what to write on shopify

Write Shopify Product Descriptions That SELL | Quick Shopify Tips 2021 let's be real do your product

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 26,2023

Write Shopify Product Descriptions That SELL | Quick Shopify Tips 2021

The above is a brief introduction to what to write on shopify

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Write Shopify Product Descriptions That SELL | Quick Shopify Tips 2021

let's be real do your product,descriptions suck,well that's not going to help sell your,products then,so in this video i'm going to go over a,couple tips on how to make your product,descriptions better,and more unique for your products so,that it sells your products easily,for you,i cannot tell you how many times i see,a shopify store where they're actually,using the supplier's description for,their product description,whether they are drop shipping or doing,print on demand they're using the,default description and,it's terrible these descriptions are,never good and they're more just reading,like a,spec sheet so you want to make sure that,you're creating unique product,descriptions for all the products on,your shopify store,so i've got a couple tips on how to make,them to where they are unique,and help sell your product instead of,just getting people to glaze over them,and be,really boring so i've talked about this,so many times on this channel and i'm,not gonna stop it is so important to,know,exactly who your ideal customer is so,that way you can talk to them directly,in,your product description copy so that,way once you know who your ideal,customer is you can then talk about,the benefits that your product has for,them or what pain points,it solves once you know who your ideal,customer is it makes,everything so much easier so that you,can then talk to them directly,and then make the product description a,lot more enticing for them to read,and where they read it and go yeah okay,i need this,buy add to cart so it's super important,to know who your ideal customer,is also when you're writing your product,description,you want to make sure that you're using,natural language,so talking to that ideal customer like,you would naturally in a conversation,instead of making it sound like you have,just been,talking to a robot so for that yes it is,important to use,keywords like what people would be,searching for if they looked for your,product in,google search results that way your site,shows up hopefully,in the search results however you want,to make sure not to,keyword stuff and make it sound super,robotic and,not anything like conversational that we,would be having,because then it's going to be really,boring to read and again people are,going to just skip,over it you also want to make sure that,you are,using some adjectives to describe your,product but not going,over the top with the adjectives a,couple,colorful kind of adjectives to explain,your product and make them feel like,they can actually,feel it see it touch it smell it all,those things,are great however if you add too many,adjectives then it just,ends up being really fluffy and you go,the other way you don't want to make it,sound like you've written it for robots,but you don't want to make it sound like,it's a poem as well,you want to find that nice balance,between describing your product,using those keywords as well for the,search engines and,making it really conversational for your,ideal customer,you also want to make sure that it's,really easy for people to scan,because a lot of times people are not,going to sit there and read word for,word everything,especially if they're on a mobile device,so you can do this in how you are,writing the product description,but also in how you stylize it so,breaking it up into multiple paragraphs,maybe adding some bold or italics for,emphasis,is a great way to make it really,scannable for your customers,and my last tip here is to also add in,of course,your sizing or product specs any,information that the customer,needs to still know about your product,adding it either,after your main description or adding it,in a separate,tab on your product page that way they,still get that important information but,it's not,the entire thing of what your product,description is,again especially if you have things like,apparel you'd want to add a,sizing chart and talk about how it runs,either true to size or,maybe a little smaller or bigger so they,get the appropriate size and you,minimize the returns,but you don't want to make your entire,product description about that so either,having it in a separate section,that's still really easy for your,customer to see or just putting it below,your product description is a great way,to still highlight it,while still making the priority be on,your main product description,that's going to hopefully entice them to,purchase the product,so go ahead and go look at your product,descriptions,and think about which of these tips you,can add in,to make them a little bit more enticing,for customers,and to better sell your products,i hope you found this quick tip shopify,video helpful,i've got a full playlist here over here,that you can see on the right hand side,these videos come out every tuesday on,our channel,and we post other videos all about,shopify and how to grow your online,store so make sure that,you are subscribed to this channel if,you haven't already so you never miss a,video as soon as it comes out,thanks so much for watching and i'll see,you in the next one

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