wholesale lock manager shopify

Wholesale Lock Manager: Only Customers Tagged May See Locked Products hi everyone today we're going

Seth Gold

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Wholesale Lock Manager: Only Customers Tagged May See Locked Products

The above is a brief introduction to wholesale lock manager shopify

Let's move on to the first section of wholesale lock manager shopify

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Wholesale Lock Manager: Only Customers Tagged May See Locked Products

hi everyone today we're going to show,you how to create locks that will make,customers login if you want them to see,specific products so once you're in,wholesale lock manager you can create,lock and we are going to enable this,lock and right here this is going to say,who can actually access and we can lock,the different content you can lock,specific URLs you can lock specific,pages you can lock the whole website if,you like specific product specific,collections so for this we're just going,to hide the black forest cake right here,and we're going to hide lock listing so,the listing on collections search pages,etc hide all links to locked content as,well and this is going to say only,selected customers may access if it was,cannot access that would be the reverse,that that means they wouldn't be able to,see it this is going to be who can't see,it so I can do a specific email right,here or I could do a customer tag so for,this we're going to do wholesale and,please make sure it's case sensitive,and so right here you'll see this,customer set that wholesale helper is,wholesale right here so once they log in,they may access this product right here,and this shows if they try and go to the,product what they're redirect is so,redirect to the login page and that,we're going to click Save,so remember we locked the black forest,cake right here so now when I go back to,the collections I don't see the black,forest cake anymore,that's because I don't have access,unless I log in also this is a big,request people asked if they could find,it in search so if I search black forest,cake they will not be able to find it,see but when the customers you want to,log in as I showed you this customers,tagged wholesales then we go back to the,catalog now you can see the product is,here and available to order so if you,want to set up locks you just easily do,it right here and create a lot I've,shown previously if you have any,questions email us at Seth wholesale,help area would be happy to help set you,up and get you going thanks bye bye

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