how to block tiktok ads on android

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hello everyone are you having a problem,with those picked up ads and those,annoying pop-ups in this video I'm going,to help you to remove those annoying,pop-ups and ads firstly what you need to,do is go to your taste or if you are an,Android and then click on search for,tik-tok once you get tic-tock open it,and install it I already have the app,installed on my phone so I will open it,okay so now when you open this is ad,what you need to do is if you look at,the bottom of this end down here can you,see the me icon click on the me icon and,then it says sign up with the phone or,email,so although you don't have an account it,doesn't matter it's time to sign up in,order to proceed with this sign up put,your phone or email all right let me,login seeing that I've ever be Evan I,can't log in with my phone number you,can choose to log in with your phone,number or your email I think it's much,better and quicker with your phone,number okay once your number is in,all right and it says a login a,verification code let me choose that so,I get a verification code okay they say,they send me a verification code and,there is my code so then we proceed all,right,I've logged in and also and have,deactivated it but you go straight let,me cancel it the activation can let me,go back to my me icon once I'm on this,me icon alright this is a page where it,says edit profile stuff if you go right,up here to this three little dots on,your top right hand corner click on it,then go to manage my account,you open manage my account on the bottom,right the bottom you'll see a thinking,depart removing your account click on,thinking about removing account down,here click on it it says delete account,so send code all right I've got a code 8,4 6 2 then you can enter that in 8 4 6 2,& continue,now it says if utility account etc etc,in the bottom continue press Continue,again it says you're about to delete the,account yes,to the delete account now the background,is deleted I close them I do the LP tick,tock icon on my screen as you can see,but the account is deactivated and that,will remove all those annoying pop-up,ads I hope this video has been useful to,you please don't forget to subscribe and,hit the like button and leave a comment,below if this has been helpful to you,thank you for viewing this video I hope,you have enjoyed it,for music productions music lessons,piano keyboard bass and singing please,do email me ask Mikey D underscore keys,at please do like subscribe,and comment below don't forget to press,the bell button to be notified of new,video uploads thank you bye for now,making an impression with your,expression ki Central's

The above is a brief introduction to how to block tiktok ads on android

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How to stop ads on android Phone in 3 Minutes

How to stop ads on android Phone in 3 Minutes

hey guys,today's video is about how to remove,pop-up ads from your android phone which,cause trouble for you,these are the types of ads you can,simply skip them by pressing the cross,button at the top of the add bar but,it's really annoying,let's see how we can remove them,permanently,okay there are two sources of these ads,from where they come,the first one is from google which is,the normal ads you cannot stop these ads,completely but you can lower their,number a lot and the second one is,because of some kind of virus which you,installed accidentally into your mobile,phone,i will provide solutions for both in,this video,so like and share the video also give me,a subscribe and if you want to support,me then give me a separate thanks,let's start the procedure to stop google,ads first,open your mobile setting,scroll down and find the google option,if you are unable to find it you can,also search it,open this ad section,in my case there is an option missing,called opt out personalization or,something like this from this tab,if you see that on your device simply,turn the option off and also reset your,advertising id,ok now go back and press this manage,your google account,go to data and privacy and find add,personalization settings,these are all the categories of ads that,appear on your screen,you can remove them one by one,there may not shown many categories,because we just reset our invertement id,but there are always more out there to,be added to this list,so simply turn this ad personalization,option off,okay next open your chrome browser and,go to settings,scroll down and open site settings,open cookies,set this option to block third party,cookies,then go back scroll down and open this,ad section turn this option off if it's,already on,ok the problem of google ads is solved,now,if you installed a virus into your phone,accidentally which cause annoying,pop-ups then follow these steps,go to settings find apps section or,manage applications,hide the system apps if you have any,difficulty,okay find the app without name and logo,from here and simply uninstall it,your problem will be solved,i didn't have any virus on my phone so i,can't able to show you how it looks,if there are still ads coming the final,way to remove them is by simply,resetting your mobile phone,this can easily solve your problem,make sure to create a backup of your,data before resetting your mobile phone,you can try another trick before,resetting your phone,the link is available in the description,or at the end screen of this video,watch it and remove ads using dns,if you like this video please subscribe,to my channel and if you want to support,me then give me a supper thanks,thanks for watching

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How to Block TikTok App on WiFi Router?

How to Block TikTok App on WiFi Router?

hey guys welcome to register bid my name,is crucial and in this video we're going,to see how to block the tick tock app on,Wi-Fi router so recently a few months,ago I published an article that also,created this video demo in which I,showed how to block a website and I got,a lot of comments in this asking me for,blocking the tick tock app or the pub G,app or a YouTube app Instagram app and,all those apps on the mobile when this,video is we are going to see how to,block the app requests let's move ahead,with that so first in the four most,important thing is that we need to make,sure that we have a router which,supports DNS we have a good internet,connectivity and we have the open dns,account so open dns account is the one,which we would be using to block the,request from the backend we can create,this account for free and I have also,mentioned the steps on how to create,that so first thing is what is Open DNS,Open DNS is a service which helps to,track view the stats and the block all,the incoming and outgoing Network,requests through our Wi-Fi so if we,configure the Open DNS IP address with,our Wi-Fi router then we would be able,to see all the incoming and outgoing,Network requests this also helps in,blocking as well as also helps in,protecting from phishing and improving,the spam protection and improving the,overall network stability so this is all,about the open at the NS and it is also,acquired by the Cisco so we have that a,big name behind the Open DNS and we can,totally rely on it now next thing is,let's start off with this setup so if we,have two parts one is setting up the,Wi-Fi router to use the Open DNS IP,addresses and second thing is to,configure the blocking,in the open leonis so let's start off,with the first thing this is my Wi-Fi,router I already logged in and I already,set up my DNS to the open DNS IP,addresses this IP addresses already,mentioned here so you can just go copy,this and paste it in your DNS settings,for DNS settings irrespective of what,router you use whether it's a local or,international or whether it's an F gear,or a d-link or a tp-link or whatever I,guess a DNS suppor is almost supported,in all the network routers so you can,just go into the DNS set up and switch,your DNS configuration from automatic to,manual and enter these IP addresses so,once you make this changes once you,apply the changes just restart your,router and give it a minute or two to,completely start and establish the,network connection and then once you,have done it just go and access this,welcome DNS over welcome Open DNS page,and if you access this you will have,this right tick and it will say your,internet is safer faster and smarter,because you are using Open DNS so if you,get this success message that means your,router is configured with the Open DNS,now this was the first part in terms of,configuring your router so you no longer,need to depend on your router now,whatever things we are going to do is,basically in the open dns account,so once the router is configured and,everything is done what we need to do is,we need to create the open dns account,it's a free account for home users and,you can just go sign up with your email,ID and password and then you can use it,so if you go and head over to this link,here you can fill in all the details and,create the account then you will receive,an email confirmation on the email ID,that you have entered and once you,verify that email ID you would be able,to log in so you can sign in by clicking,on this link or you can also access this,open dns dashboard link enter your user,name in the password and then you just,click on log,so I already have my account so I'm just,going to quickly go login into my,account so once you have logged in you,would have tabs over at the top like,home stats settings are my accounts and,all those others so what we need to do,is go to settings in the settings you,have this ad network and in this ad,network you would be having this IP,section and it will be prefilled with,the IP address this IP address is,basically your network IP address which,is your ISP IP address which is assigned,to your Wi-Fi router or your connection,so just go quickly act click on this ad,this network and give it a name say,suppose a home Wi-Fi and hit on done so,once you hit on done you would be your,network would be added into this your,network section which I already,mentioned here so once you add it it,will be added into your network section,so this is exactly the same screen shot,and then once you have done it a just go,and quickly tap on this I mean click on,this IP address to go into that,particular IP address settings so once,you tap on the IP address you would be,navigated to this settings page and you,would be defaulted to this web content,filtering so in this what you need to do,is you need to go to manage individual,domains and add the domain addresses of,tick tock which are added which are,shared and this website so if you scroll,to this block tick tock

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How to Block TikTok App for Mobile & PC on MikroTik

How to Block TikTok App for Mobile & PC on MikroTik

in this tutorial ,,how to block TikTok app

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Oi tá levando o bloqueio direto para ir,no escritório que não sabe como subir,seus anúncios fica comigo até o final,desse vídeo que vou te mostrar o que,você precisa fazer para dar uma,blindagem na sua conta de anúncios no,escritório Fala galera bem-vinda mais um,vídeo aqui no canal e hoje vou te,mostrar como você blindar a sua conta no,Tik Tok é que está como evitar tomar,muito bloqueio então assim você sobe uma,campanha toma bloqueio às vezes ao,criativo às vezes é o link enfim eu vou,te mostrar como você evitar isso aqui e,vou te mostrar tudo passo a passo aqui,nesse vídeo em troca no meu conteúdo,gratuito que eu vou ensinar tudo de,graça realmente eu poderia cobrar muito,caro porque eu vou passar aqui para você,eu só peço uma coisa se inscreva no meu,canal porque eu vou ajudar você aí mudar,o seu game no Tik Tok Artes e para você,que não me conhece meu nome é saber que,assiste já tem uma dois anos no mercado,digital ajudando pessoas a ganhar,dinheiro todos os dias na internet e,monte de vocês me perguntam se tem,mentoria se você eu faço uma teoria sim,Depende muito da situação se você quiser,uma mentoria comigo teste o teste marcar,o comigo é só me chamar no link do meu,Instagram que tá aqui embaixo e me,chamar lá no Instagram e falar que você,quer uma mentoria comigo e eu vou te dar,aí o meu meu tempo vou te dar e minha,dedicação para te ajudar mas agora para,o conteúdo Bora para o que interessa,porque meu cochilo daqui a gratuito e é,de qualidade eu entrego o ouro já se,inscreve no meu canal cara já aperta,nesse botão vermelho porque se você tá,vendo esse vídeo você vai ter acesso a,um conteúdo que vai mudar o teu jogo e,não esquece da também aquele like e,comenta embaixo se eu te ajudei ou não,vamos lá primeira coisa gente vamos lá o,Tik Tok né ele cruza dados Como assim,não ser cruzar dados de botar a gente o,carregador Bank futuro pronto no Tik Tok,ele cruza dados ou seja você só vai,subir aí subir,e há os anúncios Não é a primeira coisa,com,4G,conectado Ou seja você não vai subir com,o wi-fi porque porque simplesmente o,nosso Tik Tok marca o IP e isso acaba o,que Fazendo que você tome o bloqueio,mais rápido então você vai subir o seu,anúncio com 4G você pega o seu celular,conecta no 4G,compartilha no wi-fi é compartilha E,você conecta o seu computador no wi-fi,tá do 4G perfeito primeira coisa que,você vai fazer aí para você já evitar,uma boa é forma de não levar bloqueio aí,no Tik Tok outra coisa que é muito,importante você vai ter que usar aí um,multi login tá o quê que é um multi,login multi login eu sugiro aqui esse,Dolphin antes tá pode pesquisar no,Google aí e você consegue ter mais de 10,de cinco dá para você e é dez perfis,diferentes ou seja em vez de você criar,um login aqui né um login aqui né um,suposto vai criar um login né de acesso,aqui tipo adicionar não você vai,adicionar um login lá nesse multi login,é só você vir aqui no Google ó tá tudo,aqui para ficar mais fácil de login você,vai lá depois né vai achar vários temos,que são pago mas o Dolphin ele é,gratuito né o Dolphin ele é gratuito e,aí você consegue ter até,é no caso Até Dez perfis aí tá bom deu,uma travada aqui Dolphin,o,Dolphin Dolphin Dolphin você vai achar,aqui só pesquisar que você acha até põe,no Google depois Dolphin multi login Vou,botar aqui para não perder tempo que é,direto ao ponto Dolphin,a Duff antes né Bota aqui no pronto só,vou tá aqui confiante mais ano isso,porque toda vez gente que você for subir,uma conta no Tik Tok por exemplo se,subir uma conta certo no usuário aqui,por exemplo aqui tem um usuário né de,Tik Tok essa aqui pegou bloqueio eu não,subo mais nela vou criar outro login,outro navegador ou seja não subo mais,isso navegador para não tomar o bloqueio,porque porque já marcou em pé então,presta mais atenção Cê vai subir,primeira coisa anos sempre conectado no,4G 4G 4G do seu celular porque marcou,você vai ter o Multi login tá para você,ter outros navegadores outras,informações sobre a a conta que você,está criando tá,outra coisa a gente,os dados,e na hora de criar a conta do escritório,que dá dos sonhos CNPJ tá,outros dados nome de pessoa,o e-mail,telefone,Presta mais atenção quando você for,criar uma conta nova no Ticket log você,vai sempre usar esses dados,diferentes porque para evitar cruzar,dados e eu que o gosto de dar o ouro,para vocês vou facilitar aqui para vocês,uma maneira de você usar o e-mail,diferente de temos esse meio aqui ó, e gera um e-mail aqui para,você temporário tá mega temporário E aí,você consegue criar vários e-mails para,você usar na hora de criar conta melhor,do que ir lá no,Gmail e tentar criar é muito mais rápido,e vamos aqui também você vai gerador de,CPF,e aqui,você consegue tirar o CPF você consegue,gerar o CNPJ,e toda vez você vem aqui em gerador de,pessoas tá seleção nos segue tudo mais,se é masculino e feminino tanto faz e,aqui ó uma geral dados não é de pessoas,inexistente ainda tem tudo aqui o,endereço tudo esses dados que você gerar,uma pessoa aqui to

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block Tiktok app

block Tiktok app

one of the techniques to block,applications like,tick-tock is to get hold of,ips that are related to tick-tock or,list of domains that are related to,tick-tock,and block them on your dns filter,how do you do it coming up,tick tock has gained a lot of attention,recently due to the fact that it,probably,gets hold of your private and,sensitive data now i'm not taking any uh,position on either if it does so or not,but if you want to block then one of the,techniques that you can try,and block any domains or,ips that are related to tick tock is the,following,you start with a text file where you,enter all ips that are related to,tick tock just google tick tock ips,domains,how to block and you will find a list of,ips that are related to tick tock once,you do so,save your text file put it in a web,server in a place that is accessible,and move over back to your photogate,on your photogate dashboard fabric,connectors,create new connector of type threadfits,ip address now name your,connector let's just name mine tick tock,and enter the address of that text,file so i will just use an address that,doesn't really exist,but for our purposes if you need to,authenticate that you then you can you,enter your credentials,on the following fields if not just,disable it,okay now once you have a new threadfit,with a list,of ips that are related to tick tock,move over to your security profile dns,filter,create new dns filter let's just,name my dns block,external ip block list,and add up the external thread,feeds okay,now move over to your policy and objects,and on your policy,just enable the,tick tock block security profile,now this is not bulletproof and,uh ips are changing frequently,but this is one method that may be of,help,when you need to block ticktack,connection,with clients that are connected to your,network,and are monitored by your 48 firewall

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Is My Android Listening To Me? Experts Expose The Truth!

Is My Android Listening To Me? Experts Expose The Truth!

you were just talking with your friend,about your upcoming trip to disney,wow next thing you know you see disney,ads on your social media feed is your,android listening to you or is it just a,coincidence yes and no but this feature,has been very concerning for a lot of,people there have been news stories,about it it's almost like the app is,listening to your conversation yeah so,it is true that some apps do have access,to your microphone because you gave them,access to use your microphone and it,makes sense for apps like zoom where you,need to talk to people so they need to,have your microphone access but for some,other apps doesn't make a ton of sense,to have microphone access it's also true,that your virtual assistants like google,assistant or alexa are also listening to,you all the time waiting for those,trigger words but that doesn't mean,they're recording all of your,conversations but are they using it to,build some sort of a marketing profile,about you they wouldn't be doing that,right yes they absolutely are google and,amazon,both do so they're listening to what i,say when i ask for something yep and,then they're gonna build a marketing,profile based on the keywords that they,hear in my speech yes well at least,they're perfect right david they never,make they never make mistakes that's the,thing they're only supposed to listen,for these trigger words and then,activate when they hear those trigger,words but sometimes they get set off,accidentally or there's some sort of,software issue and then it starts,actually recording some of your,conversations and then sending that off,to google analytics have you ever been,watching a tv show when all of a sudden,somebody says alexa and then all of a,sudden it's recording what the tv show,says what a brilliant way for them to,know who's watching that tv show i'm,just saying it's also interesting you,know for alexa you can change it to,computer or echo i wonder if you're,watching star trek for example and they,say computer over and over again if that,might accidentally trigger your your,alexa okay nerd yeah i wonder if you're,watching star trek i freaking love star,trek let's just be honest about that but,the truth is that big tech companies,don't need to be tapping your microphone,and listening to you all the time to,start delivering new targeted ads,because they already have so many ways,to track you and they have built this,massive advertising profile about you,they aren't all the time truth but they,don't have to and most people aren't,aware of all the ways that they can,track you in fact i wouldn't even say,that we're aware of all the ways that,you could be tracked because it's a,black box well we learned about one,recently with accelerometers that was,kind of you know ridiculous mind-blowing,to us because accelerometers are,something that we don't even have,control over we can't restrict,accelerometer access right so,accelerometer is what's tracking your,the movements of your phone very subtle,movements so david i've turned off a,bunch of settings on my phone so i think,i'm super safe and then i get on a bus,to new york city then what happens well,if you are sitting next to someone on a,bus,they can they can test they can see that,the accelerometers are moving in the,same direction at the same speed and,they can connect your phones that way,it's really it's really cool so it's,also frightening yeah so just the little,subtle bumps of the bus ride they're,gonna be able to match that up with the,bumps of your phone the wheels on the,bus go round and round and your,marketing profile gets built yes so i,think the big misconception here about,you know tapping microphones to deliver,targeted ads is just that they already,have enough information about you and it,comes down to something called frequency,illusion i'm gonna i'm gonna read what,it is instead of trying to define it,after noticing something for the first,time there is a tendency to notice it,more often leading someone to believe,that it is a high frequency of,occurrence put plainly the frequency,illusion is when a concept or thing you,just found out about suddenly seems to,crop up everywhere so let's transition,to some tips to cut down on the amount,of data these advertisers can collect,about you so we're gonna open the,settings app swipe down upper right hand,corner of the screen tap that settings,gear let's go down and tap on privacy,then tap permission manager so,let's talk about microphone right off,the bat,these are the apps that can access your,microphone i think the one to be,concerned about is allowed all the time,yeah that's the one to be most concerned,about anyway but all of the apps that,you see in this list allowed well in use,could be recording you whenever you're,using them which could be kind of scary,google google facebook amazon i mean,facebook for example if i'm not,uploading videos of myself i don't think,i really need facebook to access my,microphone right if only there was a way,that

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Block ALL ads with this…(and speed up your internet)

Block ALL ads with this…(and speed up your internet)

Add, add, add, add,,add. Okay. This has to stop.,I'm gonna show you how to get rid of all the ads and we're gonna do more than,just a simple browser extension.,We're gonna block it at the source and protect your entire network,,your entire house, your entire family from these ads. This is agar.,No, that's a spider. No, I'm gonna murder you and your entire family. Nope,,I didn't get him. He's gone. Ah, he's coming towards me.,He's like got my sock and got my mouth.,But you can't block all the ads like this one here. Go ahead. Try block it.,You can't because it pro tv, it's, it's too awesome.,I'm Captain Agar it Pro TV too.,Awesome. I want to get my.,Ccna. So while they dual that out, let's talk about what we're doing.,We're going to install a guard in your home network and it'll block all the ads.,I'll show you how to install on a raspberry pie. Which, wait do I have?,I may have to borrow one. Hold on. Yep.,I'm gonna have to borrow it from the cluster. Sorry.,Cluster drop to pie. This thing's falling apart. Okay. Raspberry pie.,And I'll show you on a cloud machine a vs.,So you can share it with your friends and family and protect everybody.,It's kind of cool.,I'll also show you how to do it on Docker and because Docker can go anywhere,,you can install this on pretty much anything. Anywhere.,You can install anywhere. I thought that would roll off the tongue better.,I need to wear coffee so you can put this thing anywhere. Raspberry pie clown,,whatever you have no excuses. Get your coffee ready.,Let's kick some ads . Now before we can block the ads,,we had to learn how they work, how they tick.,So watch this and it's pretty crazy. I'm gonna fire up wire shark.,I'll start a trace and I'll filter off of DNS when I go to,You can see here in Wire Shark that I ask my DNS server, Hey,,where does CNET live? What does IP address?,There's my request and then the response from my DNS server. But hold up,,what's all this other stuff? Are you seeing this? We got Match do ad,That's an ad. In fact,,I think a lot of these are ads and these are all DNS requests.,So not only are we asking, hey, what's, but we're also asking, Hey,,what's ads and give me ads. I love,And just like any webpage, our DNS server responds with the IP address.,So those ad servers and our ads pop up. Now what if we did this?,What if we had a DNS server that would give us Yeah,,we wanna see that network, whatever it is.,But when we asked for an ad or when our browser asked for an ad,,it didn't respond. It didn't tell us where it was.,It didn't tell us the IP address,,it just threw it into a hole and said don't come back. That's what Agar does.,When our browser asks for ad or give us ads, I love,Agar our new DNS server. We'll respond with nonsense. Nothing.,And because we can't reach out to the ad server and pull down the ad,,it doesn't load. We don't see it. Watch this. I wanna use Agar right now.,This is straight up magic. Now watch what happens when I go to,Like look at all this, all these add URLs, my computer's asking for them.,Hey, give them to me. He's an addict. A it like that.,But then look what Agar responds with. Zero do zero do zero, do zero nonsense.,Nothing a sinkhole. In fact,,this technique is called a DNS sinkhole and all the ads get sucked in and they,die. , they do and we don't see them anymore.,And that's the power of agar.,Well that's just half the story of why you might want to use Agar. Yes,,ads suck, but the other reason you wanna do this is security and privacy.,So right now, if you're not using your own DNS server, buddy, you don't have it.,Now I'm warning you right now, if you haven't changed your DNS settings,,this is you. Cuz by default,,everything in your home network is using the DNS server provided by your is your,internet service provider, which is okay, right?,Because they're totally trustworthy, not and they're all up in your business.,Every website you visit, they see, not that you have anything to hide, right?,Do you too late? They already know.,They already know that you went out to it pro and you won't stop watching,it cuz it's so entertaining and it's gonna change your life cuz you're getting,new IT skills. They know all that.,We don't want them to know that you're gonna get your CCNA or your A plus or,your Linux Plus or any of the latest and greatest IT skills.,It'll help you change your life and get a better job.,We don't want them to know that even though it pro TV is crazy entertaining.,And if you check my link below, you'll get 30% off forever.,So let's stop them from knowing that. So by using our own DNS server,,we get our privacy back, but we also get control. Get outta here. Evil isp,,leave me alone. With Agar,,you can actually control what people access on your network.,They're probably some things you don't want your kids seeing.,You can block that actually for your kids.,Just b

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