what's up everybody mark,with theme rhino from themerhino.com,today we're going to be reviewing a one,product,shopify store theme okay so i know that,was a lot of words right there but a one,product store theme so this is a theme,that's designed to for uh one product so,this is a website called,themeado.com theme,theme ado,the model i i really don't know how to,pronounce it it's theme and then the,word,ado.com i'll leave my affiliate link in,the description box if you guys are,interested in checking out this theme,every time somebody orders with my,affiliate link i get a little commission,as i do with other themes that i,promoted um so just that's a quick fyi,this uh theme i knew about for a little,while now i knew about it for,um,maybe like february or april or,something like that um and i was testing,it out i had some fun with it i sold um,i started a shopify store where we sell,uh hair clippers actually,and i created that to be like the one,product where i focused on and it,actually did really well and i actually,ended up selling that business um for,about three x yearly uh sales,on the shopify exchange which i'm very,happy about okay um so,i could say that the theme works i've,used it myself,um i've i've used it i've done uh,businesses with it um and i've actually,i've been reading up on the,documentation i started to apply theme,rhino to it and i turned it into a,multi-product store okay i might i might,come out with a course on that on how,you can actually do that i did a little,bit of custom development um well i,actually didn't do it i hired a,developer because you guys know i don't,know how to do that stuff but at the,same time i've been doing it and you,guys know me themerino.com is my website,uh where i essentially sell services,about,about um shopify design things like that,but we're going to cut the prices down,soon,i feel like the prices are a little too,high for everybody's liking and that's,why i'm kind of cutting cutting the,prices down but anyways the theme rhino,website is using their theme okay i just,customized it so if you guys want to,check out my website all right you could,go ahead and do that but anyways,um i already know how this theme works,and the reason why i actually decided to,start this video is somebody commented,on my youtube videos he said,why would you use a different theme on,your own website that's not wolf of,shopify so,without further ado let me just pull up,with the shopify really quick and i'll,show you guys what this is so we'll do,shopify if you don't know it's a theme,that i've been very adamant about on,youtube i've been talking about wolf of,shopify i've given it a lot of attention,actually right and what happened was and,this is just you know by random people,actually really like those videos and,when i made those videos i would get you,know feedback i would get comments and,you guys can go back and look at my uh,my series videos,there was a video where i got like you,know a thousand something views on that,and then 700 something like it was big,numbers for me you know i'm a small,youtuber so i figured,i'd keep going on the wolf of shopify,wave now i am an affiliate for shopify,just as i am an affiliate for every,other kind of theme that i promote uh,like for example the turbo theme out of,the sandbox i am also an affiliate for,them i just you know if i'm gonna,promote a theme i might as well you know,get a commission out of it which i mean,is respectable i don't think there's,anything wrong with that um but i've had,you know uh yeah i'm an affiliate i,guess you could say that right um,now with uh,the motto i do have an affiliate link,but i don't have a discount code so in,this video not only am i gonna be,reviewing the theme but i'm going to,show you how to get it cheaper like i,said i don't have a personal discount,code that i can give you guys uh because,i'm not like partnered with them like,that with wolf of shop 5 they did give,me a discount code and you guys know,it's code uh warrior uh if you use code,warrior you get a discount with uh my,videos,and i always leave that in the,description or i try to sometimes i,forget to leave that in the description,of the youtube videos but for now uh,we're not talking about wolf of shopify,we're talking about theme addo themato,the motto,theme edo i don't know how to pronounce,it once again so you guys can make your,assumption based on that but anyways,let's get back to the theme so the theme,has a lot of uh you know a lot of like,um i guess you could say catchy little,uh benefits right they have like an,upsell section they have a dragon drop,um,uh at the cart kind of thing a,newsletter a look book a wish list uh,like a built-in wish list image and text,uh features instagram built-in features,so they have a whole bunch of cool,little features on the theme this is,what the website promotes by the way and,let's get down to pricing so 199,275 it's currently on sale i don't know,if it's because their summer sale which,gets me into how to get their theme for,a cheaper price,you have to look around unfortunately,when i bought the theme i didn't get it,for a discount code uh i didn't get a,discount i actually paid the full 275.,as you guys know i'm not going to go,with the one license i'm going to go,with the big bigger package but,obviously to each their own um you know,if you guys are only going to build your,first store this is your first store,your only store then obviously go with,the cheaper option i mean,i mean that's,obvious i don't even have to explain,that but anyways i went with the more,expensive option,and uh i could say i'm pleasantly,surprised it's actually a very easy,simple theme to use now i'm gonna make,videos in the future on how to use it,but i did promise a few people in the,comments that i would talk more about,the alpha theme because they were asking,me about it and unfortunately these past,two weeks i've been super super busy,that's why i haven't came out with,videos um,you guys don't know this but i had a,little trip i had to go to um it was a,long road trip i wouldn't wish it on,anybody and i wouldn't even call it a,trip my legs were hurting but uh let's,just get back to the video right let's,pay attention to what actually matters,here so the theme has comes with uh,support unlimited downloads that's for,both right uh regular updates,and uh the license package okay so for,me when they say regular updates uh i've,only experienced one update since i,purchased like i said i purchased about,you know somewhere in the beginning of,the year maybe two months in,something like that so maybe around,february maybe a little bit past,february something like that right uh so,that's kind of what you can expect with,that not like i said i'm just telling,you guys my opinion on it um here is a,discount code so this is one way to get,it cheaper but also i would say pay,attention to the pricing,i have noticed the pricing has changed i,don't remember,um,what it used to be because i remember,there was this period of time before i,bought the pricing was a little bit,different around holidays around uh,you know different kind of reasons where,they would give out discount codes i've,noticed that they do have so they have a,discount code here and they also have a,sale uh i can't say that they always,have it you know don't take my word for,it because guys i'm not you know,constantly following this company this,is not a company that i you know follow,all the time i just bought their theme,and i went about my business now,um to view the demo of the theme which i,always say very very important go to the,order now page okay basically they have,a whole bunch of information on the on,the website and all this,um but go over here it says view demo,and the password is theme auto or theme,edo,once again sorry for butchering the name,for all you guys who are grammar people,in the comments please tell me if i'm,pronouncing it right or wrong but you,guys kind of get my point you can click,on this view theme demo i already typed,in the password guys so uh what you can,see here is i'm already logged in but as,you could see the password is,theme edo or uh,t-h-t-h-e-m-e-a-d-o that's the password,okay you can read their documentation a,little bit of their features uh but you,get the point also discount code up on,the top here so use code summer to get,ten percent off okay and i'll show you,guys how to set that all up i did,struggle to find the discount code uh,where i can enter the discount code,rather um uh this is this was the second,time around when i decided to actually,take a look at it,um but,i'll we'll talk about that all in a,minute so this is how the theme kind of,looks the first thing you're looking at,is a newsletter so you're looking at a,newsletter pop-up is here it says don't,show this pop-up again so i'm going to,go ahead and select that and then hit,this little x right here so the first,thing we're looking at is we're actually,looking at what's interesting to,interesting to me is the movement,watches,um i guess you could say brand or or,product right which is a watch it's a,it's a watch company here we have like a,little slider for the products which is,pretty cool which i actually do think is,beneficial so that the consumer can just,write on the front of the page once,again this is referred to as above the,fold i want to see if yeah we have to,make sure we're 100,zoomed in here so you could see here,first of all the graphics are very clean,it's not like some other themes where um,where some themes they'll minify your,images on purpose,um,if you guys don't know there are certain,themes out there that exist i have,reviewed them,alpha is one of those themes okay where,they know that people are going to do uh,large amounts of products on the on the,website and they'll minify the images on,the homepage that's an seo tactic that a,lot of companies do do uh in the theme,world in shopify like i said i've i've,probably bought in my time over,maybe 120 themes um in my lifetime,so with that being said,i've had a lot of experience my va's,have had a lot of experience with this,kind of stuff and um there are some,companies that will minify your images,meaning they'll compress them by a,certain percentage um when you have them,on your homepage after to my knowledge,that's not what goes on on this theme,which basically is just another way of,saying that they're going to put your,high quality graphics first okay and,that's sometimes that's needed for one,product store which makes sense okay so,you guys can see here starts off with a,slider,add to a bag add to cart buy it now uh,here you have a description so you can,edit and add the description um okay i,could be correct if i'm wrong but i,remember when i was actually using the,theme you can add as many of these,bullet points as you want okay,um,here you have a i guess you could say a,feature section,okay i don't really know what it's,called but you could have a feature,section like i said guys i did buy this,theme i'm just not showing me editing it,right now because it has to make sense,if people don't want to see the series,i'm not going to show it,but you know if people want to see me,edit this theme and use this theme and,show people how it works in a one,product setting because i know a lot of,people for a lot of people one product,stores are a big thing now um you know,if you follow the whole dan da silva uh,and his uh you know uh cohort and his uh,kind of group um they're all about like,one product type stuff so you never know,we might get into that um but i noticed,this cool animation when you take your,mouse and you hover over it kind of has,a zoom in effect which is just another,fun little,clever um animation that catches,people's eyes and i always say this guys,when when you have a feature like this,that catches people's eyes um what,you're doing is you're decreasing bounce,rate on a on a minimal level okay it,helps a small amount obviously it's not,going to make a huge difference but it,does help a little you catching people's,attention you know the human eye notices,subtle things um and,you know,in in e-commerce and business we're,fighting a war we're fighting a battle,here and the battle is hey we want to,make money right and so any little,feature any little weapon we can add to,our arsenal is a benefit right so here,we have some text headline headline text,headline text,here we have a picture and we have some,more text okay,specifically we have a headline followed,by regular text paragraph text the same,thing here now this is the what i call,the checker box approach um like a,checker board,right you have the image here you have,the image here you have the text here,you have the text here it's just it,creates a good visual flow visual flow,is one of those things that really,really matters,when it comes to,uh building a shopify store which is one,of the things i appreciate as a ux ui,designer um or i can't really call,myself a designer obviously i never had,a,a job ux ui design but i feel like i'm,good at designing websites and user,experience and things like that i feel,like this is a clean look it's just it's,just one of those classy clean looks uh,that that just you know make a statement,a very very subtle statement you know,it's it's almost like you know when you,show up to a uh,a barbecue and you're wearing a nice,button up you know it's almost the same,kind of vibe it's a it's a,you know it's a subtle clean,professional look okay um and it just,looks good right and i know from using,the theme that you can add as many as,these as you want so if you have like a,whole bunch of benefits and features to,your brand and images you could do that,here is a next section which is like i,guess you could say a bunch of images,um that are in a,a you know they're full width of course,so,from the left side of the screen all the,way to the right side of the screen they,cover the whole area and once again you,have this zoom in effect um,almost like a better version of an,instagram gallery that gives more focus,to each images now i could be wrong but,i believe,you can add as many images as you want,uh to this,so i don't think it necessarily has to,be three okay but don't quote me on that,so here we have a,uh a picture of the watch and it has,this little bubble i guess you could say,that gives focus to what the product is,you can see here what the product is,also is the watch,with the images and when when you take,your mouse and you hover over boom it,shows a picture of the product it shows,here the uh what is this here this is,the view more or view you know whatever,it's called when you view the product,here you have the wish list okay,now i i'm gonna do a tutorial on my,youtube channel if you guys want of,course how to set up the wishlist at,first i was losing my mind on how to do,it,but i forgot to read the documentation,so they have documentation they have,little guides on how to do stuff uh,they're actually very simple very easy,to use and i wish i had read it first i,would have saved myself about a good,three hours of losing my mind but uh,things happen for a reason and let's be,honest i am not one of those guys we're,gonna sit there and read and thankfully,their documentation is not too lengthy,okay it's it's actually pretty uh simple,here is what i call a little um,i don't know what you wanna call this,little feature box okay,in this case uh their features are 30,day return free shipping or free,delivery 24 7 support um that's for this,watch store right uh for me if i was,selling supplements some of the features,that i would have like let's say it's a,green juice product uh it would be like,organic or um you know uh,x amount of servings if there's extra,serving sizes uh or it uses a certain,ingredient or it's fda approved or um,you know it's it's a certified you know,all these different kind of benefits,that you can add and you can add also a,bunch of these and you can select how,many are in one row or one line um the,reason why i know that like i said is,because i've designed with this theme,before,okay here's a little section that talks,about um,the watch with a video,and uh some text here that you can edit,and also an about us button um that you,can link to a certain page okay,the next thing and by the way this is,cool because it's auto playing i like,that,uh that's just cool to me okay now,something that i did notice i remember,when i did create the website it was,hard for me to figure out how to create,the video also uh you actually have to,create the video and then upload it to,your shopify store which i'll show you,guys how to do and then you grab the,file link and just paste it in,so it's really not that hard i promise,you guys it's not that hard it just,takes a little bit of time a little bit,of energy a little bit of uh you know,guidance and i'll show you guys how to,do that or you could just read the,documentation they show you how to do,things okay um,the instagram okay the instagram uh here,they show the instagram photos you're,not gonna know this unless you know you,hear it from me because you have to,you're gonna hear from me first i'm,assuming before you buy unless you,already know about this theme but um you,add your own pictures here now the,reason why i like that guys when you add,your own pictures is because if it's a,one product right like something like,this then i can add,you know a whole bunch of uh instagram,images related to that one product a lot,of the times when we have instagram,profiles we're posting stuff other than,that one product which might not make,sense at the moment to show to on a,landing page because at the end of the,day guys this shopify theme,uh the shopify homepage or the for the,store it's a landing page does that make,sense and for those who don't know,you could think of click funnels as an,example it's a website that allows you,to create a funnel,that landing page is where the traffic,is going to land on where your visitor,website visitors are going to land on,you want to give them every hit,every piece of ammo that you have you,want to light it up like i said,you're using these tools the instagram,the video all this stuff to show,consumers what you're selling and get a,better profit out of it get more sales,uh get everything you need basically,right so,the instagram is one of those features i,like this feature where you don't even,have to do the whole token thing and,it's very annoying you could just,literally add your own photos which,makes it very very,easy specifically using this theme next,thing we have a blog of course what,would a website be or a theme be,or store be without a blog i always talk,about blogs i'm i always say guys,work on the blog obviously not everybody,takes my advice,um but i i'm just a proponent of blogs,right i'm just a big fan of blogs um,here we have the upseller section,uh so if you could have like a like a,little you know you guys know on amazon,when you add something to your cart like,let's say you buy a water bottle from,amazon they'll recommend something with,it so it might be a different version of,water bottles it might be a water flavor,it might be a soda you know whatever the,case may be this is like the same thing,it's it's a upsell it's an offer a very,similar to if you were to go buy to,mcdonald's a burger and they would say,hey do you want fries with that do you,want a drink with that that is referred,to as an upsell here you have social,media icons some links some you know and,clearly they didn't create the links but,it says placeholder and that's basically,what you're looking at for the home page,and this is where all the shopping,begins so if you click add to cart for,example my cart shows the cart and here,to spend x amount,for free shipping so that x amount you,can edit here it says 300 so they set,their free shipping at 400 obviously,because if you do the math but i'll just,show you how it works you click add to,bag and boom it says night watch has,been added shopping cart the night watch,is the name of the product and it says,free shipping for orders over 400 spend,202 for free shipping and basically,that's kind of how you set it up or,that's kind of how it's set up,and you can kind of select when you guys,get the theme,or you know i can only speak when i got,the theme i can,change this number it doesn't have to be,400 like for example if you're selling,um we'll use my example if you're,selling um a hair uh buzzer like a,haircut hair trimmer,and you want to sell it for let's say a,hundred,um but you know it's not worth 100 right,you could say free shipping on all,orders over a hundred and the product is,60. so they'll be forced to buy,something with it which is where the,upsells come into play which is right,here upsell two upsell three whatever,they could add that to their cart right,so now they've added another product to,their car and they're more approaching,they're faster approaching the free,shipping cool little feature here is it,shows the percentage of how far away you,are i just thought that was pretty cool,nice little sweet touch right there and,that's basically it there are more,features into the theme i am personally,not going to cover them like i said you,can go on themerino.com um i'll cover,them guys in other videos i don't want,to keep this video too long this video,was 21 minutes long okay my throat was,getting dry but,you guys get my point there's other,features like this little uh i don't,know what you want to call this the top,bar uh slider i guess you can call it,there's a whole bunch of other features,the only way i could truly show you guys,the features is when i create a tutorial,series you guys know i love creating,series different series on my youtube,channel on how to design certain stores,so that's what you guys want to see put,in the comments down below i'm so sorry,it took so long to get a video out uh,like i said i've been i've been on this,trip i've been just recovering from the,trip i've been busy just a whole mix of,things so um that's really all i gotta,say i'll talk to you guys later all,right thanks for watching peace out bye
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