whats your conversion funnel shopify

eCommerce Sales Funnel using Shopify so you may have heard of a funnel system,before and you may hav

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Mar 25,2023

eCommerce Sales Funnel using Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to whats your conversion funnel shopify

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whats your conversion funnel shopify catalogs

eCommerce Sales Funnel using Shopify

so you may have heard of a funnel system,before and you may have even heard of,different software tools that help you,do that,and in today's video i want to talk to,you about how you can set up your own,ecommerce funnel,on your shopify store so stay tuned,so if you're a fan of online marketing,you've probably heard of click funnels,and other kind of funnel strategies that,are,out there so in essence a funnel is,where you're getting a big group of,people,you are sending them to a specific page,and then you're really kind of filtering,them down so you're getting people who,maybe you're sending a large amount of,traffic at first your site,and then the next tier is people that,actually purchase from you the next tier,down is people that maybe purchase an,upsell or additional offer that you have,and you're really kind of narrowing that,in so that way by the end of it you're,getting people that are really really,hyper focused on your products,and are buying multiple different,products from you so i really want to,talk about how you can actually do this,with shopify and you don't need,other different software out there to,accomplish this,so the biggest thing to think about when,you're thinking about an e-commerce,funnel,is really your customer journey overall,so you want to of course make sure that,you're thinking about who your ideal,customer is,and making sure that you're sending that,qualified traffic to your site,because if you're just sending kind of,any traffic that you can get to your,site,it's overall just not going to convert,well and you're not going to make the,sales that you're expecting because,you're not sending the right traffic to,your site so,first off make sure that you're sending,the right traffic to your site,but you really want to think through of,okay now that they've hit your site,where do they go from here well,hopefully if you're running an ad you're,not sending them to your home page,because then they're going to get,distracted so if you're going to be,running some paid advertising,for your ecommerce store you want to,make sure that you are sending them to a,collection page or even a specific,product page that they either saw in the,ad or,that is going to really resonate with,them the most,once you send them to that you want to,think through of what other additional,products that they,will be interested in so we've talked,about this in another video which i will,link,up here somewhere but all about,different product,upsells and cross sells that you can do,for your store,so you can do this through a couple,different shopify apps and we have all,the information and i'll also link it,below as well so you can see how to set,this up for your store,but what a product upsell is or,cross-sell it's giving someone,an option to add a little bit more to,their cart,to purchase more from you but you're,still not going to be,you know annoying them by sending them a,totally separate product and instead,you're going to,make sure that they are still going to,be interested in it it's kind of like,whenever you go to mcdonald's and they,ask if you want fries with that or a,coke,it's because they know that those things,pair really well with their hamburger,so think about also when you're going to,buy a brand new pair of nike shoes,well you may also need some better,performing socks that,are easier to run in or whatever so it's,things that,they already are going to be kind of in,the same wheelhouse,and they may already be interested in,that product as well,and they may just not know that they,need to purchase that but as soon as you,show it to them,on your site then they go hey you know,what i'm buying these tennis shoes,i would like some socks as well and just,add that to the cart,so the benefit of this is not only is,your customer purchasing more from you,which is increasing that average order,value but also they are,going through the journey more on your,site so you have,more information about them and what,they are interested in and you can use,that data to,really target them moving forward along,the,funnel system that you're going to be,doing for your store,okay so i've already talked about a,couple different things so let's,recap real quick before we go on to the,next steps,so the first step is making sure that,you're sending qualified traffic to your,site,the second step is to add them to a,specific,product page or collection page so that,you know that they are going to be,interested in that,and you're not going to just be sending,them to your home page or somewhere else,in your site where they're going to get,distracted,the third step is then going to be to do,different upsells or,cross-sells so that hopefully they order,more than just one,product from you that they order a,couple different complimentary products,as well,and increase that average order cart,value,the fourth step and something that is,overlooked so many times with ecommerce,stores,is actually then following up with them,through email,so you've got their email address,they're added in because now they're a,customer,and you want to make sure that you are,adding value continually,throughout the entire process so while,you are packing their order and getting,it ready to send out,you want to make sure that you send an,email or two letting them know,hey their order's about to be shipped,out and you've confirmed their order,which those will be done through shopify,but also using a email service provider,like,mailchimp or clavio to go in and tell,them more about your business and your,brand,and why you're different from everyone,else,so making sure that you're kind of,indoctrinating them a little bit more to,your story,but once they are used to opening those,emails from you,and they're excited to see what else you,have to say then it's a great time to,move on to the next step of the funnel,which is going to be,to actually continue to reach out to,them about additional products that they,may like,so for example let's talk about tennis,shoes so if they purchase tennis shoes,at first,and then you up sold them on socks well,then you may want to,actually then reach out to them through,email maybe let's say,two weeks later and tell them about a,shoe cleaner that you also have on your,store,or do they need more socks or you know,maybe you have a new shoe design that,just came out that you think that they,may be interested in because they bought,the same,color shoe just in a different style,before the more data that you have on,your customers the more you can segment,them,in your email marketing and make sure,that you're sending emails that are,really going to resonate with,them and that they're going to be,interested in,and the fifth and final step of setting,up an e-commerce funnel with shopify,is something that a ton of businesses,don't do so you'll definitely get the,upper hand if you do this,but it's remarketing so you can actually,upload your email list to facebook as,well as,target people who have recently,purchased on your site so you have to,have the facebook pixel installed,but you can make a separate list of,people who have,purchased from you in the last 90 days,or whatever it is,and then send them ads specifically so,you can have those remarketing ads say,for our vip customers or because you,bought,this before we think you'd be interested,in this now as well,so you can really make sure that you're,continuing the conversation,and keeping them coming back to your,site again and again,yes it's great to get someone to,purchase from you one time,but it's way better to get them to,purchase from you like five times right,you're gonna make a lot more money and,especially the more that you are,building up that know like and trust,factor with them,the more likely they are to think of you,next time they need to,purchase that pair of shoes and go well,hey i purchased a great pair of shoes,and socks before from this business,i need another pair of shoes so i'm,going to go back to their site,you want to make sure that you are,staying top of mind with people,and by kind of creating this funnel,system to,really move them throughout your site,and create that customer journey for,them,you're getting them a lot more familiar,with your brand and a lot more,likely of a chance that they are going,to purchase from you,again if they had a great experience the,first time,so that's kind of the basic e-commerce,strategy for building a funnel for your,shopify store,you don't need any of these fancy tools,and software that you also have to,integrate with shopify,you can just do it by using your,existing shopify store,using email marketing and paid,advertising with remarketing to follow,up with people,and then you're going to continually,have them coming back to your store,again and again,so i would love to hear what you thought,about that are you implementing,something like this on your store now,and if so,how is it performing i would love to,know so make sure to,comment below and if you don't have this,set up yet on your store but you're,interested in it i would love to hear,that as well,comment below yes i'm going to set this,up this week or whatever your timeline,is so we can help hold you accountable,and if you're interested in more growth,strategies about how to,launch and grow your shopify store check,out our playlist here for our top growth,strategies for,2020 for shopify thanks so much for,watching and i'll see you in the next,one

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