wholesale rep affiliate app for shopify

Sales Rep Shopify app feature Training Video welcome to sales rep app by chief,software solutions th

vik deodhar

Updated on Mar 08,2023

Sales Rep Shopify app feature Training Video

The above is a brief introduction to wholesale rep affiliate app for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of wholesale rep affiliate app for shopify

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Sales Rep Shopify app feature Training Video

welcome to sales rep app by chief,software solutions this is a training,video for the app which explains app,features and is ideal for training sales,reps sign up using the signup form as,shown in the video an account in white,will be sent to your email,once you accept then write and create,your account password you will see the,following screen where you can access,all the sales rep creatures,after logging in you can also refer,other sales reps and get a commission on,every sale made by your referred sales,reps next we will go over each of the,sales representative features,feature one sending invoices to clients,you can send invoice to clients email,address with different discount rates,you'll get a commission when client pays,the invoice in once this will be sent to,client email and we'll have checkout,instructions to send invoices select,products to your cart and you can send,invoices from the account page as shown,in the following video,feature to making wholesale purchases,sales that can purchase products at,wholesale rates and sell it forward for,a profit,there is no Commission when you purchase,products at wholesale discount rates as,the products are already heavily,discounted and invoice that the,discounted rate will be sent to the same,straight email,feature three affiliate links each synth,rep will get a unique affiliate link,share this link on your social media,blog or email get a commission every,time a purchase is made using your,affiliate link feature for unique task,on code each sales rep that get a unique,discount code share this discount code,with friends family on your social media,blog or email get a commission every,time a purchase is made using your,discount code sales rep app is optimized,for mobile sales representatives can use,all the features from their mobile as,seen in the following video

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