the fastest way to fulfill Shopify,orders has been revealed what is up,everyone Shree Canosa here and in this,video we're going to be diving into,exactly how you can fulfill a Shopify,orders and what is the most efficient,way to get that done but if you're new,to this channel like always make sure to,smash that subscribe button down below,it helps you stay up to date with the,content I'm putting on basically every,week and there was a little extra,content this mean because three videos,have come out and next week it's going,to get even better,because the more time I have the more,videos I can make for you guys so,definitely subscribe and stay up to date,with the videos that are about to come,because they're going to be epic and,game-changing also in addition I have a,free Facebook group that is full of,EECOM entrepreneurs just like yourself,we're trying to get ahead in the game so,if you're interested in joining a free,group full of value make sure to click,the link in the description it is closer,to the end of the description and let's,jump right into how to get those orders,fulfilled so for you guys personally I,have created a draft order and this is,the exact order that I am going to be,using to fulfill the orders and just,before continuing just know that I will,be using a bare low to fulfill this,order and show you guys how it's done,now I personally have started using drop,a fight instead of a bare low just,because it's much cheaper why don't you,start getting orders coming in and also,because it's more efficient to use but,for the beginners obear low is,definitely the number one tool that I,recommend to start fulfilling the orders,so let's go to our apps section and go,ahead and into overload to see what,happens when you get an order by the way,you don't see a new order here because I,created a draft order but I have placed,a new order and that is what we're going,to be seeing in no bare low so let's,head down to a bare low and open up a,bear look so here we are in our,dashboard and as you can see to order it,tells you that you have one order over,here whenever you get orders Oberto,starts to show how many orders you have,left to fulfill and once you have,fulfilled those orders they get changed,into this tab over here which says in,processing which simply means that the,orders are getting processed and have,not yet shipped but are currently in,process so they are going to be shipped,soon but just know that once you do,order the,product it goes from two order to in,processing so let's go ahead to our two,ordered lists and see what I have,ordered so specifically I've ordered the,yoga mat massager from this tester I've,created and I've also input a customer a,test customer with the test address of,course this is going to be a specific,customer that is someone else and real,for you guys but for me since I did it,it's a test customer so a cool thing,that you can do with Oberto you just,click on the customer name over here to,see all of their details so as you can,see the name country address etc it just,gives you an overview of who ordered and,who you're going to be shipping the item,out to so it becomes easier for you to,handle and keep track of but our main,focus is going to be on this section,over here it tells me that I have to,install Alex first via uber law but for,this example I do not have to do that in,this section over here it tells you the,name of the product they ordered a,specific variant for the product which,they ordered and whether there has been,tracking number installed or not and,what quantity they ordered and the price,so let's go in and get to the main step,which is placing the order it's really,simple with Oberto all you have to do is,click on place order manually and when,you click on that a new link pops up,with a link to the specific product on,Aliexpress and since we did click place,order manually we're going to have to,manually select all the variants and,enter the address and everything so,let's go back and see which vary in the,order so it's 0-2 so in this case it's,going to be this one right here all you,have to do is just click on Buy Now and,you'll get taken to the address section,now this is where the customer name and,info comes into hand because we get to,just copy and paste all of this stuff,right into our section over here and as,you can see it gives you the option of,directly pressing copy choose copy all,of this to your clipboard but again it,is super simple just go ahead and enter,all the info for the customer over here,and when you scroll down while ordering,the product you want to leave a special,message for the seller that is going to,be shipping out your item and the,message is please do not include any,promotions in this order because um drop,shipping this product this is a really,important,message that you need to have every,single time you're ordering something on,Aliexpress it is because Chinese,suppliers usually like to include,promotions in their packages maybe a,promotion for a specific product on,their Aliexpress account or anything,else,and since we're drop shipping we do not,want any promotion sent because our,customers are going to find out now,we're kind of ripping them off by,ordering their items in Aliexpress and,they're not going to be very happy about,that so to prevent any types of,unsatisfied customers make sure to,include this message every single time,you're ordering on Aliexpress just to,prevent a lot of charge events as for,shipping you want to make sure a packet,is available I usually do not list any,items on my store which do not have you,package shipping but once you've done,that just go ahead and enter your card,info and press confirm and pay once you,have confirmed and paid for the order,you'll see that a specific tracking,number gets installed to this order it,is the al Express order number and if it,does not get automatically updated all,you have to do is just click on add and,copy and paste the al Express order ID,from your orders page to here and what,that does is it keeps this specific,order in track to your Aliexpress order,so whenever the order does get shipped,on Aliexpress you can then sync that,order info such as the tracking number,directly to this specific order and it,becomes super easy to control from there,but that is the basic process of,ordering and fulfilling orders via uber,lo for your Shopify store a lot of,people really get worried and anxious,about this part but trust me it is,really easy and once you get the hang of,it it gets even easier and faster so it,may be somewhat hectic in the first few,times that you do do it but later on,it's definitely going to become easier,and as I just showed you in this video,the process is really simple so if you,guys do find value in this video make,sure to smash that like mine down below,it lets me know that you guys are liking,my videos and I should put out even more,videos just like these ones and I'll see,you guys next time
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