YouTube Ads, Crypto and Web 3.0: What You Can and Can Not Promote
so a question i'm frequently getting,nowadays is can you use youtube ads to,promote crypto or web 3 or blockchain or,nfd projects so in this video we're,going to answer that but before we do,make sure to smash that like button,maybe even subscribe so you get my,videos before the competition,so,google is a little vague about,advertising crypto projects right so if,we look at what they say you are allowed,to promote businesses that are not,pertaining to the purchase holding,exchange of cryptocurrencies so for,example businesses that accept,cryptocurrency payments cryptocurrency,mining hardware is allowed tax and legal,services are allowed and that's a big,one especially considering how,complicated nfts are making people's tax,returns platforms that rely on,blockchain for operations and do not,market or sell cryptocurrencies or,tokens so there are a lot of projects,that don't have tokens but they are,involved in the crypto world and then,educational materials now if you are,licensed you can also advertise,cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets so,for example if you're licensed by the,local authorities in whatever country,you're advertising in you can advertise,cryptocurrency exchanges so,if you meet the requirements you can,apply for certification with google ads,for that and then you'll have to do a,separate application for each country,you want to advertise in now what's not,allowed you're not allowed to run ads,for icos d5 trading protocols,cryptocurrency loans dex offerings token,liquidity polls,unhosted software wallets and,unregulated apps right so essentially,tokens and d5,icos especially anything to do with icos,is pretty much no go in google's eyes,and it defy as well now they also don't,like cryptocurrency trading signals,cryptocurrency investment advice,aggregators or affiliate sites and,essentially anything that pertains to be,either trading signals or investment,advice the gist of this is certain,projects are good as long as they're run,in a clear manner they don't use words,that could be potential triggers so for,example i would advise not using uh,wording on your landing page that's you,know investment advice or crypto trading,signals or icos,now nfts are in a gray area right so,i've seen nft ads run done in a safe way,they can totally be run i wouldn't,basically be trying to sell nft right on,the landing page because i think that,could lead to potential issues i've seen,ads do that right however to be on the,safe side i think it's better if you're,doing any kind of crypto project is to,get them into a landing page get them,some sort of free resource or some sort,of video and then through the email list,or through discord that's where you can,start selling them now same thing with,crypto infrastructure projects right,even if you're going to do an ico in the,future even if you do have a token don't,mention that on the landing page because,google does not like token sales as long,as the landing page is compliant i think,you can sell through email quite easily,even if you have a plan for an ico in,the future again like i said build that,email list build that community use,youtube ads to do that and then after,the fact you can do it however on your,landing page don't mention your ico,don't mention that you can buy a token,don't mention you have a token i think,the that's one of the keys to ensuring,you don't get into trouble with google,ads policies now let's look at some,actual examples right so if we look here,we actually see a video ad for the,sandbox game honestly this is kind of a,crappy,ad in my opinion,it's not that great,there's no voice over,they're just throwing a bunch of money,at it however if you look at the landing,page,so,they have an email opt-in here makes,sense,they have a game maker so they're trying,to get developers onto this i guess so,they're essentially building their email,list here um,and they're talking about how you can,build games and so on,and getting people involved in the,platform and then they have a video here,you can download the sandbox as well,over here they have their nfts,so,i think it's all right to mention the,nft that's not too big of a deal,i think this is where things can get a,little sketchy where you're telling them,about land and becoming a land owner,uh,again as la it doesn't seem like they,have a direct link to buy land so it's,all right so that's probably why there,haven't been you know,had run into issues with google but over,here they mentioned their utility token,again this is a little sketchy right,what i would have done is literally just,focused on this part right here and then,on the thank you page i actually created,a video,that explains the ecosystem the nfts and,the you know basically the token much,more right versus putting it on the,landing page where in my opinion if,there was a manual review and they look,you know saw this they may consider this,as them trying to sell a token even,though they're not it's it's still a,little bit borderline
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If Cryptocurrency Was Honest | Honest Ads
If Cryptocurrency Was Honest | Honest Ads
say friend,do you like money,well what if i told you there was a way,to exchange those boring green,presidential napkins for sexy computer,cash that's easier to lose far more,volatile slaughters the environment and,can't be exchanged for the vast majority,of goods and services oh and it will,make you look cool among a subsection of,the internet that has strong opinions on,age of consent laws,hi,i'm roger and i'm here to tell you about,the exciting financial opportunity that,is rajcoin,is powered by blockchain and if you,don't know what that is you're a perfect,candidate for gambling large chunks of,your real money on the collective,hallucination that is my magical,calculator banknotes allow me to explain,with a soothing blue and white stock,backdrop of numbers doing fantasy techno,gibberish so you're hypnotized into,believing this is futuristic pretending,to understand blockchain is simple,instead of being physical currency,that's printed and backed by those,lizard people in the government rajcoin,is created by forcing computers to solve,needlessly complicated math problems,all while using more electricity than,switzerland,how do raj coins even have value because,real money will become worthless the,moment the government collapses which,will definitely happen,any century now but raj coin will,forever retain its intrinsic value as,long as enough websites with names like,bit bro and chain chungus keep talking,about it and also assuming the global,internet survives into the,post-apocalypse i still don't think i,get it oh a savvy investor like you,shouldn't fret over boring technical,details look here are some fancy words,uh to help convince you,decentralization,peer-to-peer,cipher,fungibility,function,what's important is that whether you,waste valuable resources yourself or,simply pay in exchange for someone,else's relentless contribution to,climate change,rogecoin enters your horton wallet and,is yours forever,unless of course you give your money to,a scammer or get hacked or the hard,drive your investment is tied to fails,or you could become one of the 20 of,people who lose their raj coin for all,eternity because they forgot their,wallet password,and i burned their horton wallet and,everything in it but how often do you,forget a password,yeah,uh well what can i buy with raj coin uh,heroin and feet picks uh mostly,but are you sure you want to spend them,raj coin is an investment,it could triple in value overnight or,it could plummet to total worthlessness,because of something an ignorant,celebrity tweets or if a goofball,country bans it like china,that's all part of the thrill,so it's it's money that i shouldn't,spend,exactly,like all good currencies,raj coin should be hoarded forever,if you're lucky your handful of abstract,chimera tokens will make you richer and,richer as society descends into an,overheated technocratic dystopia,look,our mascot is adorable wow that is,adorable hey can i use my raj coin to,invest in those fun nfts everybody's,talking about that's a great idea,my cyberpunk health tender is perfect,for pretending you own a gift of a,kitten sneezing that's freely available,to everyone else but before you trade,all your real money for an ephemeral,pretend coin you pour into an investment,more vaporous than a ghost fart i'd make,sure you buy some gpus rajcoin mining is,driving their cost into the stratosphere,and since 90 of raj coin has already,been mined,you're going to need a lot of computing,power for that last 10 percent i thought,gpus were for gaming,what are you a child,just because a product is created for a,specific purpose doesn't mean it can't,be co-opted for an or a borosian cycle,of raw capitalism that recycles real,resources into planetary waste for the,sake of ever more ethereal non-creations,that only exist as mirages in our minds,so,are you ready to give rajcoin a try yeah,i'm investing my life savings into it,right now,that's fantastic i'm sure you definitely,won't end up like the many amateurs who,lose their life savings on a gamble they,don't understand because a fast-talking,youtuber with no credentials and a,vested interest in keeping the scheme,going told them to give it a shot,i'm roger oh and by the way uh i just,tweeted that all purple and watermelon,can and should corn all over my lily,white,also,mars is flat,ah well now it says that my coin,investment is totally worthless,always has been
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TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)
TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)
in this video I'm going to share with,you exactly how you can Skyrocket the,amount of followers that you're getting,on Tick Tock right now because if you,haven't heard yet Tick Tock has changed,and the things that you need to be doing,the analytics you need to be worried,about the content that you should be,creating and the topics that you should,be using within your Niche have all,changed and if you don't adapt to these,new things you're going to see both a,decrease in the amount of views and the,amount of followers that you get but if,you simply make the changes that I share,with you in this video you're going to,have a Skyrocket in the amount of,followers that you're getting in fact,these strategies work so well that since,2021 for the last almost three years,I've helped almost 200 000 people grow,on Tick Tock and I want you to be the,next person in fact this Creator gained,a million subscribers in just a few,months by implementing these tips this,Creator over 800 000 in this Creator,over 500 000 followers in the same exact,thing can happen to you because all,these creators had two things in common,one they were struggling before they,implemented the tips that I'm about to,share with you in this video and,secondly they all now make a full-time,living from Tick Tock which I'm sure you,want to happen to you but before we,could dive into those things I need you,to smash that subscribe button if you,want to grow quicker on Tick Tock,Instagram or YouTube I literally upload,a video every single day about how to,grow on these Platforms in addition to,that I created a free Tick Tock growth,course you can get at the link in the,pin comment below it's going to share,with you thanks the best hashtags to be,using right now and what time you should,be posting in 2023 so please make sure,you get into that at the link in the pin,comment below it is 100 free I don't,know what you're waiting for finally,here's my phone number please hit me up,I want to help you grow quicker on TED,Talk step number one is actually,understanding what Tick Tock cares about,and essentially they only care about,three things right now you guys are,focused on all the wrong things if,you're not focused on these three things,the first is the type of content you're,creating the second is the topics that,you're choosing third is the analytics,that you're paying attention to if you,fail to do any of these three things,it's the reason that you're not getting,views if you've seen a decrease in views,or you're just not able to get views,like your competitors get it's because,you're ignoring one of these three,things or you're only doing one of them,you're only doing two of them because,you need to be doing all three of them,I'm warning you right now if you don't,Implement everything that I share with,you in this video it's going to be the,reason that you're not successful in,Tick Tock during the easiest time ever,to grow on Tick Tock and The Best Time,Ever to become part of the Creator,economy and make money literally from,your phone or from your laptop without,having to go to work this might mean,that you could quit your job it might,mean that you could drop out of college,and the difference between you being,able to do that and you being,unsuccessful is you focusing on these,three things so for starters let's talk,about the analytics because this is an,incredibly important piece of the puzzle,first thing is you need to make sure,that you have seventy percent of people,still watching after the first three,seconds of your video now if you're able,to achieve that that's great you need to,extend that as long as possible because,essentially there are three watch time,metrics that you need to be hitting that,I'm going to share with you later on in,this video depending on how long your,content is it's going to tell you,exactly what percentage watch time you,need to be hitting because if you're not,hitting that well you're just not going,to have success on Tick Tock but like I,said the first thing that you need to,get down is over 70 of people still,watching three seconds into the video,now the reason that this is going to,happen is because your hook is going to,be great you're going to have great text,on the screen you're going to have,energy you're going to actually wake the,person want to watch your video or,you're going to stick out if you look at,videos that go viral on Tick Tock their,videos that stick out their videos that,stand out or they're participating in a,trend which hooks somebody in because,you guys need to understand something if,you're not solving a problem for,something doing something that they're,curious in or participating in a trend,which naturally just kind of captures,people attention well then that's going,to be the reason that nobody's watching,your Tick Tock videos and the way that,you focus on this is by focusing on,honing in the first three seconds of,your videos and this is going to make,you a lot more success on top of that,yo
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Ex-YouTube Employee Reveals How To Grow Your YouTube Channel
Ex-YouTube Employee Reveals How To Grow Your YouTube Channel
what's up guys welcome to Creator office,hours by tubebuddy where I answer your,questions about how to make it as a,Creator as someone who has worked at,YouTube and Instagram for the past eight,years so let's dive into the first,question and I'll keep these as concise,as possible so you get as much value as,possible all right first question what's,the best way to launch a YouTube channel,especially with no external traffic make,sure you follow the five video rule,which is a rule that I actually talked,about in my interview with matpat who,has started multiple YouTube channels,with millions of subscribers each so,when you're starting a channel the,biggest mistake everyone makes is they,launch the Channel with nothing on it or,just one video,don't do that dude come on come on guys,think about it this way right watch time,matters and so if you're telling people,go watch this thing and there's nothing,for them to watch or there's nothing to,for them to like latch onto you're,telling YouTube this is a channel that,isn't going to retain people very long,and so when we launch a channel we,launch it with five videos so that way,people go on a significant watch time,journey in the that first week period so,that way it tells YouTube wow this is a,great Channel that's going to get people,to watch and they're going to be really,engaged and it shows your audience that,you're committed to it too so don't,launch with one video like most,YouTubers do instead launch with five,videos and on top of that I'd say make,sure those five videos are slightly,different styles and formats while still,keeping it related to your Niche so you,can experiment with what resonates most,and double down on that for your next,five videos and so forth next question,how do I make videos consistently if I,have a job and family alright this is,something I thought about a lot while I,was making content during my off time,while working on Instagram and YouTube,and the biggest advice I could give is,batch production scheduled release if,you're working a job if you're going to,spend time with family you want to make,sure you're not context switching too,much between that and being creative and,getting in Flow State because if you,don't you're just gonna be waking up,thinking about video ideas you're not,going to be that good instead I,recommend taking time to batch your,production spend time once a week really,thinking about different ideas scripting,them out and trying to do three or four,in one sitting and then if you can film,then or schedule another time so you,could take care of the production of it,and that way you batch it all together,and then schedule the release so let's,say once a week you batch the production,which I would do on Sunday nights when I,was working my day job so it wasn't on,their time and then I'll schedule the,release during the week in the mornings,before my job started so I think about,it like that that's production scheduled,release next question how do you draw in,new viewers all right search is going to,be your best friend especially when,you're trying to get initial traffic and,a great way to get content that feeds,into search traffic is to use Google,Trends and use it in a way that most,people don't so go to,filter by YouTube search instead of Web,search type in the words related to your,Niche and see which one is highest and,start making content around that first,and to make it even easier tubebuddy has,a great tool which you could just plug,in that shows your search volume the,competition for that search term and the,overall score for any search term right,when you put it into YouTube which can,be super helpful in helping decide what,to make content about to build your,initial audience next question how do I,tell better stories alright follow this,four-step process to tell better stories,intro problem solution outro and this is,actually a process that Nas daily uses,obsessively to grow to 30 million,followers across social media the intro,is the hook and then comes the problem,solution and outro which could sound,like this did you know that uh the,United Arab Emirates is one of the,driest countries in the world,how do they drink,that's a problem yeah yeah and but you,never thought about this problem ever in,your life but now you're interested in,the solution to that problem then you,walk them through the solution one two,three four five and then there's always,an outro there's always a call to action,which is yeah this is really not about,the Emirates or the drinking or the,water whatever this is about water,conservation all around the world and,including you so you got to make it a,little bit personal and in that outro,it's key that you bring it back to the,viewers so if you tell a story about,water conservation in the Emirates for,example then you should think about how,to conserve water in your own life so,the viewer ties it back to their,day-to-day next question how can I,improve my iPhone's cam
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all right so today we're going to dive,into something around content creators,that i think is going to be very,interesting one is kind of the direction,of where the industry is going when i,say industry places like tiktok,primarily but also others maybe even,here on youtube so we're going to be,diving into that a little bit deeper my,name is paul barron welcome back to,techpath,all right so,basically what has happened over the,past few weeks is tick tock went out and,did a change up on their terms of,service i want to kind of jump to this,quick uh crypto slate article right here,no more dogecoin or meme coin shilling,on tick tock after the ban of paid,crypto promotions so basically it just,says hey we're changing our terms of,service that says we're not going to,have anybody,uh with any kind of advertisements that,implement financial systems uh programs,around,uh any kind of financial uh services,including cryptocurrency,that is basically what is now on,on the rule set for tick tock and mainly,what they're trying to do it's not,really completely clear but what it,appears to be is they are updating these,rules so it'll include unpaid crypto,promotions and other financial products,and also even if it's not a product that,is,paid for,but if you're,actually over talking about it in other,words you are shelling it your,your channel or your ticktock account is,actually going into a direction,that is talking more and more about it,with links like hey get some free stocks,which we know how big that is here on,youtube itself,but this is going to be a big deal in,terms of cryptocurrency and projects,and how they're potentially going to go,and i want to kind of continue on down,here look at these numbers right,hopefully there's still a place for,informed financial education,on the platform i don't know that tick,tock is going to allow this at all,because they're really trying to weed,out the bad actors and when you look at,these uh this was from um,top crypto invest investors spend most,of their time uh in listen look at this,bitcoin talk back in 2010 to 2013 reddit,then twitter,up to now and then they think that tick,tock was going to be the place,and here's the thing there has been so,many,youtubers,influencers,journalists you name it the category is,as wide as it is content creators that,have moved a lot of their content,and their decentralizing of their,audience over to,tiktok and i feel like with this move,tic toc essentially especially in the,financial space because there's a lot of,financial uh analysis being done here on,youtube obviously our show does a ton of,that including cryptocurrency,technically we would not be able to do,that so we're really considering making,tick tock just a pure education play,and literally nothing in the direction,that would even remotely,run into these kind of scenarios but,most of the time when you're building a,channel like this there's two potential,opportunities for,us to one pay the teams and keep a,business open to be able to run this and,that is either going to monetize on ads,or you're going to do some sort of,integrated brand partnerships which is,always going to be under fcc guidelines,hey this is sponsored by and paid for,by a company and we're going to talk,about it or we're going to interview,them you guys know that up front we're,very open with that of course tick tock,is pretty much it doesn't matter if you,say that or not you're not going to be,able to utilize that as a paid promotion,at all so that in itself i think is the,big change here and i think that's the,thing we we have to look at because,financial education and also technology,education technology i don't see that,would be that big a deal but eventually,this could go over to stock you know,analysis this could go into a lot of,directions even in,the essence of what kind of financial,services and products that you should be,looking at and,utilizing so i think this is going to be,affecting creators around the world in a,very big way and i want to jump to a few,tick tock channels that i think are,going to get hit with this pretty,heavily not necessarily in a bad way in,the sense of,hey we're gonna you know take down your,channel or something but more in the,sense of that they're gonna have to,reach restructure their entire strategy,of how they're going uh about it here's,uh performate this right here is you,know pretty straightforward all just,bitcoin degenerate,73 000 followers right there 700 almost,a million likes then you jump over here,to crypto kang another 73 000 followers,also very focused in on uh,cryptocurrency,our own um,of course ben armstrong right there uh,bit boy 2.7 million followers,bit boy has really created i think a,great brand on,just on cryptocurrency and kind of where,he's gone and moving to tick tock,because i think tick tock was a big,strategy for,um bit boy and their whole plan,moving and trying to kind of,decentralize to a certain extent and,also look at some other opportunities,her
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Google Approves Crypto Ads | What This Means...
Google Approves Crypto Ads | What This Means...
more news in the blockchain space and,that is all around,advertising and how google the king of,advertising is playing into crypto's,beautiful hands today we're going to,dive into that my name is paul barron,welcome back to techpath today we're,going to take a look at where google is,going with their crypto policy in terms,of advertising as you all know,maybe not all of you know this but,basically back in 2018,google said hey listen no more crypto,ads for all you guys out there all you,scammers all you ico guys that are,trying to get all this uh great,investment into the marketplace not,gonna happen so they shut it down kind,of that was that,also this year we had tick tock came in,and said no influencers no you can't do,any of that either we're going to shut,that down and then here we are,in july and august of 2021 and google,comes in and says wait a minute we are,back in the game internet giant right,here google's new ad policy has gone,into effect the company now allows,certain cryptocurrency ads such as,promoting of cryptocurrency exchanges,and wallets,and these advertisers must meet certain,requirements to be certified by google,here they are to be certified so this is,where all the scammers don't really get,a chance to kind of get into the game,but,you've got to be either registered by,the financials crime enforcement network,uh people call that fence in of course,as a money services business or to be,federally or state chartered by charter,bank,they also must comply with relevant,legal requirements and their ads must,have landing pages must comply with the,advertising rex so that's pretty typical,and then as i mentioned there here was,the 2018 ban that google had,on what was happening to dive in a,little deeper here was a piece over by,coin telegraph uh google's updated,policy also bars crypto ads from linking,to websites that host cryptocurrency,trading signals,that's going to be interesting,cryptocurrency investment advice,another interesting thing and,aggregators or affiliate sites,containing related or content or broker,reviews so,that's a lot in the way of only allowing,certain companies to do advertising here,which primarily,are the exchanges so this is going to be,interesting to watch especially with the,fact that they've kind of moved in and,moved into the space of taking over,where some of this has kind of been left,open because i don't necessarily feel,like this is anywhere near,the kind of advertising that we're going,to see so what what the problem is is,that all of the companies,projects,all the different kind of,influencers all those kind of things i,think they're going to pretty much be,shut out of their advertising component,in being able to go into google ads this,is really boiling down to a handful of,titans that are going to be fighting for,that top two or three spots that are,coming out in ads and i'll show you what,i'm talking about but furthermore when,you look at where the sec's position is,on all of this and the reason this is,kind of locked into this is and just to,kind of show you a little bit about this,sec boss gensler eyeing robust,regulation of the crypto market uh this,was the report that was just pulled out,uh just this week uh but basically he,says he neutral this is gensler saying,i'm neutral on tech even though i'm,quite a bit intrigued i spent three,years you know teaching this he's not,neutral on protecting investors,especially retail side he did uh give a,timeline on the introduction of the,action on cryptocurrency citing 49,non-crypto policy reviews,such as responding to like the gain stop,trading tr,frenzy uh that could slow down any,progress on cryptocurrency so that's one,thing that they are considering but,here's the point that i'm trying to make,the sec could then regulate these,platforms if they're advertising an,interest rate return on a crypto asset,so this gets back into people who could,be,exchanges that are doing things like,that such as advertising hey i'm we're,paying you know six percent on cardano,or on bitcoin or whatever it might be,uh alternatively platforms that pool,digital assets could also be regarded as,mutual funds which would also bring them,into the ce sec's purview and get into i,think fencing also could potentially,kind of govern this whole area so you've,got a lot of potential government,regulation that could be flying into,this category especially around the,advertising side of things as people are,looking to move into advertising,cryptocurrency now here's the key the,key thing that i think is going to be,interesting to watch because this is,where,mass adoption starts to move is this a,good thing for crypto in general,my you know my analysis is yes overall,it's a good thing because there's going,to be more general people that are not,in crypto today that are going to start,looking at,uh search,typically through google and they're,going to discover bitcoin maybe for the,first time on some of these exchanges,and i think that is a very
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Crypto.Com Updates - TikTok, OpenCart & ENJ
Crypto.Com Updates - TikTok, OpenCart & ENJ
hey guys what's going on this is Aaron,Bennett here I want to dive into some of,the crypto calm their latest updates,from their blog just to keep you guys,informed and know I have a lot of people,who are following crypto calm and maybe,don't want to read every single blog,post so let me just go through them,right now with you so heading to the,computer the first one is about a tick,tock contest now personally I was on,tick tock end of last year and it sucked,me into a deep dark black hole I had to,delete that from my phone but if you are,on tik-tok or if your kid is on tick,tock you can ask them to make a video,and maybe you can win some cro,from your kids video I don't know if,that's legal but maybe you can do that,so there is a contest with tick tock,following the at crypto comm posted,video with the theme what are you doing,with your MCO Visa card and tagged us,with certain hashtags and you can win,and ten people are winning a thousand,CRO so about a hundred bucks or so so if,that is happening very cool next story,cryptic on weekly telegram madness join,your local community to win 20,000,buckaroos to celebrate the launch of,another batch of official telegram,communities we are pleased to announce a,series of weekly contests how do I join,join your local community and get a link,to a dedicated contest page contest page,is hosted on a third-party application,gleam never heard of gleam where you,will find a list of missions complete,the missions and receive a predefined,amount of points the odds of winning,increase with the number of eligible and,correct submissions Wow alright so there,are just some exciting fun things to do,if you have some time on your hands and,if you want to connect with other,cryptic common theists in your,definitely the speaker language so cool,stuff,next story joins the open payments,coalition so I made a video about this,talking about unstoppable domains how,they joined the pay id,coalition just a plug from stoppable,domains link below if you don't have,your dot crypto domain at least one get,it get your duck crypto domain,don't be like in ten years you're gonna,be like oh I wish I would have just,spent $40 and got my domain oh goodness,you'll be surprised what domains are,available he may even search famous,people crypto businesses dot crypto and,a lot of top companies I found some I'm,not going to share the ones I found,because that would defeat the purpose,I've already purchased them but you can,you can score some of these top,businesses I'm talking multi,multi-million dollar if not billion,dollar businesses dot crypto you can buy,it and you can sell it to them later,anyway to implement pay ID simplify,payments across all platforms so cryptic,Amin ounce today that it joined the open,payments coalition along with 40-plus,leading finance and tech companies on a,commitment to drive open payments,globally the as the first initiative,crypto calm will implement pay ID on its,platform through pay ID users are given,an easy to read ID that works across any,payment network to transfer any currency,I think this is what's really cool about,this so as a result two million plus,users on crypto comm will be able to,send and receive payments across,platforms under the same initiative,connecting one connecting a hundred,million plus consumers worldwide so,users will be able to register for a Pay,ID through settings in the crypto comm,app so I suggest doing that in your app,go to settings click pay ID register a,pay ID and this is where you can,register your pay ID so in the app says,register your nique pay ID tied to your,wallet address accept crypto from other,compatible wallets just by sharing them,your pay ID send crypto to other wallets,with registered pay IDs instead of the,full length crypt,my dress so basically pay ID is a way of,making sending all payments so much,easier we're just like what unstoppable,domain had through there or not had,currently it has through their platform,where if somebody wanted to send me one,of I believe well over fifty,cryptocurrency as I forgot I haven't,counted the exact amount all I could do,is say hey send send me ten dollars in,Bitcoin to Erin Bennett dot crypto right,like that's my dot crypto Erin Bennett,dot crypto and I don't need to send them,a you know a giant payment ID or if it's,if they want to send me another crypto,which I you know didn't tell them about,like oh they want to send they want to,send the EOS or - like they could just,send it to me they don't have I don't,have to send to my - address I don't,have to send to my EOS address I don't,have to send in my car down out address,it's all tied into one and pay ID is,doing that I think on a on a larger,scale so they're connecting crypto comm,unstoppable domains,I think bitpay I believe all sorts of,already formed ways of communicating and,interacting and payments and they're,bringing it all into one platform Chris,Marshall X CEO of crypto comm said,through the Global Payments ecosystem,has expa
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