steam has over 35 000 games but once you,get 10 000 games in there's no one,playing them take that obama,yeah there's a reason they have nobody,playing them and we are going to make,one of them insanely popular well we'll,pick one and see how high up the charts,we can go to keep a tycoon zero players,there's just one thing i need to know,about this game can i punch a giraffe,yes i can game of the year how does this,have zero players i don't understand all,right our mission is to kill the,zookeeper is that a hand grenade or,maybe a child,oh my god sorry i thought he was the,zookeeper holy it's penguins,there he is this is for harambe,i'm sorry elephant harambe was my cousin,uh how did the zookeeper win that,doesn't make sense all right the monkey,wasn't doing enough damage time to use a,gigantic dinosaur holy one more,bite i reckon he's done i can't kill,this there he is all right surely he's,dead now there we go honestly great game,don't know why it doesn't have more,players,i enjoyed that i have a feeling this,video is about to get weird someone made,a game where you fight obama,where did you get these powers from,obama,but dodge the fire beams does steam have,any sort of quality control,what when did i get these guns,yeah somebody take that obama,what just happened i don't know if that,game should have more place this game,recreates watching paint dry,and that's it,watch paint dry for six hours zero,players really there's people out there,that like toast but there's not a single,other person out there that likes,watching paint dry two minutes in,is there anything is there anything i,can click on the screen like,i can't really notice a difference oh my,god look at this before and after,that's some dry paint house cleaning,survival three all-time players it costs,thirty dollars you pay thirty dollars to,clean a pretend house first day on the,job cleaning up the house,that looks like human gonna clean,that off real quick,why are you on all the walls,okay this is the bathroom and apparently,there's everywhere but the toilet,look this place is starting to look very,nice until you turn around and look at,this pile of there's plants growing,in the toilet i guess that means you're,eating your vegetables is that like a,baby cage it looks like a baby shat,itself,that's a dead body not gonna ask,questions because snitches get stitches,did this turn into a horror game i,thought this was just a cleaning game,for gone demons no one can defeat a very,good housemaid ah look at that if you,ever need to get rid of demons and blood,on your walls you know how to call i'm,realizing now i should have read some,reviews it started out relaxing then,turned into cleaning up satanic rituals,and corpses and weird chunks of meat,interesting game though uh very,satisfying cleaning stuff up i found a,game about santa i can't wait to spread,holiday cheer to children everywhere,kids aren't getting cold for christmas,they're getting hand grenades oh no i,think i killed these kids parents so,there's a destroyed bed tightrope,walking costs 4.50 i think i don't think,this game has ever been played before,the developer hasn't even played this,game if i fall i'm gonna go straight and,split my testicles do not oh hey look i,can see in her office don't how are you,not looking at what is happening outside,your window there is a man on a,tightrope okay now she's looking you,just killed someone all right all right,let's go okay yeah we see it eh,so she,all i had to do was sit down,so this is this is like a cactus,platformer game it's got zero players,you know it's it's got a fine art style,it's uh,it's very challenging don't want to fall,now,all right this is my best run yet this,has been going great,i'm amazed it's no one plays it my,little riding champion there is no way,in hell i'm about to play a horse riding,get the up apollo,let us,trot through the meadows,i spent 42 dollars on this damn i'm,good at this,i'm good at being the horse guy and i'm,gonna need to be good because we're,about to play a tournament are you ready,for your first competition 100,uh i've been riding for at least 35,seconds i'm calling my horse apollo it's,my dad's horse name it's my only,experience with horses wow we're just,getting thrown in i have no idea how to,do this all right get ready,this is my big day,go huh,quick turn yes this is blistering speed,why isn't it my alarm's going off oh,quick jump, i hit something oh that's it i'm,turning this horse into glue after this,oh god did we win i won anyway i don't,have to turn apollo into glue i'm a,little rioting champion yeah,great well done,why is that guy sprinting away so far i,don't know how i ended up being a tour,guide,in this damn game oh my me we're just,gonna see if this thing can be a boat,that horse is a hundred percent drowning,right and we are also disappearing oh,sorry it's my first day guys i didn't,mean to take you and drown you i'm not,good holy,what,what just happened uh and if you look to,the left now
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thank you,all right Buck you're gonna have to use,the brand new double jump to get over,there,oh I'm sorry Buck I forgot there's,no double jump just Crouch we gotta try,crouching buck, scheduling and scoping ,a Crouch prioritized over a,double jump who is this who who are,these people above us three we've had,enough,yeah huh who's there who are you uh hey,hello there friends oh I I think it's,the buyer hey are you the buyer,uh yeah we're here to uh buy a knife you,guys are selling a knife yeah oh perfect,you're really late we were starting to,get worried just go with it no shooting,all right here's the product a genuine,talking knife I gotta be honest with you,he's a real piece of he's extremely,violent he basically only talks about,wanting to kill people in very,disturbing ways you I'm gonna carve,out your anal cavity gonna make it three,times as big your gonna drop right,out of there let's see what I'm talking,about oh a perfect that's exactly what,we're looking for yeah great go ahead,feel free to inspect it try them out see,how he feels in your hands oh yes,thank you pleased to meet you I'm knifey,now use me use me let me stop,this oh yes more,more I need more stabbing hey you listen,Point me at your raw fleshy little tummy,and Jab me right into there let's get,all those guts torn up let's see that, red goop spill out I can't stop,now oh that's a pass for us is this,really the knife Gene was talking about,Jane did you just Gene okay change of,plans bring me to Jane so I can ,decapitate it wait what why he sent us,to rescue you oh that's rich there's no,way I'm forgiving him though for leaving,me with that nine talk he's dead,to me huh you know nine torg we're,trying to kill her ah perfect finally,we're on the same page let's kill nine,tog then Gene okay definitely nine,torque but let's put a pin in the the,whole Gene thing how do we get out of,here with my tether ability I'm more,than just a nightly racist I can tether,too look up and latch on,wow they only brought listen if any part,of you is feeling bad about killing,these little mites don't uh leading,scientists looked into it and uh they,they have no feelings they you know,they're just like I don't know what do,you have on your planet like fish does,that did that translate right translate,microbes we're gonna kill you you, mice,killed this is the chosen one okay I,guess the lazy name was appropriate,and what the hell do you want Jesus geez,we we just saved you you know maybe you,could be a little grateful saved me from,what I'm fine look we were told you had,some sort of blank warp disc huh yeah,yeah yeah sure I've got a bunch,okay we got everything we need let's get,back to ranchi's place and see if he you,know can help us encode them onto this,machine,Fred's chosen one is returned all has,been restored,can I interest you in some blood Lord I,don't want plegore,I want clogors you said that you,wouldn't run out of clogors again you,promised I don't even know why I stick,around here if I leave you're all dig,day blue just try and find a chosen one,better than me I dare you what do you,know please please it is already written,prophecies,for eons to come you are the chosen one,there is no other do not dare us exactly,yet you're out of clegors again tell me,where that makes sense just tell me,there's a real disconnect going up we're,so sorry chosen chosen one what about my,lumbar support I thought you were gonna,get something for my lumbar it's killing,me I get Warped out by G3 maniacs and I,get back and my lumbar is a dire need of,support I look around me and I don't see,any dig day,hey Richie we're back let's let's head,inside,hey you're back ah thank God thank, God,did you bring my fergals ah I need a bed,ah I need my fix kid I need a bed I need,it real bad oh Jesus Christ man hey are,you all right uh are you are you having,a heart attack or or is it is it Frugal,withdrawals does that make you happy oh,you love that don't you you love to see,him uh master of Industry all flemax,like this all alone uh yeah maybe maybe,uh maybe this is a bad time but can we,use your disc encoder real quick what no,the encoder is off limits until I get my,goddamn vertical fix,Virgos get them,hurry hurry hurry up,uh hey tell you what we're gonna go,ahead and use the disc encoder while,you're sort of uh stuck on the ground,like that doing whatever it is you're,doing so don't be mad at us,oh God this feels amazing you have no,idea,God I'm in heaven right now oh you,should see this ah ripping through his,dreams and it's like that butter oh ,oh I was really getting my gloves off,there wasn't I sorry about that,you did it the town's all cleaned up I,keep telling I don't know how many times,I've told the recruits Not to cause,trouble out there or if someone's gonna,kill them you told us to kill me those,potatoes I'm just a dumb gay guard,whatever very rude of you to just Breeze,past me like that but I get it I'm just,a gate guard who cares about me,hey hey you can trust me he'
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10 Disney Moments That Only Adults Will Understand
10 Disney Moments That Only Adults Will Understand
Disney movies are supposed to be for kids,
right?,While that might have been the idea originally,
it seems like the studio has been more and,more keen to crank out content for the whole
family to enjoy.,While this sometimes means more compelling
and mature stories, it often also means some,very targeted and often risqué adult jokes.,For this list, we are taking a look at some
of the best ones for our video of 10 Disney,Moments That Only Adults Will Understand.,We hope you enjoy this list and be sure to
subscribe to Screen Rant for more awesome,content, every single day!,Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3 is one of those Disney movies,that can make even the most grown up viewer,
totally break down in tears.,Along with some seriously emotional moments,
the movie also brings us one of the most ruthless,Disney villains to date in the form of Lotso.,The evil bear is maniacal and rude, so it’s
no surprise that he actually prompts one of,the most risqué adults jokes in the history
of Disney movies.,At one point, Lotso doesn’t like what Mrs.
Potato Head's is saying, so instead of telling,her, he just pops the lips right off of her
face.,Mr. Potato Head was not too happy, and he
responds by saying “nobody takes my wife’s,mouth but me!”,If you don’t understand that joke, it’s
probably best we don’t explain it to you.,Toy Story
When you are talking about kid’s movies,that can easily be appreciated by adults,
the Toy Story franchise might just take the,cake.,The original film might have less sneaky adult
moments that it’s two sequels but it does,have one mature moment that, once you understand,
will definitely make you laugh.,In one scene, we get to see some pretty messed
up toys and one of them is a flirtatious plastic,fishing rod with Barbie legs attached to them.,If you take a second to think about it, it’s
pretty clear that the filmmakers were creating,a character that was literally a Hooker.,It’s a very clever joke, and we doubt that
many children were able to catch on to these,play on words.,Inside Out
Inside Out is one of those classic Disney,Pixar movies that, although kids can enjoy
it, is really better suited for adults to,take in.,The movie features very mature ideas about
mental health and it was clearly well received,as it took home the Oscar for Best Animated
Feature.,Inside Out also features some pretty hilarious
jokes that were definitely sprinkled in for,adults to enjoy.,At one point, Lewis Black’s Anger character
says, “I saw a really hairy guy, he looked,like a bear.”,While kids may think this is a joke about
the animal, adults who are aware of LGBTQ,slang know that “bear” is a term meaning
a burly and often bearded gay man.,What makes this joke even better is that the
story takes place in San Francisco, one of,the most famously gay cities in the world.,Frozen
Frozen took the world by absolutely storm,in 2013 and ever since it was released kids
and adults alike just haven’t been able,to Let It Go.,The film features lots of fun jokes for the
whole family to enjoy, but there are also,definitely some moments specifically designed
to connect with adult viewers.,In a scene between Anna and Hans, the two
characters are discussing foot size and Hans,seems to be insecure about his own.,Anna, ever the loving character that she is,
responds by saying “foot size doesn’t,matter”.,Any adult watching will instantly connect
that line with the age-old idea of “does,SIZE matter”, if you know what we mean.,Cars
Regardless of how disappointing the sequel,was, the first Cars movie was definitely one
of Disney’s best original concepts and hit,a chord with kids worldwide.,The story of Lightning McQueen was a whole
lot of fun, but hidden between the races are,some pretty sneaky adult jokes.,One of the best moments that definitely slipped
past kids is written in plain sight on the,Truck Stop sign.,The sign advertises that it’s restaurant
features “All Convertible Waitresses.”,This, of course, is a joke saying that the
restaurant has topless waitresses for customers,to enjoy.,Adults with a keen eye and quick mind might
have caught on to this one, but we are pretty,sure no kids did!,Aladdin
Aladdin is one of the most fun Disney movies,ever made, and even though the third film
went straight to DVD, Disney still made sure,to include some jokes for adults to enjoy
while their kids watched the film on repeat.,Robin Williams’ Genie is undoubtedly the
best character in the franchise and it just,so happens that he also delivers the best
“for adults only” moment.,Right before Jasmine and Aladdin are set to
get hitched, The Genie says these words: “I,thought the earth wasn’t supposed to move
until the honeymoon”.,The phrase “earth moving” is a metaphor
for reaching sexual climax and it’s pretty,clear that this is what the big blue magical
man is referring to!,The Little Mermaid
The hidden adult joke from The Little Mermaid,was so risqué that the studio was actually
forced to edit the moment out when the film,was re-released in 2006.,After a movi
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Times I should've realized I was autistic
Times I should've realized I was autistic
about a year ago i was diagnosed with,adhd also known as awesome disorder hot,dog uh no it stands for attention,deficit hyperactive disorder yeah i know,however since i've begun to tame my adhd,i notice there's still something,something different about how i interact,with the world and i've always felt that,something ever since i was a kid and,looking back on it now i think that,something is autism autism or autism,spectrum disorder is a developmental,disorder that impacts the nervous system,and impairs the ability to communicate,and interact at least that's the like,definition,quick disclaimer as you watch this video,and learn about my specific symptoms,keep in mind that yeah you could be,somewhere on the spectrum too but please,also understand that these symptoms are,a lot like ingredients to a recipe so,just because you've got some tomatoes in,boiling water doesn't necessarily mean,your brain's making spaghetti it could,be making ravioli or lasagna or any,other pasta,wait but and if you took this metaphor,literally you might be autistic,so growing up i hated doing the dishes,because of the smells and sounds and,slimes i was obsessed with everything,having to do with cats and would often,dominate conversations just to talk,about my interests,i found maintaining eye contact to be,very unnatural and uncomfortable,and i'd cry at the sound of automatic,flushing toilets,and honestly i still find the sound very,overwhelming,hey,but the response to this was always,you're being dramatic or you talk too,much or you're so sensitive and to be,fair that's what it looked like on the,outside who doesn't think dirty dishes,are gross who isn't passionate about,their interests who didn't find jeans to,be itchy and refused to wear them until,their parents forced them to in seventh,grade oh just me then,fair enough,my point is a lot of autistic behaviors,and reactions can fly under the radar,you know when the criteria for,recognizing autism was first created it,was rooted in very old outdated and,prejudiced perspectives it only,considered the experience of young white,boys therefore due to social constructs,like girls are so emotional my supposed,overreactions to things were just,chalked up to the f i got on my birth,and i can only imagine how much worse it,is for people who aren't white like me,so for a while i internalized this,feedback it felt like the phrase just be,yourself applied to everyone except me,specifically,but newsflash in case you haven't,noticed i'm weird i'm a weirdo i don't,fit in and i don't want to fit in have,you ever seen me without this stupid,hoodie on,at times where i wasn't sure how to,respond or react properly i'd study how,others would act and try acting more,like them more,normal this is called masking which,sometimes worked and sometimes it didn't,back when i was 11 i was on this weekend,retreat kind of thing for church but i,didn't have many close friends in my,youth group because they found me weird,and didn't really like interacting with,me i also didn't have many friends in,school,in fact i was getting bullied for,unknown reasons,oh wow okay point is i didn't know how,to interact with people properly but i,knew mimicking how others interacted,with me kind of worked so we get to the,lake and there's this giant cross in the,middle we get out of the van and this,one kid grabs his bags and says oh i,can't wait to get inside and he runs,ahead of us,so i mimicking the kinds of things that,worked for other kids decided to say,and i can't wait to see you trip and,fall,yeah it's one of those things that like,keeps me up at night,so yeah i didn't understand why being,myself wasn't allowed or why copying,other people wasn't working so i tried,doing,nothing,i did my best to quiet my brain and hide,the person i was which was so easy ugh,all right that's good to hear oh no i,was being sarcastic oh,man,it's okay dry humor and sarcasm,sometimes goes over my head and right,into my fragile heart too,dude did you just destroy my bed,yes,i hate you wait what you do,you mean it what no i was joking,why would you joke about that well,if i explain it it's not funny anymore,it wasn't that funny to begin with,dude so yeah all my life i felt like my,brain was shaped like a bean but,everyone else's was shaped like,like a legume,which i think is different,difference between,bean and legume,okay yeah beans are legumes but not all,legumes are beans for example peas,lentils and peanuts are not beans but,are legumes yeah,this world was made for tough nuts and i,am a squishy little chickpea and,sometimes i could swing it tossing my,garbanzos into recipes and hoping things,worked out but sometimes i couldn't,because i can't like how would you feel,if you bit into your reese's cup and,found out it was a bean cup you,can get mad at the beans do you think,they want to be there look at them this,this is what hell looks like i would,know cause no matter what i do,differently or how hard i try this is my,brain this is how it wor
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Genius Inventions And Gadgets You've Never Seen Before
Genius Inventions And Gadgets You've Never Seen Before
hello friends it's me and today we're,checking out some really cool inventions,and gadgets,oh what is this what are you unboxing a,water bottle with bubbles,oh no it's ice it makes ice,oh i can't wait to see what kind of ice,comes out and then you pop it in the,freezer,open it up i know it's gonna be frozen,you have to pull it apart,and then it makes the most perfect round,ice balls oh this is cool but for 32,dollars for a fancy ice maker i have a,feeling it's not gonna work perfectly,every time if it's too frozen either the,lid's gonna get stuck you try to open it,apart it's gonna get stuck i am,skeptical have you ever seen such a,stain resistant couch literally,hydrophobic bro what are you even,patting down there's nothing on it ew ew,you get off me get off me is that coke,get off me on the floor you go,disgusting don't do that again,wait that's legal i have never seen this,before are you sick and tired of the,cars running over pedestrians in your,town install a standing crosswalk where,the yellow lines on the road literally,rise up to protect the pedestrian,crossing the road no no no and nothing,you will not run over another person,again i feel like there's a higher,chance of getting smacked in the face by,this than getting run over by a car like,what if i'm on the other side of the,crosswalk and it starts like oh,just another obstacle i have to avoid,this pen will save you from boring days,in class what does it do does it change,colors or something wait what it's got,fidget spinner magnus you made this man,out of the pen who is he oh,so the pen is made of a bunch of magnets,and you could like take it apart build,things out of them spin things you know,some people can actually pay attention,better while they're like fidgeting with,things hello yes that's me so i don't,think it's like a horrible thing to be,like,building doing things with your hand,while you're listening in class you know,as long as you're listening and like the,information is going through,what,okay that's actually pretty cool for all,you clumsy folk out there knock over,mother's expensive fine in china it's,like it activates right before you fall,and it spawns a cushion around the,object falling does it work on humans,oh it does hey that would have been a,broken bone you gotta have it on you at,all times like a belt but what if i'm,not wearing my belt then you take fall,damage simple but if you're wearing the,belt it just like like a protective,tampon so i'm addicted to this,um not in a literal medical sense but i,don't think i could live without it and,it's very convenient it's for laundry i,thought the thing under the bed was cool,but this is literally a hole in your,wall and it's like a vacuum and it like,sucks in the clothes and deposits them,straight in the laundry room downstairs,you know what i don't know why a lot of,houses they don't make the laundry room,by the bedroom that would make,everybody's life much easier you know,what i'm sick and tired of seeing useful,things that the internet keeps telling,me to buy how about some useless things,avocado stick somebody took one look at,a deodorant stick and was like this is,so easy to apply why can't it have,avocado in it,my toast so i made an avocado stick just,shove some avocado in there and just,smear it on the toast i think this would,be better with butter butter on a stick,on some hot toast no knife necessary,sign me up,two guys in russia made a car completely,out of ice it's got wheels you could,drive in everything his iced out g-wagon,for real literally iced out you know,it's only a matter of time before it,melts right you drive it all winter then,in summer you gotta walk they were,getting pizza and they gave them whoa,i have never seen that before it's like,a hand that like picks up the slice just,snatches it that's pretty neato i like,that what are these a portable seat oh,they're like these things that you put,on your leg oh so that's how people do,it when it looks like they're sitting on,an invisible seat but there are these,rods that just go in your pants so you,can sit anywhere chair free i would love,to squat over the public toilet and,knees there's a thing called the kick,fix that you attach to your bed put it,under and you just kick your dirty,laundry under the bed and then when it's,laundry day take it out it's basically,the laundry basket under your bed that's,smart you know for all you animals that,take off your clothes buy your bed and,just like kick it under the bed that was,a good idea i think a lot of you guys,have seen the standing keyboard that i,understand that's a keyboard well it's,time for this it's too long you just,need to grab your mouse and you slide it,right in there,and you can still use your mouse by,pushing the buttons so you stand up and,use your mouse button for you,also when you spin the gear up here it,spins them all the way down so then it,rolls the ball down at the bottom your,productivity has absolutely never been,higher i have a question c
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A Simple Introduction to Postmillennialism with Dale Partridge & Joel Webbon
A Simple Introduction to Postmillennialism with Dale Partridge & Joel Webbon
what is post-millennialism and why is it,an important eschatological,understanding for us to have as,Christians today I'm going to be talking,with Pastor Joel webben we're going to,have a great conversation give you the,basics and an introduction to the,concept all that more coming up right,now,welcome to this special edition of real,Christianity if you're watching this on,the video version of our show we have,pastor Joe webben from Texas with me,talking about the,I would say very important and very,popular discussion of eschatology right,now this morning I actually watched an,episode from Jack Hibbs,who was on the news national news,covering the discussion that it said 40,percent no actually I think it was 60 it,was somewhere between 40 and 60 percent,of American Christians believe that we,are quote in the end times now that is,obviously just a million nobody's ever,believed that before,wow and so that's a novel,uh we we know as Christians who have,studied their Bible that any time passed,the resurrection and Ascension of Jesus,that we are in the end times and so uh,we're going to talk about,post-millennialism what is it but we're,gonna also answer just some of the basic,questions on,what is pre-millennialism right what is,dispensationalism what is all,millennialism and what is,post-millennialism and how should those,inform,the way that we live and act as,Christians now this is one of those,topics that you can write a 900 page,book on,and so we're gonna we're gonna go as,deep as we can and uh Joel I would say,knows more on this topic than I do but,it will banter back and forth on this,issue so,where do you want to start uh I think it,would be really helpful for your,listeners first and foremost thanks for,having me on the show yeah but I think,it'll be helpful for the listeners if uh,and this is something I don't typically,do I typically address things very very,very long,you know just very thorough painfully,thorough but I thought maybe we could,just give them snapshots like here,here's a brief concise 30 000 foot view,of all three positions yes and then come,in with a long-form discussion and and,pulling out you know the implications,okay let's do it okay,so let's start with so pre-mil all Mill,post mail okay those are the three main,positions and technically you could say,that there's really kind of four because,pre-mill kind of has a two sub,categories main subcategories of the,historic premium position and then the,um all two popular uh dispensational,pre-mil position and that's where you,would find guys like Jack Hibbs that's,uh that would also be John McArthur,that's the Left Behind series so if you,subscribe to the Left Behind series of,eschatology that's dispensational,pre-millennialism right which is,um people at least in Western culture,especially in America,um I I would say that most people if,you're saying what's dispensational,premillennialism that would be the,equivalent of two fish you know swimming,up next to each other in the ocean and,one of the fish says uh man the water,sure is nice today and the other fish,says what's water yeah you know so,you're you're a dispensational pre-mill,uh long before you're a born-again,regenerate Christian yeah this is,something that Prima dispensational,pre-millennialism is essentially the air,we breathe in America,um even non-christians even,non-christians think in dispensational,terms yes yeah that's that's the,framework which is water which again,we're if we were fish,just to have some basic history on,dispensationalism it wasn't,a part of the historical doctrine of the,church it came out in 1830 with the,gentleman's name Darby uh gentleman's,name uh uh Darby he is,uh producing a different way to look at,the history of the Bible through,dispensations rather than through,covenants right and,um we don't have time to talk about that,but that is again it wasn't historic to,the church it had never been viewed that,way prior to that time and,um which is why it's different than the,historic premillennial position so I'll,let you dive into premillennialism and,you know what the Millennium is and,things like that yeah so that was John,Nelson Darby and then it really was,popularized a little bit later in 1909,by the Scofield reference Bible yes so,Scofield,um really took Darby's thoughts and made,them popular in the sense that this was,if you think of like the John McArthur,Study Bible or Reformation it has,Sproles you know his um edit notes and,stuff like that this Schofield Bible,took dispensational,um dispensational exegesis from Darby,and put it in the margins so and it,became such a popular Bible that you,know all these people were reading this,Bible and just thought this is how you,interpret the text so it was a formative,resource that essentially that shaped a,generation shaped a generation of how,they view eschatology that was,inconsistent with how previous,generations had viewed eschatology right,so we have three main views pre-mill all,Mill and post Mi
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I Dream of Queenie (w/ Bianca Del Rio & Ricky Roman) | Discretion Advised
I Dream of Queenie (w/ Bianca Del Rio & Ricky Roman) | Discretion Advised
welcome to a workshop breaking the,fourth wall episode we're getting,through it with John and Mark getting,through it together for the new year,isn't isn't it ironic that the theme of,this week's episode is dreams and we're,both asleep at the wheel,that's right asleep uh headed for,disaster hi Mark welcome to discretion,advised everyone I'm Mark McNamara and,that you hear the beautiful Menthol,stylings of John Arthur Hill hi John,it's not Tan Mom it's John I'm in my,closet I figured it was time to get back,in here are you really in the closet I'm,in a closet looking to see shelves you,can see a rusty Barn where are you at,I'm in my closet okay well I figured,acoustically and maybe lighting wise I,don't know what's happening listen good,spot looks good yeah this is gonna be a,fun episode I'm really excited it's our,last one of 2022 whichever or is it our,first one of,2023.20 23. that's what I mean,happy New Year Happy New Year to you so,what'd you do hot take I like 2022. it's,one of my best years it was a great year,we never get to say that it was I,enjoyed 2022 I don't I'm not I don't,need to do it again I'm ready to move on,but I have good memories of it,yeah you know what just to be totally,honest you were a part of why 2022 was,so good I had great memories you were so,sweet to me in Fire Island a couple,times you know I showed you I was giving,it to you a couple times you didn't mock,it you have a great dick I have you just,stopped me not wavered from it or I've,not went away from the curve it is a,great dick period Dot,shaft period dot shaft speaking of this,is what I did today I'm gonna hold up a,diagram of scenes that we just filmed,today this is this is what we did does,it look fun to you does that look like a,fun day can you describe what you're,seeing,and that is not the Berenstein Bears no,yeah I'm looking at a wheelbarrow okay,well,that's what they did they sucked and,then we went on to remain then they,riding then a doggy then a 69 and then,you know what I always ask what position,is best for you to come in,it's usually a missionary that's how,they most people say missionary yeah and,why do you think that is do you think,it's the positioning of the prostate or,do you think it's the Romantic,connection,face-to-face Vibes hmm,probably both I mean they seem to,everyone seems to enjoy it so I love a,missionary it's got to be all around is,that your favorite position yes,missionary yeah is it because the,kissing or because of the prostate yes,okay kissing another prostate the,prostate at this point is just like a,little tiny raisin never to be seen or,heard from you that's crazy yeah it's a,craisin uh Happy New Year Mark I'm so,glad we're doing this uh I'm happy to,see you I had a death in the family that,was fun okay,I didn't want to bring it so how are you,I feel do you want to talk through it I,I don't want to step on okay but let's,acknowledge it acknowledge it yes I'm,acknowledging it I'm saying I'm doing,well thank you for the well wishes uh,but no I'm okay you know I was prepared,for it and we're moving through,processing it,not not an easy process but I'm glad you,you seem to be bright and happy and like,processing it well you must be very,you're very mentally and emotionally,healthy man that's true and you know,what as cheesy as it is being sober,makes it all so much easier can you,imagine if you were like also trashed,and like,I'm just really glad to be going through,it feeling my feelings and,uh I have a lot of support so thank you,you want to talk about dicks all right,so,uh can I book in that and say hey I love,you and thankful for for thank you,yeah thank you come Raider come shine,come life or come death you and me,talking about holes,did you travel anywhere for for the,holidays,um,just to Malibu on Christmas Day exciting,I I re-injured my Meniscus oh wait did,you have we talked since I did luanne's,show no what happened to ask those,people were lit and drunk uh I went out,in the audience I talked to people did a,q a with Luanne it was really nice I had,a great time and I you asked me to ask,her something I said,she asked me like what's my favorite,moment I said her falling in the bush is,I said that I come from a long line of,butt pirate so the pirate that she,hooked up with um but she was a favorite,trying to say that she didn't hook up,with them but we know she did well I,know that Sonia did right okay yeah uh,but uh I love Luanne so much the show is,a mess and I loved it,I saw Faye Resnick Starstruck the,morally corrupt morally corrupt yeah did,you was there any because I know Kyle,was there there was a lot of Housewives,there were there any were there any,dramas Amy Phillips was there you know,how much I love him Amy Phillips is,there Jeff Lewis was there uh,I met Amy Phillips in New York at her,show but here's how Starstruck I was,she's the only person that has ever made,me Star Trek and I still would be a fan,came up to her and then asked me to take,the picture of them and I wa
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Kevin Hart Warns About Porn | Netflix Is A Joke
Kevin Hart Warns About Porn | Netflix Is A Joke
- Every man in this
room has turned to porn,at some point in time.,Stupidest shit a man can do,
here's why I say its stupid.,We don't give people that do porn,enough credit and enough respect.,Those people are professional
actors and actresses.,That's what they do for a
living, you can't just watch,that shit and go home and try
it. It don't work like that.,That's like watching a
karate movie, going outside,getting in a fight, telling
everybody to back up,so you can roundhouse kick
this nigga in the head;,you don't know how to do that kick.,Its the same thing with porn.,I'm not speaking to you
from a hypothetical place,I've been there. I've
done it. I've tried it.,I've watched porn with my wife.,Tried to the shit that I saw,I was nervous about it.,So I was having a
conversation with myself.,Should I do it , should I fucking do it.,Should I try it.,I had good Kevin on this side,,Bad Kevin was on this side.,Good Kevin popped up.
Good Kevin had on a pair,of khakis and V neck sweater.,He said absolutely not, don't do it.,That's a good woman,
you talk to her first.,Bad Kevin popped up.,Bad Kevin had on a pair of,leather pants and a fishnet tank top,and he was doing this.,Bad Kevin,,Bad Kevin said you gone listen
to the man with khakis on?,No, Nooo.,He said do it then, Do It.,Out of no where I spit on my wife., Quick.,Right in the fucking forehead., A loogie right
in her goddamn forehead.,It was an awkward beat of
silence nobody said nothing.,It was quiet.,Out of nowhere she was like,,YOU JUST FUCKING SPIT ON ME!,The complete opposite of the reaction,from the lady in the porn.,The lady in the porn went
crazy when it happened,she was like auuuuhhhhh,auuuhhhh,This spit is making me so hot,auuhhh,This spit goin make me cum.,In my mind, I was like
that's how you make em cum.,You gotta spit on they fucking heads,I've been doing it wrong all this time.,I even told my wife you not doing it right,you gotta rub it in,
that's how you fucking cum.,I had to go downstairs to get a baby wipe.,Clean her head off,,that was embarrassing.,I go to get back in the bed,
she wanna talk about it.,What did I tell you guys,,I don't like to talk,,let it float in the air and disappear.,I don't wanna talk about it.,As soon as I get in the bed,,she was like did you
really just spit on me?,I almost lied.,I almost lied.,Even though I know that she
know I know that I did it,,I almost fucking lied.,The reason why was because
bad Kevin pooped back up.,Bad Kevin was like,say it was a leak in the
ceiling. I sad no, get...,the hell out of here Bad Kevin.,Yes, Yes!,I spit on you.,Why? I don't know.,I was watching porn and I
saw some shit, I tried it.,She said, Kevin, let
me tell you something.,I don't care if you watch porn.,Don't be stupid enough to
bring the shit that you saw,in our house.,She said, I watch porn all the time.,I don't try to do the
shit that I saw to you.,I said, uhhh...,Back,the fuck,up.,When did this become a whore house?,The hell you mean you watching porn?,What the hell are you watching?,She was like, mmm, everything.,AHHHHHHHHH,Instantly, it got hurt.,The reason why it hurt me is because,I fucking couldn't separate,my pride from reality.,This is the problem that all men have.,See reality is if she wanna watch porn,,she can watch porn. If I wanna
watch porn, I can watch porn.,That's how it should be, but my pride,,my pride wouldn't let it be that way.,My pride wanted to know,what she was watching, I wanted to see it.,Let me see it with my
eyes, I wanna see it.,She said you wanna see it? Let me see it,She got a laptop, opened it up.,She said my porn search is in my cookies.,All you gotta do is search my cookies.,I said, well you better
get me a glass of milk,cause I'm bout to eat all
these goddamn cookies.,The shit that I saw hurt my heart.,It hurt me.,The reason why is because her porn search,was the complete opposite of who I am.,Everything I saw was big.,Everything,was big.,Big balls to the walls,
big backs on big blacks,Big cocks and socks. What
the fuck is going on?,One of the sites wasn't even porn,,one of the sites was a bunch
of tall men being active.,They were changing light
bulbs, putting shit on shelves,,hanging paintings.What
kind of sick shit is this?,What the fuck is this?,She was like, what you
cant do none of that stuff.,I like that stuff.,Aahhhhhh,(upbeat music)
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