ups,available on Etsy to put your designs on,so that you can list them in your store,the colors that I personally like are,yam Moss Orchid and blue jean I think,those are really really pretty and I,think Moss would be a great color for,Christmas designs so with all of the,information that we have gathered here,today in our review the overall winner,is Swift pod because they have the most,color options and printify said that,their colors are the winning colors,according to Merchants and they also uh,nailed it with the placements and they,are the winner with shipping so swiftpod,is the winner if you want to know who I,think you should use when it comes to,comfort colors there you go so Swift pod,is,17.36 which is kind of expensive for a,t-shirt on printify compared to Bella,canvas that is like,9.38 so you want to really focus on,getting your yourself to the point where,you can do printify premiums so you can,save four dollars so that four dollars,is a whole lot of Roi which is really,really important when it comes to print,on demand so definitely you want to be,working towards printify premium so,let's look at some pricing with our,profit calculator if you price it at,32.99 and you are a printify premium,member so you're paying 13.37 for the,shirt and 435 for shipping then your,estimated profit is going to be,11.69 if you charge Thirty One dollars,then your profit will be,9.89 and if you're the kind of person,that likes to charge for shipping you,can do 29.99 three dollar shipping and,have a profit of,11.69 so there are a couple different,options for you okay guys so I have on,the winner here this is the color pepper,from Swift pod and I absolutely love,this shirt so I do have on a large these,are meant to be oversized tees and just,for reference I am five foot five and,about 135 pounds and so I wanted the,oversized look so this is the large and,I can put on the medium for you in just,a minute okay guys so here is the medium,in Black from daimona tea so if I was,leaving the house I would probably,choose the medium but if I want to be,comfortable at home if I'm just lounging,or working from home I would probably,choose the large because the comfortable,oversized look is really really nice so,there's your comparison I hope you,enjoyed uh learning about Comfort colors,from printify and let me know down below,if you're already selling these in your,store or if you plan to start selling,them and I'm going to link another video,here on the screen for you all about,trending Christmas t-shirts in the,comfort colors brand that are trending,right now on Etsy and that can make you,a lot of money this holiday season so,make it an amazing day and I will see,you in the next video

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