hey everybody Justin seen her here I'm,gonna show you how you're gonna be able,to sell millions of dollars of custom,coffee mugs without ever spending a,single dollar on inventory with,print-on-demand and I'm gonna show you,how to do this without even spending any,money on inventory without ever even,touching these products you're gonna be,able to sell five six seven figures of,custom mugs you'll never even touch a,single one and I'm gonna show you all,about that I'm going to talk about what,exactly print-on-demand with Shopify is,I'm going to show you exactly why it's,the best business opportunity of the,year and nothing even comes close and,it's really all about the idea that,you're gonna be able to sell millions of,dollars a product let's say in this case,mugs without ever ordering the product,upfront without ever paying for the,product without ever having any type of,product inventory any type of inventory,risk or upfront cost or minimum order,quantity none of that,there's no risk with print-on-demand and,it really works exactly as the name,describes right you're gonna actually,have a product that is printed or,produced when it's demanded right and,when is it demanded well when someone,places an order so we're talking about,four simple steps so you know step one,you're literally just gonna come up with,design ideas you need to come up with a,design idea for this print on demand mug,and other products that you could do,print on demand with like t-shirts and,apparel and hoodies and all that other,great stuff so step one you come up with,an idea right you say I want to make a,funny cat mug okay step two using,Shopify as your store you integrate a,print-on-demand app I'm going to show,you one later on in this video you,integrate print-on-demand,so now you have the ability to add,product to your store probably that,you'll never touch but product that,people can buy print-on-demand right,again there the products are only going,to be produced,once they're demanded once they're,ordered so you integrate that in your,Shopify store step three you get your,design idea actually created by a,graphic designer,you don't need to be an artist you don't,need to know how to do Photoshop all you,need to do is work with a freelance,graphic designer and you say hey mr. or,mrs. designer I have this great idea for,a funny cat mug can you please design it,step for you take that design you add it,to your story then you run targeted,Facebook ads in order to show it to,people that liked that product and their,eventual going to buy that product on,your store and you see in none of these,four steps did we talk anything about,shipping the product ordering the,product up front have,a hundred thousand pieces in a warehouse,with a huge team you don't need any of,that I print down demand you sell one,you ship one all automatically done in,with print on demand the best part is,once you make the sale your job is,completely done and this is exactly how,it works right you're gonna have a,little design file it's typically a dot,PNG file on your hard drive this is what,you are a graphic designer creates and,that gets turned into a mug and that of,course gets turned into hell you know,serious cash I mean you get to sell this,product right here just because you have,the design file for it so there's no,inventory,there's no mug you're never touching it,but you could sell as many mugs as you,want on your store and that's the power,of print on demand sell millions of,dollars of product without ever even,having a dollar and inventory and shirts,are the more you know common example,most people do shirts these 10 shirts,right over here they do six million,dollars in sales right 10 shirts did,over six million dollars in sales and I,mean that's the power of print on demand,right there and this is exactly how it,works right you're gonna get a design,file right let's say this is the mug,that you want to create so okay mr.,designer let's create a design and this,is the design file that you know the,designer gives you back this gets turned,into this on your store so this mug,doesn't exist anywhere you can go ahead,in my store and buy it for $19.99 right,now and again print on demand this mug,will be printed or produced when it's,demanded okay let's talk about the,economics for a second write print on,demand it's only produced after it's,ordered well what happens when you you,know when you get an order right you get,money you collect the money so it's a,cashflow positive business as well,you're gonna make money on this product,without ever touching it without even,having without ever having it produced,and then once it is ordered the print on,demand company not only produces it but,sends it out to your customer for you,here's another representation right this,is a shirt for people who like beer and,it's actually a hoodie you right you,could turn it into any different product,with the same idea we just have the,design file it gets turned into this,purchasable product you can buy this,product on my store for $39.99 so that's,how print-on-demand works that's the,power of it you get to sell 300,different products that are only,produced when ordered right no upfront,cost they are they're only gonna make,you money oh you don't have to have any,inventory you don't need to have any,staff the print-on-demand company now,not only produces the product but packs,it ships it even sends an email honey,behalf to the customer saying hey here's,the tracking information so let's go,over the shoulder I'm gonna show you a,live example of how you're gonna be able,to do this with print-on-demand mugs,okay so I'm in a demo store here and of,course I'm using the gear launch app and,for print-on-demand I highly recommend,using gear launch you can check it out,gear GE AR Justin senior comm go ahead,and get the app totally free as long as,you get through this link over here gear,dot Justin senior comm I highly,recommend them and I'm gonna show you,right now how to use or how to use the,app to create a mug so we're gonna come,over here and the first thing we're,gonna do is click over here and click,create product and this is gonna bring,us to the one page product creation so,you know one of the best reasons I or,one of the biggest reasons to use gear,launch you get to build your whole,product just in one page so really quick,so we'll just go ahead and give it a,title I'll call this sample mug product,and now I'll come over here you see it's,a t-shirt over here but that doesn't,matter we're gonna come over here and,select the image this is gonna be the,design so first let me show you the,design file okay so this is the design,file and it's actually kind of hard to,see but that's that's how you know it's,actually done correctly so this is a,print-on-demand graphic design file and,it's the same one that I showed you just,a couple seconds ago over on the the,slides it says I work hard so my can I,can have a better life it's a white,design but you'll see it in a second,that's the design felt we're gonna come,over here and click add image so i'm,gonna click add image i'm gonna go,through my desktop and find the design,file this would be the design file that,your designer provided to you you see,it's on the shirt again we don't care,we're gonna come over here we'll just,give it a little description over here i,just put test just for now just so we,have something of course they'll put,your product descriptions here but i'll,come and click add product and now,you're gonna see the whole product,catalog for gear launch some of the,different things that we have here and,we're gonna go into drinkware and we're,gonna find the different types of mugs,and they have these cool you know,aluminum swell bottle type things but,we're going to focus on the mugs over,here we'll go with the 11 ounce mug the,traditional size and click Add and now,you're gonna see the t-shirt is,transformed into a mug and obviously we,have a white design you can see a little,bit easier now but we want to press pick,colors we're gonna go in obviously go,with the black mug here because we want,our white design to pop and typically,that's gonna look a lot better so here,you go this is the design file right,again it's a little bit hard to see,here's the design file right here turned,into this purchasable product that we're,about to,to our store so you see it cost us 6:45,in terms of getting that produced I'm,gonna sell for $19.99 you could set,whatever price you want and I found that,to be a good price somewhere between,$14.99 $19.99 so we have our title we,have our little description of course we,you know put this out a little bit,deeper this is just a little sample,video for you here's the what it's going,to look like here's the actual product,the color and the pricing and all we,need to do now is press sync to Shopify,press ok to confirm and in a couple,seconds we're gonna see this sample mug,product we come over here to products,this products gonna be ready to go it's,the sample mug product right here sample,mug product is now gonna be in our store,and let's say you were a customer,browsing my store or you saw my facebook,ads and you want it to buy this mug you,can go ahead and add it to cart right,now you see 1999 black ceramic mug 11,ounce what we just created you could buy,this product add it to cart right now,but it doesn't exist anywhere right not,again is the power of print on demand,once you pay me for this mug then,automatically my print on demand company,will produce it so at no point do I need,to go and take this out of a warehouse I,don't need to print it or put it in a,bubble mailer or you know put packing,peanuts around it print out a shipping,label I don't do any of that right all I,need to do make the sale print on demand,company does the rest and that's how you,can sell millions of dollars of mugs,without ever spending a dollar on,inventory
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