my name is cedric welcome back to the,channel and if it's your first time,uh viewing our channel well welcome uh,we release a facebook ads,a video every week and yeah i would,strongly recommend you to subscribe,because we always share,a lot of value and in this video i will,show you how you can send,all sorts of events to your facebook,pixel,uh via the conversion api so from,shopify,to facebook ad manager so without,further ado let's get,right into that so right now i am in,advanced manager and what i'll actually,do,is uh remove my face from the screen so,that you can see my,entire screen great and we're gonna,wanna go to settings,and if we scroll all the way down um,first of all,you might want to turn on advanced,matching it's always a good thing to,turn on and if you turn it on,if you click on show options uh make,sure that the email,first name and last name phone number is,there,and city state zip code in country and,if ever you collect the user's date of,birth or the external id,or the gender then feel free to also,check it,so now if we go to the conversion api,which that's what we're trying to do in,this video,you're going to want to choose a partner,so i was already doing some tests with,zap here,so i'm just actually gonna remove zapier,from there,and i'm gonna choose a partner and i'm,gonna pick shopify,and then finish so now we've enabled,shopify,as our partner for the conversion api so,the next thing that you'll want to do,is head over in shopify and this is one,of my,demo shopify store so there's not much,things,in that specific store but you're going,to want to go to apps,and you're going to want to click on,shop for apps,perfect and we're going to type facebook,as you see there's a few different,options for that query here,uh the query right here sorry what we,want to add,is the facebook channel,so we're gonna click add app,and perfect so now we're adding this to,uh our shopify store,if i scroll down i'm gonna click on add,a sales channel,perfect now we have it it's quite,possible that you,already had uh the facebook app already,installed on your shopify,if you did well you'll see all right you,probably already recognize this icon,and the sales channel and when you hit,the page it shows you,this so yeah if you know if you're,filming with this uh,view then you probably already have it,installed and now at this point you know,you were just looking for some more,information,on how to fully set up the conversion,api and,you know not just send a purchase event,send all sorts of events from both the,browser and,the server right which is through the,conversion api,so what i'm gonna do now is click the,start setup button,now we're gonna start the setup process,so you need to connect a,facebook account to this shopify,facebook sales channel so i'm going to,click on connect account,now you don't see that but i just saw a,pop-up on my screen,and it's just asking to verify my,identity and make sure that,i am truly cedric so i'm just entering,my password and you're gonna have to do,the same,and you're gonna have to continue as,your facebook profile,and just basically give shopify all the,different permission that they,uh potentially need to continue with the,setup,now it's going to ask you to set up your,business manager,so you're going to need to connect it to,your business manager so i'm going to go,ahead,and do just that and i'm going to pick,my demo fb account so that's my demo,facebook business manager,and once that's connected so for you you,should have your domain verified,since this is a test account and a test,shopify store i don't actually have a,domain for this so i'm using,like a pre-defined shopify domain but,for you your domain needs to be your,actual domain and it also needs to be,verified,if your domain isn't verified i actually,released a video a few weeks ago,about how to verify your domain in,business manager,so i show you the three different ways,that you can verify your domain and i'll,leave the link of that video,in the description of this video so go,ahead and pause this video and watch,that other video if your domain,isn't verified so i'm just going to skip,this because like i said,i don't have a real domain now you're,going to need to connect your facebook,page,i actually created a demo facebook page,so i'm going to connect this one but you,would connect obviously your,business facebook page and now right,underneath it says data sharing so,you're going to want to make sure that,it is enabled,and this is where all the magic happens,so you have three different options you,have the standard,enhanced and maximum so you're going to,want to pick the maximum and here's why,so,if i click on maximum you're going to,see this little message right here and,basically they're saying that it uses,the conversion api,and that's what this whole video is,about that's what you're trying to do,today,which shares data directly from shopify,server,to facebook server so now when i talk,about the,direct integration from shopify to,facebook,and using your maximum level i often get,the question i used to have the same,question,myself like what events does it send,does it only sends the purchase event,to from shopify to facebook or does it,also send the add to cart,view content and all these other events,from both the browser and the server,if you look at their documentation right,here and,if we look at the maximum section they,actually say,that they the conversion api sends the,purchase event,between shopify and facebook servers,so in their documentation they're,actually not talking about sending,any other data from the shopify server,to the facebook server because you could,send all sorts of data you can send the,ad to cart to view content,and a lot of other events from the,server it doesn't just need to be the,purchase that is sent to,through the conversion api but here's,the good news,actually a few weeks ago i received this,email from one of the shopify,support team so i'll show it on the,screen right here and basically they're,saying that,now they not only send the purchase,event from,shopify's server to facebook server but,they also send,all the other events so that is really,awesome because that means that,shopify can now do full server side,tracking and send all the really,important metric,to facebook server so now just by,enabling the maximum setting,that we did right here you're going to,be sending,all the events and not just the purchase,event so it is a little bit confusing,i i did mention to shopify that they,should probably update their,documentation but this is,i mean depends on when you're watching,this video i'll leave the link of this,article in the description of this video,but probably if you're watching this,video,not too long after i publish it well,it's probably still going to say that,they they only send the purchase of it,but it is not the case and i,confirm also i looked into events,manager for,multiple clients that are doing this and,using this setup,and i can assure you that they are,sending,all the different events from the,browser but also from the server so,it is working perfectly the only thing,that i noticed is that for some theme,it seems like the the integration isn't,working really well,so definitely make sure that when you're,enabling this,uh revive events manager make sure that,it is sending everything correctly and,you're not getting any sort of error,message in advance manager,cool so now let's just go ahead and,finish our setup so we're going to go,back to,this setup page right here and i'm going,to scroll down and you're going to want,to probably connect a facebook commerce,account,so i just connected this one just,because again this is a test,and this is a demo account but you're,gonna there's gonna be a button if you,don't have one already,showing up here for you there's gonna be,a button and you can just click on it,and it's,probably just gonna create the commerce,account for you,once that's done and you see there's a,little uh green check mark here just,keep scrolling and you just need to,accept the terms and conditions so,we're going to review the terms so you,probably can't see it again but there's,a pop-up that just,popped up on my screen and i'm just,going to accept the terms so do the same,and then as soon as you accept the terms,you're gonna see everything should show,up here,and perfect so everything looks,verified and then at this point i can,just simply click the finish setup,button,and uh i would be all good to go guys,that is it for this video,hopefully you're able to uh follow along,and do everything without encountering,any sort of like errors or,issues but if you did please let me know,in the comment section of this video,because i actually take the time to read,all the comments and see if there's,any way that i could uh help a little,bit further,so yeah if you have any issues just let,me know in the comments section,and if you haven't already please give,this video a thumbs up obviously if you,enjoyed the content and as i mentioned,earlier in the video,we release videos just like this one,about facebook ads or tracking or,anything really like i said related with,facebook ads,every week so consider subscribing to,the channel if you haven't already,bye for now,thank you,you
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