so today is officially the day that i am,selling my shopify store right in front,of me is the final purchase agreement,for my shopify store sleep band i just,punched in the final signature right,there it's official you see right here,we finished signing,the apa is done the sale is finished,and,feels good,man what a journey it's officially been,two years since i started my shopify,store sleep van and today i officially,sold it this was my goal since the,beginning to build scale and sell a,business and i finally did it so make,sure to drop a like for that because,today is a big day in this video i'll be,showing you exactly how i did it not,only to show you that it's possible but,to give you a blueprint to follow if you,want to do this yourself if i did it i,know for a fact that you could do it too,there were three stages i went through,to get here stage one was finding the,product getting my first consistent,sales stage two was actually building a,brand and scaling this thing to millions,in sales and stage three was selling the,business i'm gonna go over all of these,in high detail but for now let's talk,about how i started this business so the,story begins in june of 2020. i was at,one of the lowest points in my entire,life i had racked up thousands of,dollars in debt from trying to build my,software company viral vault and i was,living in los angeles in an apartment by,myself spending way too much money on it,eventually i reached a point where i,just couldn't afford to live there,anymore so at the age of 22 i had to go,back home and live with my mom i,literally went from a luxurious,hollywood apartment to sleeping on my,mom's couch and honestly it was really,hard for me at the time but it pushed me,and gave me what i needed to get to that,next level on my last day in la i did,something that i think truly changed the,course of my life forever i started a,new store called nouveau this store was,simple the whole purpose of it was to,test products so i could hopefully find,something that could make me some money,and get me out of the trenches and it,was a real struggle i pretty much spent,the last dollars i had to try and build,this and in the first couple of weeks i,saw no success i tried a couple,different products but i just kept,losing money over and over again nothing,was working and if you've ever started a,shopify store i think you might know,what this feels like and even though i,was losing a lot of money one thing i,never lost was hope i kept going every,single day and eventually it paid off,because i found my first great product,the sleep bam i had seen a competitor,selling this product but they were doing,a terrible job the advertisement was low,quality,the website was not professional or,trustworthy but people in the comments,were going crazy for this thing so for,me i saw this as a golden opportunity so,i threw it on my store created an ad,that i thought was better than the,competition and i launched it and almost,immediately i saw some results and once,i started to get the first sales on this,product and seeing how people were,responding to it i knew i had something,special here so i decided to go all in i,immediately went to amazon ordered one,that looked similar to the one i was,selling and made a video ad with my,sister and this is when things truly,started to pop off i had jumped from,getting a couple sales a day to selling,over a thousand dollars a day of this,product consistently and at that point,we were off to the races now the truth,is when most stores get here they fall,off because they don't know how to scale,properly and i'm talking to you because,if you launch your store and you don't,do these things i'm about to tell you,it's going to blow up in your face so,let's break down what i did to scale,this business to almost 2 million in,sales in just 2 years you know when most,people think about scaling a business,all they're thinking about is making,more money but if you don't focus on the,right things it'll be impossible for you,to grow the money side of it if you,could focus on developing the best,product having a team that is there to,help you and making sure the customers,have a good experience you'll be all,right it's these things that will allow,you to scale your business without it,blowing up in your face and these make,your business much more valuable to a,potential buyer so after i went all in,on the product these are the things i,worked on and the first one i did was,actually hiring somebody to help me with,fulfilling orders and talking to the,customers now if you're looking for,someone for your business check out my,discord down below it's totally free and,there's thousands of entrepreneurs and,people that want to be entrepreneurs,inside of there pretty sure you can find,somebody for your job the link for that,is down below having her on the team,allowed me to focus on actually growing,the business and not doing a bunch of,little stuff each day then we started,working on improving the product quality,and the shipping and to make this easier,i used an agent agents communicate,directly with the manufacturer to get,you the best price find you the highest,quality product and help you ship it,faster out of china using private,shipping lines making these improvements,gave me the confidence to scale further,and we did we increased the spending of,our facebook ads and expanded to other,channels such as google ads email and,sms marketing and in the three months,that followed i sold over 350 000 worth,of sleep in at this point i had,officially felt like i built a real,business again i had climbed out of debt,i was making good money i moved out of,my mom's house to my own apartment in,miami which is actually where i'm still,living today and i made it out of the,trenches but now i had a business to run,i kept the momentum going in 2021 by,launching a new product the sleep ban,pro expanding to other marketing,channels like youtube ads influencers,and seo i hired another employee and a,marketing agency to help manage the ads,at this stage of the business i was,trying my best to take as much of the,profits we were making and just reinvest,them back into the brand continuing to,develop the product continuing to create,a ton of content and just trying to have,fun with the whole process and,ultimately in 2021 we sold around 1.3,million dollars of sleep and this was,also the year i started to take my,channel seriously and probably some of,you found me around that time every,single friday i posted a new video just,about this business so if you have any,unanswered questions i promise i've,probably already answered it and if not,leave it in the comments down below i,read pretty much all of them posting a,new video every week took my youtube,channel past 100 000 subscribers and,more importantly it reignited my passion,for creating content so going into 2022,i now knew i was ready to sell this,business and focus on the thing i love,the most as you can see building a,business like this is challenging and if,you've ever tried to do it on your own,you know exactly what i'm talking about,you have to learn how to do all of it,all by yourself and to keep it real with,you guys in the beginning i wasted,months of my time and lost thousands of,dollars because of it but i know for a,fact if i had access to the team and,systems that i do now i would have been,able to see results so much faster and,just to prove my point i actually had my,team go ahead and start a new store with,our system and they were able to get,that store to 1 000 a day on the first,day and you know my team and i built,this store not necessarily to make money,but to prove a point the point is you,don't have to waste thousands of dollars,and months of your time to figure this,game out you just need the right systems,in place and look if you're worried that,you're not doing things the right way,don't stress about it because my team is,here to help for free if you click the,link at the top of my description it'll,take you to a page where you can book a,call with the exact team that built this,store i just showed you if you have a,store already we'll take a look at it,and find areas for you to improve so you,can make more money and if you don't,have a store that's okay too we're gonna,go ahead and help you create a game plan,for getting started in the right way i'm,also going to be hand selecting five,people who book a call with us for an,exclusive opportunity to have my team,actually launch a brand for you and get,it profitable in under 30 days now this,is not going to be cheap so it's not for,everybody but i promise you this is,gonna be one of the best ways to start,your own shopify store this year so if,you're interested go ahead and book a,call with us down below now let's talk,about how i sold sleep in,so the hardest part is actually building,the business,obviously right like that's like such a,genius thing that i came up with like no,but seriously like if you build the,business properly selling it is pretty,easy as long as you focus on the things,we talked about today you will build a,sellable business from my understanding,it seems like buyers are looking for a,few things when trying to purchase a,business i think first they're looking,for a unique product not something that,they can just dropship from aliexpress,something that you truly have customized,in some way form or fashion my product,started from aliexpress but over two,years i was able to fully customize it,we have our own speakers we have our,logo on there we have a different fabric,we have nice packaging with a gift bag,this adds massive value in the eyes of a,buyer in my opinion next up they,obviously need to see some growth,potential why would they buy the,business if they don't think they can,grow it further and lastly i think most,buyers are looking for an easy to run,business like they're trying to buy a,business that has systems and a team,already in place so they don't have to,scramble a hundred hours a week doing,all this stuff now when it comes to,actually getting it sold you need a,broker i used a company called website,closers and i worked with a broker named,mike i'll put his email down below if,you actually have a business that you're,interested in selling reach out to those,guys they might be able to help you,basically they handled everything they,evaluated my business they marketed it,to a bunch of potential buyers they got,on a bunch of meetings for me it took us,about four months to find anybody that,was interested in this business but,eventually we found two candidates the,first guy he was alright but his values,were not in line with mine and his price,point was way off of what i wanted but,the second guy he felt like the guy,almost immediately we just had one call,and i could tell immediately that this,guy was serious about this and i felt,like this was the guy that was gonna,take over my business and then he,disappeared,like seriously i didn't hear from this,guy for almost three months and i was,starting to get a little worried until i,got a call from my broker this time he,was ready for real and after some,negotiation we had determined a final,sale price for the business signed the,closing documents had another phone call,to discuss everything and that's it the,business is sold unfortunately i signed,a contract that legally says i cannot,disclose how much money i got for this,business but just know it was a good,amount of money and i'm really proud of,my team for what we accomplished here,and that pretty much closes the chapter,for sleep van now i know you're probably,thinking what are you about to do with,this money that you just got first,things first i want to take care of,somebody that was essential to the,success of my company my sister it's her,birthday this weekend and i surprised,her with a trip to disney world but the,real surprise is that when i get to,disney world i'm gonna surprise her with,a new car,life's crazy i just i'm so grateful,truly you see it on the shirt and i'm,super thankful for y'all for tuning into,my videos every single week because,honestly the support from you has been,literally everything keeping me going to,make this happen,are you ready,yeah,this is my sister ashley right here,yeah we're headed to the bus stop now,and where we're going magic kingdom,are you ready,yeah,just like a simple simple vlog you know,just showing the disney trip and,everything like that you know trying to,think of like how we can make the video,like exciting like,like to like scavenger hunt or like five,things that we have to do five things,that we have to do at disney i have an,idea of something we could do okay we,gotta come over here oh wait i think the,buses pick us up from over here,but this idea that i was having is,something we can do,is,check out something,okay,so like you see that actual like white,vehicle right there right,no way,no,that's yours no it's not,no it's not,we talked the other day and you told me,you wanted a nissan and,that's,let's go see it i love it,is that yours jossey,i love you so much i love you so much,and you deserve it you've been through,so much you take such good care of your,kids and for sleep and you were really,such a big part of that business you,know oh my god,there you,so you got the go,you got a big sunroof it goes to the,back,if i buy a car it's got to have some,carbon fiber in it you know,all right so thank you again ashley,appreciate you for being the best sister,ever oh,stop it you're the best brother and,helping me so much with sleep band now,the chapter is done so thank you guys,for following along over this last two,years of this business i really,appreciate you guys subscribe for more,videos and uh we're gonna go have some,fun at disney world so i'll see you guys,next time bye,i sold my shopify store,this crashed my channel yo my bad,my bad
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