alright guys we're back here and we're,gonna talk about themes choosing to see,them setting it up and we already talked,about the theme choices in this video,I'm gonna set up a free theme on this on,this store you can choose a paid one I,recommend it it's more premium it has,more features but for times sake I am,going to choose the free one so here we,got on last door and then right,underneath it says theme just go click,on that you know show up on a page that,looks like this alright they give you,this debut theme by default and so what,we're gonna do down here is gonna go a,few more themes and you can go visit,theme store and you can browse some free,and paid themes or you can go to the,links I recommend it in the previous,video goes most direct you'll download a,file and you can upload a theme right,here when you purchase one of the,premiums but we're gonna go explore free,themes right now I figure a lot of,people are gonna use those and I will,tell you a lot of people recommend this,Brooklyn theme I actually do not like it,I don't think it has very good setup and,it makes your images look terrible,really long and it's not really that,great of an experience but some reason a,lot of people like it I'm gonna install,this theme called supply it's a free,theme it looks pretty good got okay,features they got light and blue I'm,gonna choose the light style I think it,looks more classy and all we're gonna do,is hit add and you're gonna check out,applying let's see so let's see on this,action let's see what the Callahan,renamed edit okay so if you have your,developer they're gonna go in to make,custom changes they'll go in here and,they will edit some code or whatever but,what you're gonna do now okay so it's,it's view on your store we can go view,it see what it looks like we've got,printer pleasure calm oh wow it looks,very similar that's because it's not,customized I mean it's not set up it,nothing's set up on the front okay so,we're going to do now is run customize,and this is when we start can start like,actually making our website look,original unique and brand it to our own,store so the first thing you're gonna,want to do is you want to get a logo,image settings okay so I think that's,this this one right here so we're going,to go through all these little sections,theme actions :,theme settings color social smear it was,bad because so we're gonna want to set,up all these I recommend just taking,your time and okay so what do we got,here yeah you're gonna have to take your,time and just go through all these,settings and play with it make it the,store look good what I'm gonna do is I'm,gonna pause the video I'm gonna come,back when I got my store looking,somewhat like how I want and then I'll,talk about how what features and what,buttons I click to make it look like,that okay what's up guys so I wanted to,add something in real quick before you,before I actually had this store,designed the way I want it if you're not,sure what you like or what you want your,store to look like I want you to head,over this tool called X parade oh that's,probably not how you say it but it's you,can spy on some of the biggest Shopify,stores so all you have to do is go click,on some of these open them up country or,a boss is a big trend on demand type,store they probably have their own,private suppliers but that's ok and then,what you're gonna do is you're going to,look at these websites when they load,because my internet slow and you're,gonna get inspiration on how you want,your website to look right so the idea,is you want your store to look brand it,and you know actually look like really,good so I don't know what this is all,it's loading ok so I've really really,slow so look at they got popups fashion,Nova so we're talking about like,branding your store to be unique right,and then modeling after a big store to,so that you know the type of layout and,the type of branding that does well,right so if I click on stores ok and,then free shipping to customers jewelery,customize rings and necklaces the gold,shop it goes shop look go to shop so it,looks like they got some rappers or,whatever so let's deal man,okay so what you want to do is you want,to get inspiration from these some of,these websites and I'll say that's,probably not a good one country rebel is,even though it's plain this is one you,can mine you're gonna do custom printed,watches from wrap you can mimic MVM tea,which is cool you can these guys if,you're going to do more t-shirts and,apparel we I don't have makeup so I'll,say don't recommend,and we can check out some of these other,ones Jim shark and let's see sure and,cotton they nose triangle okay so we can,check out some of these other ones and,just get inspiration to figure out what,so I hate this site this site drives me,nuts I don't know how this site gets,traffic Chiba Sharks a good website for,gym clothes and triangles bikinis I,think yeah so let's check it out so they,got a big banner which is cool okay so,just explore men so this is the type of,the type of layout here I want you want,a nice brand at home page links to,collections and you want to structure,your stuff very similar to a site like,this where we got look books trying a,girl's customer Sarah where to buy so it,looks like these get the other online,store new arrivals so that we got all,this so that's kind of what I wanted to,make this video about get inspiration,from the big guys you know make sure,your store looks good so I Lotus,leggings let's check out them they're,probably gonna do some prints autumn and,stuff they're really really big leggings,store so the out Lotus is like the yoga,stuff yeah yeah for sure,so this is a really really cool store,that you can brand like model after for,your print-on-demand store so we'll,leave this open what we'll do is we'll,design printed pleasures to have similar,look and feel to one of these top stores,okay so I'll be back when it's,completely designed alright guys so,we're back and I just wanted to give you,a short update of where I have if you,check I'll show you here the first thing,what I did was I added an image a banner,right here under the first tab and then,I put some overlay text style meets,design custom design watches at,affordable prices and then I put a,button shop collection and then I linked,that to that button to all products page,which all you have to do is click on it,I'll show you that click on this choose,products all products boom so that's,that's done right now people are going,to call their website they can view the,products now I'm designing printer,pleasures to be a watch store as an,example but you can do it as,anything that you like okay and then,I'll show you the next thing the next,thing that I did was right here watches,I set a title called watches this is,going to show all of the products from,the collection called homepage we can,change this if we want to or we can edit,the collection or whatever but that is,okay I'll show you how to we gonna get,products into this homepage collection,in a little bit,I set the products per row to five,products and then I set the rows to one,so there's only one row of five not,another okay and then the next thing I,did I went to the third tab I added an,image here and I set a title our heading,cost' imprinted Nam's and then i set a,little you know text right here now you,can pair your outfit with even more,style when you pair with one of our,custom design watches and then I choose,the button design review designs and,then I also sent to the all products,page okay and then what I did was I hit,save and now what I wanted to show you,now is when you're getting to this,section down here all section and we're,going to do or are we gonna add a,section we don't want to add a section,what we're gonna do is we're gonna order,the footer section around here and we,want this this menu right here to be the,footer menu but we want to edit that,menu okay so we want we want our privacy,policy and all that kind of stuff to,show which we're gonna do right here so,primary menu is for under footer right,so primary menu under the footer section,is the footer menu and what we're gonna,do is we're going to edit that menu,right here okay so now we're on the,footer menu and we want to add we wanna,we can leave search in there but we're,gonna add privacy right and then we're,going to go to pages and we're gonna,choose the one we set up in the previous,video privacy policy okay and then we're,gonna add another menu item and we're,gonna go terms and then we're gonna go,to pages and we're gonna do the Terms of,Service and now we're gonna add another,one and we are going to what does it,called,I don't remember refund policy refund,and we're going to set this as pages and,we got refund policy let me capitalize,this okay so now we have our three,important pages in our footer menu we're,gonna go ahead and save this okay so now,we're going to go back to navigation so,while we're setting this up we can go,preview this on our website to see how,looks what do we got we got watches now,they dial they're down here that's cool,and if you want you can remove this I,will show you how to do that in a second,otherwise it's not that it's not that,bad you can leave it so I got a very,basic homepage but you know what it,looks nice and looks clean I recommend,you to keep it simple at first and then,we're gonna add some products here,shortly to fill in this to fill in,listen we have a banner we have a go to,collection page we have the couple,featured products we have a nice prime,shot and then we got our important pages,our homepage is pretty much done okay so,I got this image from my designer you,can get you can have your designer,making your own image this is also from,our designer but I think this might be,in our mock-up files for our app too,because we have watches in our app so,what you're gonna do next is we're gonna,set that the navigation up here so,depending on how you set up your website,actually see this login button right,here I want to get rid of this I want,this to let's go to a footer menu let's,add login to the bottom okay so we're,gonna add on or they call it login and,then we want it to be a page and maybe,not sure actually I think maybe we have,two let's let's let's attempt to add a,login page so we're gonna call out a,page because what I don't want is I mean,we can call this login okay so we're,going to name this this might be not,this might not be the right way to do,this but let's let's see I'm not,actually sure,so let's view this on my online store so,pages slash login so what we want to do,and then if you actually go to this well,account slash login okay let's let's see,first if I can redirect this if that,doesn't work so we're gonna go to,navigation we're gonna open up,navigation now and what we want to do is,we want to create a redirect so your,redirects we're gonna add we want to go,to account login and then this one the,original is pages login right the,original account login pages there's a,new page on the store pages login right,so pages login so we're gonna go pages,login and redirect you into account,login we're going to add that so now we,added a redirect we added a page we,added a redirect so now we're going to,put that page in the footer I know it's,little it's a little weird so here we're,gonna go login okay and now we're gonna,go page and now we're gonna go login and,now we press add okay so we're gonna,save that and now we're gonna go edit,our header menu or main menu we have our,main menu home and catalog okay so these,are the two where are we home and,catalog and they still show me blog in,which I really don't want but I'm gonna,figure out how to remove it later based,on the way you want to set up your,website I don't like the word catalog it,just it just sounds boring,so I like to change it to feature,products and then we can go to all,products and it's okay and if you want,to add another one we can go can say,something like on sale or whatever you,want to do if you don't want to have,sale items it's okay you can credit,collection or add to a collection let's,see let's see all collections I think we,have to create a collections for sale,items so we're not going to do that,right now I'm just gonna have the these,two these two right there so homepage is,just gonna take us back to the home page,that that's kind of how what we're,setting up our menu items right here,we're gonna do next is we're going to,set up some products and they're gonna,fill this website out and then what,we're gonna get where you are going to,get this store rocking and rolling
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