why is my shopify store not showing accurate shipment

How To Test Orders For Shopify Store - Checkout Troubleshoot one thing people forget to do when they

Andy Mai

Updated on Mar 29,2023

How To Test Orders For Shopify Store - Checkout Troubleshoot

The above is a brief introduction to why is my shopify store not showing accurate shipment

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why is my shopify store not showing accurate shipment catalogs

How To Test Orders For Shopify Store - Checkout Troubleshoot

one thing people forget to do when they,launch a store is test and do a test,order doing this is super duper,important because i i had a store active,i spent like literally,two three hundred dollars on it without,checking the checkout just to find out,that you couldn't check out because the,shipping settings were off so,troubleshooting and doing test orders,where you don't have to pay there's a,way to do it where you can just put in a,fake credit card and just to make sure,the order goes through this is a video,showing you exactly how to go ahead and,do that process my name is adam i'm the,founder of we're about to,grow to a million dollars per year i'm,here to document my journey to a million,to two million to ten million to a,hundred million and i have nothing to,sell you i just wanna document my,journey just give you guys free value,give you guys the stuff that i wish i,had access to here's a tutorial all,right so let's show you how to go ahead,and do a test payment go to settings,go to payments,let's go to,manage let's click enable test mode,save so now i'm going to go to the store,so let me find an item that we,advertised,for example this,at the car,checkout,wow there's a shipping issue again,okay so now to fix the shipping issue,free should be free everywhere,maybe i need to like,cradle shipping zone,that's the united states,domestic,done add right,shipping,so let's refresh,this change,random country,um,why does it say no rates for what,another one location,not shipping from,okay,so let's try this,cool work,continue to payment,so that's me troubleshooting the,shipping,put in a test card,let's see how to test,test mode,okay here this is it,so let me put in the credit card,pay now order bing processing,i'm glad there was like a bunch of,issues,and now wow we proved that the shipping,now works,now let me go ahead and turn off test,mode,and yeah that's a video hope you guys,got value from this if you guys did,please let me know please drop a comment,below i read all comments i reply to all,comments and i'll see you guys tomorrow,with nothing but more value peace

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