hey guys i'm akash and welcome to pavli,so the topic for today's video is send,shopify order notification on whatsapp,now suppose guys you are a shopify store,owner and you want every time a customer,purchase a product from your shopify,store you want to send them a whatsapp,message regarding the order now you have,two ways to do so first one is manual,process that you manually get the,details of every order you receive on,shopify manually compose a whatsapp,message and send to that customer but,this manual process is very much,repetitive and time consuming if you are,receiving hundreds on off orders on a,daily basis so to solve this problem in,this video i came up with a second way,that is to use an automation now you,must be thinking what kind of automation,so an automation guys by which whenever,we will receive a new order in our,shopify store automatically a whatsapp,message will be sent to that very same,customer who placed an order,interesting guys now you must be,thinking how we are going to do this so,to make this happen we will be using,public connect which is an automation,and integration software now what is the,actual step-by-step guide to set up this,automation and how you can set up this,automation by yourself to know this you,have to come with me to my screen,so as you can see here we are on the,public connect dashboard now to reach,this dashboard you just have to go to,your browser and search for p a b b l y,w dot com,connect,and after reaching to the landing page,of public connect by clicking on sign up,free you can create your free public,connect account in just two minutes or,if you already have an account click on,sign in,so after reaching our dashboard click on,create workflow and give this workflow a,name for example i'll name my workflow,as shopify,to whatsapp,shopify to whatsapp and click on create,after that we can see that our workflow,is open over here and in this workflow,we have two different windows first one,is trigger window second one is action,window so triggers and actions are,basically those two concepts those two,principles on which this whole,automation works on where the trigger,says when this happens and the action,says do this,so let's begin with our trigger window,so basically our idea here is first we,have to get the details get the data of,new orders which we are receiving on our,shopify store inside public connect and,after that we will be using public,connect to send those details to,whatsapp cloud api and using whatsapp,cloud api we will send whatsapp message,as a confirmation to that very same,customer,so here in trigger window in choose app,first we have to search select a shopify,shopify it is,after that in trigger event we have to,select new order so this is new order,just select it,so after selecting our trigger event,public connect gave us a web book url,now using this webhook url we will,connect shopify and probably connect now,what are the steps to use this web book,url to set up the connection to know,this you have you can refer to the help,text given below,so just copy this web url from public,connect guys go to the dashboard of your,shopify account and on the left side we,can see settings click on settings,after that on the left side we can see,there are various options out of all,these click on notifications,and after reaching to the notification,settings just scroll down till you see,books,so we will scroll down we can see that,this is an option named as webhooks so,guys here we have to add the webbook url,click on create webhook,after clicking on create pair book a,dialog box appears in front of us and in,this dialog box first it is asking us,event and in the drop down below we can,see that there are multiple events over,here so out of all these event we will,select order creation,after selecting the event it is asking,us format so the format will be json and,in the url section we have to paste the,very same webhook url which we have,copied from public connect so just click,here and paste the web book url,after that it is asking us the book api,version so from the drop down we will,see latest version and click on save,now we can see that we have successfully,connected public connect with our,shopify store now every time we will,receive a new order on our shopify store,automatically the data of that very same,order will be captured inside probably,connect so let's just do this we will go,to our shopify store just click on this,and here we'll place an order go to,catalog section,okay so just for an example we have a,product named as apply repellent fan,just select this product,and i'll buy it,buy it now,now here we have to enter the details of,the customer for example an email,address so i'll enter the details of a,dummy customer,and here after entering all the details,of the customer we have to enter the,phone number of the customer this will,be the very same phone number guys on,which we will send the whatsapp message,as a confirmation so let me enter,so this is the phone number let's click,on continue to shopping,click on continue to payment,and at this payment page i'll enter a,test card detail to make the payment,pay now,and yes guys now we can see that we have,successfully received an order on our,shopify store by the name of a customer,devin parker this is the email address,this is the address of the customer and,this is the phone number so because we,have connected shopify and public,connect using a web book url guys the,details of the data of this very same,order will be also captured inside,probably connect so let's get back to,public connect,and yes guys we can see that here in,trigger window we have received some,response over here and this is the,response of that very same order very,same test order which we have placed,just now so we have the email address of,that very same customer parker devin289,gmail.com we have the amount of for,which the customer made the payment the,product amount of product which the,customer bought just now after that guys,we'll scroll down and we will find the,other details regarding the customer as,well as the order so let's scroll down,and yes here we have the name of the,customer first name last name the,address as well as the phone number,so using these details we will basically,send whatsapp message to this very same,number of the customer so guys here now,we want to add a expected date of,delivery of the product as well so,whatever the product the custom customer,has ordered we want to send an expected,date of delivery with the whatsapp,message and for example the expected,date of delivery will be after four days,of the actual order date,so basically on whatever date we receive,this order we have to actually get the,date four days after that actual order,date now to do so in our workflow we,will scroll down and come to our action,window and here in choose app we will,search for date time formatter by pably,so after selecting date time formatter,here in action event we have to select,modify current date,and click on connect,after clicking on connect it is asking,us date format so in the drop down below,we can see various formats are available,update out of which for example i will,select this format day month and year so,i'll select this,and then it is also asking us for the,time zone so i am here in india so i'll,and select the time zone of india asia,kolkata,after that it is asking us operation,whether we want to add or subtract,number of days in the current date,whatever date on current date means,whatever date on which we receive the,order,so here in operations we basically want,to add four days and get the date after,four days so in operation we will select,day,we will select add if you want you can,also select subtract or something like,that according to your use case then it,is asking us units so in the drop down,below we can see that we have days hours,minutes so either we want to add some,minutes or some hours or some days in,our current date so we want to add four,days so we will select days and at last,it is asking us value that how many days,we want to add so we will enter four,over here and simply click on stevenson,test request,after clicking on save and send test,request we have received a date over,here that is third of july 2022 the day,two days as i'm recording this video is,29th of june but and the date after four,days will be third of july so on 29th of,june we have received the order on our,shopify store and we are sending third,of july the date after four days as an,expected delivery date to this customer,with the whatsapp message this is not,mandatory guys if you want you can avoid,this field or sending expected delivery,date instantly on whatsapp as well,so after getting all this data we have,successfully completed the step one of,setting up this automation we have,connected our shopify store with public,connect using a web book url and we have,also received the details or the data of,a test order on our shopify store inside,public connect and using date time,formatter we have also,received the or collected or added the,expected date of delivery in our,workload now at last we just have to,send all of this data to whatsapp cloud,api to send the actual whatsapp message,for that we will scroll down and click,on this add action step button,and here in choose app we will search,for whatsapp cloud api,then in action event we will select send,template message and click on connect,select add new connection,and here it is asking us the token phone,number id and whatsapp business account,id of our whatsapp cloud api account so,guys i have already created my own,whatsapp cloud api account but don't,worry if you haven't created yet we have,a separate dedicated video on how you,can set up your own whatsapp cloud api,account and use it and the link of that,video will be in the description box,below so you can refer to that video and,set up your whatsapp cloud api account,and after creating your whatsapp cloud,api account you will reach on the app,dashboard page of your cloud api account,and at this very page we will find,everything every details which is,required to make the connection here we,have the temporary access token the,phone number id and whatsapp business,account id so just copy the phone number,id from here go to public connect and,paste it over here,now after that we will copy the whatsapp,business account id from here go to,probably connect and paste it over here,and at last we have to enter the token,and the help text below token says enter,system user generated permanent token as,explained here so basically the token,which we get on the app dashboard page,is a temporary access token which means,this token will expire every 24 hour but,don't worry guys there is a way by which,you can generate a permanent access,token which will never expire so in the,help text below you can see a hyperlink,over here just click on it and it will,redirect you to a page on our forum and,here at this very same page you can find,all the details regarding whatsapp cloud,api how you can set up your whatsapp,cloud api account and how to generate,permanent access token so from this page,you will learn how to generate the,permanent access token and after,generating the token you just have to,enter that very same token over here and,click on save to make the connection i,have already made the connection so i,will click on select existing connection,and click on save,so now we have successfully connected,our whatsapp cloud api account with,public connect after that it is asking,us template name so you must be thinking,what are these templates so templates,are basically some predefined whatsapp,messages which we have already created,inside our cloud api account so to avoid,the spamming of messages on whatsapp,first we have to create a template,message inside our whatsapp cloud epa,account and after that we have to get,that template approved from facebook or,should i say meta and after the approval,we can use that very same template to,send whatsapp messages to a customer and,in the drop down below template name you,will find a long list of templates which,i have already created in my cloud api,account so let me show you we will get,back to the app dashboard page we will,scroll down and here in the step 2 we,can see a hyperlink over here just click,on it,and it will take us to the whatsapp,message template page and at this very,same page you will find all the,templates which i have already created,in my whatsapp cloud api account,and if you want to create your own,template by clicking on this create,message template button you can create,your own message template according to,your requirement and we also have a,dedicated separate video on template,creation as well which covers all the,aspects on all the features of template,message provided by whatsapp cloud api,so the link of that video will also be,in the description box below you can,refer to that video and learn how you,can create your template message,so the template which we will be using,in this video is named as woocommerce,order so let me show you the template,first guys,just a second,and yes this is the template so this,template is named as woocommerce orders,because this is the very same template,which i use for the sending message to,my woocommerce customer as well but,don't worry you can change the template,name according to your choice in your,create template section so this template,message says order confirmed hello and,after hello you can see that there is a,number in double curly braces,now you must be thinking what is this,number so basically the number which are,added in double curly braces in this,template message are some body filled,some variables so guys suppose after,hello in this whatsapp message i want to,send or i want to enter the name of the,customer who made the purchase,but for every order the name of the,person will keep changing so this,variable the body pill which you have,added in double curly braces the number,which you have added in double curly,braces is basically a dynamic value of,body field so this thing this the text,in place of this body fields this,variable will keep on changing for every,sending message so we can enter the name,of the customer after hello then this,message says thank you for shopping with,us your order for and the product will,also be keep changing for every new,order so we will enter the name of the,product over here in this body we'll do,in this variable too,so your order for over for example fly,replant fan is confirmed we will deliver,deliver your package by this date so we,will add the expected date of delivery,the date of delivery which we have,created or in our workflow that is after,the food is of the order order we will,enter that date over here once the order,is shipped we will get back to you with,the tracking number sit back and relax,while we have this delivered to you,happy shopping and in place of this body,field for this variable 4 will enter the,name of our shopify store for example as,a branding so guys woocommerce,underscore order let's select this,template message over here,so after that guys the language code and,template id is automatically detected we,don't have to make any changes over here,in the language code and template id,section so we will directly move to,recipient mobile number now here in this,field of recipient mobile number we have,to actually enter the whatsapp number of,the customer who made the order,so guys from the,so guys the response which we have,received from shopify in our trigger,window in that response we have received,the number phone number or the whatsapp,number of the customer who plays the,order so guys we'll map this very same,number over here in this field and the,process of mapping is very simple guys,we just have to simply click here and,from the drop down below we can see that,all the responses which we have received,from shopify can be seen over here and,out of all these responses we will,select the response of phone number over,here so we have the response of customer,phone number this is the response just,selected and the phone number is mapped,and the help text below it says enter,the recipient mobile number with country,code without plus sign so the response,which we have received from shopify is,just of 10 digit mobile number but we,here we have to enter the country code,as well but without the plus sign so,i'll manually add the country code of,india that is 9 1.,after that it is asking us body field 1,body field two body field three body,field four so basically all the four all,the four body fields which we have,created in our template message in,whatsapp cloud api just a second,and yes here so in this template message,in body field one after hello we wanted,to add the name of the customer who made,the purchase so we'll get back to public,connect and in the body field one we'll,just click here and from the drop down,below we will select the name of the,customer so the name of the customer was,devin,so yes this is the billing name devin,parker,after that in place of body field 2 we,wanted to add the name of the product so,we'll get back to our workflow click,here and from the responses of shopify,we will search for the name of the,product,or should i say apply ripple and pan so,this is the title of the product and,that is it,and after that in body field 3 we wanted,to add the expected date of delivery so,we have uh created the expected date of,delivery using date time formatter so in,the drop down below from the responses,of date time formatter we will select,the state and in place of body field,port we wanted to add the name of our,shopify store so for example i'll name a,shopify i'll name my shopify store as,babli,okay,so basically all the fields all the data,is now mapped or entered over here we,just have to click on save and send test,request,after clicking on save and send test,request we have received a response over,here which seems to be a positive,response to us this response shows that,a whatsapp message with our selected,template is now sent on this number so,let's check the whatsapp account of this,number,and yes guys here we can see that just,now we have received a whatsapp message,which says order confirmed hello devin,parker means name of the customer whose,details we have had while making and,entered by making the order edge of our,shopify store thank you for shopping,with us your order for prior repellent,plan,your order for flyer repellent fan is,confirmed we will deliver your package,by 3rd of july 2022,once the order is shipped we'll get back,to you with the tracking number sit back,and relax while we have this delivered,to you happy shopping probably team so,guys we saw that the automation which we,have created is working successfully now,guys we have successfully created an,automation by which whenever we will,receive a new order at our shopify store,automatically the whatsapp message of as,a confirmation with an expected delivery,date will be sent to that very same,customer who placed the order,so let's just test this automation once,again in real time we'll get back to our,shopify store once again,and uh here we will order this time,order some other product for example i,have a product as,this lg camera i'll just click it and,buy this product,buy it now,let me enter the details of a new,customer this time,okay guys so i have entered,the details of a customer named as,ashirai this is the email address this,is the address and this is the phone,number on which we will be sending the,whatsapp message now just click on,continue to shopping,and then we will make a test payment,over here once again,so test card details,and click on p now,now we will notice guys that as and when,we place the order automatically,instantly a whatsapp message with an,expected delivery date is sent to this,very same customer who plays the order,and yes guys we can see that just now,instantly we have received a whatsapp,message to the number of that very same,customer the message says order,confirmed hello aashirai means the name,of the customer who plays the order,thank you for shopping with us your,order for lg camera is confirmed so we,have the same or product name which we,have order we will deliver your package,by 3rd of july 2022 so today as i told,you is 29th of june after 4 days it will,be 3rd of july and we have received an,expected date of delivery once the order,is shipped we will get back to you with,the tracking number sit back and sit,back and relax while we have this,delivered to you happy shopping probably,so guys we have tested this automation,in real time that this automation is,working perfectly fine now let's just,get back to probably connect and,understand in brief that what are the,steps we followed while setting up this,automation so at first we created a,workflow in our public connect account,and here in trigger window we selected,shopify and new order was our trigger,event after that using a web url we,connected shopify with probably connect,then after that we use date time,formatter to modify the current date and,get an expected date of delivery we took,an example of 4 days so we have received,a date 4 days after the order date and,at last we have sent all of these,details all of this data to whatsapp,cloud api to send the whatsapp message,to the shopify customer who placed an,order so not just these application guys,you can connect plenty of other,applications using public connect and,guys one more important thing you will,find the clone link of this very same,workflow in the description box below by,clicking on that link you can clone this,very same workflow into your own public,connect account and use this workflow,for free,if you need any kind of help or have any,queries you can ask them on,forum.pavley.com,and you can check public index pricing,at this link so if this video was,helpful to you you can like this video,don't forget to share it with others and,to keep getting such content on,automation and integration you can,subscribe to pavli thank you have a nice,day
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