hi guys so the video you're about to,watch is actually a clip taken from one,of my recent videos in which i gave sort,of an overview and my review of every,single free shopify theme on shopify's,theme store so if you guys are just,first right now getting started choosing,a theme for your shopify store,i'd recommend you guys go check out that,video it gives a pretty good overview of,what the different pros and cons of each,theme is and like what your choices are,as far as themes go so i'll leave a link,to that down in the description of this,video,and i'll also link to it at the end of,this video but uh without further ado,let's just get started with this theme,review,alright guys so we're in the home,stretch here the final theme that i want,to review today,is the venture theme,so venture is an interesting theme,it's one of my favorite themes actually,you can see this one also just like,supplies built for,large catalogs this one has an,interesting uh drop down menu you can,actually show product images straight in,the menu slideshow pretty standard for,most shopify themes,uh promotional banner that's also the,same it's just the thing across the top,that's a lot of stores have that product,filtering uh it's like debut where you,can you can actually just choose like,okay this is best selling sort of,products by you know uh alphabetically,like there's different filters for it so,if we look at reviews of this it's 46,positive um i like this theme a lot to,be honest um so i'm gonna have to,disagree with these reviews but um you,know,there's 67 reviews so there's a decent,number of people using it it's,interesting because this is like a,snowboarding store in the demo you know,anything about the ceo of shopify he,actually started the first company he,started was a snowboard store so i think,this is sort of a throwback to uh and i,think it was called snow devil if i,remember correctly yeah he launched a,store called snow devil so this is sort,of a call back to that you can see that,there's actual product images featured,in the drop-down um so this is the only,free theme on shopify that has this so,if you want this functionality on your,site you're either going to have to hire,cus coder to do it or code it yourself,or um use this theme now you can see,this is um just of some featured,collections here this is a featured,collection with the products it's,another featured collection with,products and then they have the footer,now let's see um the different theme,styles so we have outdoors as well this,is once again going to have the products,in the drop down uh this is not a hover,drop down i do have a video um,discussing how you can uh you know,really simply with copy paste code how,you can create a hover drop down and,venture um,you know this is a similar setup to the,other one uh let's go to boxing,and you know it's gonna it's probably,gonna be a similar setup once again yep,same sort of menu uh if we go to one of,these products and we we add these to,our cart let's see how that works yes,this is gonna have a dedicated cart page,um you can go ahead and click the,dedicated car page it'll take you there,and then you can check out and all the,checkouts are the same for all the,themes as i mentioned previously all,right so we're on my test site now um,let's just wait for it to load for a,second and yeah we can see what sections,we can add so this has a ton of sections,you know,probably similar number to debut or,something like that,we got custom html blog posts collection,lists future collection you can read,through these,you know i'm looking if there's anything,that sticks out these logo lists are,pretty nice you'll see,venture has this thing where it actually,it doesn't grid them like most of the,logo lists do um you know it'll if you,have seven it'll sort of align them in,this this centered way which is nice um,what else do we have uh multiple line,blocks would be akin to like a gallery,in um,in uh debut uh so be it'd be like a,gallery and debut and these would have,labels um and and links attached to them,um where were we so uh then we have what,else we have logo list yeah we got that,slideshow,um,testimonials text and then the the video,is not gonna be a full screen yeah it's,just an embedded video,um,yes this is you know it's all pretty,standard stuff i think the big draw here,is basically um,the big draw on on venture is basically,having the products up here in the,actual menu um,and,yeah because as i discussed this is the,only theme that does that other than,that i mean you have a sort of a modern,looking site i i tend to like venture,sort of geared towards like sports like,a lot of uh sports stores,uh sports e-commerce stores will use it,um,and you know i tend to agree with that,just if we go to ski right,we can filter by like ski boots bindings,skis,and then we can also sort by this so i'm,pretty sure this also has like if we go,to men's yeah all,yeah these are all collections that we,can filter by too so when it says that,it supports large catalogs what it means,is that it also has this drop down to,filter by further collections once,you're in a certain collection if i have,to rank venture i'm gonna put it in the,s tier um,i think i'm gonna put it um,i think i'm gonna put it uh,let's see i mean it's i think it's you,know it's it's obviously more versatile,than narrative,um i put it up here um i might put it in,front of debut actually to be to be,honest with you um although yeah i don't,know i mean these themes like the thing,is also with these themes is the more,used a theme is um the more you're gonna,find like custom coding tutorials for it,the more you're gonna find um people,that have made forum posts about it for,support issues that you're gonna have so,that's also something to keep in mind,guys like these top three themes that,i've had uh that i've listed here um you,know they're they're good and uh you,know people recognize that and there's a,whole lot of people using them right now,so,you're going to find it really easy to,get support for these themes
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