wholesale shopify dropshipping exporter

Dropshipper: Export orders to excel file #facebook ads #shopify #aliexpress #alibaba aloud today I w

Ali DropAds

Updated on Feb 07,2023

Dropshipper: Export orders to excel file #facebook ads #shopify #aliexpress #alibaba

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Dropshipper: Export orders to excel file #facebook ads #shopify #aliexpress #alibaba

aloud today I will show you how to,export your orders in order to send it,to your sailor and in order to fulfill,its true customer first for all you can,do it just by make exports and make all,orders and click export but you will not,get to the correct excel file you will,get the presentation of of lines so what,I did I go to applications and I will,choose this application export shape you,can search it by,winchell app store so I click it and I,go to make in the order my change opened,up I will show you how to make a city,how to how to create your own excel file,so I go to source sitting or before I go,to explore sitting what I do here I,should check this create header row and,I will choose what I want to see in file,exit so I can choose any element from,here taxes you can select you can make,top or make down what you need and you,can change the title of the header so as,already I I have make it made this,the bus so I wish you between shown so,now I will I made like this I I want to,share to see the date of order the name,of Allah the name is the number line,named Conchita shipping address shipping,others one for City zip code address,Street country phone number and total,price that will help me to see how I get,from said the Trostle saying I will show,you how it will be useful this this one,okay when I make all in order I click,Save and add we need save it then I go,back I go to source I can name the,source like this I check what I want if,I won't receive it I want to receive it,via email or via payday or anything,I can see email but no honestly this is,just a secondary role of this option I,will show you how to do it I make my my,soul I can name my straw and they make,separation like this I choose the,extension then I go I choose the fine,when I finish I click update I want to,see the date before the name ok I click,update like this so in finish I will,click export Excel,click okay so I will see here my file,okay now the fight would be good now I,see our orders so now I have other if,you already ship we'll make like this if,you already ship this order you can,delete them like this for example,delete them like this and you keep just,what you want to send if you are if you,have a different for that you can source,byproducts if you walk in just one,product you can keep it like this so I,have the date I have the country cheese,what I need so I will answer this you,would understand what I do like this,like I have the name and the shipping I,will make like this okay shipping,shipping price,so yeah I will put device for example,the product cost me for example two,dollars okay two dollars the ship in the,a package for is in three dollars to,total order I should make like this I,should make like this the number of the,countries which replicate by the number,of the price per article they make like,this like this you will need this when,you start scaling plus the shipping,price okay then I make like this now I,have on what I need,so the total will be likeness shipping,price expectations so for child I came,into this what I will pay what we pay to,zero the total,I make this tracking number when I send,this letter he or she should present me,the same file with the tracking number,and for example like this normally he or,she means troops presented within two,days for example like this this is make,it by name by Sara okay so now you have,you know how much you should pay the,sinner should pay this and when you have,a conjugal you have the total conscious,you can negotiate with them we didn't,move there you can say oh I get for,example one thousand you should make,revise the price make it one point five,okay one point five not not not through,dollars because I buy in or st. look,before we should pay one hundred eight,when you're ready to see the price you,would economize some money now we'll,show you how much you can economize you,can raise $12 but we it's about a,thousand of orders you will save much,money okay so with this you will ask the,seller to create for you efforts in,Aliexpress or ebay or I'm sorry or any,Baba and you pay it so the cedar should,be sent for each name and address by the,pen you can hide this cotton why I put,the cotton to total I put it to now what,is the range of buying,to the total cost I can make like this I,divided by the total okay,that means that means 25% the cost,represent 25% of the total sales,normally purchasing cost also the ads,the ads cost cost net profit should be,like this net profit should be net,profit 25 like this thank you for,watching and see you in the next video,with this you can save it and send it,for your fire thank you bye

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