hey youtube if you've landed on this,video yeah you might be familiar with,shopify or the algorithm spit you out,here,um either way um in this video i'm going,to show you how to pull,shopify data into something like google,sheets,um and how would we do that exactly well,i'll introduce you to a tool called api,connector,and you can get a copy of this tool by,heading over to,mixedanalytics.com,and once you navigate to the website you,can get a copy of api connector from the,main page,i already have it installed so i don't,need to go through the process,to get to api connector once you've,installed the add-on you can access it,by clicking add-ons,api connector and then just opening once,you're inside api connector you're able,to now,add api requests and have them pull the,data directly into google sheets,uh now if you're a owner of a shopify,shop and you're wanting to maybe pull in,some customer data or product data i'll,show you how to do that right now,let's first start by logging into our,shop so i have just like my own,sample shop my oj stand i sell orange,juice and,paintings once you're at the home screen,you will need to generate an api key in,order to establish a secure connection,between,shopify and google sheets through api,connector,to do this we'll want to click here on,the sidebar apps,and then i'll show you how to create,your own i already have one,you'll want to go down here to manage,private apps and then you'll want to say,create a new private app,wow this is slow so once you're at this,screen,we can just go ahead and give our,private app name something like api,connector,it's fine um and then you can,probably just skip the email,um webhook api is not important,you'll want to say allow this app to,access your storefront using the,storefront api,for this case i'll just go ahead and,open up all of these why not,um and then once we click save it says,you're about to create a david app blah,blah blah,so just go ahead and hit create app damn,this is slow,oh so we do need to put an email after,all um i'm gonna put mine in and not,show you,so i'll skip this okay once you do it,let's try again,so i put in my email wow this is taking,forever,all right uh that didn't work so that's,okay this is part of the development,process don't panic if this kind of,thing,happens just read the bug and move on um,so it's asking for some admin,permissions,so probably we'll want to at least open,up access for now to,read access for customers um,we'll also want to get inventory and,then,i don't know what's another useful one,orders so i think,if again if you need to go back and get,some of these other ones later,you can activate these as needed um,yeah that's good yeah,okay all right so then once you've got,those we'll try to create again,see what happens okay so we are in we're,good to go,so let's head back over to our apps and,so the one i just created is called api,connector,um perfect so we have got,our api key so now we can start pulling,in some data,god this is so slow is it slow for y'all,too,so what we'll do now is let's just start,by basically getting all of the orders,in your,shop so if i open this over here in a,new tab,we can see that i have a bunch of orders,i have some stuff payment pending blah,blah blah and so say for example i want,to get this,over in my google sheets let's start by,adding a new request and then what we'll,want to do,here is start creating our api url path,um shopify's api documentation is not,the clearest that i've worked with,before,but thankfully anna has put a lot of,blood sweat interiors into a wonderful,shopify data documentation article so i,highly recommend,going to this website to use it it's,much simpler,i'll attach it in the description below,but basically what i want to do is we'll,want to get a base url so the the,structure is going to follow roughly,this format,um so back over an api connector we can,paste that in and then shop name you,should replace it with whatever it is,mine is the oj stand,um and then to get order data we're,going to want to,append this endpoint the admin api 2021,04 orders so forth onto the end,of our api url path just like this so,you have should have,more or less this with the name changed,and then additionally we'll need to,include the api,key so in order to use our api key we're,going to have to include a header,inside of our request so,we'll do that by grabbing the x shopify,access token header like this um,and pasting that here in headers where,it says key,and then for the value we can go back to,our oj stand,api and then what we'll want to do is,grab the password here actually,and so you'll copy that copy that,password and then we'll paste it,over here as our value instead,and then we'll hit save and run,beautiful,there's all my orders wonderful okay,um so one thing to note by default um,the shopify api is going to,limit the number of orders that we can,get at any one,time and you can change this to up to,250,by using the on the end of your api,url here ampersand limit,equals and then 250. if you need to get,more than 250,you can check out the documentation for,details on pagination,i won't go into that in this video for,brevity's sake,um but yeah so just for future reference,if you want to,change that you would just say limit,equals 250. so next let's say for,example,uh we want to get the customer data we,can do that by clicking add new,as we did at the beginning of the video,i would suggest going back to,our article here uh because it's very,well put together and grabbing that base,url,just to use as our template um change,your shop name,uh and then inside of the shopify,api documentation you'll want to go to,customer api,and then click here on customer,and then now once we're loaded in you,can see there's a couple of examples,that we can,use to get started let's just go ahead,and start with this first one we want to,just get a master list of all the,customers so we can,head there to this endpoint and we can,go and snag,that by copying and then pasting it here,on the end,and then we will also need to get that,x shopify access token from here in the,getting started part of the,documentation,um then we'll need to go back and get,our password so you can copy this and,put it somewhere else just make sure you,don't share it with anybody else it's,you know it's an auto generated password,but they will have access to your,account,um if they get a hold of that so yeah,once we have all this information in,we can create a new sheet and oh i just,created two,and we can call this something like,customers for example,and then we'll set the current sheet and,then we'll give it a similar name,for simplicity's sake and then we'll,save and run it,and momentarily we should see our sheet,populate with all the customers bingo,there's my,armando pool and laura garcia by the way,these are all fake people so don't worry,about jd privacy issues,um yeah so fantastic great so the last,thing we'll cover,is pulling the products into google,sheets um so let's go ahead,and start by creating a new sheet and,we'll call it products for example,and then we'll want to head back over to,our manage requests,and then we'll start a new one as before,same thing,head back to our wonderful documentation,grab the base url,paste it in here and then,we'll head back to shopify's api and,we'll want to get,products here below,all right so we'll click on this product,endpoint and again we'll just start here,with the simplest we'll click here on,the products,and then we'll go ahead and just snag,that whole endpoint,we'll paste it here on the end of our,api url,uh we'll want to go back and get our,headers so from the,documentation page we'll grab the access,token header paste it in,and then we'll go back over here to our,admin api password copy that,paste it in here in value and then we,should be good to go we'll just need to,make sure we set our current sheet and,then give it an appropriate name,save and run,and next thing you know you'll get an,error that's okay so,it says not found,do i have products in my store ah i need,to change my shop name no worries,yeah so anytime you have issues with api,connector make sure you make use of the,the debugger at the bottom it's very,useful for catching small errors like,that,so we'll save and run and then,momentarily we should have all of our,products there's all my paintings,and my apples and bananas so one word of,caution is that when you're using the,shopify api they do,update their api on a quarterly basis as,you can see here by,choosing the api version try to stick,with the latest version,and there might be small changes in this,video over the future so,if there are you can always drop us a,question on reddit,you can check out the documentation on,our website,or you can leave a comment below and,i'll do my best to answer that for you,thanks have a good one
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