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5 TikTok Video Ideas For Your BUSINESS

Smartphone, $1,500. Laptop, $2,500.,Latest haircut, $300. Being an early adopter on TikTok:,priceless. So,,you want to be one of the first mover and shakers on TikTok,,but you have no idea what videos to actually post,,especially as a business owner so that you actually grow your business. Well,,you're in luck because in today's video I'm sharing with you five TikTok videos,that you can create for your business to actually grow it.,And stay tuned until the end where I'm going to share an embarrassing dance,video of myself.,So the first type of TikTok video you can create for your business is what I,call Yup, Nope. Let me show you an example.,Nope, Yup, Nope, Yup,,Nope, Yup, Nope, Yup.,So the idea here is you go ahead and film yourself doing the yup, nope thing.,And then on screen you pop up text where you're saying yes or no to certain,things about your world.,Now of course you're not going to make it all about business.,Make some of it personal too.,But this video is a great way for people just to get to know you a little bit,more. I've made my very own Yup, Nope video, so check it out.,No, Yup, no, yup, no, yup, no, yup.,The second type of TikTok you can make for your business is what I'm calling the,before and after story. So it's pretty straight forward.,You're just going to film yourself alongside a song that you really like.,And then using the text on screen,,you're going to illustrate what your life was like before your business and what,it's like after. So I found an example, and this is what it looks like.,So the idea with this one is for your followers to get to know you in 15 to 30,seconds, like we're talking really succinct. That's the whole point of TikToks.,So you really need to distill your story down quickly.,So one to two sentences of where you were at before and then the transformation,that you've experienced because of your business, your product, your service,,whatever it is that you're offering. I gave this one a shot.,So here's my example.,The third type of TikTok is called get to know me. However,,this one's a little bit more like answering a common misconception that people,have about you or your business.,So if there's a question you get all the time or there's a common belief that,people have about you that's wrong.,This type of TikTok is perfect for you to set the record straight.,Here is an example of the get to know me TikTok.,And of course I've made my own version of this TikTok.,So go ahead and watch this and get to know me.,The fourth type of TikTok for your business is jumping on what's already,trending. You might not know this,,but there is a discover page on TikTok similar to the explore page on Instagram.,So I recommend pulling up your TikTok,,hitting the discover tab and check out what hashtags are trending.,So right away I see something called maple syrup day could be really relevant,for me as a Canadian.,There's also a hashtag called morph and that's a trending challenge.,So it looks like people are blending their pictures together to show their,transformation. There's another one called holiday covers, never zero.,Not sure what that is, but let's look into any one of them.,Let's check out morph,,and I can see that this hashtag has 42 million views.,So let's check out this Ariana morph and just to get an idea,,So it's pretty straight forward.,There's obviously a feature built into TikTok called morph that allows you to,mesh your photos together. So this may not really be an explicit,,you know, invitation to your business,,but it just might show your evolution as a human.,Maybe you can throw a few business-y pictures in there,,but really the point of this one is just to jump on the trending hashtags so,that maybe your TikTok goes viral. I, of course,,jumped on one of these trending hashtags, and this is the TikTok I made.,The fifth TikTok you can make for your business is just a fun dance video,because let's be honest,,TikTok is heavily about the entertainment and if you're really going to be a,TikTok user, you should be creating TikToks that are just for fun.,They can't all be about business.,So if you're ever looking for dance inspo just head to the home on your TikTok,app and you're going to see so many trending dance videos and hopefully one of,them inspires you.,I've seen so many from a solo dance performance to a partner dance performance.,Some of mine are called ride it and coincidance and I'm going to show you an,example of that one right now.,And of course I can't finish this video about TikTok without creating my own,funny dance video on TikTok. So go ahead and check out my coincidance.,If you liked this video,,go ahead and check out my other TikTok videos here on YouTube.,This one right here is called TikTok for Business,,and this one is How to Make Money on TikTok. And of course, if you're new here,,thanks for joining me on my channel.,Be sure to hit the Subscribe button and the bell so that you don't miss any,future videos just like this one. To ease and re

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Do you need a tiktok business account to run ads

Do you need a tiktok business account to run ads

on Tick Tock you can choose to have a,personal account or a business account,Tick Tock is building more features for,your personal accounts to help their,creator Community find more ways to,express themselves they are also,building more commercial features to,help the business Community make Tick,Tock a part of their overall business,strategy but do you need a tick tock,business account to run ads,before you know that you must want to,know the most important thing which is,different between personal accounts and,business accounts so first talk about,personal accounts a personal account is,a self-serve ads account you have,complete control over your Tick Tock ads,campaigns from adding balance set up,campaigns to optimizing Tick Tock ads,campaign in addition you must also,contact The Tick Tock support team by,yourself to assist and resolve issues,related to your ads personal accounts,give you the flexibility to experience,stick talk in different ways they are a,good choice for watching and interacting,with other people's content you can do,things like check out videos on your for,you feed use the search tool to find new,content to watch follow other people and,favorite hashtags to watch content,you're interested in creating your own,content for other people to enjoy with a,personal account you also have access to,Advanced Creator tools these tools help,you learn more about the content you,create and what your audience enjoys,this can help you build a community as a,Creator a few things you have access to,with a personal account more music and,sounds with a personal account you have,access to both sounds and Commercial,sounds business accounts only have,access to commercial sounds which is a,library of free sounds so you can use,your content for commercial purposes,change your account to private you can,change your account to private so only,users you approve can follow you and,watch your videos be eligible for the,monetization features in The Tick Tock,Creator Next program Creator next is a,program designed to help Tick Tock,creators monetize as they grow their,communities if you qualify Creator next,will get you access to features and,tools to help you grow on Tick Tock some,features within Creator next include,Tick Tock Creator Marketplace Tick Tock,Creator Marketplace is the official,collaboration platform to connect Brands,and creators on Tick Tock with Creator,Marketplace creators can collaborate,with brands on paid campaigns Tick Tock,Creator fun Creator fun helps support,creators looking for an opportunity to,be rewarded through their content top,advantages there is no cost to use an,account to run Tick Tock ads campaigns,be proactive in controlling your budget,goals and choosing the right advertising,form more flexibility in optimizing the,campaign controlling the effectiveness,of the ad this advantageous you must,manually set up everything by yourself,to run ads before we continue I spend my,hours and hours on this video so make,sure to like And subscribe I appreciate,it thanks back to the video Tick Tock,adds campaigns with large budgets,require High skill and experience it,will take a long time to get support,from Tick Tock and solve problems during,the ad running process some location,cannot Target let's talk about business,accounts both types of accounts have,features to help you create and promote,your videos like going live on Tick Tock,going live is a way for people on Tick,Tock to connect directly with their,audience in real time note you must meet,Tate's requirements and have a certain,number of followers to be able to go,live General analytics and show insights,into how your videos are performing you,can choose to see an overview of your,videos like video views profile views,and follower counts how your individual,videos are performing and learn more,about what content engages your audience,like your follow account over time and,total likes comments and shares note you,must have posted at least one public,video to access analytics learn more,about your analytics on our creator,portal or on our Tick Tock tutorial,series promote promote is an advertising,tool you can use in your Tick Tock app,that can help you do things like get,more people to discover your videos,guide more people to your website and,improve your chances to gain followers,Creator portal Creator portal is a place,for creators to learn more about things,like the basics of getting started on,Tick Tock connecting with your audience,and best practices for your videos a,website link on your profile personal,accounts that meet certain requirements,and business accounts can post a website,link on their profile now you know the,difference it's easier to chose but,anyone whose primary goal in Tick Tock,is to promote their business either a,product or service should use a business,account that's it subscribe

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How To Create Your First TikTok Ad

How To Create Your First TikTok Ad

what's up guys how's it going welcome to,another tick tock ad tip video so in,today's video i really wanted to walk,you through the basics there's a lot of,people out there who haven't run any ads,on tick tock it's actually a pretty big,group so i figured i've been doing so,many videos on like strategies and,tactics and what to do once you're,running to optimize to scale all that,good stuff but i really i've really put,anything out there on youtube or kind of,organically,i have stuff inside our paid program,tick tock insiders ticktock, but um but i want to put,a quick youtube video for anybody that's,brand new that's kind of like how do i,just start my first campaign right what,do i do day one brand new account brand,new campaign how do i set the very first,prospecting campaign so that's working,today i'm gonna come over here and we're,gonna switch over to a screen share i'm,gonna walk you through kind of one of,our um you know kind of dead kind of,test ad accounts that i can just play,around with kind of the sandbox and uh,and we're gonna play around there i'm,gonna show you this up your very first,prospecting campaign so again if you,were um if you're just getting started,want to know exactly what kind of first,campaign to start how to set it up the,ad groups number of ads all that good,stuff um this video is for you let's,dive in,all right so we're gonna switch over,here and let me hit the you got this,fancy little stream deck now down here,that allows me to swap between,everything so i'm going to click that,boom look at that so we're in screen,share mode which is great,um so here's what we're going to do,so this is let's just kind of this you,know this account has like twenty six,thousand dollars in spending so nothing,really at all but let's just assume this,is a brand new tick tock ad account that,you're kind of coming in here and,there's nothing in here now in future,videos and stuff i'm gonna go through,and this is you know really if you want,all this stuff it's inside tick tock, but i will be putting out,kind of more basic not as in-depth but,strategies and content out there like,you know how to set up your pixel and,how to set up your business center and,the difference between self-serve and,manage ad accounts all that good stuff,but this we're going to just focus on,assuming every pixel installed assuming,you have the basic foundations in place,what do you do with that very first,campaign so we're going to do,is we're going to head over here you're,going to go to your ads um, um that's going to take you,to create your ad account,and then once you're in there you can go,to it's going to take your,business center login and then you come,into your ad account then you can always,toggle between your different your,different ad accounts up here and then,go to your different business centers,we're on a bunch of business centers we,have a ton of them um but this is what,the ad account looks like again really,really similar to facebook they've hired,a massive number of facebook product,managers engineers basically everyone at,facebook google they've been recruiting,recruit recruiting and they've basically,cloned the interface so this is going to,feel very familiar to you if you are a,facebook advertiser and used to facebook,you're going to feel justice home in,here so,we're going to click the create button,and this is going to bring up our uh,our cranial campaign now you'll see that,there's a you know several campaign,objectives again very familiar to,facebook you're going to have your your,reach awareness you're going to have,considerations traffic app installs,video views lead generation community,engagement um this is kind of like ppe,so this is for growing your followers,for getting profile visits those types,of engagement based um actions and then,where most you're going to live is over,here conversions so either conversion,campaigns or catalog sales campaigns if,you're doing you know ecom,and you have a lot of skus um this you,can connect your product catalog with,shopify you can do dynamic product ads,collection ads all kinds of cool stuff,future videos talk about it but most of,you are going to want to start here this,is where you're pretty much going to be,day one for your first prospecting,campaign so we're going to click,conversions,and then we're going to give it a name,i'm a big believer in naming conventions,so i think consistency is huge,especially if you're if you're an agency,if you're a growing team,you want to keep things consistent and,easy to understand so we're going to do,ui which is like the tags it's going to,be your agency tag unit renovations or,it can be mf which is my first initials,whichever you decide um test,prospecting,we're then going to say whether it's,or cbo we're then going to put the,objective,and then we're going to put the date,which i believe is 3,22. so this is why i can just glance at,it real quick and i know ex

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How TikTok's Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ

How TikTok's Algorithm Figures You Out | WSJ

- Okay, has anyone else noticed that your For You page,has been a little too accurate lately?,It hasn't been things that I'll google,or I talk about.,It's been thoughts.,- TikTok knows everything about us.,♪ Hold up, don't scroll ♪,♪ Lemme ask you something first ♪,♪ Can someone please explain ♪,♪ How this algorithm works ♪,- TikTok users often wonder,how the world's fastest-growing social network seems,to know them so well.,- Is TikTok secretly listening to us,while we're watching videos?,I don't know.,(upbeat music),- The answer to how this app gets to know you,so intimately is a highly secretive algorithm,,long guarded by TikTok's,China-based parent company, ByteDance.,- TikTok has been so successful,in terms of implementing their algorithms.,- TikTok's algorithm could influence the thinking,of US youth.,(upbeat music),- To understand how it knows users so well,,The Wall Street Journal created,over 100 automated TikTok accounts or bots,that watched hundreds of thousands of videos on the app.,We also spoke to current and former executives,at the company.,Officially, the company says that shares,,likes, follows and what you watch all play a role,in what TikTok shows you.,We found that TikTok only needs one,of these to figure you out.,How long you linger over a piece of content.,Every second you hesitate or rewatch,,the app is tracking you.,- I just wanna quiet the noise.,- Through this one powerful signal,,TikTok learns your most hidden interests and emotions.,And drives you deep into rabbit holes of content,that are hard to escape.,(noise of voices),♪ I'm happy, happy guy ♪,♪ Oh, just a happy, happy, happy ♪,- The TikTok experience starts,the same way for everyone.,Open the app and you'll immediately see an endless string,of videos in your For You feed.,Take this new user,,a 24-year-old from Henry County, Kentucky.,(jumbled music plays),TikTok starts by serving the account a selection,of very popular videos vetted,by app moderators.,Is this person religious?,- Because I still have a purpose.,And you still hold a plan for my life.,- Do they wanna participate in viral dances.,(upbeat music),♪ Hey, hey, who ♪,(upbeat music),- Are they feeling down lately?,- Just remember, I loved you once.,And that love goes for a friend,,family, or any relationship.,- What TikTok doesn't know,is that the 24-year-old from Kentucky,isn't a person at all.,It's one of the bot accounts programmed,by The Wall Street Journal.,Let's call it kentucky_96.,We set up these accounts to understand,how TikTok figures out your unexpressed interests.,We assigned each bot a date of birth and an IP address,,which told TikTok their location.,None were given a gender.,We gave each bot or user interests,but those interests were never entered into the app.,The only way our users expressed their interests,was by rewatching or pausing on videos,with related hashtags or images.,Some were into extreme sports.,Others were interested in forestry.,Or dance.,Or astrology.,- I'm not the babysitter, I'm not the parent.,- Or some other topic.,- Keep scrolling if you hate animals.,- For all our accounts,,we found that TikTok draws users in at first,by serving a wide variety of videos.,Many with millions of views.,Then as the algorithm sees what you respond to,,the selection of videos and the view counts,can get lower and lower,with fewer of them vetted by moderators,to see if they violate TikTok's terms of service.,We reviewed our experiment,and its results with a data scientist,,an algorithm expert, Guillaume Chaslot,,a former Google engineer,who worked on YouTube's algorithm.,He's now an advocate for algorithm transparency.,The says TikTok is different,from other social media platforms.,- The algorithm on TikTok can get much more powerful,and it can be able to learn,your vulnerabilities much faster.,- In fact, TikTok fully learned many,of our accounts' interests in less than two hours.,Some it figured out in less than 40 minutes.,- On YouTube, more than 70% of the views come,from the recommendation engine.,So it's already huge.,But on TikTok, it's even worse.,It's probably like 90-95%,of the content that is seen,that comes from the recommendation engine.,(dramatic music),- This is a visualization made,from hashtags attached to the videos our bots watched.,Think of it as a partial view,of the universe of TikTok content.,Here's where we found dance videos,,over here are the cooking videos.,The spindly arm stretching out of the center,represent niche content areas.,This arm starts with general videos of cute animals,but if we follow it out to the end,,we find more specific videos for enthusiast,of French bulldogs.,As kentucky_96 starts its journey,,it starts moving around within the mainstream,where TikTok is trying to puzzle out what it wants.,We programmed kentucky_96,to be interested in sadness and depression.,Let's see how long it takes TikTok to figure that out.,- Life doesn't happen to you,,life happens for you.,So if life is taking people away from you

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TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

so whether you like it or not tic toc,ads have been crushing in the ecom space,lately with not only the paid marketing,side but also the organic side,especially with facebook bands getting,out of hand high cpms and high cost per,clicks tick-tock seems to be the,all-around solution and in this video,i'm going to show you exactly how i,start and run my tick tock ad campaigns,to get sales like you hear in the,background so over the past few months,i've generated quite a lot with tic toc,in terms of revenue and in profit and,this is just one of the stores i'm,currently running and you guys can see,the active visitors we have 1.1 k as,well as 30 000,in sales just for today and here's also,one of the other stores we did around,60k in november and going on into,december we pulled out around 130 000,and this was all about around a 30,margin overall so if you ask me that's,not bad at all this right here is the,store that i pulled off 30 000 just for,today's sales in and you guys can see,the tick tock ads manager we have quite,a lot of campaigns because this product,definitely is in the scaling phase but,putting all this aside let's get right,into the tutorial the first thing you're,required to do is create an actual,account you guys can use the link below,and for the business name we're just,going to pretty much put our business,name i'm just going to put subscribe now,because that's what i recommend you,highly do right now if you're not,already for the industry we're going to,go ahead and put e-commerce and scroll,down all the way to other right here now,for the time zone i'm gonna put los,angeles now this one will defer you want,to put your time zone of course then go,ahead and check this box right here and,click register now after this you should,be taken to a page that looks something,like this so right here you're just,going to fill out your business website,put in your address and all that,information that's going to ask you for,a credit card and all that but once,you're filling all that out you should,land on a page like this so this is an,existing ad account i have obviously,we're going to want to go ahead and,select conversions right here and then,for the campaign name you're going to,put whatever the product name is but i'm,just going to put one for the sake of,this video and then you don't want to,touch any of these these are for,different strategies and actually do use,these options but we're not going to do,that in this case specifically so we're,gonna hit continue right here and once,we are on this page the ad group name is,basically the interest name so whatever,you target let's say you target dog,owners or cat lovers you're gonna put,cat lovers or dog owners or whatever,interest you target but for tick tock,specifically i like to go broad so i'm,going to leave this as broad and then,i'll show you guys how to target,interests later down the line so for the,website we're going to want to create a,tick tock pixel i already have two,pixels right here but if you created a,new ad account you won't have a pixel so,we're going to want to create one and in,order to do that you just want to click,that button click set up web events or,create pixel tick tock pixel click next,and you want to name your pixel i'm,going to put three and then click this,second option right here click shopify,click next and you should be taken to a,different page where you're just going,to spam next a bunch of times so,complete setup and we should be good to,go now in order to install this you can,actually get an app called tick tock on,the shopify app store and then just,pretty much log in with your tick tock,account details now personally on some,of my stores i don't even install pixels,and i just go based off of different,metrics like the ctr cpm cost per click,but if you want to install a pixel you,guys can pretty much do it through,shopify or by installing it with code so,now once our pixel is set up you guys,can go back to the tick tock page right,here open this up and we have our third,pixel that we just created right here,for the optimization of that we want to,click complete payment we don't want any,other people who just go to our site to,add to cart or view the content we want,actual purchasers hence why we choose,this option right here now we want to,scroll down right here and click select,payments and uncheck these two random,ones i mean we don't need panel or news,feed app series we want tick tock that's,where the money is at at the end of the,day for user comments we're going to,turn this off and then for video,download we're going to turn this off as,well now for this option be aware people,can still download your videos so you,want to make sure that you add a,watermark on all your videos before,uploading them or creative type there is,some strategies i use which include this,checked but for this specific testing,strategy we're not going to have this,checked right now so scroll down and for,the location i always start

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I gave my wife my credit card so she,could buy every ad she saw on Tick Tock,for the past 24 hours and we mean,business you are so lucky that she,bought me this stain resistant Tick Tock,ad shirt oh what is this is it a Roomba,look at the front what does it say let,moose loose but it's a soccer ball I'm,so confused turn it on oh well put on,the ground put on the ground wait a,second what dude this thing slides so,good I've been watching a lot of soccer,anime not enough one of us is taking,this goal oh I love it how much was it,21.99 I'll take another final shot if I,just oh,my gosh,Chase I'm not gonna throw a flag but by,the end of this video we are going to,name one of these ads from Tick Tock the,king and so far moose is deserving on,that what the oh,is it it's a hunk,oh no oh,this is real wait can we launch,something out of him oh like a slingshot,can we get masiel to launch an apple all,right now I'm gonna just stand clear and,let him run oh it works I don't think,that's how you're supposed to use them I,want to break them though how we're,gonna see if Stretch Armstrong is truly,indestructible I feel like I'm Sid from,Toy Story now we're gonna stretch his,arm over the hose put it in there that's,what she said I now zip tie it I brought,this for my car Carter and now we're,gonna leave the water on and check back,in on him oh okay oh,okay do me a favor Chase close your eyes,hands over them I want you to describe,to me your ideal girlfriend oh don't,okay what kind of hair color I like a,blonde what about eye color I got a,sucker for blue eyes what about booty,shorts depends on the day all right,Chase can I look and three two one,okay,finally yeah oh she's amazing what do,you mean by that well Chase,unfortunately I'm at the borrow your,girlfriend we've got a great idea of how,we can use this as a prank oh I like,pranks but if you want to see the,results of the prank you gotta like the,video I'll be right back wait can I like,it now wait seriously I just want to let,you know I want to know what happens we,have live footage of the girlfriend,being in Brie's office,I feel really uncomfortable what she's,beautiful do I touch it don't say that,about chases can I touch that she's,gonna touch your girlfriend hey,so does that beat the thing that was on,there already I mean no I don't get any,value out of the girlfriend I mean I,will but the soccer ball soccer Puck,thing is good for both we like the Moose,butterfly teeth this is something Brie,drinks all the time but it changes the,color of your water when you steep it,okay so chase you have steep dits ahead,of time watch the color of this you,ready for this,whoa oh my gosh dude it looks like you,put a bunch of blue food coloring inside,of it but there's a secret to this tea,apparently when you put lemon juice,inside of it it changes colors yet again,whoa whoa what's changing that is,beautiful look at the bottom it's like a,purple blue this is the differences,nice I actually think this is cool I'm,gonna actually replace this you gotta,let loose loose next item seven dollar,face mask what oh it's thick milky piggy,carbonated bubble clay mask whoa I'll do,you if you do me you want me to do you,or are you the way that you are this is,it's actually really nice whoa Chase,it's kind of changing to like a lighter,gray oh wait honestly you're like pretty,much fully covered Chase all right sit,down let me let me get let me get oh,dude oh it's cold you didn't tell me,this is cold oh you're right but the,light gray oh just like the Subscribe,button when you subscribe you never know,what's gonna happen uh kind of,uncomfortable you know he's probably not,in Comfort the stretchy guy this looks,like me after Thanksgiving,right,I hate it I love it I'm not putting this,one on the pedestal like my face is,flushed and I feel stuffy and apparently,I look like a gay kid Pals just because,your butt's as soft as a gelatin piece,of pillow doesn't mean I like this I'm,washing it off Chase I think it's as,good as the tea bag,s all right I had these as a kid whoever,gets,keeps the girlfriend oh okay primer,No Monkeys were damaged in the making of,this yes one more one more one more,minute and 17 seconds that's just,bananas step up to your plates the plate,has been stepped three two one,monkey,wait I'm gonna go one arm,yeah wait that's way better this is for,Curious George,oh what the is this account yes,eight seven six five four three,one minute and 15 seconds did you beat,me by two seconds you did knock all the,Bananas off that's banana you already,made that joke finger monkeys I think,they're better okay let them fly make,sound,better now that it makes sound oh he's,uh flexible he's Sofie dossi instant,Kane my mom said I couldn't use these,what would we even use them for,has this ever happened to you yeah,and you just don't have a weapon to,impress the robber thus making him give,you your money back don't worry,excuse me what is that whoa whoa whoa,whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa,give me that back

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BTS Is Ready To Break The Internet With These New Hand Gestures

BTS Is Ready To Break The Internet With These New Hand Gestures


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Incredible Synchronicity That Looks Like a Glitch in the Matrix

Incredible Synchronicity That Looks Like a Glitch in the Matrix

hello everyone the reason why shots like,these,make us freeze for a moment is probably,that the world is generally quite,chaotic as you realized today you will,see the wonders of moving in sync enjoy,and don't forget to hit that subscribe,button and leave a like let's get it on,there is a very beautiful legend about a,goddess to whom the buddha granted a,thousand hands so that she could help,all beings in need on the planet the,dances dedicated to her look even more,beautiful so let's just admire this show,the girls from the university of panama,definitely deserve a round of applause,but there are those who complete even,more complex movements in sync like,these guys if they are in the same,clothes we'd be convinced this was some,video editing do you think this is the,only trick up their sleeve see for,yourself they don't seem to know how to,jump any other way speaking of jumps in,today's video we just had to mention,people who do synchronized diving you've,got to admit even without a pool the,training looks pretty cool doing a,somersault at the same speed and at the,same height is no problem for them,careful you can feel a bit dazzled now,we are going to check on some guys who,consider moving in sync almost a,national sport,do you think this is it no let's make,things a bit more challenging it is,possible that their physical education,routine includes some of the following,tricks,have you ever tried to stay on this,thing for more than like five seconds,and here we can see five backflips made,in sync of course we won't take off,points for caps that have fallen off,while you're still processing this check,this out,yeah we also thought that there,obviously must have been a mirror,somewhere on the side and what we see is,the reflection of an axe turns out this,is not true these friends just achieve,perfection training together,okay but could they repeat something,like that if there were four of them,well judging by this team there is,nothing impossible about it now watch,the hands closely you and your friends,can try to recreate these moves to,understand how difficult it really is on,the other hand after a couple of,training sessions even dogs can move in,sync just like robots don't you agree no,wonder we consider them so smart and if,they train longer they'll be capable of,much more challenging tricks,do you like this maneuver synchronizing,eight paws is not easy though it's even,more challenging when it comes to sports,cars,what you see here is professional,drivers displaying precision driving,stunts but instead of airplanes they,have brand new toyota supras let's not,distract them better check this out,do we really need to explain how,dangerous any mistake might be here but,let's go back to animals take a look at,what the ultimate mastery of,synchronization looks like,how in sync do you have to be to even,wake up in the same way but now we,realize that cat owners might feel left,out so it's time to reveal our secret,weapon as you can see kittens also have,a perfect sense of timing don't worry of,course we'll look at this splendid scene,again,let's move on straight to the ping pong,training of chinese children,this is why the chinese national ping,pong team has no equal even when you're,not playing you have to imagine that you,are,a rather strange but apparently,extremely effective technique by the way,when it comes to alpine skiing there are,also synchronized stunts we don't know,how much this might help improve skills,but a freestyle like that looks,mesmerizing but when it comes to work,precise and well coordinated actions,might come in handy see for yourself,you don't mind seeing it again do you,it's just too satisfying to look at and,the beat is great,there's no doubt that you'd ask to loop,the next shots too we've already done,all the work so just enjoy,although the tricks of these guys from,japan don't need any editing the guys,are so precise that it might look,confusing to you if you are so focused,that you still haven't zoned out so far,which we doubt by the way then this,thing will definitely mesmerize you,it is called the generator of pendulum,waves and the secret is in the threads,of different lengths,at some points the trajectory of,oscillation coincides and everything,starts anew,the metronomes work pretty much the same,look how they synchronize spontaneously,let's raise the stakes right how about,32 devices at once,perfectly aligned we'd love to stay and,watch but there's still a lot of,interesting stuff ahead like this epic,synchronized formation of starlings of,incredible proportions just enjoy,hundreds of birds form pulsating figures,they're scattering and mere seconds,later they assume another shape,how do they manage to coordinate their,flying like this by the way starlings,are not the only masters of,synchronization in nature fish are in no,way inferior to them wait we have,something even more dynamic here a whole,school explodes like fireworks and,immediately assumes the previous shape,s

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