welcome back in this video we're taking,a look at how you can create your,Facebook catalogue and how you can,connect products from your Shopify store,to that Facebook catalogue okay the,first thing we need to do before we head,to our business manager we need to add,an app here on you on our Shopify store,and the thing we're going to do is go to,apps and add this one so it's called,Facebook products feed by flex if I I,have already added it but the thing you,can do is go to visit the Shopify App,Store search for it and just click Add,it's free don't worry about that it's,very important because when you click on,it you will get this URL which we need,later on to keep our products updated,with our Facebook shop and that's this,one okay this one will be very important,for us now we're headed to our business,manager and we're taking a look at how,how to create a catalog the important,thing to get here is to again go to your,business dos and search at the bottom,for catalog manager click on it and you,will be brought up to this page I have,already made my catalog for my Shopify,product store that tests store but we're,going to I'm going to show you a process,on how I did it just to show you before,we start I do have some products,although this is a test or I do have,some products here that I made so I will,try to insert them into the catalog on,my Facebook account,and the first thing so if this is your,first catalog you won't have anything,here you just go to create catalog and,depending on which you're trying to,create a catalog for you can choose one,of the four options if you're not,selling some thing regarding traveler,estate or cars,then you should definitely date the,e-commerce which is most often used,option click on the next and here what,you want to do is basically choose first,who owns this catalog in my case we're,doing this from this business account,and you want to give this catalog of,name since I already made one I will,just put here hashtag too so you know,the difference and go to create and the,catalog is created you can view it now,and now you actually what you need to do,is of course insert products and you,will be brought up to this page you will,have some options here and ways to use,your catalog with the Namek acts as,Instagram shopping Facebook page shop,and ads to drive traffic you can read,more about them and those are different,options that you can use later on that,is how you can use your catalogue later,on to set up ads so this is just the one,part of it okay,and I think you can do here is before,you go to create an ad you need to put,products into your catalogue and you,will do that by going here to products,and you can click on add products and,you will have three options to add it,manually to use data feeds and to,connect Facebook pixel okay the thing,we're going to do and you can see here,if you have less than 50 products maybe,it's recommend although for me it's also,large number so if I would have less,than maybe 10 products I would do it,manually but all about that I would use,data fits to do it automatically or with,Facebook pixel in this case I'm using,data feeds click Next and now again I,would can set up the currency given name,the most important part here is select,upload method I want to upload the files,automatically not manually ok and this,is where this is code that we that I,mentioned gets into place so you want to,copy it I will just which of this one,you want to copy this code so it's,basically a code that tells Facebook,when your newsfeed is updated with with,you phone your actually feed is updated,with new products so it automatically,gets updated here and you can copy that,code here and here you can choose your,upload schedule how often you want it to,be posed to be updated so every hour,there your weekly at what time and so on,when you press start upload it will take,some time to do so,okay and when you're done with it now,I'm showing you how it's going to look,like because it takes some time you will,actually have when you go to your,products you will have all of them here,okay it will be visible and from there,you can sort it in the way you like you,can add more products and so on you can,make product sets filter and etc etc so,that was the the first look at how you,can connect your Facebook catalog with,your Shopify catalogue and integrate,those products and you also saw the,example with that app and URL how you,can instead of every time when you put,some new product and inserting it,manually of updating it manually you can,make it make that process automatically,so it can regularly update at certain,time and you will always have your,updated with new products on Facebook,not just on Shopify thank you for,watching and I hope to see in the,following videos,you
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