why am i getting a error when i put my tracking code for shipping shopify

How to Fix Shipping Problem Oberlo Shopify 2020 hello everyone Edwin Anthony here again,from resolut

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Mar 01,2023

How to Fix Shipping Problem Oberlo Shopify 2020

The above is a brief introduction to why am i getting a error when i put my tracking code for shipping shopify

Let's move on to the first section of why am i getting a error when i put my tracking code for shipping shopify

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why am i getting a error when i put my tracking code for shipping shopify catalogs

How to Fix Shipping Problem Oberlo Shopify 2020

hello everyone Edwin Anthony here again,from resolutions design yet again,creating another video tutorial if you,are new to this channel again my name is,Edwin Anthony I'm the owner and founder,of resolution design we're one of the,top Shopify experts agency purpose of,this channel is so that you don't have,to have to invest in a web developer,I'll be honest with you my prices are,pretty much outrageous they're crazy but,we get the job done and the reason why,I'm making this video is so that you,could do it yourself right you don't,have to actually hire someone save,yourself some money in the meantime what,I would ask you for you to do is,demolish that like button smash it,mortgage it do whatever you want just,make it turn blue because it's the wrong,color right now look at that like button,mister just a brown color smash it so,that it turns blue and if you like this,type of content please let me know let,me know and become a subscriber and add,that notification bell so the purpose of,me making this video is a problem I am,noticing that my youtuber fans right I,hear you and I'm responding to the,comments they're like look I'm having,this problem I'm having this problem,where you know I'm doing something with,a very low or I have all of these apps,where typically a lot of the merchandise,where you guys are doing shot drop,shipping or something like that you know,it's feeding to your Shopify but when it,comes to the shipping this is going on,right like the users cannot actually buy,and we're trying to fix this problem so,annoying so again this is only for those,that have like uber low they have all,these other apps and the shopping cart,is acting like this okay that's what I'm,trying to fix in this video let's get,right to it all right here we go,so I'm in the infamous account here the,coffee shop right and what we're gonna,do first of all is make sure guys that,you you you took a look at my video of,the shipping I'm gonna see if I could,leave it up in the notes where I put on,the description make sure that your,shipping settings is on point I cannot,stress that enough,make sure that you do your shipping on,point so what are you looking for you,making sure that you have first of all,your location set up so right here on,the locations make sure that this is set,up correctly I discussed that in the,video and also make sure your taxes are,set up as well as your shipping area,right so if you look at your shipping,rates wherever it is that you want to,charge shipping just make sure that this,is up to par if it doesn't look,something similar to this,again click on that video get yourself,updated then come back here and let's,fix this problem because if you don't,then you're still gonna have problems,okay so make sure you watch that video,all right so right now as you can see we,have a destination location where it's,shipping from does it matter where,shipping from no not really because,remember it's coming from Oh barely,Express you just want to be able to,charge for shipping that's what really,matters okay and as you can see here I,have several options I have you know,it's free for $0 and up or I have you,know discounted carrier service so it,really doesn't matter what you have,going on as long as it makes sense we're,just really trying to clear this problem,out here okay so here's where the issue,is if you scroll all the way down by the,way today's date is June 27 2020 one of,the main reasons why we're having this,problem now is because Shopify has,updated their settings okay and this is,one of them you see this not shipping,from and then you're gonna see a list of,apps that you're not shipping from okay,you might just see a very low you might,have a lot of them but in this case we,just see a very low because that's the,only one I have it's very low okay and,what you're going to do is you're gonna,go right here where it says add rates,you know click on this remember this has,to be done you cannot jump to this,unless this is done over here I cannot,stress that enough okay we're gonna go,right here to add frites okay and then,right here is gonna ask you create a new,rate or use the same as this one here,okay so depending on where you guys are,at if you guys are familiar with this,screen and you went ahead and you did,this try to see if you could clear that,out try to see if you could delete as,as possible so that your settings looks,like this otherwise you're gonna have,issues straight-up okay so make sure,that your settings looks clean,it has your rules of how much you want,to charge shipping and then make sure,that it looks like this,then what you're gonna do is add rates,from add rates you're going to say use,the same rate as my coffee shop press,done then press save when you do that in,my case I only have shipping from my,coffee shop comma Oh Bella in your case,if you have more than one you're gonna,see a whole squad of a whole bunch of,them right here it's okay all right it's,okay because you just want something,Universal now what I'm gonna do is I,like to keep my tabs open like I,mentioned before what I'm gonna do is,I'm gonna go right here where I actually,saw the problem and I'm gonna press,refresh and by pressing refresh there,you guys have it it's working again okay,and that's why I'm asking for that smash,to like button if you like this type of,stuff because I listened to you I would,have never made this video unless you,have responded in the comments saying,I'm having problems with this that's,what keeps this channel alive ask me,questions,tell me where you get stuck at tell me,the issues even if this video doesn't,solve your problem and you find another,issue let me know nicely in the comments,and I'm gonna write back to you saying I,got you,and then I'm gonna make another video if,you like videos like this again I keep,it real I keep it straight to the point,I don't ask for money just that smash,the like button and put that,notification on become a subscriber and,until next time thank you very much

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