what to send to microinfluencers shopify

How To Contact Instagram Micro Influencers In 2022 (FREE Template) | Shopify Dropshipping after so f

Zainab Zaitani - Ecomdealers

Updated on Mar 20,2023

How To Contact Instagram Micro Influencers In 2022 (FREE Template) | Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to what to send to microinfluencers shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what to send to microinfluencers shopify

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How To Contact Instagram Micro Influencers In 2022 (FREE Template) | Shopify Dropshipping

after so far we discovered in the free,course how you can find winning products,how you can identify them how you can,identify profitable influencers and how,you can find them,we'll also be moving to how you can,actually now get in contact with those,influencers and be able to book them i'm,going to divide this video again into,two sections micro and macro influencers,in this video we will learn about how,you can actually contact small,influencers and be able to close deals,with them without further ado let's jump,directly into the video,hello again guys welcome back into my,youtube channel my name is zainab and,today's video will be about how you can,close,small influencers now before jumping,into the script i would love to answer,some of the most questions that i,received which is do i send them a dm or,an email now when it comes to even,talking about small or big one i always,send,an email it just looks more professional,and you also show to the influencer or,the brand or the agency you're going to,work with they should literally put in,more effort by sending them an email,now the only situation when i do send,them a message is when actually i'm not,able to join them via email either their,email is no longer active the one they,left on their bio i didn't all have even,an email mentioned and this is when i,sent them a message or when i've noticed,that i do send them emails they don't,check it and i try to back up with,messages,which are basically the m's however i,always try to send an email it's the,most professional thing,that's one question i receive a lot,second question that i also receive,is regarding the emails sometimes you do,want to send an email to an influencer,but you seem not to be able to find it,on her bio,if you don't find the email on the bio,there is another thing you can do which,is check on the instagram app on the,instagram app you have this section here,i'm going to show you a screenshot right,now where you see where you have email,and basically when you click on it,you're just going to have her email,directly shown which is a great way for,you to be able to find her emails,directly now coming to talk about that,i'm going to first of all talk about dms,what are the things you basically do,among the things that i notice a lot of,people try to do in my dms because i do,receive collaboration a lot of them from,software's platforms apps regarding,promoting their dropshipping e-commerce,and general,services what would they do they will,send me a message with a very very,interesting first line so that when it,hits into my request or messages,i can see it sketching they will tell,you,collaboration fire or sometimes you will,have this person mentioned you the name,but actually no one did mention you just,a catchy thing that you do when they're,trying to close you up in order to see,that email,in order to see that message and i'm,sure that you did,you were in this situation because now,with the nfcs and the project people try,really really hard to convert you,through dms so when they do that,sometimes i might reply sometimes not,depending on the interest the ability,etc what they would do is that they will,also try to go over my recent post and,write check inbox for collaboration,important just left you dm check it,those kind of things,those kind of things they do,does emphasize on their on their um on,their messages and truly a lot of times,i don't actually see the message but,just because of the comment i actually,now i'm aware that this person doesn't,only leave me comment but they show kind,of perseverance in wanting to,collaborate with me by liking my pose by,writing me hi i try to reach you again,for a collaboration please check your,messages and here you are faced,to the fact that you should be answering,this person whether you're interested or,not,so this is from my own,experience now reflecting how i do,things pretty much the same way i tried,to like the post of this influencer,tried to comment on several posts i,tried to keep consistent,follow-up also via messages within like,every 48 hours every 72 hours now the,comment itself,i'm going to try to be very very precise,to wear what i want for example we just,showed you message regarding,collaboration we love your feed we would,love to send you a product i would love,to collaborate with you anything that is,short doesn't look spammy does look,professional and doesn't tell what you,want exactly does help you into,converting those influencers no i'm not,going to be talking about the dms you,can literally guys do whatever i just,gave you an actual script you can change,it a little bit use some emojis for it,to be catching etc but literally it's,not something you need to butter,yourself with now that we talked about,the uh dms,and the comments to refer to the dms,let's try to actually move now into the,scripts again guys whenever i talk about,the script please don't copy paste it,if you do and everybody does everybody,will be using it and whatever influencer,is contacted will see the same script,and she will feel that it's kind of,robotic not really genuine from this,person so when i give you a script i,give you the overall idea but try to,rephrase it in your own way take the,major point and try to,rephrase it back to wherever you would,like to communicate about your brand,identity to the collaboration you want,to do with her etc okay so let's jump,directly into reading the script so uh,the subject needs to be very very catchy,so other issue wrote potential,collaboration let's work together paid,promotion but pay promotion will kind of,be irrelevant here because you're not,really going to pay her maybe if she,asked for a minor pricing okay like 150,maybe but mostly no if you're not,considered from the beginning to do paid,promotion so it says something like,let's work together hello the influencer,name we hope our email finds you well,this is sarah from the marketing team,you can either use your name on an alias,it doesn't matter,we have checked your profile,and mention it depending on the platform,used for example we have tractor profile,on tick tock or we have texture profile,on instagram etc and we are very,interested in having you as an,ambassador for our brand,and here i'm going to leave the link on,my brand or having you as a,representative of our brand now the,ambassador comparing it to an influencer,and influencer is mostly someone you,will just do a promotion with and it's,over an ambassador will be a face of,your brand someone who can actually be a,representative of your brand and among,the brands that does this ambassadorship,a lot probably you've seen fashion nova,doing it gymshark doing it as well they,do prefer to work with,minor,other micro mostly micro influencers on,long term,and they will kind of definitely keep,sending them free product to keep,maintaining the pace of first getting,content from them and secondly to keep,raising the brand awareness throughout,this influencers audience that's also,something they do,we are willing to send you a free,product from whichever collection you're,interested in or you can say something,from whichever uh product you're,interested in i initially had,collections because i mostly work with,them,on big niche bread not like a mono,product store i feel that they're more,efficient when it's something for,clothing for accessories for jewelries,something that is strength fashionable,more than they are for issue solving,types of product but this is just my,experience they are definitely good in,both it's just that i feel that i,implement them there more because when,it comes to closing we know we change,products a lot we pretty much have to go,with the trend so i need more content,that's why it's mostly done for them,we want you to share our brand with your,audience as we are eager to expand our,website visitors we will also provide,you with and you mentioned how much,discount you're going to give,perception so the discount and the,commission the commission i'm not going,to be talking about it in this video,i'll leave until the apps so the,commission is how much is the influencer,gaining from this promotion i promoted,for you uh your brand and you're not,going to pay me it's not an upfront,payment is um an after promotion payment,which is basically me bringing you some,number of order you literally giving me,commission out of them i'm gonna talk in,details more about that,but the discount is how much is the,audience benefiting from the promotion,now the discounts i don't want to talk,about them in this video i'm going to,make a separate video about the,marketing offers because i see the,people blindly put discount without,taking anything into consideration so,i'm going to separate it in a video,about what type of uh discount need to,be used what types of marketing offers,should be used and that's something i'm,going to be talking about later,um so with the amount of percentages i'm,going to give,to share a good offer with your audience,via an instagram story or again between,brackets whatever other marketing,channels you're literally using we will,be expecting to receive good quality,pictures wearing our product,wearing or using as i told you i'm doing,it mostly for closing that's why i,included the term wearing to post on our,website and maybe on our social,instagram account,now here again depending really on the,platform you're gonna use it but i,prefer always to mention to them,instagram because they believe that,instagram helps me a lot in converting,customers because whoever kind of felt,skeptical or wanting to check more about,my website i always link it to i always,link my instagram account to the website,so they can just click on it and go,directly to my instagram page to verify,it why i emphasize a lot on social,media presence is because nowadays i,have to remove people a lot from my,account and i feel that,okay i'm going to remove people i need,to give them a reason to trust me so,obviously having reviews is not enough i,have an influencer talking about my,product but i definitely need to play it,a lot when it comes about my social,presence,and again i do mention it here so that,later she wouldn't be telling me oh you,did not mention me please remove me or,pay me no i told you i will send a new,product i told you i might be using that,content on my social media,platforms if the collaboration works as,expected we will be sending you a free,product every month and you don't have,to this is a way for me if the,collaboration worked well with me i,might be sending them items and i do,when i do work with some influencers and,i find that i love their content looking,forward to hear from you then your name,or your alias as i said your brand name,and the signature now when it comes to,the signature i'm going to talk about it,in a video where i actually do the,practice,of emailing i will show you the type of,software you can use in order to,automate the emailing which pretty much,help you into saving time and also,making this brand signature,there is a secondary example this one is,uh,pretty much the same as the first you,just plain a little bit in the word no,the first one i told her i will send you,the products for free and i'll give you,discount second one i will tell her i'm,gonna send you the products for free but,i will leave it open to whether if let,me see what she has in mind if she's,going to reply with just receiving the,product or if she's going to give me her,rates and this has kind of helped me,also into understanding this influencer,what she wants to do and i do this,particular template with,nuts nano influencers and not micro,influencers but the micro one the ones,that are a little bit small and they are,in the stage of oh i might just do them,free up promotion since i love the,product or no even if i love it i want,to still get paid so here i don't push,her i cannot let her tell me what she,has in mind,hi,great to see you or great to get into,contact with you getting great to get in,touch,whatever uh this is sarah from,you mentioned your brand name marketing,team talks a little bit about your brand,and how your actual brand does align,with the influencer and does align with,your audience,it's very important to play emotional,when you're trying to close an,influencer now we do literally talk,about,negotiating in two phases which is the,logical part and the emotional factor,now here you definitely used to need to,use a little bit of emotion factor in,order to book um this influencer we have,checked your profile and here if it was,on instagram your instagram profile was,on text like,profile etc and we are very interested,in having you as an ambassador for our,brand again leaving the link our team,thinks your start is great fit for our,type of your brand and we would love to,collaborate with you we would love to,send you over some of our products so,you can feel how well they work and see,if we can collaborate together let us,know if you have any thoughts and how we,can make this collaboration possible,thanks again for your help for your time,i look forward to hearing from you soon,and again you leave your brand signature,so this one as i said guys was mostly,for as i said medium influencer in which,you would like to go back and forth with,in order to negotiate the win the free,promotion option or the commission based,option while the first one is straight,to the point i would allow just to send,your product for free and get an image,from you and share your discount with,your follower i do hope guys you did,enjoy today's video i will make part two,in which i will talk about emailing,macro influencers which are big,influencers if you have any questions,guys make sure to leave them below if,you have any suggestions also put them,below i will take them into,consideration for this free course and i,hope you did enjoy this video if you're,new make sure to subscribe if you are,old or new make sure to smash that like,button activate the notification bell,and also leave me comments below also,your feedback about the videos how do,you like them so far i will be wishing,you very lovely day guys quick reminder,we will have below the one-on-one,coaching program link in which you'll,have a video that explains everything,from a to z about what it intel's it's,mostly what i'm doing now on the youtube,channel but obviously more upgraded more,information and most importantly,follow up we also have the facebook vip,group below in the description with what,it intel's and what we share on a daily,basis,it's as i always say an alternative for,people with low budget in which they can,subscribe,on a monthly basis and they can also,unsubscribe whenever they want and they,get access to lists of profitable,products profitable influencers q a case,studies a lot of amazing things,including giveaways you also will have,my free course for people with no budget,i post uh where you can ask me question,i also provide you with giveaways there,as well and you'll have also my,instagram account linked below if you,want to send us a dm directly just ask,me on my team with that being said guys,i'll see you in the next video and i,will wish you a very very lovely day

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