hey there my name is jasmine i'm the,owner of royal preset expressions i pray,canvas and today i'm going to be doing a,walkthrough of how to check out with,sizzle,now this is actually a part two so if,you have not seen part one i do,recommend pausing this video heading on,over to watch part one where i explain,what is sezzle and how it works,now for those of you who have already,seen part one i'm going to hop right,into the tutorial,so when you get to ipraycanvas.com,this is our home screen this is what,you'll see,from this screen,there are two ways you can navigate,to our metal art,and today's demonstration is going to be,how to check out with sezzle,purchasing our metal art,so again there's two ways you can,navigate to our metal art you have the,three lines at the top left hand corner,and you also have the button that's on,the screen that says metal art,for today's demonstration we're going to,use the three lines and some of you may,know these as the burger lines but we're,going to go ahead and click on that,once we click on that it will,pull up all of our collections and as,you can see we have quite a few and,we're constantly adding new things so i,would recommend following us on ig,or facebook at ipraycanvas,and also i would recommend joining our,email list so you can be in the know,when we do release new items,so we're gonna hop right back into the,walkthrough,so,once you click on those three lines it's,gonna pull up our collection,and from that you can scroll down to,metal art,once you click on the metal art it's,going to bring you to this screen,you're going to have two options to,choose from,the what god has joined together,personalized metal art or the royal,family personalized metal art,for this demonstration i'm going to,check out,with the royal family personalized metal,art,once you click on that it's going to,bring you to this screen,first you're going to have to select,your color you're going to have three,options to choose from,black,copper,or silver,once you select your color then you're,going to select your style,now i do want to make note that style,simply means size,so you're going to select your size,you have 15 18,24,or 30.,and i do want to make another note here,as you uh click through the sizes or the,style you'll notice the price changes,so the bigger the size the more it cost,once you've selected your style,or your size,in this case you're going to go ahead,and type in your name so i'm just going,to type in a name here,i want to make a note here your name can,be only up to 22 characters,and unless your last name is hyphenated,typically the,typical last name does kind of fall,within that 22,character margin so you should be good,to go there,but just keep that in mind if you want,to put your hyphenated name in there,that,it can only be up to 22 characters,and another note i want to make here,is that,when you type your name in it's not case,sensitive which means regardless if you,type it in uppercase or lowercase,letters it's still when it's cut,when the laser cuts your piece it's,still going to cut everything,as you see here in this example,it's going to cut your letters,capitalized within the frame of your,initial,so we're gonna hop back on in,and complete this walk through,so,again the first letter of your last name,can only be you can only use one initial,which is only one initial,once you've done that,i do want to make note here,that you should definitely double check,your spelling because once you enter,your information,you can definitely change it you can,always um close out the order,and go back and re-enter your,information,but,to avoid all that just make sure on this,screen you're checking the spelling of,your name,and right before we hit the add to shop,shopping bag button i want to bring,attention to,the line right above that button,where it says four interest-free,payments of 22.50 with sizzle,so we're going to use sezzle to check,out,and today when we check out using sezzle,we're going to pay 22.50,so as we move on through,this demonstration once you get to this,screen,you'll be able to see the spelling of,your name,and your initial,you'll also be able to see the size and,the color you've selected,right above that,you'll see proceed to check out or check,out with sezzle,proceed to check out is if you want to,pay for it in full with your own,personal credit card,check out what sezzle is if you want to,take advantage of those interest-free,payments over the course of up six weeks,so for this demonstration we're going to,go ahead and click on checkout with,sezzle,so once you click checkout with sezzle,it's going to bring you to this screen,on this screen you're going to enter,your contact information your like your,email or your phone number and you're,also going to enter your shipping,address so we know where to send your,item,you can also view your order summary by,clicking on that,little drop down where that card is,and you can see,what you're ordering and you can also,take another look at the spelling of,your name to make sure everything is,correct,make sure you have the size that you,want,and i want to make a note here that,though it says shipping calculated at,the next step,our shipping is free,we have free standard uh shipping,okay so once you've entered this,information here,you will,click continue to shipping,okay,all right so once you click on continue,to shipping it's going to bring you to,this page,at this point i recommend looking over,your contact information your shipping,address,as well as any shipping method you may,have chose and again i want to say this,with the metal art because that's what,this demonstration is about,please allow up to 12 business days,after we've created your product,and again you will get this in an email,so we're going to scroll on down to,payment so when you get to the payment,section you're going to have a couple,options but today again,um this walkthrough is about checking,out with sizzle,so you're going to select several,well let's just go through these options,so you can pay by your credit card pay,it in full get it done get it over with,right,or you can choose to pay by paypal,um or sizzle,so today we're going to select sizzle,just for the sake of this walk through,so when you select sizzle you'll notice,that it gives you,this little message,under the sizzle option,and it's going to say,after clicking complete order you will,be redirected to sizzle to complete your,purchase securely,okay so just keep that in mind once you,click complete order it's going to,direct you to sezzles um,sizzle for you to pay securely,so,before we do that,indicate whether your billing and your,shipping address is the same or if it's,different,if it's the same,select option one if it's different,you're gonna go ahead and select option,two,and you as you can see here,it has an address in there that's just,some random address um nowhere specific,um but anyway if it's if yours that if,your address,is different than your billing address,go ahead and,enter that here,but for the sake of this tutorial,ours is the same so we're going to go,ahead and now click on complete order,as you can see it's redirecting us,ta-da and it brings us to sezzle um it's,a couple things i want to point out um,on the screen when you guys get here at,the top you'll see the name of our store,royal preset expressions,and through the entire process sizzle,really breaks it down on how to create,this account as you can see um,how my information here is already,populated from me,putting it in,earlier,in this video,so,it just pulled that information on over,to sizzle so that's half the battle,right there and you just go ahead and,enter your date of birth and create a,pin number and then it's going to ask,you to confirm you're not a robot,and none of us are,and,um also you'll see at the bottom you'll,have the option to go back to the store,um if you wanted to make any changes,and that is pretty much it,um i think the biggest part is being,familiar with those screens as you,navigate through the website because,once you get here,it's smooth sailing because zezzle,really um breaks it down on how to,create an account and if you've already,shopped with sizzle before,because as i've stated um in the,previous video i did like um about a,week ago i was letting you guys know,that other major retailers use sizzle so,it's very possible you may already have,an account an account with sezzle and,this video is not even necessary,but,i definitely wanted to help those who,may not be familiar with sizzle,so i really hope this helped,um if you have any other questions,please feel free to go ahead and reach,out to us and we will try to get those,answers soon as possible,um when you get to sezzle's website if,you have any questions their support,team is phenomenal they will definitely,help you with any questions,hey there if you're still with me i,wanted to do something fun so in this,video there are three,items that are just randomly placed,throughout this video,if you can name me one of these three,items,i will you guys will get some sort of,incentive i haven't thought it all the,way through yet but some sort of,discount,and i will send it directly to your,email so just comment one of the random,things you've seen in this video,and your email address and you will,definitely get that discount code to use,at ipray canvas first three people,talk to you later
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