hey there guys my name is marcus and in,this video i'm going to compare shopify,with godaddy the first thing i'm going,to share with you is what i actually,recommend for you to use like in what,situation,i would choose shopify or go daddy or,vice versa in what situation i would,choose go to the over shopify,then i'm going to compare pricing plans,so like what are some advantages and,disadvantages in that,then also i'm going to convert templates,and main features how we can build,ecommerce store in both so let's start,now personally i would choose,shopify over goldadin every single day,and i'm not paid by shopify to say these,things this is just honors review,i don't really think that godaddy from,the long-term perspective is effective,the first many things uh with a,multi-currency system that you're gonna,have in shopify that's the first thing,the second thing,is that godaddy is changing the website,builder a lot,like every two years what you can,actually do with it and this can be,really limitation,now if you're gonna have a lot of blog,posts and also a lot of,products in godaddy is going to get,really overwhelming,and it won't work well that's the first,thing the fourth thing,is that if you're going to choose,godaddy over shopify,from an seo perspective it's worse only,because if you're going to edit,a website you're going to have,a limitation and it's going to change,the urls from the seo perspective it's,going to be much worse,i only if i said it already but i don't,think then next thing is the limitation,how we can edit the whole website and,how many applications can integrate,and that's just the beginning what i,think,that you should choose shopify so this,is just my recommendation,just from the straight from the,beginning of the video go with the,shopify,over godaddy now when you come here to,the pricing plans the one disadvantage i,personally see in shopify,is their additional fees using all,payment providers are then shopify,payments,so let's say that you're gonna pay 29 a,month it's like 25 euro,and let's say that you won't use shopify,payments,when you're going to use paypal you will,pay a paypal fee,and then you will also pay to shopify,so that's kind of expensive to have like,four or five percent of fees,but it is what it is if you want to use,shopify if you can use the shopify,payments,so that's a basic shopify then if you,choose the shopify or advanced shopify,based,what you need uh the additional fees are,much lower one percent of 0.5,and yeah so this is like the biggest,differences,and in all of these you got abandoned,card recovery on the other hand goldenly,you get the basic standard premium in,which you can,actually use the e-commerce e-commerce,is only one plan,on 20 euro a month and for using that,uh you're gonna be like that's like 25,bucks so it's cheaper comparing to,shopify,but shopify comes with much better,features and,optimization that you can use for the,future of your business,now the next thing are templates i,really think that,shopify got better templates comparing,to godaddy,only because you can have more,categories here so you're gonna have,like free paid,then you're gonna see based on number of,products you want to like small catalogs,medium large,layout style product page home page,navigation marketing and social media,in what kind of industry you want to be,you want your store to be in,so let's say i'm going to choose the,streamline here and i'm going to,view demo what you can do is to simply,change,all the settings here and everything,in shopify and good to go so this is the,first thing,onygodia the only other hand you're,going to see only categories here,and let's say that i'm going to choose,online store,and you see you don't have many,templates,comparing to shopify and not even the,categories that you would need,so i would just go that if you want to,build a simple presentation website in,that way godaddy is effective,but any other any other way godaddy is,not good,for e-commerce like it's not then when,you come here to,how we can edit the website shopify is,really simple same with the godaddy,you come here you simply add a section,or you can simply move the sections on,your website,uh this is how you can customize so it's,like build straight away for responsive,and same with the godaddy i simply click,here add a section and i can simply,choose the section that i,want to add and then what you can do is,to simply move it,everywhere right but the one,disadvantage also i've seen goldenly how,you can edit the colors,is really limited with the theme colors,and then also another thing with the,store when i'm going to compare it,uh shopify got more,apps and more integration that you can,use for the business like,and one of the things that i want to,show you is for example this,let me,let's go back leave page for example,this one here that can increase your,revenue,i have uh applications here and ultimate,sales boost is something you don't have,in score,in godaddy so sale sticker,advanced inventory countdown so let's,say the big sale for specific,product free shipping check out,motivation fresh sale also the way how,it can do pop-ups,and how you can create a landing page,and it's much effective on shopify,comparing to go,daddy again the one disadvantage i only,see in shopify,is the payment processing that if you're,gonna not use,the payment provider from shopify but,different one you're gonna lose a little,bit of money,and also many like drip clavio and,others are working,mainly for shopify so if you want to use,the email marketing it's much better,to choose shopify or go daddy when you,come here to many store,i can simply come here to store and,products,and then i can simply add a product here,same with the shopify,i click here on products and i can click,add product,and on both you can choose if it's a,physical or video,right change the quantity inventory,option shipping and search engine,so it's like really easy and really good,then you get a marketing,seo that you can edit,same with marketing here with the,overview campaign automations,and you can really optimize it as much,as you want like again i would,definitely choose,go that if you want to build a simple,presentation website i wouldn't build it,for e-commerce,um the way how we can also structure let,me show you,so let's say i'm go daddy to my products,and how we can edit the products here so,edit site,i come here to store i don't want to,go here but i gotta shop here,so then you get also limited how the,card looks like,right product category product page or,when i'm going to,add a section,you can simply add a lot of sections,here like content here,gift cards photo gallery etc,so this is how you can actually do it,and that's pretty much it i mean like if,you have any questions guys ask me,download comments i'm really happy to,help you,but i would recommend like even when the,shopify is going to be more expensive,uh it's going to be much better with the,applications and integrations that you,can use,comparing to godaddy so thank you very,much guys for watching,um i hope you are going to a great day,and you're going to earn a lot of money,and my recommendation is definitely,focus on writing blogs here,same that you can do and see it's still,loading,so i can go here to let's say store,or dashboard uh you can simply add,blocks here,blog post and add a page simply as that,title content etc,and same with godaddy and i can come,here and,page title as a blog and then just start,writing,there but again it's going to get,overwhelming if you're going to use it a,lot,so thank you very much guys for watching,and have a great day and goodbye see ya
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