hey guys what is going on my name is,Alex you're watching thrive with Alex,and you are watching a series that I'm,doing where I'm documenting my whole,journey and as to starting my very first,successful Shopify store if you're like,me and you've created I don't know five,six seven eight different Shopify stores,in the past didn't never gotten a sale,because you just you just didn't follow,through that's what we're getting past,in this series right here that's what,this focus is on and me giving these,videos to you guys is a way to not only,help you but to help myself with,accountability so yeah I'm just doing,every single step up until the first,sale and then I'll still do videos but,this is a this is a series to get to,that first sale and to prove that it's,gonna happen so hopefully you're,following along with me guys I really,appreciate everybody that is and that's,leaving all the awesome comments you,guys Rock and yeah let's go ahead and,get into it,this video today is going to be all,about the theme that I'm using and how,I'm getting all of the images to put,onto my Shopify store to where I don't,get sued dan de silva made a video a,while ago about getting sued from,somebody that basically he used a Google,image from now I didn't go into super,specifics on it and I'm sure that's,because he really can't but he got sued,basically for using a Google image and,the person that took that picture and,put it on Google Images essentially put,it on there so that somebody would use,it so that he could sue them pretty,screwed up pretty non-ethical right,there but people do it and apparently a,lot of people do it so don't use your,images from Google Images please I'm,gonna show you a few different really,awesome ways that you can get free,images and then pay a little bit of,money for images that are fully licensed,to you so first things first this is my,store right now this is what it's,looking like like I said guys I'm,showing you every single thing this is,my personal store this is everything,that I'm doing I'm not trying to hide,anything from you guys this is real so,it's called the rough outdoors we have,this is our homepage we have a shop,right here with all kinds of different,categories in it and collections but,this image right here is what we're,going to be talking about so I actually,got this image from a free website and I,have full rights to it I'm not gonna get,sued for I can use it personally or,commercially so yeah no worries there,and all of my images have either come,from one of these three different sites,or an expresses images that they give,you because some of them are actually,pretty decent most of them are not but,some of them are good so let's go ahead,and get into the very first one which is,going to be the free website it is,called pixels com PE X Els I'll leave a,link for it to you below it's not,affiliate link or anything just gonna,leave you guys the links to all of these,but this is all free stock footage that,you're allowed to use personally or,commercially so let's go ahead and just,fine,dogs for instance and you'll see that,all kinds of pictures pop up does it,tell us how many no it doesn't but so,many pictures pop up and if we'll just,click on this one for example right here,and you can see that it says free for,personal use and commercial use and you,don't have to name the photographer so,very cool that that is like that and,then you'll notice that this is kind of,a little bonus thing for you guys it'll,say burst Shopify com is where the,source of this image came from and so on,some of these pictures they'll have you,know a URL like that that you can click,on and if we go to this this one in,particular has a collection of so many,different things so if we wanted to do,maybe maybe we're doing some kind of,food Shopify store I don't know what you,guys are doing but we'll just click on,that for example and all of these images,are also free we'll just click on this,first one and it says you can download,the high-resolution one right there,download free photo and you have the,rights to all the stuff so very very,awesome that this is something that,people like us can use that are just,trying to use these images for our,stores so burst Shopify com is another,free solution for you guys now let's go,ahead and get into the second one here,it's one two three RF comm this is a,stock photo website just like,shutterstock or anything or any of the,other ones however this one I've noticed,is quite a bit cheaper if we will go,ahead and jump into the pricing plans,right here and it's broken up into three,different ways that you can buy these,pictures one of them is download the,pack where you get 25 images or five,images and then this is the one that I,don't actually do where you buy them buy,credits and so I'll buy 40 credits at a,time you can just basically say that,it's $1 per credit 39 dollars for 40,credits and let me show you exactly what,that means because we don't know what,the heck of credit is right like how,much does a picture cost 40 credits no,it doesn't so we'll go back to this and,we'll type in dogs,once again,and so we have several several images,eight hundred and six thousand matches,and we'll just click on this one for,example and so what one two three RF,comm does is they give you the option to,buy it in different sizes and so for the,small one it only costs you two credits,for an extra large one it cost you ten,credits but like this extra large one is,twenty three arm sorry twenty four point,three inches by sixteen point two inches,that's a huge image you don't need that,for a Shopify store so for us you're,most likely gonna buy something like the,medium which is gonna be for download,credits so really it's only costing,about four bucks for something that,you're allowed to use with whatever you,want on your Shopify store and the very,last one is something that's gonna be,free at first and then it's paid for you,have the option to stay with it or not,I personally not going to stay with it,what let me go ahead and show you so,it's gonna be Adobe stock so gonna stock,down Adobe comp and if you go on there,you'll notice that they give you one,month free I think it's one month yeah,it's one month free and so that one,month includes ten image downloads right,now I have five images left as you can,tell right here but let's just type in,dogs again,and let this populate real quick and so,we have so many different images that we,can choose from you can get pretty,specific on here because they have a lot,in their library so we can play it dog,hiking I'm sure something good will pop,up for dogs hiking there we go right,away we have some good pictures here oh,look at this one this is actually the,image that I use right here so as you,can see standard license one image I,have it licensed right here and I got,this for totally free and look at the,size of this image 5300 by 3100,dimension that's huge so yeah I get to,use this for free I'm gonna cancel my,free trial any day now and,use all of the ten images which is more,than enough for most people's Shopify,store you're pretty much just using it,for the homepage maybe like your About,section stuff like that so yeah this is,a really good option for you guys but,there you go guys that's four different,ways three plus a bonus way that you can,basically have free to cheap images for,your store and not get sued for it which,is what we're trying to do we're trying,to make money not give some money to,somebody else so hopefully that helps,please follow along guys let me know,what you think about this so far if this,helped you if you're still here,leave a like on the video for me,subscribe to the channel I really,appreciate it you guys are awesome so,far with all the lights and the love I,just really really appreciate it I'm,gonna keep doing this this is a series,from beginning to end of that first sale,I'm gonna keep going after that but this,is uh this is a journal so I'm just,documenting it for you guys I appreciate,you watching and I will see you in the,next one bye,you
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