what shopify theme does fashionnova use?

FashionNova Ecommerce Marketing Lessions To Copy - Shopify so today I'm going to be talking to you,a

Kirk Buchanan

Updated on Mar 14,2023

FashionNova Ecommerce Marketing Lessions To Copy - Shopify

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FashionNova Ecommerce Marketing Lessions To Copy - Shopify

so today I'm going to be talking to you,about marketing and I'm going to be,sharing with you four strategies that,fashion over uses in their business to,make a ton of sales and to grow their,business so as a small business owner it,is very important that you pay very,close attention to what the large,players in your industry is doing and if,you realize certain patterns and you see,that they're doing something well then,maybe it's working for them and it may,also work for you so what I've been,doing over the past couple of months is,I've been paying very close attention to,what fashion Ava's been doing as it,relates to marketing and I've identified,four core marketing strategies that they,rely on and if you want to see exactly,what these are then please continue,watching welcome back thank you so much,for staying on this video I really,appreciate it if this is your first time,here my name is Curt Bohannan,and on this channel I teach people how,to start and grow their own e-commerce,businesses so if you've always wanted to,learn exactly how you could start an,e-commerce business then I highly,recommend you get subscribed to my,channel because I'm always releasing,great quality content to teach you,exactly how to do that okay with that,said let me dive into it and talk to you,guys about these four things that,fashion overdue to sell a ton of,products so for you guys who don't know,what fashion OVA is well fashion OVA is,basically one of the largest breakout,clothing lines of recent times as at the,time of recording this video they have,approximately 16 million fans on,Instagram and they have been growing,really rapidly over the past couple of,years their products are represented by,lay people and also by celebrities one,of the most notable celebrities that,speaks a lot about fashion over is cardi,B and she wears fashion / brands and,that definitely helps them to actually,gain some more traction in the market,place so as someone who is in e-commerce,similar to fashion / it only makes sense,for us to look at them to see exactly,what they're doing as it relates to,marketing to see if there's anything,that we can do as small business owners,in our business and we identified,or course strategies that they seem to,focus on that we implemented in our,business as well and they have been,working so I highly recommend that you,also do something similar with your,business so what I'm going to be doing,now is I'm going to be diving into each,of these our strategies are to share,them with you to see if you can actually,implement some of these in your business,and maybe they can help you to actually,sell more products ok so the first thing,I want to highlight that our phone that,fashion over uses as a part of their,core marketing strategy which is,something that works for them because,they have been doing this for a very,long time now and if it didn't work they,wouldn't have continued to do this in,their business and that is they host,giveaways so I've spoken about hosting,giveaways on this channel before and if,you want to watch that video I'm going,to be leaving a link in the video,description in that video I teach you,guys how you can actually run your own,giveaway for free on how you can benefit,from hosting your own giveaway all right,so basically hosting giveaways have five,core benefits and these benefits are,tremendous benefits that can translate,into seals that can help you to grow,your business and this is why even the,largest companies that you can find will,host giveaways on their social media,pages so you can use a giveaway to,increase your reach if you know exactly,how to host a giveaway on Instagram the,right way you could use your giveaway on,Instagram to reach new people for,example you will see other businesses on,Instagram post giveaways and ask other,people to tag their friends and this is,a great way to increase your reach on,Instagram you can also host a giveaway,to increase your fan base so if you host,a giveaway any ads people to follow your,page this is a very simple way for you,to increase your reach on Instagram as,well,giveaways are also great for building,your email list and this is something,that fashion over does extremely well,when you go to their website you will,often see a pop-up asking you to,subscribe or to suspend to win something,and they are doing this so they can,actually capture your email address so,they can email market to you after,you've completed that,you can also increase engagement using,giveaway and if you increase your,engagement by hosting a giveaway you can,increase your sales increase your fan,base and also reach new people and,finally which is the ultimate reason why,you want to host a giveaway is that you,can get direct sales from hosting a,giveaway so not everyone who sees or,comes across your giver will enter your,giveaway but most of these people are,some of these people may convert into,actual customers so those are the five,core reason why you should be hosting a,giveaway and this is something that we,have identified to be a core part of,fashion OVAs marketing strategy that you,can copy and use in your business as,well okay so the second thing we have,been able to identify that fashion over,does extremely well which helps them to,actually grow their business is that,they partner with other brands so most,brands and most small businesses,think partnering with other brands is,just increasing their competition but if,you know exactly what you're doing and,your strategic about your partnership,you can actually use partnership to grow,your business and that is what fashion /,and other big brands seems to understand,and do extremely well so in my business,we have also started to do partnerships,more partnerships with more brands and,it has been working great for us so I,highly recommend you start doing,partnerships with other brands that you,can use to actually tap into new,audiences and also to reach people who,have expressed a similar interest in,what you are offering so those are the,two core reasons why partnering with,other businesses may be great for your,business fashion overdoses other large,businesses do this as well and it works,great for them strategy number three,that fashion / uses as a core part of,their marketing to help them to make,more sales and to ultimately grow their,business is that they focus a lot on,doing retargeting so retargeting is,extremely powerful and if you're running,any business that you're marketing on,the internet you have to learn and,understand and use retargeting in your,marketing campaign so to put it simply,retargeting is basically just you,targeting people of interacted with your,business before so this works great and,it is said that retargeting campaigns,actually increase conversions by up to,five percent and when you're running,retargeting ads for example you can make,them more personal you can personalise,your retargeting ads and this also helps,them to be quite effective so there are,two core ways that we have found that,fashion over use very targeting ads and,they do retargeting in emails and also,on social media,so these seems to be the two most,powerful and simple ways to do,retargeting and they work great so let's,say for example you go to Fashion ovas,website and you started looking at a,blos for example they can retarget you,with an email because they know that you,have looked at that particular product,and they can send you an email to say,hey you have checked out this particular,item would you like to check out no and,that is all retargeting works and that,is why it's extremely powerful so,they're tracking you and their,retargeting you with ads to remind you,to buy whatever they're selling on that,website so fashion over focuses a lot on,doing retargeting and it works great so,I highly recommend you copy this and,start using retargeting in your business,as well okay so the last but definitely,not the least important thing on this,list that fashion overdue to get more,sales and to grow their business is to,use influencer marketing so if you are,familiar with fashion oval this may,appear to be the main thing that they,focus on as it relates to marketing,because they do quite a lot of influence,on marketing and that's because they've,been getting results from influencer,marketing and also because influencer,marketing is hot right now and it works,great so I've done several videos before,talking about influencer marketing and,once again you can find those videos,linked in the video description,but influencer marketing is great and a,ton of research has been done around,this topic over the past couple of years,and consumers are saying that they trust,influences a whole lot more than they,trust messages coming directly from the,brand's themselves so if you're not yet,used,influencer marketing as a part of your,marketing strategy you need to start,using influencer marketing no fashion,Allah is a large company which means,they have a large budget and they can,focus a lot of their time on getting,celebrity influences but you don't have,to use celebrity influencers to get good,results from influencer marketing you,can focus on nano influences or micro,influences and still get amazing results,for your business but influencer,marketing is working great right no it's,a core part of fashion oval strategy and,I highly recommend you make it a core,part of your marketing strategy as well,so there you have it,those are the four things that fashion,OVA do to help them to make a lot more,sales and to grow their business I,really hope you found a lot of value in,this video and if you did please let me,know by dropping a like on this video if,you have any comments please leave them,in the comment section below and finally,don't forget to share this video with a,friend I want to thank you so much for,watching and I will definitely see you,in my next video

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