hey this is sell this now every day I'm,looking for new products to sell so,here's my top winning products of the,day our next product is the retractable,table tennis net now this product is a,problem solver it definitely has that,wow effect its evergreen and it falls,under the sport entertainment niche,market and this is a good product to,sell during the pandemic you can upsell,it with racquets balls and different,kits available from different suppliers,and we also think that this product is,perfect for a one product store and,finally we think that this product has a,lot of untapped potential there have,only been a few hundred sales on,Aliexpress so far but more and more,supplies are selling this product which,is a good sign that it will become more,and more popular on the market now the,selling price with a retractable table,tennis net is just under $30 whereas the,product cost is only 10 dollars and 55,cents shipping will set you back just,over $1 so you're looking at a good,profit margin of $18.40 sell this now,our next product is the led USB powerful,2500 lumens x HP 19 flashlight now this,product is a problem-solver it's,evergreen,it obviously falls under the survival,niche market and this product is another,version of a top-selling flashlight that,came out last year and did very well on,the market but the difference is that,this product has USB rechargeable,batteries included and we think that,this product is perfect for a one,product store and it comes with a very,engaging ad in fact this ad is very,famous so you'll need to make a similar,eye catching ad to market this product,and finally this product is a proven,seller on Aliexpress with many many,orders now the selling price with this,product is just under $50 whereas the,product cost is only twenty-five dollars,and 22 cents,shipping will set you back just under,three dollars so you're looking at a,very healthy profit margin of eighteen,dollars and eighty three cents sell this,now one app to rule them all if you,started Shopify dropshipping and you've,already set up your store there is one,app you absolutely need this app is,called vitals it's an all-in-one Shopify,app that combines more than 40 commonly,used apps product bundles volume,discounts sticky add to cart currency,converter product reviews and then this,goes on and on,vitals is always the first app I,installed every time I create a new,store and it makes me save a ton of,money and at the moment if you register,two vitals with our link you will get 45,days free trial instead of 30 days click,the link in the description to try,vitals for free it will be the best app,you've ever installed on your store our,next product is the rechargeable,pedicure hard skin remover now this,product is a problem solver it's,evergreen it falls under the self-care,niche market and the self care market is,a huge industry with lots of potential,to scale a winning product and finally,we think that this product has a broad,market base and it's a very cool product,with a definite wow effect and we also,think that it's perfect for a one,product store and can be easily branded,and finally this product is a proven,seller on Aliexpress with thousands of,orders now the selling price with a,rechargeable pedicure hard skin remover,is just under $30 whereas the product,cost is just under nine dollars shipping,will set you back three dollars and,sixteen cents so you're looking at a,good profit margin of seventeen dollars,and 82 cents sell this now our next,product is the barbecue cleaning brush,grill cleaner now this product is a,problem solver it's evergreen every,summer the barbecue niche market is huge,and sells very well and we think that,this product definitely has a broad,market base and we think that this,product is more oriented towards men and,we also think that it's perfect for a,one product store and it definitely has,that wow effect and it can be branded to,be sold in a one product store and we,also think that this product has a lot,of untapped potential so far there have,only been a few hundred sales on,Aliexpress so you can definitely,capitalize on this now the selling price,with a barbecue cleaning brush grill,cleaner is just under $30 whereas the,product cost is only 10 dollars and 73,cents shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a good profit margin,of 19 dollars and 17 cents sell this now,our next product is the outdoor double,hammock tent with mosquito net camping,now this product is a problem-solver,it's evergreen it definitely has that,wow effect and it falls under the,camping outdoor niche market now these,kind of products sell very well during,the summer season and this is a new,version of the hammock tent and this,product in particular is for two people,and is built differently and there are,different models available for this,product and we think it has a high,perceived value now we also think that,this product has a lot of untapped,potential so far there have only been a,few sales on Aliexpress so you can,definitely take advantage of this and,there are many other products to upsell,with this one in the camping niche and,finally this product is perfect for a,one product store now the selling price,with this product is just under $60,whereas the product cost is only twenty,three dollars and 89 cents shipping will,set you back four dollars and 21 cents,so you're looking at an excellent profit,margin of 31 dollars and 89 cents sell,this now,our next product is the basketball hoop,solar LED strip light now this product,is a problem-solver it's a very cool,product with a wow effect its evergreen,and it obviously falls under the sports,basketball niche market and this product,is easy to target people who love,basketball via Facebook we think now is,the perfect time to start selling this,product because summer is coming and,people will stay out late to play,basketball and this product will give,you a good profit margin and we think,it's perfect for a one product store or,a basketball niche store and you can,upsell the Luminess basketball with this,product as well and finally it's a,proven seller on Aliexpress with many,many orders now the selling price for,the basketball hoop solar LED strip,light is just under $40 whereas the,product cost is only $10 and 81 cents,shipping will set you back three dollars,and eighty nine cents so you're looking,at an excellent profit margin of 25,dollars and 20 cents sell this now,Shopify drop shipping is all about,knowing what's selling right now but if,you want to be ahead of the trend there,is no secret you need the best tools ad,Spy is simply the largest searchable,database of Facebook and Instagram ads,in the world it's a premium tool that,will give you a serious advantage over,your competitors and trust me it's worth,every penny if you're serious about,Shopify drop shipping then you must,acquire the resources that make success,possible good news for our subscribers,we can get you a $50 discount for your,first month of membership follow the,link in the description to try ad spy,for free you won't regret it,our next product is the car in a home,rechargeable wireless vacuum cleaner now,this is a definite problem solver it has,that wow effect it's evergreen and it,falls under the household cars niche,market and we also think that this,product has a broad market base now,other similar,portable vacuums did very well in the,past on the market and we think that,this product is perfect for a one,product store and can be easily branded,and its received very good reviews on,Aliexpress and it comes with high,quality photos and infographics that can,be used on your product page and finally,this product is a proven seller on,Aliexpress with many many orders now the,selling price for the car and home,rechargeable wireless vacuum cleaner is,just under $70 whereas the product cost,is only thirty three dollars and twenty,seven cents shipping is completely free,so you're looking at an excellent profit,margin of thirty six dollars and seventy,two cents,sell this now if you're looking for a,proven seller on Aliexpress with many,many orders then our next product is,definitely for you it's the pet summer,cooling mat now this product is a,problem solver and this product always,sells very well during the summer season,in fact I sold it last year and I'm,planning to sell it again this year,and this product falls under the pet,dogs cats niche market and we all know,that pet owners love to spend a lot of,money on their animals and there are,many other products to upsell this,product with and we also think that it's,perfect for a one product store or to,build a brand around it and finally this,product comes in different sizes now the,selling price with a pet summer cooling,mat is just under $20 whereas the,product cost is only three dollars and,53 cents shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a good profit margin,of 16 dollars and 46 cents sell this now,our next product is the nonstick,barbecue mesh grilling bag now this is,definitely a problem-solver it's a great,product to sell before and during the,summer season and the barbecue nice is a,huge selling niche every summer now this,product definitely has a broad market,base and it comes with high quality,photos to help you sell it and we also,think that it has a lot of untapped,potential so far there have only been a,few orders on Aliexpress so you can,definitely capitalize on this and we,think it's perfect for a one product,store and it comes in different sizes,and there are lots of other products in,the barbecue nice to upsell this product,with now the selling price for the,nonstick barbecue mesh grilling bag is,just under $20 whereas the product cost,is only three dollars and twelve cents,shipping will set you back 2 dollars and,91 cents so you're looking at a good,profit margin of just under $14 sell,this now our next product is the sit-up,trainer workout equipment now this,product is a problem solver you can now,train at home with this product it's,evergreen it obviously falls under the,fitness niche market and we also think,that this product definitely has a broad,market base now this product is similar,to another product we presented in a,previous video but this one is more,advanced and has a lower bar for,different exercises and it's perfect for,a one product store and there are many,other products to upsell with this one,and we also think that this product has,a lot of untapped potential so far there,have only been a few hundred sales on,Aliexpress so you can take advantage of,this now the selling price with a sit-up,trainer workout equipment is just under,$40 whereas the product cost is only,twelve dollars and 80 cents shipping,will set you back five dollars and 31,cents so you're looking at an excellent,profit margin of of twenty one dollars,and 84 cents sell this now,our next product is the vacuum food seal,cover now this is a problem solver it's,evergreen it obviously falls under the,kitchen accessory niche market and we,also think that this product has a broad,market base now food sealers have been,one of the biggest selling products in,the drop shipping market especially,silicon lid covers and this product is,in the same category and we think that,it's perfect for a one product store and,we also think that this product has a,lot of untapped potential so far there,have only been a few hundred sales on,Aliexpress so you can definitely take,advantage of that,now the selling price for the vacuum,food seal cover is just under $26,whereas the product cost is only nine,dollars and seventy one cents shipping,is completely free so you're looking at,a good profit margin of 16 dollars and,28 cents sell this now our next product,is the ultimate foot peeling mask two,pieces now this product is definitely a,problem solver it's evergreen it has,that wow effect and it comes with a very,engaging video ad that will drive lots,of comments shares and likes on social,media and obviously this product falls,under the self-care niche market and we,think it's perfect for a one product,store now this is not a new product but,it's still trending on the market right,now and even though this product is,considered as low margin people will,order more than one product so you,should make some special offers or,bundles and finally this product is a,proven seller on Aliexpress with,thousands of orders now the selling,price with the ultimate foot peeling,mask to pieces is just under $14 whereas,the product cost is only one dollar and,69 cents shipping will set you back,three dollars and twenty five cents so,you're looking at a good profit margin,of just over nine dollars sell this now,our next product is the baby tattoo,jumpsuit now this is a cute and quirky,product with a definite wow effect it's,evergreen it falls under the baby niche,market but you can cross the interests,with other niche like tattoos and bikers,and this product will drive a lot of,engagement on your facebook ad and it,comes with good quality photos via,Aliexpress and it's also a proven seller,on Aliexpress with many many orders and,we think that this product is perfect,for a one product store or a baby niche,store and you can upsell this product,with the same t-shirt for adults now the,selling price for the baby tattoo,jumpsuit is just under $20 whereas the,product cost is only two dollars and 51,cents shipping will set you back 4,dollars and 33 cents so you're looking,at a good profit margin of 13 dollars,and 15 cents,sell this now our next product is the,anti clogging sink filter drain core now,this is a definite problem-solver it has,that wow effect it's evergreen it,obviously falls under the household,niche market but we also think that this,product has a broad market base now this,product is not new but it's still,selling very well on the market and we,think it's perfect for a one product,store and you can bundle this product,with other products to make a higher,profit margin and finally it's a proven,seller on Aliexpress with many many,orders now the selling price for the,anti clogging sink filtered drain core,is just under 13 dollars whereas the,product cost is only one dollar and,seven cents shipping will set you back,two dollars and 28 cents so you're,looking at a profit margin of nine,dollars and sixty cents sell this now,our next product is the green grass lawn,spray now this product is a,problem-solver it definitely has that,wow effect it's evergreen it obviously,falls under the garden niche market,and this is a really good product and,one of our top picks of the week now,don't be fooled by the low margin cool,price or the profit will be made when,you upsell the recharged bottles you can,also make some packages to increase your,average order value and we also think,that this product is perfect for a one,product store finally we think that this,product definitely has a lot of untapped,potential there have only been a few,hundred sales on Aliexpress so far so,you can definitely take advantage of,this now the selling price of the green,grass lawn spray is just under $30,whereas the product cost is only 15,dollars and 13 cents shipping will set,you back two dollars and twenty four,cents so you're looking at a good profit,margin of twelve dollars and sixty-two,cents sell this now our next product is,the wireless electric grass trimmer now,this is a definite problem-solver it has,that wow effect it's evergreen it's,obviously falls under the garden niche,market and this is the perfect time,right before summer to sell this product,and every year gardening products sell,very well on the market and electric and,wireless products are very trendy right,now and we think that this product is,perfect for a one product store and we,also think that this product has a broad,market base and finally this product is,a proven seller on Aliexpress with many,many orders now the selling price for,the wireless electric grass trimmer is,just under 35 dollars whereas the,product cost is only twelve dollars and,97 cents shipping is completely free so,you're looking at an excellent profit,margin of just over $22 sell this now,our next product is the hands-free foot,door opener handle bracket now this is,obviously a good problem solver it,definitely has that wow effect it's,evergreen and it falls under the home,improve,niche market and we all know that that,particular market is very profitable we,also think that this particular product,has a broad market base now you won't,make a lot of profit on this product,unless you sell more than one piece the,good news is that people have more than,one door in their homes so it's very,likely they will buy several we also,think that this product has a lot of,untapped potential so far there have,only been a few orders on Aliexpress so,you can definitely capitalize on this,now the selling price for the hannspree,foot door opener handle bracket is just,under $17 whereas the product cost is,only nine dollars and ninety three cents,shipping will set you back sixteen cents,so you're looking at a profit margin of,six dollars and ninety cents sell this,now our next product is the removable,piano key stickers now this product is a,problem solver it has that wow effect,it's evergreen it falls under the music,piano kids niche market and it's very,easy to target via facebook ads now the,profit margin for this product is low,unless you upsell it with another,product and it's a proven seller on,Aliexpress with thousands of orders and,right now with kids stuck at home due to,the lockdown this product could be a,very good seller to keep the kids,entertained at home now the selling,price with the removable piano key,stickers is just under 13 dollars,whereas the product cost is only two,dollars and 86 cents shipping will set,you back one dollar and seventy eight,cents so you're looking at a profit,margin of eight dollars and 35 cents,sell this now our next product is the,car magnetic president sunshade now this,product is a definite problem-solver and,it's a good product to sell before and,during the summer season and it falls,under the car kids niche market and we,also think that it has a,market base and it's a good product to,sell to parents with kids or babies and,a new version of the car sunshade did,very well in the past on the market and,we think that this product is perfect,for a one product store now we also,think that this product has a lot of,untapped potential so far there have,only been a few orders on Aliexpress so,you can definitely take advantage of,that,now the selling price for the car,magnetic president sunshade is just,under $35 whereas the product cost is,only 12 dollars and 12 cents,shipping is completely free so you're,looking at an excellent profit margin of,22 dollars and 87 cents sell this now,our next product is the donuts makeup,now this product is a problem solver,it has that wow effect it's evergreen it,falls under the bakery cooking pastry,niche market and we also think it has a,broad market base and this product is,targeted at women now this kind of,product sells very well with the 2020,economic recession as people want to,save money and make things themselves,instead of buying and we also think that,the donuts maker is perfect for a one,product store and finally it's a proven,seller on Aliexpress with many many,orders now the selling price for the,donuts maker is just under $16 whereas,the product cost is only 2 dollars and,27 cents shipping will set you back,$3.26 so you're looking at a good profit,margin of 10 dollars and 46 cents sell,this now
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