good morning everybody ari here if,you're new to my channel welcome if,you're not welcome back in today's video,i want to discuss some of the biggest,issues i see with shopify drop shipping,and also how you can fix them or even,how you can prevent them from happening,in the first place which will save you a,ridiculous amount of time and money and,time is money so it'll basically save,you double the amount of money so some,of these issues have caused my drop,shipping businesses in the past to go to,zero and not even just new stores right,like i've had new stores that have,scaled to like 10k a day in a super,short amount of time that have gone to,zero i've had stores that have scaled to,nearly half a million dollars and then,gone right back down to zero and while,all of that experience was amazing right,i learned a lot of things i made a,decent amount of money there had i known,about these things that i'm about to,tell you today i could have kept those,stores going potentially sold them for a,pretty decent multiple of course i,didn't know about these things i had to,learn from experience but lucky for you,you stumbled across this video so with,that said it let's get right into it now,today actually i received word from one,of my sourcing agents so a sourcing,agent if you don't know is basically a,third party system or business that,helps you fulfill your orders without,you having to hold inventory in your own,facility they hold the inventory for you,and ship everything out so of course,most of you know shopify drop shipping,as like you know ali express drop,shipping so you go on aliexpress and you,find products to sell this is,traditionally how it's done but this is,actually how the noobs do it to be,honest with you the people who are,experienced with drop shipping they use,sourcing agents they don't go through,aliexpress and there's many reasons for,that of course the main one being that,you can provide a better customer,experience you have more control over,your business you can ship things a,little bit faster and you're not going,to get as much competition because your,aliexpress listing is not going to be,getting a ton of new orders every day so,some of this stuff may go over your head,if you're new to drop shipping but still,it's important that you hear this so,please just try to stay the course okay,even if you don't understand a few of,these things you can always just ask me,in the comments so don't worry but,anyways my sourcing agent today informed,me that shipping prices from china are,actually going up right now so this is,due to high demand for the holiday,season it kind of makes sense and of,course that's really bad for margins,it's really bad just overall but what,sucks about this too is that right after,the holiday season is over we go right,into chinese new year which is basically,like two weeks that you just can't ship,anything out from china and you know,those two weeks are hell for most drop,shipping businesses because customers,are typically very angry so really the,main thing that i want to share with you,here is how you can start off on the,right foot so that you don't run into,you know terrible issues down the line,such as bad customer feedback ratings,bad customer service bad product reviews,facebook ad bands paypal holds etc so,the best way to do this is to first of,all go to the aliexpress drop shipping,center so this is where you should start,your drop shipping journey and the,reason why is because on the drop,shipping center here first of all we get,a ton of metrics on potential products,to sell which is really great and second,of all we can see actually how these,products are not only doing in sales,performance but also in rating so how,people have been rating these products,and this is a free tool i've been,telling you guys about the aliexpress,drop shipping center for a long time,it's funny because aliexpress actually,encourages people to dropship and even,though the title of this video even,could be taken the wrong way i don't,think drop shipping is bad at all i,think drop shipping is a really really,cool business model it's just that most,people stay in the ali express drop,shipping stage and never transition into,something better and because of that,their businesses end up dying and again,i was one of those people for a very,long time as well i didn't really know,my way around this i didn't even know,about sourcing agents but here's the,thing once you find a product here on,the drop shipping center that you like,make sure that this product can be,shipped from whatever country you are,gonna be selling in so for the majority,of you it's gonna be the united states,right but if you're not from the us,which i know a lot of you guys actually,aren't from the us as well,use whichever country whichever language,you can speak so for example if you are,russian maybe look for a product that,ships from russia and create a russia,only store this is a genius idea because,first of all the competition is going to,be extremely low there second of all,you're going to get really fast shipping,to that country specifically and third,of all you're going to be able to scale,really really big in this particular,country and be extremely profitable same,thing if you're from italy for example,if you're from italy you know italian,make sure you start by finding products,that ship from italy you know for,example something like this this product,looks really really cool and it ships,from all of these different countries,this could be a big brand off of this,little skin care product but here's a,little hack so as you see most of these,don't show that they ship from the us so,for some reason the us is just hidden,here but if you just go here to the,search bar and you find this part that,says ships from,so we just click right there instead of,i t which is italy we will just do us,now it's showing us products that ship,from the us as you see right here so if,we start scrolling down we can find us,only products and again make sure that,you're looking at products that have a,good rating that do have a decent amount,of orders that kind of shows you that,the product is in high demand of course,if you find one that has like no orders,if you're just a beginner it's gonna be,hard to really know which product will,sell so i would just make sure that,you're kind of using these metrics as a,guiding line so make sure that they have,at least like 500 to a thousand orders,yes that does make the product a little,more exposed but again it's just gonna,make sure that you're selling a product,that people actually want and when,you're just starting with this stuff,it's hard to know exactly what people,want to buy this right here for example,in my opinion is a really good holiday,product so this has 4 000 orders so huge,demand 4.6 out of 5 in terms of reviews,that's really good you know that's,actually really really solid and it only,costs five to seven dollars and can ship,from the us so this product right here i,think is a great starting point for a,brand this actually looks really cool,you have a ton of different variants,here you know if i was starting with,something like this i would suggest that,you only use like maybe five variants i,wouldn't use all of these variants try,to figure out which ones are the best,selling and then now comes the next step,so as you see these ship very quickly to,you so what you should do now is ship,these products to yourself if you're in,the us but of course like i said if,you're in any other country you know,apply all all of the stuff that i'm,telling you to your country okay but i'm,from the us so i'm gonna do the u.s but,basically now what you have to do is,order these products to yourself order,multiple of them if you order like 10,it's only gonna cost you under a hundred,dollars and what you can do then is not,only use them yourself and make sure,that you know they're what you're,looking for but you can actually ship,some out to some influencers so you,could buy some packaging materials on,amazon for example overnight them to,your house contact some influencers tell,them that you'll send them your product,for free in order for some content and,then of course you yourself can take,some content with just your iphone for,your social media pages and stuff like,that and boom you just started your drop,shipping business off so much better,than any competitor would just by taking,these little steps that i just showed,you and the cool thing about this is,that now your business is not at risk of,you know being shut down because you,just didn't know that the product was,really bad quality or because you knew,that the shipping time was just way too,long and when you can actually start,reducing the amount of problems in your,business you will make more money you,will have more time to spend on the,right things and this will make you more,profitable i mean if you can make your,customers happier from the beginning,this is just the that's the most solid,foundation you can have and i think,that's what most drop shippers don't,understand is the fact that if you build,a solid foundation to build your,business on you'll make way more money,you'll be much prouder of the business,you've built and you'll actually have a,business that can be run on autopilot in,the future for a very long time as,opposed to a store that will potentially,die very very early on again no shame in,that it's happened to me multiple times,you know you'd learn from experience for,some of you this may be simple advice,but i truly think that the simple advice,is probably the best advice most of the,time and it really just takes you guys,applying it as opposed to just listening,me talking about it like actually do,these things right don't be lazy don't,procrastinate like take the extra steps,that i just showed you i literally just,shared with you the blueprint basically,to start off on an amazing foundation,and still be able to dropship i've also,been researching you know other,potential us suppliers for example that,do drop ship like this brand right here,sylvia,it's kind of like they have a bunch of,different products in the us which is,kind of cool i think that's nice and,then you know there's this one sale ho,and inventory source if any of you guys,have used these in the past please let,me know i would love to know your,opinion on them maybe i'll review them,for my channel or something like that i,think that could be cool that'd be a,good video idea but really what gave me,the inspiration for this is the brand,that i started with my girlfriend so we,have built kind of a cult following with,that and today we actually received our,boxes for our product and we're taking,the next step on this brand which is,handling our own inventory and really,just improving the customer experience,and product quality overall i read this,elon musk blog from 2006 in which he,described the tesla master plan and it,inspired me so much to really start,focusing,way more time into like research and,development making sure things are,running better and that our products are,better instead of spending so much money,on ads because then we can focus more on,content which is what most businesses,lack and i know because i'm one of those,businesses you can never have too much,content and if we focus on that we'll,literally be able to grow the business,extremely profitably with customers that,truly love us and yeah tesla is,definitely one of the most inspiring,brands to me but i really hope that this,helped some of you guys that are just,starting out with shopify drop shipping,again i think it's an amazing business,model if you do it the right way and,even though this video is quite simple,i think this is literally like the,proper blueprint to starting a shopify,drop shipping business if you don't want,to hold inventory if you don't have all,these resources like sourcing agents and,stuff like that this is literally all,you need and the drop shipping center is,actually free so you don't even need to,pay for any tools or anything so the,last thing i want to mention here is we,got art dropping soon on netsphere,netsphere is my creative company i plan,to do a lot of different things with it,it's very exciting but the first thing,that we're going to be doing here pretty,soon as a part of our e-commerce hybrid,initiative it's selling some art so i,made this right here and i absolutely,love it it's very minimal but still has,this like anime aesthetic that i like,but please just interpret it in any way,that you want that's kind of the point,of the art after all and you can sign up,for the launch which is gonna be in like,a week but that's it hope y'all have an,amazing rest of your day see ya
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