How to Optimize TikTok Ads CTR using This Proven 4 Step Recipe
hey guys danny here so in this,particular lesson we are going to,discuss on how to optimize for ctr,otherwise click-through rate,we,have been optimizing for click-through,rate for the longest time ever since the,days of good old facebook okay ever,since i've been doing lead generation,which has now been for over eight years,ctr is one of the main points,that we look at in the kpi,in order to kind of determine what our,next step is going to be okay we heavily,heavily focused on local and we've been,doing this for you know ever since we,really started and it's been working,great and we've used the same strategy,now over on tiktok and it does it does,well okay now there are some other kpis,that are important to look at again the,way we do things and again like i've,always mentioned test test test right,the three t's you really have to look at,the bigger picture of the entire picture,before you say okay like i'm only gonna,look at ctr and that is it because again,like i mentioned things change and even,though we do primarily look at ctr when,we optimize ads and tweak things ctr is,not the like the 100 final decision,whether something's going to be changed,or not because we have had ads that have,had a low ctr but the cpl has been great,the conversion has been great so it,would be stupid for us to kill that if,it's doing wonders in other areas okay,so again make sure you look at the,entire landscape before you start making,decisions just based on one single kpi,factor okay but again in this lesson i'm,going to discuss what we look at when it,comes to optimizing for ctr and if you,know we get something that's lower than,the baseline a different couple things,that we look at and how the ads,especially on tick tock really play a,factor in what your ctr ought to be so,first things first let's take a look at,the computer here and i'm going to get,to the ipad here in a second,so this is one of our ad accounts that,we have here on just some of the,campaigns that we were running and i,just picked you know a couple here a,couple dozen or so just to show you what,the kpi looks like for what the ctr,looks like on some of these different,campaigns here okay so as you can see,here you know we have this ad here has,spent almost two grand has had a two,point three four percent uh ctr which is,pretty good plus three one point one,five one point one one three point oh,two 0.95 over one over one over one over,two over one over one under one here but,it's still spending and it's still,generating pretty decent results from,what we are you know needing this,campaign to achieve right now in general,right generally speaking of course this,really depends on the industries,campaigns budget and so forth but,generally,we like to have a ctr of at least one,percent now i know there are a couple,blog articles out there and some have,been posted a couple years ago that you,know have a much lower standard of what,that ctr percentage would be based on,the industry for example like in the,medical space i i believe this was a,couple years ago maybe four or five,years ago there was an article posted,that the ctr for the healthcare paid,advertising space,should be at least 0.65,now in my opinion that's really setting,the bar super low again what we strive,for is at least one percent if we're,doing north of that,then we're good right as long as our,other kpis are in place too right cpcs,especially cpls and ultimately the,result after the conversion if it's,south if it's under one percent then,this is where the optimization comes,into play and this is really where this,lesson takes factor in terms of what we,need to do in order to optimize,for a better click-through rate let's,say you're not getting that,click-through rate what do you need to,do well this is what we're going to be,covering here now now tick-tock right,tick-tock like i mentioned before 100,character max on the ad copy so you,really don't have a lot of play,when it comes to the ad copy so what,does that mean and this is one of the,first things that we're going to be,covering here your ad copy,needs to be,super specific okay so add copy,p this is a peanut our ad copy needs to,be,super specific okay,now,when it comes to the ad copy that we put,on there we literally just give them the,offer okay again this is tick tock you,know the mentality of tic toc is that,they're just scrolling and scrolling and,scrolling and scrolling and if your ad,doesn't look like an ad then you're,pretty much in the rotation you're,scrolling and scrolling as long as you,have a good hook good video good story,within 15 20 seconds or whatever how,long your video is then your ad copy,needs to be as specific as possible in,order to get them to do what to click on,the ad right because that's the ultimate,goal with the ad copy and the creative,is for them to click on it because if,they're not clicking on anything,then what's the point what are you even,doing right so it needs to be super okay,super specific and like i
Let's move on to the first section of average ctr for tiktok ads
How To Improve CTR on Facebook & TikTok Ads (2022)
How To Improve CTR on Facebook & TikTok Ads (2022)
hi guys welcome to another video uh now,first of all I have to apologize because,it's actually been a few months since my,first YouTube video on my last YouTube,video uh but there is a very solid,reason behind it why I didn't upload,basically after I uploaded that video,um,I got into very serious health,conditions I actually ended up in the,hospital for a while I had to stay for,at least a month uh in bed in the,hospitals had to go back go back to home,to the hospital again and the reason to,that was I got caught for covid for the,second time it wasn't even my first time,for the second time but this time it was,incredibly severe for me and apparently,it caused some stuff with my lungs and,apparently there's something going on,with my lunch for over a year that I,didn't even know that I had so we,basically found out a few health,conditions that I have and basically I,was very very bad when it came to my,health overall and I was literally just,not in a state to record new YouTube,video so that's the reason why I,couldn't upload so I really sincerely,apologize for that for not uploading and,besides that I have to thank everyone,that went ahead and watched my first,YouTube video because it literally,exploded it got close to 10 000 views I,got so many subscribers having so many,positive comments from you guys and I,really appreciate that from the bottom,of my heart so yeah I hope you guys,enjoyed this video uh this video will go,about click-through rate why it's,important and why you need to focus on,click to rate and what you can do to,improve it in order to get better,results with your Facebook ads or you,know any paid ads essentially all right,so yeah let's get straight into the,video,okay so this video will be separated in,two parts so part one will be me,explaining why click-through rate is so,important and why I need to focus on it,and part two of this video will be uh me,showing you guys examples and ways to,improve your click2 rate alright so I,put a little scenario here,um so let's say you will need Thomas,brand with a budget of 50 000 bucks a,month and we have a average order value,of forty dollars and we have a store,conversion rate of two percent right,I'm gonna use very generic numbers here,so let me pick up my pencil here so,let's say we have a ten dollar,CPM right which is you know very average,right it's it's not the best it's not,bad it's it's it's all right right and,let's say we have a 1.5 click to rate,what this means is that we actually are,getting 15 clicks now how do I know that,we're getting 15 clicks because this 1.5,percent is a percentage of the cost per,thousand impression so obviously 1.5,percent of a thousand is 15 clicks so,we're getting 15 clicks and in order to,calculate our cost per click all we need,to do is divide you know our total ad,cost by the amount of clicks that we got,so that is 10 divided by 15. all right,so that is basically 10 divided by 15.,it's,0.66,0.66 but this is basically uh our cost,per click right now so we know that and,previously I told you we have a store,conversion rate of two percent meaning,we need to get 50 people on a website in,order to get a purchase right so what,I'm I'm going to do is I'm going to do,50 times,0.66 because that's our cost per click,to get one person on the website and,that is 50 times,0.66 that is 33 euros,or dollars I'll refer that dollar in,this video right so we're paying 33 in,order to acquire One customer right and,we have an average order value of 40,dollars right so our row as basically is,40 divided by 33.,which I believe is something around 1.2,40 dividing by,33 is 1.21,1.21 so that's our row as so if we spend,50 000 on paid ads,all right let's say this is 50 000. by,the way sorry for my terrible,handwriting but I need you to bear with,me 50 000 times,1.21 right so we're getting 50 000 times,1.21,we're getting sixty thousand,five hundred dollars back with our fifty,thousand spell which is not that great,because obviously you know the average,break-even row as that I've seen in the,past is always been around 1.8 that's,really the average that I've seen so 1.7,1.8 so obviously if you were an e-comms,brand and you're doing 1.2 row as you,know this is not you know good,statistics to have right so it's very,important to listen carefully right now,so we have a 1.21 rise which is not good,which you know this means we're not,making any profit right now so what I'm,gonna do is I'm gonna remove some some,parts here so I'll remove this here,or remove this,I'll remove this as well,and I'm gonna remove this as well,I'll remove this as well,all right so listen carefully so let's,say actually I need to remove this as,well so uh let's say instead of having,1.5 click-through rate uh we actually,have a three percent click to rate which,is actually you know very realistic,right you know three percent is nothing,crazy we've seen you know click-through,rates as high as 12 in the past right so,three percent is definitely a very good,click-thro
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BOOST Click Rate on TikTok Ads
BOOST Click Rate on TikTok Ads
what's going on everyone welcome back to,another video you read the thumbnail so,let's do the Montage,all right today we're gonna be trying a,different type of style of video we're,actually going live so you guys can see,my Tick Tock ads manager and can't call,cap on any of my numbers stop the cat,I'm gonna be showing you my best ads,from this year I'm going to show you the,actual video and then we're gonna go,through the targeting I set for that ad,so you can get some ideas for yourself,on white your ads might best performing,and who may want to actually see your,ads so without further Ado let's get,into it oh wait also at the end I'm,going to show you guys an actual ad that,I'm gonna run and campaign that I'm,gonna set for tonight so maybe by the,end of the video I'll have some results,for that too anyways I hope you enjoy it,let's get into it now we're here in my,Tick Tock ads manager account I'm going,to show you a couple different examples,from different websites I've made this,year so let's jump into the first one,this is the best CTR that I've had so,far you guys actually saw it in that,little Montage there the 44 don't worry,it's actually real I wasn't messing with,you I just got to find it here here it,is 44 on never give up V2 as you can see,it's had 4000 an Impressions almost 2,000 clicks so almost half the people who,saw it and ended up clicking on it which,is like just incredible stats I'm sure,if you're watching this you've tried,doing this yourself and 44 is crazy as,you can see like it's not like I hit,this every time 0.51 0.93 six percent,zero percent,really it's all about testing and going,through and making sure that your,targeting is set up properly so let's go,ahead and look at the actual ad that I,set for this Tony T,lost in the way you move the way you,feel,like,abilities,all right I hope you guys like that song,Because all my ads ended up getting made,to the same one anyways uh yeah so it's,mobile phone cases kind of retro theme,so let's go ahead and look at what I set,for the targeting in,uh number two here we go view data,all right all right so coming down here,we can see that I actually only showed,this to males between the ages of 18 and,34 that live in Canada the general,interest I selected were cell phones and,Apple iPhone because I think I was only,selling iPhone cases at the time but as,you can see that's the pretty like,niched in category of people as yeah,actually it says narrow here on the,available audience so yep I really was,focusing on a certain select group of,people and I guess I was right with that,getting a 44 let's go ahead and check,out this 29 I bet you it's the same,video,just because,it's the same video I didn't make that,many for this website because we didn't,get any sales as you guys can see Zero,conversion zero conversion uh these were,add to carts so no sales again don't get,it twisted so let's see the data I had,for the 30 here,all right so the only differences here,was that it was specified for English,and there was one more general interest,which was online fashion shopping and as,you guys can see it didn't actually do,as well it only had a 29 but in total it,was cheaper for more clicks so I guess,it was actually better anyways let's,take a peek at a different store,Highline Fabrics which was a men's,clothing store that I made that was,selling these kind of nice shirts from,AliExpress I'll show you the video here,Justin the way you move the way you feel,possibilities,all right and as you can see we ended,off with a oh hold on let me pull it up,and as you can see we had a 12 CTR rate,on that video which again is really good,apple is known to have around an 11,click-through rate on their ads which is,like,World known as the best so getting a 12,is super good I remember I was pumped,like I was over the moon excited for,this let's go ahead and look at the data,okay as you can see obviously the store,was only made for guys so it males,between the ages of 18 and 44 a little,bit older because it was nice dress,shirts you know I was going for that I,should have put it to 45 and 54 as well,but whatever uh and actually I didn't,set any interest or be haters for this,so Tick Tock really just did its own,thing it has recommended categories so I,think that it was trying to show these,type of people this ad anyways which,probably led to it being so good at a 12,but uh then again,could have been better so let's take a,look at another store triple dock this I,feel like will be the most relatable,store as it was a product that I pulled,up from Etsy and it was one of the best,selling products last year for Christmas,as well so maybe you guys are actually,selling this and you want to do this ad,itself let's go ahead and type in the,lifetime so you can see,click rates all right so 23 and 22.,let's take a look at the video,the way you move the way you feel,possibilities,all right I'm sure you're getting tired,of this song and YouTube's probably,already on my butt trying to
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This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)
This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)
in this video i'm gonna break down,exactly how i'm getting one dollar cpms,on tick tock ads with shopify drop,shipping if you're new to this channel,we talk about of course tick tock ads,e-commerce drop shipping pretty much how,to make money online and use tick tock,ads for your business so if that's,something that you're interested in make,sure you hit the like button and,subscribe to the channel we also have a,ton of free training link below and a,brand new ad spy tool that should be,releasing within the next coming weeks,called spy talk it's how i found all my,winning products you can check that out,and be one of the first 100 people to,get access and a discount but let's get,straight into the video guys right,and you should be able to see my screen,here on this is a brand new ad account,uh we just spun this store up a few days,ago,and i'm gonna show you guys what i'm,doing inside my ad account to get these,really good results now be aware this is,all complete payment so that's what i'm,optimizing for and this is all in inside,one campaign to begin,and it's a brand new product right brand,new product brand new store and a lot of,the metrics actually are being tracked,as well for some reason on certain ad,accounts the tick tock pixel works and,on other accounts it's just terrible so,this one is under reporting heavily uh,don't worry i'm going to show you guys,the profits in it you know towards the,middle of the video if you can you know,let your squirrel brain go for a second,and actually hone in and lock in what,i'm about to tell you uh you'll be able,to understand and and use this for your,store so,yeah what we do is i'm a huge fan a huge,fan of cost caps now cost caps is a type,of bidding strategy on your tick tock,ads there's you know right now there's,cost caps,lowest cost and value optimization those,are three things that you can use inside,your tic toc ads manager at the moment,uh if you want to see a value,optimization strategy hit the like on,the video or comment below and if you,want to value one as well i'll make it,i'mma start making more videos like this,almost like live audits if you guys are,interested i'll show some love on this,video but basically we have a ton of aco,ad groups which is automated creative,optimization,with us as the location,broad as the targeting so broad,completely broad no targeting at all,nothing,ages 18 to 55 plus male and female and,like i said with that acl,what we like to do is we like to have,the budget super high so a 200 daily,starting budget for our acos and then,the bid i'm not going to really show you,the bid right here because it's a part,of what we're doing right now but just,know it's a bidding it's cost capper,using cost cap bidding with different uh,you know decimals at the ending so say,if you have a cost cap of,19,and 42 cents okay or 19.50 you can do,that so different types of bids that,we're going to be using,and i'm going to show you guys right now,kind of how we're getting these results,so you can see here 10 cent cpcs 82 cent,cpms,versus this is with a uh,the lowest cost ad group so this is the,lowest cost as optimization,21,you know 21 cents cbc and a 2 cpm,that's pretty much basing off of you,know lowest cost versus a cost cap here,and you can see this has eight,conversions and i said this before the,the uh the tracking is terrible on it,but basically the strategy is this,you scale through,big caps at different bids and you,duplicate those bids,so say if we have you see a ton of these,are the same ad groups but with,different creatives and different bids,so if we have this ad group right here,us broad 18 18 and 55 plus female aco,with,our you know date 7 14 22 these are,brand new ads at launch today and what's,different between about this campaign,and let's say you know this one right,here the 712 ads is it's a whole brand,new aco and what do i mean by this so,usually inside these acos will have,three to five,different you know ad creatives and,three,ad copies right three ad text now,on this day we have totally separate,creatives so three to five brand new,creatives in this aco,on the 712 right two days ago when i,launched this and then the 714 one,has totally different ad creatives but,with the same you know ad copies,so that's how you're going to be able to,scale so you basically for example if,this,campaign right here,was doing super well the 712 at a 17 bit,what we would do is obviously we want to,duplicate that,and you know keep raising the budget,that's something that we can do or we,can have more creatives so what i do is,i scale through creatives i'll duplicate,that same bid that 17 bid,with,brand new creatives and a brand new aco,campaign so i'll have you know new,creatives chopped up by a team,or i'll shoot them myself right you can,literally use your phone right here this,thing in your in my hand and iphone if,you have an android like i said i always,feel sorry for you because it's harder,to shoot content but you use your iphone,and
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This Tiktok Ad Hack Made Me $515,548 In 30 Days!
This Tiktok Ad Hack Made Me $515,548 In 30 Days!
hey guys it's youtube jamaal and today,i'm going to share something very very,important about tick-tock ads and i'm,going to show you the last 30 days we've,been able to generate this client over,um you know,over 518 000 but however,before he came to us so let me show you,like the results before he came to us in,august like 31 he was running uh the ads,severely from facebook and after his,facebook ads content he literally came,to us and you know the results here,we're gonna you know see is ninety,percent from tick tock and 10 from,facebook so it's because we have you,know basic foundations and advanced,formulas to actually drive those,consistent results but i'm going to show,you guys and provide you value to,actually how you can get those certain,results now the reason why we've been,able to generate awesome results for our,clients it's because um we have a,specific formula that we go in inside of,gmail talk and it's um as i also share,you know,you know every video this basic formula,has generated over a million dollars for,all of our clients well over you know,seven figures for our clients and this,is just half of the equation that we're,going inside of your mouth or to talk at,um coaching agency where we literally,coach you how to you know hold your hand,and spill past six or seven figures and,actually show you what's,working on tick tock and how you can go,viral tick-tock and so i want to show,you how you know guys um you know how,you can produce those results so,essentially how we generate those,results is actually make content that,resonates with the audience and so if,you're in the parent niche i'm going to,show you some ad examples and um you,have to make queries that really,resonate with the audience and don't,make them look like ads because if they,did look like an ads what would happen,to your cdcs um sorry cpm's a cost per,click and your everything's going to be,you know high priced because you're not,reaching the right audience forget about,ios 14 because is14 does not correlate,with tick tock because tic tac has a,different algorithm but if you shoot,content that does not look like an ad,i'm going to show you some examples this,is the results you can see inside of the,ads manager once you start applying the,formula i'm going to show you,essentially video um so you know with,this client we've,uh for example they will spend a 1.7 k,in broadband 7.6 k with a 4.48 broad i'm,going to show you the cpcs cpc the value,0.097 cpm about 1.54 um impression cost,you know ctr 1.7 we're always aiming for,uh you know above 1.5 ctr which is very,good and once you start applying you,know the formula i'm going to show you,guys,um you know in this video um we're going,to see some awesome little awesome,results and actually and increasing row,as in your um because the roast is you,know held by a different metrics and you,know one of the biggest metrics are the,cpms and the cost per click and class,and,you're going to see once you you know,apply the trick i'm going to tell you,today that those you know metrics will,actually decrease in price which will,eventually make a row as higher so i'm,going to show you examples and i'm going,to show you the difference between,examples so we're going to go to the top,creative center and the way you can,access this is at i'm going,to show you three i'm going to show you,three examples from the same niche and,i'm going to tell you which one will,convert 100 times better,by experience so,i'm going to go and choose a pearl for,example i'm going to select all,so essentially in this video it's it,doesn't fit what we teach in jamal talk,and i'm gonna suspect from this video,and ultimately from you know the the,likes and the comments and everything,this is it is not a high converting ad,because it's high in fashion and,essentially it doesn't you know share,what we teach inside of your mouth um,tick tock adds creative folder where,literally actually we take you through,how to create viral tic tac ad and scale,loop past six to seven figures and it,really doesn't um you know follow the,you know exact foundation in this one l,and also and what we teach also inside,of jamal talk the basic foundation how,to scale with ads that really resonate,with the audience and essentially i'm,going to show you another example which,is kind of a more high converting and,you're going to notice a difference so,in this example and i'm going to show,you just a similar snippet from the,perfectly the ad that we would actually,go in kind of all in and this is,and so this video started with the hook,okay so he they hooked the audience in,the first three seconds i'm throwing the,soda on the t-shirt and you know the,audience can stay for longer and if you,can you know go to that video um and not,we're not gonna watch it all but you're,gonna see the engagement is very much,hard the number of shares is much higher,and you're gonna see that the ctr has,been increased by the end for um this,means that the au
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Instantly Increase The CTR on Your Facebook Ads and Pay Way Less Per Click
Instantly Increase The CTR on Your Facebook Ads and Pay Way Less Per Click
in this video you're going to learn how,to dramatically improve the,click-through rate on your facebook and,instagram ads now specifically i'm,talking here about the link,click-through rate which means when you,apply what i'm going to show you you'll,have a lot more people actually clicking,the links in your ads which is going to,lead to more leads and purchases for,your business these are things that i,now apply to every single ad that i roll,out because it's shown to increase our,click-through rate by up to 200 percent,so these things really do work and,you're going to want to follow through,the video and make sure you apply them,to every single ad that you roll out as,well and remember if you like this video,make sure you tap that thumbs up makes a,huge difference to the channel and i,really do appreciate it and if you want,to hear more from me hit subscribe hit,that little bell and you will get,notified whenever i release a new video,on facebook and instagram advertising,okay the first technique i'm going to,talk about to increase your,click-through rate is to improve the,first three lines of your ad copy on,facebook now when you see an ad in the,news feed they only actually show the,first three lines and on instagram it's,actually less it's one to two lines that,they show before the user has to click,the see more button to expand the text,and read the rest so those three lines,really really count if you don't do a,great job of writing compelling copy,that creates an open loop and gets,people to want to click that see more,button then they are simply going to,continue scrolling past and they will,never read your ad and if they don't,read the ad then of course they're never,going to click your links so there are,two ways that you can do this i'm going,to give you right now the first one is,to be very direct and tell the end user,exactly what they're going to get what,they're going to experience or how,they're going to feel after they click,the link and do whatever you're asking,them to do in your ad now this sounds,obvious but so many people when they try,to write copy they try to be really,clever and they open up with these fancy,lines and you know try to get into a,story but sometimes it's just better to,be direct and you do that by making a,big promise right off the bat let's use,a golfing example you could be really,direct and just say something like learn,how to take five to ten strokes off your,golf game today by making one simple,change here's how you can see that,example is super direct it tells them,exactly what they're going to get when,they're going to get it because we said,today and then here's how and then what,you would do is put the rest of your,copy down underneath so that they have,to click that see more button to,actually learn how you're telling them,exactly what they're going to get you're,generating a lot of interest and,compelling them to click that see more,button the other way you can do this is,to make a claim that goes against a,common belief that your audience has so,again let's apply this to golf a common,belief is that to hit the ball further,you need to swing the golf club faster,you need to increase your swing speed so,we could say something that contradicts,that like this,here's a simple technique to add 50,meters to your drive today using the,exact same driver that you're currently,using and without increasing your swing,speed so you can see in that example,we've actually combined two different,things we're talking about a big promise,and then we've mentioned something,that's a common belief and we've pushed,back against that so people are going to,be really interested like hey is this,actually possible to increase my drive,without increasing my club so are they,going to be interested they're going to,click that read more button which is,exactly what you want them to do because,then they can read the rest of your copy,and hopefully click your link okay,moving on to the next tip and that is to,customize your ad copy for instagram and,for other placements so one thing that i,actually recommend you do and that most,people are doing now is using the all,placements option at the ad set level,that means that facebook will run your,ad on all of the different placement,options meaning facebook instagram,instagram stories facebook stories and,everywhere else the problem with that,particularly with instagram is that if,you put links in your ad copy people,can't actually click those links on,instagram the only way they can click a,link on instagram is by clicking the,call to action button that is associated,with the ad if you have ad copy that,says hey click this link to get my thing,and you put the link directly in the,copy people on instagram can sit there,and tap it all day long and it's not,going to take them anywhere so the,problem with that is it leads to,confusion from your potential leads and,customers and they end up not clicking,at all so what you want to do is create,cus
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TikTok Ads - Traffic vs Conversions (In-depth explained)
TikTok Ads - Traffic vs Conversions (In-depth explained)
imagine you go to tick tock and when you,start your first campaign the first,thing that you will see is a vacuum pane,objective you see the traffic objective,you see the conversion objective now not,knowing what each objective does might,cost you a lot of money it costs you,time and it costs you opportunities so,let me show you in a basic video what is,the difference between these two,objectives and I'm gonna go very very in,depth so when by the end of this video,you'll have a hundred percent Clarity on,which objective you want to stick to,based on your business goals I'm going,to show you as much as possible to,simplify this kind of comparison between,these two objectives because if I go to,technical you will be overwhelmed and,that's not my kind of objective for this,video so think about these three,objectives as free kind of layers that I,want to kind of go through the first one,is optimization when you you choose a,traffic as your campaign objective your,optimization is going to be only clicks,the moment when you chose this,particular objective Tick Tock at,algorithms what we are going to do they,are going to optimize based on clicks,they will see like a successful campaign,in terms of how many clicks you are,getting so if you are optimizing on,traffic one thing that I can promise you,you'll get a lot of traffic to your,website now for tick tock they don't,actually care about with the quality of,a traffic I just want you to give you a,bunch of people on your website on the,other hand with conversions you can,optimize for things like value,conversions and clicks on that asset,level and this is the part where I want,you to kind of clarify a few things so,with a value actually let's start with,conversions when you optimize for,conversions which is set by default,pretty much what you are doing and what,she was saying to tick tock hey I want,you to optimize my ad creatives based on,people who are more likely to buy from,me even both of they might not know your,brand even though they might see your,business for a first time but it doesn't,really matter they are going to optimize,the algorithms will understand that this,is what is your main goal this is kind,of your first objective that you want to,get from a vet campaign so that's why,kind of an audience if we look at these,two objectives the audience will be,completely different based on what you,are optimizing for the second,optimization that you can make with,conversions is a value now with a value,what you have to understand is that it,is locked for a specific period of time,you gotta have some seasonality on your,Twitter account and you have to get,quite a few conversions before they are,going to unlock you like with a value,optimization but essentially what this,helps you is like the algorithms now,they are going after again people who,are more likely to convert but not only,to convert but also to buy a much more,expensive product where I would say,generally speaking it helps you to,increase the average good value and,ultimately it increases your return on,NetSpend it is a pretty cool,optimization once like you unlocked this,I would recommend actually give it a try,but you know if sometimes it might not,work so you have to be aware of that as,well now the third optimization is,clicks however if you're optimizing for,clicks using the conversion objective is,going to be exactly the same as you,would optimize for you know traffic so,actually if we think about it from this,particular perspective then the,objective that you're using on the,campaign level actually does not matter,that much what matters is what you are,optimizing on web ad set level if you're,optimizing for clicks using the,conversion you're gonna get kind of the,same outcome so it is not about the,traffic it is not about the conversions,it is about what you are optimizing on,the ad set level and this is pretty much,how these optimizations looks like on,the ad set Level under the bidding and,optimization section with traffic you'll,have only the clicks as an optimization,goal for conversions you'll have these,three points that I've mentioned so far,now when it comes to the analysis how do,you analyze and how do you optimize,these two different campaign objectives,because you might have as an objective,if you're a big brand you want just to,get you know some traffic once you get,some brand awareness that's fine but if,you are optimizing for conversions you,want to look at different metrics so,that's something crucial and when it,comes to traffic we want to look at free,metrics which is your cost per click how,much you are spending to get that click,let's say on average you might get like,a one dollar or 0.5 that is like you you,are pretty much paying one dollar to get,one person to your website then we have,a click through rate where CTR this is,in terms of percentages how many people,are like clicking through your like ad,and they are going to your website and,then we have a video watch time t
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How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro
How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro
oh man that really hits us,oh geez louise guys none of the middle,of my wii sessions uh i mean how badly,do you guys really want to learn how to,analyze your tick tock ads i mean,understand the data the the kpis the,metrics you really want to understand,how to react to your data so you can,scale your ecommerce brands that badly,well if that's the case then kudos to,you i tip my fedora and let's get right,into it so first off how do you even,test products with tech talk now for me,personally i always do one campaign five,ad groups 25 a day not 20 not 30 because,for me when we did 20 budgets the bare,minimum tick tock tends to not spend,that often so 25 dollars seems to be,that golden mark and then once you set,that up go down to your ad groups i have,my five ad groups identical from always,being united states always doing all,broad for the ages and the demographics,unless it's specifically for a gender,and then when we scroll on down i never,do interest i have not done interest in,months for me personally going broad,just works better for my cpms and my,results overall and then i always will,depart from 7 to 11 pm so that's pretty,much what i like to do very simple,lowest cost also i don't really do cost,caps anything else until i get some,purchase data and then when it comes to,the creatives i usually like to have,three creatives in each ad group and,it's the exact same creatives i like to,give my creators five chances of being,successful compared to only having one,ad in each ad group and sure yes that ad,gets 20 of ad spend but if that audience,sucks and the cpm maybe is inflated then,that ad could be a winner but it was the,audience's fault so i like to give each,creative five chances all right it's,time to get serious so after you've set,up your campaign you really need to know,one important metric what is your,breakeven cpa that is the most important,thing that you will be using to analyze,all of your ads and if you're not using,it to analyze your ads right now,frankly i think you're an absolute idiot,so when we go down to this specific,brand we can see that buying one is 34,for this product and let's say,hypothetically it costs four dollars to,fulfill so that means our breakeven cpa,is 30 so if an ad group is under 30 25,20 that means you are profitable and,that is the main thing i'm always,looking at and when evaluating a,campaign so when we go down here and we,look at our columns we can see right,here i got cost cpc one of the ads were,scheduled all these other things are,extraneous they are not the most,important things so i would get straight,into the meat and potatoes whenever,analyzing a campaign after a day and i,would say all right which one of my ad,groups are profitable which ones are not,and as we see right here this ad group,is absolutely going off three complete,payments eight dollars we are looking,good and this is the most important,thing you should be focusing your,attention right in this space but when,we look at the other ad groups we can,see another one is profitable perfect,then when we go to the other three i,would say would i turn off something,that's not profitable after the first,day,sometimes yes and that's typically if it,has very little add to carts so from,this first one i would see okay this one,has one add to cart i'm gonna kill it,but this one at the bottom that has,seven add to carts it just didn't get a,purchase because hey sometimes it can be,unlucky i would definitely leave it on,and see after one more day if it can get,a purchase now if it doesn't get a,purchase after another day yes we're,gonna turn it off it's probably just bad,traffic and with this one that has three,add to carts i would say in general,usually three after cards will lead to,one purchase and that would have made,this somewhat profitable so i actually,would have left this on as well and,getting into day two of the data we can,see that if we left the bottom one on,that had some add to carts it actually,was our best performing ad group on the,second day so for me yes if it shows,some signs of life i do let ad groups,spend for two days now let's say if this,campaign after one day had no purchases,whatsoever but a ton of adds to carts,i'm still gonna let it run for another,day i know with tick tock it sometimes,takes an extra day to optimize it's not,as fast as facebook some people need a,little bit of time and with tick tock,it's a brand new platform it's still,figuring out a lot of things and that's,why we like to keep it very broad so,that tick tock has a large audience that,he can eventually narrow down on and we,can also see on day two that our best,performing ad group is still performing,very well this one right here is still,getting one conversion still a ton of,ads cards but how would i break down,this data and try to scale next now when,it comes to scaling with take tock ads,it's really easy to over complicate and,focus on bid caps and surf scaling and,all this crap but for me the most,consist
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