welcome back graduates it's been a,little bit but we're back and so today,we're going to show you how to add a,sales pop to your Shopify store now so,it's pop is a great feature to have,unfortunately this doesn't grab the real,data because we don't have the,permissions to grab your orders things,like that and we don't want to so this,gives you know simulation of a fake,order that came through while a customer,has been scrolling on your store you,know on your homepage collections,product page things like that and it,shows up on the left side or the right,side bottom right or bottom left this,works on Dawn theme and we haven't,tested it on other things but we know,that this works on Dawn theme and the,updated,7.0.1 theme plus the younger versions as,well so what this will look like,is uh let's just go into preview and we,do have it where if you're a first time,user it will show but if you're not,um you know you haven't cleared your,cash then it won't show so we can view,this,right over here and I'm just gonna view,it in incognito mode,and then uh if you haven't already this,is the age barrier Gap you can purchase,it also it it does work and it's super,helpful if you're you know if you have,alcohol or you know tobacco products,things like that so this right here is,the sales pop-up and you can we have,settings where you can test out you know,different times when it Scrolls things,like that and I'll go over that this is,our sticky video,but this is what it essentially looked,like,you can change out the text but sign the,product and then also show a simulation,of how many hours ago,um so when you click on it it goes to,the product and you'll be able to assign,what products you want it to link to and,it just pops up on the right or the,lower,um the lower left as well what you're,going to be uh what you're going to be,given is always the readme file the Don,sales pop-up Snippets the text and then,these videos will be changed out too in,addition to this we do have a theme,installation guide you can click on it,on our installation guide here and it'll,just give you a run through of,uh it'll give you a run through of all,the Snippets that you know we've created,the installation how to the settings,inside each one,um plus some you know uh free resources,email marketing,um our new,um feature that we're coming out with,which is free and then just um some,golden nuggets for how to increase you,know conversions we're going to have a,how to uh increase you know SEO things,like that,so with that link on the install you can,view it right over here,so without further Ado let's get right,into it the first thing is I'm going to,add the suction into my uh into my into,my file so into the code so I'm going to,add EG sales pop,as a section,so I can just you know copy this and I'm,going to go into the first one right,over here that has no sales pop and I'm,just going to edit my code,right over here,and as a section I'm just going to add a,new section this is pretty simple,and then you just have to customize it,the way you want in the theme editor so,I'm going to name it EG sales pop,I'm gonna click done right over there,and then it'll look like this and in the,RTF file we give you,the code so you can just copy and paste,we've done it already for you,and just make sure that you spell it you,know correctly when you're adding it to,the next step which is into the theme,editor or theme dot liquid,my mistake so the next step is going to,be adding it to a theme.liquid at the,very bottom of the footer you should be,familiarized with this now that you've,you know purchased many of our Snippets,so under footer I'm going to add right,down here,in the readme file,oh it doesn't say added but I will add,this here and I'm just going to have,right over here section and I'm going to,name this EG sales,pop-up the way I just did and I'm gonna,save it,once that's saved I think I can view it,here,and I'll just keep scrolling,I might need to view this in incognito,mode,which I do so I'll just copy that,in incognito mode and the password is,still one,and it's right there,so this John from Palm Beach uh just,purchase Studio 10 hours ago now if you,want to go and change out the the uh the,image the product and um the person's,name I'm gonna go back into your,um,your theme outside of the theme editor,and I'm going to go and click customize,and at the very bottom of the footer,we'll replace it you're going to see EG,sales pop and you might see a lot more,based on other Snippets that you've,purchased and I'm just going to add the,block,and I'm going to add like three blocks,under the setting here this is the,setting which has Global options and,then which affect globally and then,these are blocks and so This only,affects within that block,so in here in the settings you have you,know the enable section itself,background color text color rounded fill,rounded or square so this is just the,shape of it the roundness of it the,delay it lets you know the delay and the,hours when it'll pop up again,um positioning is left right or Center,and then if you do have you know Z index,issues,um you can adjust it here as well and we,also give you visibility options home,page product page or collections you can,toggle them on or off you can do a lot,of testing with this also,um,so definitely try that out so what we'll,do is go into the blocks here and I'm,just going to go and add a product I'm,going to add cold brew and I want the,name to be uh Glenn from Palm Beach and,purchased four hours ago,and then I'm gonna add,Ellie and I'm going to add,um the trio and I did this two hours ago,so you kind of want me to play around,with uh how realistic someone actually,purchased it compared to maybe 14 hours,ago or 24 hours ago so that's something,to test but the blocks are pretty simple,as you just you know select the product,uh change out the the text here and then,the time of when you,um five hours ago,and then,once I preview this I should see a,change but I do give Shopify a little,bit to update and I'm just going to,preview this,I'm going to hide this bar and now Ellie,now it rotates so when you add these,blocks it rotates it doesn't go in the,order of when you added them it just,rotates the names,um when uh in a timely manner so Ellie,just purchase and,now I can go into here and I can just,click within two clicks I'm already at,the card,now would you say John purchase,um,so you can test out how many blocks you,want right now I only have three Shopify,does limit you to 50 blocks per section,but that's a lot,um so I hope you like this I think it uh,it really does help and let us know if,it does help don't forget to like,comment and subscribe and let us know,what other Snippets you you want us to,develop for you and thank you so much,until next time
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