whois shopify

WhoIs lookups explained hi,and welcome to this video on who is look,ups and what it means for you as


Updated on Feb 06,2023

WhoIs lookups explained

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WhoIs lookups explained

hi,and welcome to this video on who is look,ups and what it means for you as a,domain owner,so who is lookups essentially are when,someone,runs a domain through a huawei's lookup,search and,it presents a bunch of information on,that domain,that could be useful before gdpr came,into force,these were a lot more relevant and they,came up with things like phone numbers,email addresses,addresses of the of the details you use,when you register that domain,obviously uh nowadays due to gdpr none,of that is available publicly,so let's do a whois look up search and,take a look and now i'm going to look up,a dot-com,um and i'm using the i can look up so,i'd always recommend using the companies,who are responsible for your for the,domain registrations use their who i,look up so,i can do a lot of international domains,and if i was looking up a,uk domain i'd use nominet because,ultimately they're responsible for,uk registrations so let's take a quick,look at one of these and,i will list um these companies on the,who is search who is,lookups i think you should use in the,description below and you should try,always try and use the companies who are,responsible and just because it'd be the,most accurate information,so let's take a look at,so here's the information we're going to,see so the name of the domain domain,registry domain id not really that,useful but then you do get into some,useful information so domain status,if you're trying to um if you're trying,to transfer a domain you'll need to know,that,and also if your domain's not resolving,or having any issues,it could be to do with domain status and,you can always google a domain status if,you're not sure or click on them,and it'll give you a bit more,information so name servers so this is,who is responsible for the dns of that,domain so if you're trying to make dns,changes,that's the the name servers uh whoever's,looking after those name servers is who,you need to go to,and then it's got the dates of registry,and when it was created,so contact information nowadays like say,this used to be populated with a lot of,information but because of gdpr,not so much anymore then it's got,registrar information reseller,information,and so if you've got any queries on your,domain name and you couldn't remember,who you registered it with do a who is,look up and you'll be able to,go and go to those companies and fight,and get access to your domain,so if we do a quick look up on a dot uk,domain,so if we look at fastest dot co dot uk,very similar dot uk is a slightly,different which is why one doing a whois,look,up on here um so domain name similar,data validation so,that's important and because if the,you'll be able to find out here if your,domain name hasn't been validated you'd,need to go through the validation,process,then it's got registrar so this is a,really important part of your,transferring domains this ips tag,and at the moment is live domains which,is fast hosts so at the moment,fastos are the only people as a domain,registrar,who could uh who could actually make any,changes to this domain,if you're transferring a domain name a,uk domain,the ips tag is the important part so if,you're having problems with a, domain do a who is look up,and have a look at who the ips tag is,with,they're the only people who can,administer your domain at that time,then again you've got relevant dates uh,registration taster status so at the,moment nothing going on with that and,again,name server so if we needed to make any,dns changes there's who there's,who we would need to go to i'll end on,saying you shouldn't use a who is look,up,and if you're trying to find a new,domain name for example,um i wouldn't use a whois a cup to find,out if it's available,and you're better off going to a domain,registrar,of some description doesn't have to be,fastest and just seeing if a domain name,is available to register through them,but ultimately if you um,if you want to have a look at multiple,domains you could always use a who is,look up to see if those domains are,registered,and if you're interested in buying a,domain as well you could run it through,whois tool,to find out who you need to contact in,that event,and that's really all there is to it,thanks very much for watching,goodbye for now,you

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