what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today you,can edit HTML code in Shopify so overall,it's not too difficult a process but it,does require you to know what you're,looking for so let me go over it here,and also how to create a backup this way,if you create any mistakes it's going to,make your life a lot easier because you,can simply restore that make sure you,stay to the end of the video and if,you're enjoying it along the way I would,love it if you hit that like And,subscribe button below and before we get,into it I just want to quickly thank our,sponsor Prof account a one-click profit,calculator app available on the Shopify,App Store with a free 15-day trial now,let's check out the video so you can,understand what the map is about,let's dive into how you can actually,edit the HTML code so as you can see I'm,logged into a Shopify test store on the,back end here and this would be your,admin dashboard under the order section,so mainly you want to pay attention to,the left hand side here so you want to,scroll down to online store and it's,going to show themes blog posts pages,and navigation we just really want to,pay attention to the theme section here,as you can see there are several themes,installed in the store and your current,theme is going to show up here under,live theme and so the way to access the,code is you can open up this button and,you can click edit code here and we'll,go into that in a little more detail but,first before you look into the code,maybe change any code you want to hit,duplicate this is going to duplicate,your current Shopify theme setup so if,you do make any mistakes along the way,something isn't looking right something,isn't loading right you can simply go,here and set this one as the current,theme and this will be your backup and,it's going to restore everything as to,it was before I know I've accidentally,made changes in the code here it can be,very stress inducing to figure out,what's going on especially on a live,Shopify store so let's go back here onto,edit code this is going to Oda or load,up the code here for your theme it's,going to be separated into quite a few,files it's going to look very,intimidating to you at the beginning but,really all we want to take a look at is,theme.liquid this is going to be the,head section of the HTML file if you,don't have experience with HTML it's,typically separated into a head section,because it's going to show up on every,page and nested in there is going to be,the body section and the closing scripts,and so it's going to surround everything,so this code here surrounds your entire,theme nearly the only edits you'll be,making I think is a Shopify store owner,and not doing any custom development is,going to be in the head section this is,where sometimes they'll ask for a,different analog tracking tag of course,things along those Natures or along that,nature so I know originally you had to,put your Facebook pixel in here you had,to put your Google analytics tag I think,less and less you have to do it now and,Shopify has made it much easier to get,started without having to touch any of,this as it is quite intimidating you can,see as well different references to,JavaScript this is noted by the script,tag here so we can see where it starts,and where it ends sometimes applications,will leave code here after you've,uninstalled them although I believe that,is also not as applicable nowadays as,they've made it so it's much easier so,when you're uninstalling and installing,apps it's not going to leave a bunch of,extra code that's going to slow your,site down so that's the theme.liquid to,access your HTML here there are also,different pages you can take a look at,so this is your collection template it's,really not a lot here as they're,typically references to different other,files but mainly it's a Shopify store,owner you're going to be on the,theme.liquid the most if you're really,in here at all you really have access to,all your other files but overall in a,nutshell that is how you edit the HTML,code for your Shopify theme it just,takes a little bit of navigation and you,want to read it through line by line as,there's quite a bit of information in,there especially if you don't have,experience with HTML well that concludes,the video on how to add HTML in your,Shopify theme let me know in the,comments if you have any questions about,this process it can be a little,intimidating so just let me know there,and I'll try to get back to you as soon,as possible and again if you are looking,for a profit calculator app so you can,understand how your story is truly doing,on a real-time basis check out profit,calc in the link in description there's,a 15 day free trial so you can test,drive everything out there for yourself,thank you so much for watching and I'll,see you in our next video
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