what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today we'll,be looking at how you can find Shopify,competition in your Niche now this could,be great if you're a drop shipper as you,can find at their competing stores you,can find out what products they're,releasing possibly take those find their,suppliers as Drop Shipping is a very,competitive game in that sense as your,inventory is mostly the same as you're,finding the same suppliers on sites such,as AliExpress taobao or anything along,those lines as there's only so many,manufacturers in the world finding a,competition can also give you huge,inspiration and examples on what you,should be doing for your very own store,so we're gonna go over the organic way,to do this here we're not going to focus,on tools such as sell the trend or,e-commerce inspector or any of those,ones that are paid to find competitors,we're going to focus on one organic way,in this video that is completely free,before I dive into it I just want to,thank our sponsor profit calc The,one-click Profit calculator app,available on the Shopify app store it's,going to allow you to skip your,spreadsheets and get back to Growing,your store with real-time calculations,it also comes with a 15 day free trial,and there's a link in the description,description below I'm also going to show,a quick video showing all their features,are you a Shopify business owner who,spends hours doing your accounting have,messy spreadsheets kept you from growing,your business discover profit calc the,affordable and easy to set up Shopify,app that crunches your numbers in just,one click it automatically syncs with,all your accounts and expenses to,calculate your profit displaying,everything in an easy to read dashboard,so you understand your business in real,time start for free on the Shopify app,store today let's dive into it now how,you can find your Shopify competition so,the first way is just going to be to see,what ads they are running now the first,way to find that is can read through,Facebook's ad Library they had to create,this a few years ago to give,transparency to the ads they're running,I believe this was caused by the Russian,election issue so essentially how to,create a page where anyone can see any,of the ads that are running on Facebook,at any time once you navigate to the ad,Library you can go to search ads you can,select the country I'm just going to,select all here you can also divide it,by all ads or issues and collections you,can search for the relevant keyword so,let's say for example you are a cat toys,brand you'd want to search up cat toys,here and from there Facebook is going to,launch you all the ads that are running,for cat toys and from there you can see,quite a few different brands we can see,Bella Luna toys cat box cat pets those,it's going to take some manual work here,I thought all of these are going to be,directly in your Niche maybe not selling,the same product we should be opening up,each of these Facebook pages here and,adding them to your swipe file of,competitors and looking at what products,they sell we just open up cap locks for,example you can see it's a pretty new,page here and they are not running too,many ads as they are quite new you can,head to their website looks like they,are subscription cat box so this could,be your Niche here you can see where,they're founded you can maybe look at,their products and see what they're,doing and see what ads they're running a,great way of the ad libraries to see,what ads are successful they're starting,to trend on Facebook what is the ad,library that can help you find,competitors but really the best ways to,be active on Facebook make sure you're,watching the videos of different,competitors that are running ads,Facebook is going to be more likely to,serve your additional ads based on your,selected niches maybe go like a few,pages related to your new let's see if,you're interested in cat toys or,something like that well that's what,your store is go like a bunch of cat,related Pages Facebook's gonna deem this,that you are more likely to purchase Cat,products in that sense as you may,possibly own a cat but there are other,ways when you're clicking at,competitor's ads and actually purchasing,products based on different sites I'm,not sure if this goes against the terms,service so I'm hesitant to recommend,that but I know that's something that,competitors do but isn't the most,ethical thing there as you are causing,them to pay for those clicks as well so,if you see a competitor you can simply,just Google their website and go through,organic search there but besides,Facebook if you go to Google here and,you just search up cat toys you can then,see what ads are running the ones that,top are probably the most profitable by,bigger Brands two sites such as PetSmart,Canadian Tire DK Hardware zooland pets,all running for the cat toys keyword we,narrow down a little bit to something,such as swinging Contours we can start,to see what ads are running because the,AliExpress is running them London Drugs,is Etsy dhgate now just by scrolling,through this generic keyword here I was,able to find several drop shipping,stores just by taking a look at their,names and then Googling them visiting,their stores you get an idea of what,they're selling I don't actually want to,go through any of the stores as it would,be selling out some of these stores here,as they do look to be Drop Shipping ones,and I'll let you do that for yourself,here it's also going to depend on your,Niche so it's probably not relevant but,really in summary finding a Shopify,competition is just going to be,pretending to be an active consumer,going on social media platforms,interacting with content liking related,videos to your Niche these are going to,help these platforms determine that you,are a type of consumer that is,interested in that specific topic or,Niche she's going to make them believe,that you're more likely to purchase,something by serving ads related to that,that's a great way there to find Shopify,competition as for any Shopify store the,best way to acquire customers is going,to be through paid ads and it's going to,be using any of these social profiles,and so that's where their money is going,to be spending and that's where they're,going to be located so that's where you,can find them as that's where other,customers are going to be purchasing,from them this concludes the video here,on how to find Shopify competition let,me know in the comments as well as if,you're looking for me to cover any of,the tools that you can use as well this,was more of an organic and free way to,do so although it can be a little more,time consuming if you enjoyed this video,I would love it if you hit that like And,subscribe button below if you have any,questions leave a comment and lastly I,want to mention our sponsor profit calc,again the one click profit calculator,available on the Shopify App Store it,comes with a 15 day free trial and,there's a link in the description below,thank you so much for watching and I'll,see you in our next video
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