who do i contact about selling marvel merch on shopify

Can I create and sell Marvel, DC, and Disney brand inspired products? happy black panther weekend it

Business Bakerie

Updated on Mar 14,2023

Can I create and sell Marvel, DC, and Disney brand inspired products?

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Can I create and sell Marvel, DC, and Disney brand inspired products?

happy black panther weekend it is a,national holiday as far as I'm concerned,and I had to do a Q&A with legal babe,special edition specifically for Black,Panther so today's Q&A with Nicole Bay,is can I create Black Panther gear and,sell it in my online shop you know,hashtag for the culture so here's the,skinny on this pretty much it can be,very difficult to do this I know you,want to create Black Panther gear you,may even want to use some of the,trademark names that may be owned by,Marvel such as what Conda which they,thought a trademark for what kind of for,not only the online online comic books,suiting at the online comic books but,comic books and also toys but there also,have some trademarks and filed for the,actual name Black Panther as well so,before you run and create this amazing,gear which some of you already have,there are some things that you got to,keep in mind so you want to make sure,that you are not directly infringing on,the intellectual property of Marvel this,could be their trademarks their,copyrights or anything of that nature,because you don't want to get yourself,in hot water now creating products they,may be inspired by the movie that might,be completely fine but crossing the line,is if you're using like the name or,image or likeness of a character of any,of the actors of even the SIRT the,symbolism such as the black panther suit,having those things on your items to,land you in hot water a lot of people,gave some pushback on this because they,say well attorney davis some of these,items are not trademarked however,sometimes when it comes to movies and,things and books there can be some,intellectual property rights attached to,fictional characters but there's another,legal test that has to be applied if,this character has been so fully,described and developed that they are,essential to the plot line and story,and that fictional character actually,can be protected by intellectual,property law and so some claims or some,infringement that can occur can not only,be on the trademark and copyright front,but also unfair competition which could,lead to arguments of misrepresentation,or false sponsorship or misappropriation,so you want to make sure that your,products are not so close to the movie,that someone can think you have maybe an,official endorsement of Ison's from,Marvel itself now you just have to be,super careful I know that people are,gonna get their coins they're gonna do,things they're gonna do things not only,for selling those items and stuff for,their culture like I said and just in,celebration of this amazing movie but,make sure that you protect your smart,make sure you don't violate anyone,else's smarts and enjoy the festivities,enjoy everything that is surrounding,this great momentous occasion and have a,great time but make sure that you are,making sure your brand and your business,is protected if you have any questions,if you need some clarifying points to be,made about some of the things that I,brought up in the video let me know it,is not a cut and dry a lot of times,whether you can sell something in a shop,will be really a case-by-case analysis,and basis so just note that this is not,like a one-size-fits-all answer so you,might be able to sell one thing that's,completely fine that's inspired by the,movie or inspired by the characters,where another item could be directly,infringing so you just want to make sure,that you watch the steps you know what,you're doing and we saw this a lot of,times in a one example I can think of is,Netflix they sent a cease and desist,letter to a company that basically,created a pop-up shop based off of a,stranger things a restaurant that was,depicted in the series called Logan's,place I think and so even though Netflix,I don't believe that they had Logan's,place trademarked or even they had a,restaurant called Logan's place they,knew that this was an infringement of,their intellectual property because the,pop-up shop was for stranger things too,or strange of things people so you just,want to make sure that if you're going,to go all out for Black Panther and,create amazing products that you are not,infringing on Marvel's intellectual,property so happy Black Panther weekend,I had to do this special Q&A with legal,Bay so it's just this issue so that I,can help you guys out so I'm happy to be,sharing this clarifying information and,I hope this helps let me know if you,have any questions and I'll chat with,you soon bye

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