wholesale helper shopify

Setting up a Discount Group with Wholesale Pricing Discount (by Wholesale Helper) for Shopify hi eve

Seth Gold

Updated on Feb 05,2023

Setting up a Discount Group with Wholesale Pricing Discount (by Wholesale Helper) for Shopify

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Setting up a Discount Group with Wholesale Pricing Discount (by Wholesale Helper) for Shopify

hi everyone today we're going to show,you how to create a discount group using,wholesale pricing discount by wholesale,helper so once I'm logged in to the app,I click create discount group and here I,can select what customers I want and,what discount percent so we're going to,use the wholesale discount or a customer,type and the discount percent is going,to be 50% you could do 10% if you want,you could do 20% doesn't matter for this,we're going to do 50% and please make,sure your tag is case-sensitive because,it will be following that so there's,three different type of content that you,can provide the discount with you can do,the entire store you can do specific,products so you can remove them if you,want also or you could do specific,collections so with this we're going to,just do black forest cake and as you can,see the black forest cake is 10:13 and,we have a 50% discount so that'll be cut,in half,and minimum cart requirements so for,this if you want to make sure they do a,specific amount before it gets access so,let's do 3 and minimum totalcarprice,let's just do 5 shipping rates you can,do default or you can do a flat rate so,let's do a flat rate of $4.99 let's say,if it's greater than $1 and the weight,is greater than one gram now I click,Save,well since we have US dollars you don't,need to add the dollar sign so now my,discount group is created you could see,it right here you could see it's on if,you want to remove it you just click,this and as mentioned before the black,forest cake is 10:13 and if I go to my,customers section right here you could,see this customer has the tag wholesale,and it is case-sensitive lowercase so,this customer when I log in set that,whole sale set that wholesale helper,Daioh they're gonna see the 10:13 cut in,half so now when I'm on the product,right here just do a quick refresh you,can see the black forest cake is 10:13,now let's log in,no longer is at 10:13 it's 507 so let's,add to cart' so as you could see three,items are required for this discount to,be applied so it's actually not,receiving the discount so let's do three,and refresh and now you could see the,507 times 3 15 20 and then checkout and,since the minimum requirements were met,in minimum price for 99 right here's the,shipping that was sent so that's how to,create a discount group using wholesale,helper

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