if you have a clothing store on Shopify,I've put together a list of apps that is,really going to help you out from,possible drop shipping options also to,sizing and reviews and other things as,well so let's get started with the first,one,Luke's photo reviews enables your users,to take photos of the items that they've,bought and upload them in their reviews,absolutely vital if you're selling,clothes or pretty much anything online,but also you can import photo reviews,from other sites specifically Aliexpress,as well so if you're selling an item for,example through drop shipping you can,get reviews and photo reviews on that,page you can also import Google reviews,though and there is a review widget that,you can put on the page so your,customers can go and review things or,look at other people's as the business,owner you can reply to reviews and have,conversation with customers,just in case they leave a bad review or,they think something needs changing you,can interact with them and make things,better it integrates with a lot of other,apps on Shopify as well some popular,ones like push our clay vo also after,ship as well and this definitely isn't,the only ratings app on Shopify there,are a lot but this one really is more,specifically centered towards apparel,and clothing websites so you might want,to check it out starts at $9.99 but it,goes all the way up to 999 bucks a month,if you are a really huge enterprise but,it basically goes up with the more,reviews that you get and interact with,Kiwi size chart is probably the most,popular sizing app on Shopify and it,gives you a couple of options that you,can give your customers in terms of,sizing so you can have a few different,sizing options for example if you have,trousers or skirts or hats that have,different sizing options you can give,all of those to your customers your,customer when using this app can enter,some of their details so their height,their weight their age their gender,things like that and it's going to give,them a rough idea as to the size that,they need it's still not going to be,perfect for them but it definitely gives,them a rough idea and it's,is gonna reduce returns and people,buying things and sending them back so,definitely this type of app is not,exactly plentiful on Shopify but this,one seems to be the best option for most,people it's quite well rated it has some,good options so you might want to check,it out after ship is the next one and,this is good for if you're in the States,if you're in the UK you might want to,check out clicks it these services do,the same thing though and I'm going to,talk about after ship which is,essentially a returns service so the,whole app deals with everything with,returns so firstly you can actually,print out return labels that you include,with packages just to simplify the,process for the customer everything can,have your brand and your logo on it,which just makes you look way more,professional and also it can as an app,handle the whole returns process so the,customer can go on there and to the,details the returns and it can mostly be,automated so sending confirmations,sending them emails with updates and,things like that on this app as well it,can handle refunds return payments and,everything like that so it's just easy,for the customer especially if you're a,clothing store you know you're just,gonna get some returns people don't like,things that I'd fit so having something,like after ship is just vital you can,actually use after ship for free as long,as you have three or fewer returns per,month if you have more than that you're,gonna have to start paying for after,ship,but after ship in the States anyway,works with all of the major postal,carriers so it's a very popular app on,Shopify and probably one you should,check out shoppable,Instagram and UGC bye for 60 so UGC,user-generated content,this turns Instagram and content that,maybe other people have made that tags,you and your shop and your items into,things that are shoppable so influencer,marketing for sure it's a big thing and,not even paying those high-end stars to,use your stuff but even just normal,people people that have small accounts,of their friends they actually have a,lot of influence and using smaller,creators like this finding out if,they're tagging you or your eyes,in their Instagram posts you can do that,through this app with this app you can,use hashtags and mentions on Instagram,on Facebook to know if people are,talking about your items you can then,search for that content and through this,app actually get the right to use it you,can then use it in your store and create,like Instagram pages of actual people,that have used dis and posted about it,maybe getting the rights to use that and,then sell more items like that it is,quite a genius app certainly it takes,time to get right and this is really,going to help me with maybe bigger,marketing campaigns so not really,something that's going to help you like,after ship which is just very simple,gonna help you with returns this is part,of maybe a wider strategy but something,especially in clothing and apparel,industry that probably is going to be,useful you might wanna check it out if,you want to start with influencer,marketing the next one on the list is,printful and this is a print on demand,service I included this one because if,you're an apparel store or a clothing,store then you might want to just add,more products to your store without,taking too much risk so I'm sure you,know printful but you can essentially,print logos or anything on a bunch of,apparel like hats shirts hoodies lots of,other things as well and this may just,be good to add to your store to increase,the amount of items that you sell maybe,up sell some products and cross sell,some products using printful printful is,very well trusted and a lot of people,use it the quality is good and good,shipping in the States and Western,Europe as well and next on this we have,mode list in the theme of adding,products to your store mode the list is,a massive drop shipper that now just has,pretty much every product category but,the name gives it away it started off in,the apparel space and fashion space so,it has a lot of products there this,again is a drop shipper so if you are a,small store and you have some items you,can fill out your store add other items,cross sale items that maybe go with some,of your items,again they handle all of the shipping,they're a very big company well-trusted,on Shopify so it makes a lot of sense if,you want to increase your sales,just to offer some other products that,you're not gonna take any risk in,they'll be sent separately but,everything's handled for you so mode,list may be a good option for you
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