in today's tutorial i'm going to be,showing you the most efficient way that,you can deal with returns and refunds,for your shopify stores and that is to,set up a returns and exchange portal,that will allow your customers to,exchange their item for another item,from your store and this is the best way,to deal with refunds because you're,still able to keep some profit rather,than refunding them the money directly,or you can refund your customers with,store credits so once again they're,still spending money with your store so,let me go and show you the returns and,exchange portal that we will be creating,in today's tutorial so here we are on my,shopify store and if we just scroll down,to the footer you will see resolution,center so if we just head over to this,page you can see i have created a,returns and exchange portal and this,just makes things so much easier when it,comes to dealing with returns and,refunds and exchanges for your store,rather than dealing with it through,email which can be very time consuming,so all the customer needs to do is enter,in their order number and either their,email address zip code or phone number,and then just click on find my order it,will then show them their order and they,can go and choose their order and then,they can hit next now from here they,have a few different options so they can,exchange it for another variable of the,item or they can return it and get,something else such as store credit so,if they go to exchange for a new size,and click on next then it will go and,show them all of the different options,now it doesn't just have to be size so,this is taken directly from the variance,of your product so it could be color or,it could be plug type it could be any,different type of variant for the,product so this customer originally had,a 34 small maybe they want to exchange,it for a 34 regular they can also view,the extra options and then we can go,back and then they can just click on,exchange now they have to just go and,choose the reason that they want to,exchange it so if the item is damaged,they've received a wrong item it's not,as described and you can edit all of,these different reasons so you can add,as many reasons as you want to so we're,just going to go for not as described,and click next now the customer can,upload an image of the item so let's say,for example it was damaged they can,upload an image of how is damaged now,once again this is an optional step you,can remove this from your returns and,exchange portal if you don't want your,customers to have to upload an image so,if we just go to upload image and we can,just upload an image and then they can,just click on next all they need to do,now is just click on confirm and it will,come through to your returns and,exchange portal so if i just click on,confirm now you can just set up some,confirmations where they have to read,your returns policy and privacy policy,and you can edit all of the text here,that comes with your returns in exchange,portal so i'll be showing you how to do,that in today's tutorial so then they,can just confirm that they have read,these and hit confirm it will then just,take a few moments to process their,exchange or return and then it will give,them a unique rma number which is,basically their returns or exchange,reference number so anytime they want to,find out updates about their return or,exchange they can send over their,reference number now with the app that,i'm using which is called return go so,i'll be showing you how to set up the,returns in exchange portal using this,app you will then be able to see all of,the different returns so if we just go,and refresh the returns page you can now,see i have a pending request with the,resolution so they can pick a different,resolution so if they want to refund to,store credit or if they want to,instantly exchange the item for another,item and then you will see the pending,request now from this dashboard you can,just click on the return request and,then you can approve it you can reject,it you can release the new product and,once you click on release exchange it,will create a new order for the item,that they want to swap it for so you can,see this customer is swapping a 34 small,for a,34 regular so if i click on release,exchange it will create a new order in,my shopify dashboard for a 34 regular or,you can refund them directly back to,their payment method or with store,credit so it's totally up to you how you,want to deal with the refunds you will,also see the uploaded images that the,customer has uploaded so you can see if,any items are damaged and things like,that and that is just one option for the,customer so if we just go and reject,this exchange request i will show you,how they can request a refund as well so,let's just reject this exchange request,so now if we just head back to our,resolution center so let's just click on,ok so when they click on ok it will,bring them back to the home page if we,scroll down and click back to the,resolution center and now once again,they can go and request another refund,so if they click on find my order and,this time i will go and choose the same,order and i will show you how they can,go and ask for a refund so if they,instead of going for exchange for a new,size they can go return to get something,else and then once again they can choose,the reason why they want to refund it so,they can click on next once again they,can go and upload an image and then they,can hit next and now if they just hit,confirm and read the policies and hit,confirm and this time they can choose to,get a refund for store credit or get a,refund to payment method and this just,makes things so much easier to deal with,returns and refunds as opposed to using,email and also it just sets your store,apart it makes your store appear so much,more professional when you have this,type of resolution center as opposed to,just dealing with with refunds through,email going back and forth with,exchanges with the customer and getting,them to send you images through email,and things like that can be very time,consuming so having this type of,resolution center really sets your store,apart from other stores so now they for,example they can just ask for store,credits and then they can hit next and,once again it will give them that unique,reference number and once again then the,returns will show up in your return,dashboard so you can see we've got the,pending request refund to store credit,so now that i've shown you how the,returns and exchange portal works let me,show you how you can actually start,setting this up from scratch for your,own shopify store so in order to create,your returns and exchange portal for,your shopify store we are going to,install an app so make sure you are,logged into your shopify dashboard and,then we will be installing the app,called return go so i will leave a link,in the description to this app now you,do get a 14 day free trial for the,return go app and then after that is,9.97 a month now like i say i think it's,totally worth it because firstly it's,going to make your store appear more,professional which will in turn lead to,more sales and secondly is going to,encourage customers to exchange products,rather than refund them and that way you,can actually make more profit because,you won't have to refund as many,customers so from here all we are going,to do is click on add app you will then,be brought over to your shopify,dashboard so just scroll down and click,on install app and then from here we are,just going to click on start free trial,it will then bring you over to the,return go dashboard and from here you,can start setting up your returns and,exchange portal so from here we can,start going through some of the settings,in order to set up your returns and,exchange portal so just on the left hand,side just click on settings and we're,going to start with store settings so,firstly you have your store name so i'm,just going to make sure that i change,mine to the proper store name so it's,just going to have it by default as the,lowercase version of your store name,that they take from your url so just,make sure you change your store name so,that is branded correctly then you have,your store url next we have the return,policy now by default they will add this,returns policy now this is just if,people can't find your returns in,exchange portal they will direct them to,this page now i don't want to use this,page i want to actually use my proper,returns page so we're just going to copy,our returns page from the store and then,i'm just going to paste that in here now,i've got the custom support email so,this is where you will be notified when,people actually start making exchanges,through your exchange portal so i've,just got my email address in here so,make sure you've got your professional,email address you will have your default,store currency you can choose your store,language so by default they've got,english but they also have romanian and,spanish as well if you want to go and,add those now down here we have the,general return settings so we'll say,allow multiple return requests per order,so that just means if a customer has,ordered multiple different items with,one order they can go and make requests,to return or exchange multiple different,items from their order then it will say,calculate the price difference in,variance so i'll go over this a little,bit later on but basically this just,means that when somebody wants to,exchange a product it's going to allow,them to exchange the product based on,the catalog price or the paid price so,i'm going to choose the paid price and,the reason we're going to choose the,paid price rather than the catalog price,of a product is because somebody might,use a discount code on your store and,that means that they didn't pay the full,price for the product so when they go to,exchange or return the item you want,them to only receive the money that they,paid for it rather than the price that,it is in your catalog so if it's fifty,dollars in your catalog and they got ten,percent off that means they only paid 45,dollars so you only want to give them 45,back so we're going to choose the paid,price now down the bottom we will see,items validation so this isn't that,important it just means that you can,document whether the items were returned,and if they're out of stock to your,customers personally i would just leave,this as off by default next up you have,store credit settings so i'm going to go,into this once again in a bit more,details because when somebody returns an,item through your return and exchange,portal they can actually exchange the,item for store credits so you can decide,if you want your store credits to expire,so you could say that they have one year,to use their store credits so i think,that's a fair amount of time most stores,allow customers to spend their store,credits within a year before they expire,so i definitely recommend adding in a,credit expiration but it's totally up to,you if you want to you can just put,never which means that the credits never,expire and they can use them whenever,they want and now down the bottom you,can just translate everything in your,return in exchange portal to another,language that's not english romanian or,spanish by uploading it from an excel,file so this is a little bit more,complicated i don't think anybody,watching this video is probably going to,need to do this so now we are just going,to hit save it will say settings have,been updated successfully so now we have,gone over our store settings the next,thing we are going to do is click on,return reasons so return reasons are,pretty straightforward these are the,reasons that you allow customers to,return an item so definitely items,damage of course we want customers to be,allowed to return an item if it has been,damaged if they have received the wrong,item if they change their mind i'm going,to turn this off from my store because,for my store my products are quite,expensive so i can't really allow,customers to simply get a return on,exchange just because they've changed,their mind if it's not what they've,expected once again i'm just going to,turn this off so that just means maybe,the color looks a bit different or,something like that if it doesn't fit,once again i'm going to turn this off,from my store because my products are,custom made to measure but if you're,running a fast fashion store with,cheaper items you might want to allow,this as a reason not not as described is,perfectly fine arrive too late we can,leave this on poor quality which just,means the product isn't that great,parcel damaged on arrival i'm going to,leave this off once again and then you,have other so these generic reasons will,allow you if you turn these on you can,actually go and add your own reason now,for me i'm actually going to turn arrive,too late i'm going to turn other off so,all i've got is not as described,received the wrong item an item is,damaged but like i say it's totally up,to you the reasons that you allow your,customers to make an exchange or a,return so now if we scroll down you will,see enable follow-up questions so this,basically means that when a customer,opens a dispute through your returns and,exchange portal you can ask them some,follow-up questions about the product so,this could be how is the product damage,what's wrong with the product and then,you can require your customers to upload,images of the product to show that it,actually is damaged so once again i'm,going to turn this on because i think,this is really important you want to,make sure that the customer is uploading,images to show you that the product is,damaged or incorrect so that way you can,verify the return before approving it so,now i'm just going to hit save so now we,have saved our return reasons the next,thing we're going to do is go to,resolutions so return go allows you to,have a number of different resolutions,for your returns and exchange portal so,you all have instant exchange so this,basically means the customer can,instantly exchange an item for another,item so this is really amazing because,this allows you to reduce the amount of,money that you give back to customers,with refunds by encouraging them to,exchange their product for another item,and like i say this just discourages,them from getting a refund so if they've,purchased a product and it's too small,or they don't like something about it,you can try and encourage them to,exchange it from another item of a,different size or a different color or a,different variation from your store so,this is really great we've got instant,exchange and i'll be showing you how you,can set this up in a moment we have,refund to payment method so that,basically just means if the customer has,paid with credit card or with paypal you,refund them instantly back to their,payment method you have refund to store,credit now once again i really like this,one and you're going to want to,encourage your customers to go for this,option so this basically just means that,you'll refund them but only with store,credits that means they have to still,spend that credit on some items from,your store and that way you still keep,them as a customer rather than refunding,them all of the money back to their bank,account or their paypal account now down,here we have ship it later keep the item,and donate the item so ship it later,basically just means that you'll refund,them now but i still want the item,shipped back to me now personally i'm,not going to offer this on my store,because i always want to receive the,item first before i actually refund a,customer because you might give them the,refund and then they just never ship the,item back to you then you've got keep,the item which is pretty,self-explanatory it just means you can,keep it have it for free and will still,give you a refund then you have donate,the item which once again is very,similar to keep the item just means they,can give it to somebody else if they,don't want it and then you have the,cancel order so that basically just,means if you haven't processed the order,if you haven't shipped the order yet,they can contact you through the returns,and exchange portal and just ask you to,cancel the order flat out so i'm going,to go through these and just show you,how you can change some of these so we,have instant exchange so if you just,click on this little pencil icon it will,allow you to edit the resolution so,firstly you can change the resolution,name so if this is going to be the name,that the customer sees in the returns,and exchange portal so they'll just see,instant exchange and then they'll see,the description which says exchange the,item for a new item you selected so i'm,just going to change this and say,exchange the item for a new item,from our store,and now i'm actually going to just put,in another caveat in there just to say,exchange the item for a new item in our,store of similar,value so that just means they're not,going to exchange the item for something,that's quite significantly more,expensive than the item that they've,purchased next up we have allow out of,stock exchange so maybe they want to,exchange the product for a product that,isn't available right now because it's,out of stock so the return go app,actually syncs up with all of your,products and it will see the stock,amount that you have for each of your,products so you can allow customers to,exchange their items for a product,that's not currently in stock so maybe,you said to your customer this item is,going to be in stock again in two months,time so we'll allow you to exchange it,now and as soon as the product comes in,stock we'll send it out to you now,personally i'm not going to allow this,on my store because i think it will be,more of a hindrance than a help allowing,customers to exchange items that are out,of stock but you can go and do this next,up we have free exchange variant price,range so this is a really cool feature,and this basically just means that you,can allow customers to exchange an item,for a slightly more expensive item so if,you leave this as default to 100 it just,means that they can only exchange the,item for 100 of the value of the item so,that basically means if the product is,fifty dollars they can only exchange the,product for another product that is also,fifty dollars but if you just go and add,this to let's say one hundred and ten,percent so you just up it a bit it means,that if a product is fifty dollars they,can go and exchange it for a product,that's sixty dollars and that is a,really great feature i think this is a,really great approach to customer,service and this is a really great way,to retain customers that are unhappy,because you're allowing them to exchange,the product that they don't want for a,slightly more expensive item so of,course you're going to have to look at,the prices of the products in your store,if you're still making a profit on that,product even though it's slightly more,expensive if you allow a customer to,exchange a product that's 50 to a,product that's sixty dollars and you're,still making a profit you're going to,really make that customer happy because,you're basically just giving them 10,discount now like i say only do this if,you're still making a profit or if,you're breaking even let's say you don't,want to upset the customer you want to,retain them you want to deliver good,customer service you can go and offer,this feature which i think is really,great then you've got charge the price,difference for a more expensive variant,now once again this is linked to this so,you can charge the price so if they've,purchased a product that is 50,and you're allowing them to exchange it,for a product that's 60,you can charge them the 10 extra,difference just by turning this on so,you can go and do that as well if you,want to now personally like i said i'm,going to turn this off because i think,it's a better customer service approach,to allow them just to get a little bit,extra for free and then finally you can,add a link to your sizing chart so this,is mostly for fashion products or,clothing stores you can go and add in a,sizing chart link so that way if they,want to exchange their item that's as,small for an item that's a medium they,can go and have a look at your sizing,chart so if you haven't got a sizing,chart page this is super easy to create,so you can just go to your shopify,dashboard just click on pages click on,add page and then from here you can just,go and paste in a table with your sizing,chart and you can just call this sizing,charts so then you can just go and grab,the url for that page and you can just,paste that in here so once you have done,that we can just click on save so now we,have set up our instant exchange,resolution you can go and change any of,these resolutions once again so if,you've got refund to store credits if i,just click on this pencil icon and from,here you can just change the name and,the description so you can see the,description is pretty good anyway so,it's got submit request wait for,approval ship the item and get store,credit after the item received and,verified so i'm just going to leave all,of these as default now from here you,will see instant credit resolution using,return score now once again this is a,really cool feature of the return go app,it basically gives each of your,customers a return score so if a,customer just keeps returning items and,you can see that from your return and,exchange portal they're going to have a,pretty bad return score so you might,want to just sort of blacklist them as a,customer if you've got a customer that,just keeps returning and exchanging,items all the time and they're just not,worth the hassle so you can click on,return score settings and from here you,can go and set up a few different things,so firstly you've got who pays for the,return shipping so you can put this as,the customer now if you want to pay for,your customers return shipping you can,choose the store but personally for my,store i'm going to make the customer,responsible for paying for the shipping,then you've got the average product cost,margin so this is basically how much,profit you're making on each of your,products so you can just average this,out it doesn't have to be spot on so for,me i'm just going to go for,20 to 40 percent then we have returned,item value so this basically just means,how much can you resell the item once it,is returned so if your products don't,lose any value once they return so let's,say a 50 product is returned and you,still sell it for 50 you can just leave,it as 100 but generally when a product,is returned you might end up selling it,for a bit cheaper so they're,recommending you to leave it as 80 as a,general so i'm just going to leave that,then you've got cost of handling a,return so this basically just means the,time that's spent into doing the,customer service or maybe paying for the,shipping and things like that so if you,are paying for the shipping and the,average amount of money that is costing,you to ship the item back to yourself is,let's say for me five great british,pounds then i would put that in there so,for me i'm just going to leave this as,the customer of course i would say cost,of handling return let's say it takes,two hours so we're just going to go and,put something in here like 12 pounds if,you start paying a virtual assistant on,an hourly basis to deal with your,customer service then you can just work,that out based on their hourly wage so,if it takes them two hours to deal with,each return and they're getting six,pounds per hour i can just put in 12,pounds and hit save so now we have all,of these resolution options available so,i'll just once again show an example of,editing the keep the item resolution so,if we click on the pencil icon once,again you will see the resolution name,keep the item then you will see the,description shop now with instant,credits and in addition you get to keep,the original item as well or you can,just say just keep the original item and,you get a refund whatever it is then,you've got offer the range so they're,allowing you people to spend 90 of the,original item price so that's fair,because you have let them keep the item,and then they can get an item that is,worth 90 of the original item that they,purchased so like i said you can go and,edit any of these resolutions so just go,and have a look through some of these go,and edit them to suit your store and now,next we're going to click on return,methods so from here you can go and edit,the return methods so you've got no,shipment required which basically just,means when they keep the item they don't,have to ship it so once again you can,click on the pencil icon and you can,actually go and edit any of these so,you've got the shipping instructions so,they don't actually need any shipping,instructions for this one because,they're not returning it shipping with,any carry out if we open this once again,we've got the shipping instructions so,you're going to have to put some,shipping instructions for this so we'll,say we will show it in the emails we,send to our customers so this is going,to be what is sent to the customer once,the exchange or return has been approved,so if we just click on this arrow and,from here you can go and click on choose,locale so i'm just going to go and,choose english and then from here it,will have the shipping address of your,store so where they need to actually,ship the item back to you and it's just,going to say make sure to send items in,an appropriate size parcel post the,password the carry of your choice please,keep your shipment c and tracking number,so like i said this is actually what's,going to get sent to the customer in an,email so just make sure that this is,correct they will take the address from,the address of your store on shopify so,now we can just close this next up we,have ship with a prepaid label now i'm,not offering this on my store just,because i think it's too expensive for,my products but basically what you can,do is you can integrate this with a,third party app so if i just go over to,the return go page homepage you can see,you need one of these apps installed on,your shopify store so the fedex app dhl,shipstation shippo so if you have one of,these installed that you're using to,update customers with tracking numbers,and things like that then you can go and,integrate that for the prepaid shipping,label so you just have to hit connect,and you can go and set everything up,it's pretty straightforward but like i,say i'm not offering prepaid shipping,labels on my store because i think it's,a little bit too expensive and then next,up we have return to store location so,once again this is just going to be if,you have a physical store so once again,you probably don't really need to use,this if you're just using your ecommerce,store and that's it you can just go and,set up the first to ship with any,carrier and no shipment required so once,you have gone and set those up next up,we're not going to go to return portal,just yet we're going to go to policy,rules and from here you can toggle on,and off each of the resolutions that we,just set up so i want instant exchange,on my store i want refund to store,credit i want refund to payment method,i'm going to leave donate to the item i,will have keep the item just in case and,i will have cancelled the order now from,here you can go and edit all of these so,once again if we just click on the,pencil icon for instant exchange you can,go and decide if you want to manually,approve or automatically approve this,exchange so i'm just going to leave it,as manually approved so i can double,check over everything before i actually,go and allow a customer to exchange an,item you can go and change the window so,maybe you want to change the window for,refund and exchange so maybe for an,exchange you could change change it to,45 days let's say if you're allowing a,customer to exchange or maybe for store,credit they can go and request for store,credit up to 45 days of having the,product but if they want to refund it,straight to their payment method they,can only do it up to 30 days so if we,click on this pencil icon once again i,can show you a few other things that you,can edit so you can say limit which,items are available eligible for an,exchange so if you just toggle this on,you can say that some items are not,eligible for an exchange so we could go,to not legible then we can go and say,that top items that are tagged with and,then we can say only one of these tags,and you can go and put in a tag from,your product so if you just go to,products and then let's just click leave,page and then from your products you can,just go into your products and you will,see that i have tagged this product here,with the summer tag so if we just come,back in here i could say that,any item that is tagged with the summer,tag is not eligible for an exchange so,you can go and do something like that,now for me i'm just going to allow all,of my products to be eligible for,exchange so i'm just going to turn this,off then once again you've got the,return method so i'm just going to leave,it as ship with any carrier then you,have if you want to charge a fee for a,resolution now personally i don't,recommend to turn this on this is going,to make customers very annoyed if you,charge them to an exchange or refund an,item so i'm just going to say display,free which basically just means that,they can exchange your return item for,free and then you've got the approval,process once again i'm going to leave it,as manually approved because i of course,want to double check everything before,an exchange or return is approved and,then we can just hit save so once you,have gone and set up all of the rules,for each resolution and toggle them on,and off depending on which one you want,to display in your portal you can hit,save so next up we have the emails so,these are going to be the emails that,get sent out to the customers with,regard to updates with their exchange or,their return so if we just go to email,we can click on notifications and from,here you will see the email that you,will get notified so this is going to be,the email address of your shopify store,so like i say make sure it is a,professional email address then you will,see receive a bcc so basically any,update that goes to a customer you will,get bcc'd in it as well so that just,means that you're always kept in the,loop and that way customers can never,say that they didn't receive an email,they didn't receive an update because,you will be blind copied in the email so,you can always ensure that the customer,has definitely received that email so,you will see it has a return label live,status so if you are using shippo that's,the only app that will allow you to have,a live status of the updates so all of,the other apps i showed you they won't,actually provide a live status the,customer will have to go and check the,tracking orders manually so from your,return and exchange portal the customer,will have to go and say when they've,actually,sent the item to you so then it will say,that it's in transit so you will get a,notification and they will also get a,notification to say that it's in transit,and then you will concern confirm that,you have received the item so once again,you will get a notification of this and,the customer will as well so i recommend,just leaving these as the default now,you can go and customize the emails so,if you click on customization and from,here you can go and upload your logo so,we just click on this and from here i'm,just going to choose my logo and hit,open and then it will show your logo on,the right hand side then you have the,logo alignment so i'm just going to,center align it so that just means on,the emails it will be in the middle of,the emails so we can just hit save,changes and now from here if we scroll,down we can modify the colors of our,emails so i'm just going to go and make,sure that the text is black so i'm just,going to change it,to black,and i'm going to change the link to,black and i'm going to also change the,button color to black as well so that's,just the colors of my store so you can,of course go and change it to the colors,of your store my store is just black,white and gray so i'm just going to,leave it as those colors and hit save so,now that we've customized the emails,we're going to go to return portal and,we're going to click on content from,here it's going to ask you to choose,your language so once again i'm going to,go and choose english now from here we,have the home page so you can go and,write a message which will show up here,so i just said easily exchange or return,your items through our resolution center,so that will just show under here so now,i'm just going to hit save changes now,from here if we just scroll down you,will see poly policy confirmation screen,so you can actually go and make sure,that they read your policy first and,they confirm it so you can just go and,add in a title a description some,instructions and some statements so for,the title i've just put policy,confirmation then in the description,i've just said please ensure you read,and accept our privacy policy and refund,policy before opening a dispute in our,resolution center and then i've just,added links to both the refund policy,and the privacy policy as a matter of,fact i should put the privacy policy,first another reason you're going to,want them to accept the privacy policy,is of course because in your resolution,center you are going to be sharing,private details so maybe their name,their order number they perhaps their,payment details if they want a refund,their address when they are talking,about items being shipped and things,like that so you're going to want them,to to agree to your privacy policy and,also your refund policy as well then,i've just put check the boxes to confirm,you have read and agreed to our returns,policy so i'm going to put in here,privacy policy,and,returns policy,and then finally at the bottom we've,just got our return policy our privacy,policy so they're going to have to tick,both of these before they hit confirm so,now we cannot again hit save changes so,now that we have updated that we can,click on look and feel of the return,portal so from here you can start off by,changing the font of your returns in,exchange portal so make sure that it,matches the front of the rest of your,store so you can see i'm using this,futura font on my store so i'm just,going to copy this and i'm going to,paste the futura font in here then we've,got to the title so i'm just going to,leave that as black we've got the text,i'm going to leave that as the default,colors so i'm going to leave all of this,as the default colors i'm just going to,change the button background color to,black and then now i'm going to do is,just click on save changes so now that,we have updated the look and feel of our,portal the last thing that we need to do,is just click on storefront and from,here finally just confirm that your,storefront is in the correct language so,now we can click on integration so from,the integration page we're going to just,toggle on enable integration now from,here it will have the a slash returns as,the default especially as i already have,a returns policy that's why it's adding,this a so you can go and change this to,something so i could go and change this,to let's say resolutions but just bear,in mind that if you do go and change,this url it can take up to eight hours,so it might not actually be able to view,it for eight hours so for now i'm just,going to leave it as the default which,is a slash returns so i can show you,what it looks like so now we can just,hit save now if we just copy this link,and we can open it up in a new tab and,now we see that we have our returns,portal so the customer can enter in,their order number they can enter in,their email zip or phone and they can,click on find order now you are going to,want to make sure that your customers,can actually access this page so you can,just copy the url then you can head to,your shopify dashboard click on,navigation then i'm going to click on my,footer menu i'm going to click on add,menu item i'm going to paste the link in,then i am just going to choose the link,and now for the name i'm just going to,go and choose resolution,center,and then i can just go and click on add,now you can of course add this anywhere,in your menu so i think i'm just going,to add it underneath the refund policy,and i'm going to go and hit save so now,if we just open up my store and if i,just scroll down to the bottom they will,see the resolution center and now from,here if they click on this it will bring,them over to the resolution center page,so from here you can actually test your,return and exchange portal so just go,and create a draft order from your,shopify dashboard and then from here we,need to do is put in the order number,and the email zip or the phone number of,the draft customer so if we just enter,in an order number and now i can just,enter in the zip code and then all the,customer needs to do is click on find my,order from here it will come up with,their order so they can go and choose,their order and click next and then they,have different options depending on what,the product is so for this product,they've ordered a 34 small so they can,exchange for a new size so if we click,on this they can click next and then,they can go and choose a different size,so maybe they want to choose a 34,regular and they can click on view,options and then we'll see all of the,options so if they click back then they,can go and choose their options and they,can go and hit exchange and then they,can go for the reason why they want to,exchange it so they could say that it's,not as described and then they can click,on next now because i put it as,mandatory for the customer to upload an,image it is coming up with this so they,can just click on upload picture and,they can just go and upload an image and,they can go and hit next and finally all,they need to do is just click on confirm,then they just need to go and tick that,they've read our returns policy and our,privacy policy and click confirm it will,then just say that they're processing,the request and then the customer will,receive this rma number so this is,basically to tell them that they have,opened a dispute and the customer will,also see this message which just tells,them to make sure to check their emails,regularly for updates regarding their,return or exchange so now if you head,over to your return go dashboard and you,just click on returns you will see all,of your different returns so from here,you can actually click on the return to,go into further detail so for this,return we can see that we have the,return reason not as described we have,the answer which is the old order which,is 34s and they want to exchange it for,a 34r so the resolution resolution here,is instant exchange and then you can,decide if you want to approve or reject,the return now if you click on release,exchange that basically means that a new,order will be created with the new size,that the customer wants so if i click on,release exchange then it will create a,new order with 34r so if i just head,over to my shopify orders we can see,that it's created this new order and in,the notes it will say exchanged via,return go and you can see it's just,minus through the money because they're,just exchanging the items so they,haven't actually had to pay and then you,can just go and fulfill the order so you,will see the customer it has two orders,so their original order and this is the,new order which is their exchange order,so like i say then you can just go and,fulfill the order now the thing is,you're not going to want to release the,exchange right away make sure that you,receive the item from them first before,you actually release the exchange but i,just wanted to show you how that worked,now you can of course refund and credit,so if you click on refund and credit you,can choose if you want to refund them,the payment method or the store credit,it's totally up to you and then you can,go for a full shipping refund if they,did pay for shipping as well and then,you can just hit refund to refund them,with the payment method or with store,credit now you'll see this one here it,says payment to bank account i can't do,that because this customer didn't pay,with their bank details so i can't,process a refund for payment to bank,account so you can just go for payment,method or store credit so that is how,you can refund a customer through the,returns in exchange portal and finally,you can reject or approve a return so of,course if you've released the exchange,and you've refunded them then you're,just going to approve the return as soon,as you hit approve return the customer,will receive an email saying that their,return has been reproved approved or if,you reject the return then you're going,to have to put in a reason why you,rejected the return so the customer gets,an email so by default it will say see,return policy but you can go and add in,any reason you want so you could say,something like correct item received,by customer so if they're saying they,received the wrong item and they've,uploaded an image of it and you can,confirm that it's the correct item then,you could put that as the reject reason,then you're going to send them an email,notification you can upload images as,well and then you can go for return,method now this actually doesn't matter,because you're rejecting it so you can,just leave whatever you want as it is,and then you can just hit submit and,then the customer will receive an email,saying that you have rejected their,return so that is what it looks like if,a customer wants to exchange an item i,will just show you what it looks like if,a customer wants to simply refund an,item so let's just head back to our,resolution center so i'm just going to,come here and click on the resolution,center and this time if we put in the,order number and the email zip or phone,number and click find my order and then,they can choose their order once again,they can hit next and this time if they,don't want to exchange it they just want,to refund they can choose return they,can click on next once again they can,choose their reason so they could say,the item is damaged click on next they,can go and upload an image of the item,and how it is damaged they can click on,next and then finally they just need to,hit confirm and then once again they,just agree to the policies and hit,confirm now from here they can choose if,they want store credit or if they want,to refund it to a payment method,so let's just say they want store credit,they can click on next and once again,they will be given an rma number and an,update via email and this time when you,head over to return go you will see in,the return section that you've got the,resolution as refund to store credits so,then once again you can just click into,it and you can approve and refund the,store credit and that is totally it so,that is it for today's tutorial guys if,you did find value in the video then,make sure to give it a big thumbs up,make sure to subscribe to the channel,for more e-commerce and drop shipping,content and if you're interested in,setting up an e-commerce brand from,scratch with a very low budget then,check out the two videos on screen now,and i'll see you in one of those videos
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